Law of Increasing Returns Japan Edition
Fewer jabs needed for causing more deaths with every new booster.
As I wrote back in February about Israel, “Law of Increasing Returns” states that fewer and fewer jabs in subsequent jab campaigns are causing increasingly more deaths per shot. Well, fast forward to December, and we have a latecomer to the jabbing party trying hard to catch up - Japan:
And they get this for their effort???
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that as the jabbing campaign peaks are getting lower (June-Sep.2021, Feb.-Mar. 2022, Jul.-Sep. 2022), the death peaks are growing higher. Not that everybody in Japan is on board with this:
And yet, the epidemiological authorities are pulling off yet another jabbing push, this time even more massive than the previous one. Where do you think the death curve peaks this time, come January 2023? Want to bet?
If this keeps up, they'll have to name a mountain peak after the jabs.
I read a stop sign that had a sticker under the word, reading
Stop vaxxxports
A stop sign.
Fancy that.
Sign says stop Harmacide scamdemic...