We are hypnotized again by the con artists! Well, they know human psychology, but we can learn too, can’t we?
I am talking about the “vaccine” development, approval, and deployment data. Somehow, we don’t demand the data at Pfizer, Moderna, J&J’s disposal. Rather, we try to deduce from the tertiary evidence what that data might be. Prime example - the “variations in lot toxicity” question on many people’s minds. This has been analysed to the best of the available data here, here, here, here. Just to comment on these efforts: futile. Why? Because we don’t know the lot sizes, their geographical and temporal distribution. E.g., same lots are being applied in USA and in Canada. At what proportions and where else?
Manufacturers surely know the answers to these questions. Weren’t they given an emergency use authorization (the coveted EUA), and the immunity from liability “if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines“? Is it too much for the public, represented by their heath agencies, to receive in exchange the complete information about the deployment of these vaccines, plus any and all information related to the trials and anything else deemed in the public interest? Especially when the number of adverse events from these “vaccines” is going through the roof ? Especially that the number of reported deaths from the jabs far exceeds the previous high bar of 50 or so deaths for any vaccine to be pulled completely?
Apparently, it is too much to ask even for the “health agencies” that are there, in theory, to protect public health and not the purveyors of the medical “treatments”. Should I mention the FDA promise to release the Pfizer data that it has used to approve Pfizer’s jab in 100 days or so, in the course of the following 75+ years, with the CDC following the suit and wanting to hide the post-licensure safety data?
While the “public” media are doing their best to gag all the dissenting opinions and to prep the public for the concentration camps and gas chambers for the unvaxxed and any other vaxx “deniers”, “doubters”, and “hesitants”. While the country leaders the world around invent more and more novel ways, used to be universally recognized as totalitarian and fascist just two years ago, to “persuade” those same “deniers” into complete submission of their bodies to the said secretive purveyors of “medical treatments“. While the aspirations of the eugenicist cabal live on and flourish in the likes of the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, BMGF, the UK Government, WHO, World Bank, NIH et al. And while submitting your body to these vaccines just paves the way for further indiscriminate and unchecked unlimited injections into you without any further discussions or scrutiny? Take it “for grandma”? Not that many grandmas will be around for much longer, if this is allowed to continue. Or children, for that matter:

Evil beyond comprehension? Or outright satanic? In case you still have doubts, here’s the Quebec Premier Legault publicly and unabashedly flashing the satanic 666 sign:
So, maybe we have enough information already to conclude that these jabs are:
not vaccines
not safe
not effective
pretty much deadly
definitely harmful in more ways than we can even begin to comprehend
And that more than “a vaccination campaign in fight of a pandemic” is being rolled out in front of us, and at our expense and peril.
So, maybe it is time to stop asking polite questions and solving riddles-du-jour? Maybe it is time to demand information in preparation of prosecutions. Remember the caveat about the immunity from liability “if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines“? If, on the other hand, it is intentional, then all bets are off, all promises of immunity mute and void, and Nuremberg 2.0 is left as the only viable, while still legal, venue:
To so many perpetrators, facilitators, instigators, and executors - you will not be forgotten, none of you! Crimes against humanity don’t have an expiration date. And the public at large will have to deal with the same fallout the Germans have dealt with, unsuccessfully, as it shows, for the last 77 years or so after 1945. Where’s that Biontech headquartered again?
P.S. Also, listen to this UK lawyer that spells out what needs to be done in every police station in every civilized country around the world, right this moment: “UK Lawyer Anna de Buisseret with the police regarding jab injuries and Met Police investigation” (VIDEO, Rumble, 2022.01.17). That’s a start!
I discovered this article today about a vaccinologist that invented a low-cost non-toxic vaccine, only to be prosecuted by the German government, the motivation for which seems to be interference with the profit aspirations of favored corporations. ;-)
This just came out re; Reiner Fuellmich criminal complaint.
This came out in November 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpOzHHJmy7g (German Lawyer Sues The World Over Corona Virus)