Here We Go Again: "Unvaccinated as the Enemy of the People"
In case they will be at it again... And they are!
I have just been alerted to the excellent analysis of Jessica Rose, “Demystifying the Swedish Data...” (May 22, 2022); wonder how I could have missed that at the time.
This has spurred me to write this small recap on how the authorities keep blaming the unvaccinated for the Covid deaths, both theirs and also of the vaccinated, weird as it sounds, in terms of the pre-Covid understanding of the purpose and effects of administering “vaccines”. As the “bivalent” is being pushed hard now, the same old adage is being deployed again about the importance of injecting everything BigPharma has for you in stock, in a timely fashion:
For your own good, as it were. At the very least if you are “vulnerable”, frail, or immuno-compromised. E.g. “Why You Need a Booster Even If You’re Vaccinated” (WebMD, 2022.10.25):
Vaccines are your best protection against serious illness from COVID-19. If you’re fully vaccinated, the chance you’ll get very sick, end up in the hospital, or die from the disease is much lower. The goal of a booster is to restore and extend your defense against the coronavirus, including variants such as Omicron.
So, this ruse is still alive and well. And looking not that far back, we can read this beautiful factcheck by, 2021.09.21, “COVID-19: The Unvaccinated Pose a Risk to the Vaccinated”:
Q: How do people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 pose a risk to people who have been vaccinated?
A: An unvaccinated person who is infected with COVID-19 poses a much greater risk to others who are also unvaccinated. But vaccines are not 100% effective, so there is a chance that an unvaccinated person could infect a vaccinated person — particularly the vulnerable, such as elderly and immunocompromised individuals.
There is tons of blatant propaganda and lies in there, but they alway "trump” you with their “irrefutable” “objective” “statistics” (all three need to be “quoted”) (the Factcheck):
Still, the risk is higher for the unvaccinated. A CDC study published Sept. 10 — but based on data from April to mid-July — found that, due to the delta variant, the unvaccinated (including those who were only partially vaccinated) were nearly five times more likely to become infected, about 10 times more likely to require hospitalization and almost 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than fully vaccinated individuals.
They even produced “modeling” “studies” that “testify” to the same, as discussed in “"Vaccinated" As Rabid Dogs - Counterview” (2022.04.26)
Which lead the public to become highly agitated and unequivocal about the issue of not-vaccinating, the reality be damned:
Which leads us back to the Swedish data and Jessica Rose’s analysis thereof back in May 2022. The Swedes misattribute the 0-14 days post-vaccine dose to the “unvaccinated”, and even counting the once-jabbed after that and until 2 weeks post the second mRNA jab as “unvaccinated” (the top graph). Jessica had recalculated this and took into account the number of unvaccinated, to come up with the real statistics (the bottom graph):
You can clearly see that most deaths are in the “injected”, and it correlated strongly with the “vaccine” administration waves to the “vulnerable”, which were meant to be saved by these shots. For example, “COVID-19 vaccination in Sweden” (Wikipedia) states:
By 7 April 2021, 93% of nursing home residents had at least one shot and 88% had two shots.
As the most at-risk age category to die from Covid is 80+, no wonder the jabs did them in, by greatly diminishing their immunity in the 2 -3 weeks post-jab. Just look at Feb.-May, 2021 deaths in the "injected”.
From mid-May to August 2021 they injected as many people as in February mid-May period of 2021, with no proportionate Covid deaths in the injected. Why so? Because in this later period they were injecting those under 65 which just do not die from Covid, or in very small numbers.
Whyam I sure that this reasoning is correct? Because we have the unvaccinated as a benchmark in both periods! So, the deadly “wave” of Covid in early 2021 (depending on the country) was 95% man-made. Maybe that is what they mean by 95% efficacy? Absent of the jabs, we could have forgotten about Covid altogether by the summer of 2021, and not worry about the emergence of new variants (see below).
Another jabbing wave of 2021 came to the vulnerable and elderly again in Sep.-Nov. 2021 (“Sweden to Extend COVID Booster Shots to All Aged 65 or Above”, Oct. 27, 2021):
Sweden will start offering COVID-19 booster shots to people aged 65 or older as well as many care workers and plans to gradually extend the third jabs to most Swedes in the coming months, the government said on Wednesday.
Previously, people living in elderly care homes and those aged 80 or older were eligible for a booster shot six months after the second dose.
Now, look at the bottom graph at the period of Jul.-Dec. 2021. In Jul.-Aug. 2021, the parity has been reached in the deaths of unvaccinated and injected. As the boosting picked up, the deaths in the “injected” spiked again in Sep.-Nov. 2021, compared to the unvaccinated. After the jabbing of the “vulnerable” was done by early November, 2021, the “injected” seemed to be dying less than the unvaccinated in December, 2021 (if the data hadn’t been fudged again). But in total, for the vulnerable-booster period of Sep.-Dec. 2021, there were 54.5 deaths/mln in unvaccinated and 67.8 deaths/mln in injected. I.e., still no net protection of the “vulnerable”, even if the frailest-of-the-frail injected had been mostly wiped out in February-May of 2021.
So much for taking the shot “for grandma”, or staying “up-to-date”.
And we haven’t even touched upon the negative “efficacy” (waning into the strongly negative territory) of the “saviour” jabs a few months down the road, making them into killer jabs instead:
Or the outright deaths from the jabs themselves, as attested by the CDC’s VAERS data:
I mean, the plot above should have been flat if the jabs were benign… We see nothing but.
Or the fact that the “vaccination”, with the “vaccines” that do not block transmission, actually cultivates new virus variants among the “vaccinated” (“Poor virus-neutralizing capacity in highly C-19 vaccinated populations could soon lead to a fulminant spread of Sars-CoV-2 super variants that are highly infectious and highly virulent in vaccinees while being fully resistant to all existing and future spike-based C- 19 vaccines“, G. Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD March 2022).
So, the next time you get a healthy portion of hate from a vaxx enthusiast, remember the four arguments above in your defense. The vaccinated are the greatest risk to themselves, as a matter of fact. At least those of them that are still around. Jabbing kills.
So this guy hates on purebloods, then dies probably from deathvax, and we can't point it out? ( A Twitter comment on thread)...
Hell, many wanted us jobless, no groceries. Some wanted us force vaxxed. A smaller number wanted us caged.
Any scam claiming you have to wait two weeks before something is "effective" is always going to show efficacy. It's ludicrous.