About That Long Vax (a.k.a. Long Covid) Again
Keep this in mind when you're incessantly bombarded with Long Covid messaging.
Although is seems like I’m beating a dead horse at this point, the following statistic published in the Red Star Tribune prompted me to revisit this topic. “COVID is not done and gone, nor is it particular” (Star Tribune, 2024.03.09)":
The CDC reports that 1 in 13 adults (7.5%) report having long COVID symptoms, which can include ongoing fatigue, shortness of breath, joint or muscle pain, persistent rashes, hair loss, changes in smell or taste, an erratic heart rate…
That is almost 26 million Americans, so far. Let that number sink in. Take a knee.
And now, let us listen to a real-life ethical doctor that treats Long Covid for a living, Dr. Pierre Kory, “The Suffering Of Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Syndrome Patients Within Our Current Medical System” (2023.9.15), with his observations from half a year ago:
Dr. Pierre Kory is an award-winning, board-certified specialist in pulmonary diseases, internal medicine, and critical care medicine. He is a highly published expert in treating COVID-19 in all its phases. He is also the President and Chief Medical Officer of the non-profit organization called the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
I have now seen well over 900 patients who are chronically ill after receiving the Covid-19 mRNA injections or suffering with Long Haul Covid (a.k.a. PASC – post-acute sequelae of Covid). I would estimate the breakout of our patient population at this point is approximately 70% Post-vaccine syndrome (“Long Vax”) vs. 30% Long Covid syndrome (the ratio was flipped when we first went into practice).
Given the two syndromes are so similar, this validates that the presence of circulating or tissue embedded spike protein is the main pathogenic cause (pathogenic = originating or producing disease), as evidenced in this masterful comprehensive review paper (“‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA”, 2023.08.17) detailing the innumerable pathophysiologic abnormalities triggered by the spike protein which lead to myriad damages to a number of organ systems.
To reiterate, here’s a new article from doctors Pierre Kory and Paul Marik of FLCCC, “Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?” (The Hill, 2024.03.06), politely admonishing:
Millions of Americans are still suffering months or even years after they were infected with COVID. Long COVID as it’s commonly known is a serious and poorly understood problem. But there is also growing evidence that the COVID vaccine could cause a similar disease.
In two years, the practice has evaluated and treated over 1,000 individuals. Approximately 70 percent of these patients said their reported symptoms occurred in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after COVID vaccination, as opposed to after COVID infection.
To be sure, the Senate HELP Committee recently took up the issue of long COVID, but it simply was not a serious effort. Without an honest accounting of what went wrong, the last thing we should do is give the government more power over our healthcare decisions.
There is enough relevant links above if you want to dig deeper at this point. Also of note:
And remember to take your next booster if you are 60+, for added protection, and lest you start drawing on your pension.
Thanks for reporting.
Those photos, begad. Any event where panelists are wearing masks = O Holy Cooties Bovineshale from Righteously Boosted Peeps Blah Blah Blah. Bottle and sell it, could make a great emetic.
I think that many of the Vaxxers know that it is the spike in Covid that causes problems ... but they cannot work out that being injected with a substance that tricks the body into producing epic amounts of the same spike.... is what is causing the injuries.
This is because they are stupid f789ing MORE-ONS.....
It's actually quite funny if you think about it ... they are poisoning themselves believing they are saving themselves... and they want you to poison yourself too...
Hahahaha (see - it's funny!) I know one guy -- last I met him he was fighting pancreatic cancer... he's extremely fit and has no history of cancer in the family (the doctors told him they were very surprised that he had cancer...) -- as he prepared to start chemo -- he had another booster (to boost his immunity!!!)... and ... wait for it.... he had a Heart Attack!!! hahahaha... baddaboom... 241...
Anyhow ... he knows I ain't Rat Juiced so he says -- with a look of concern ... that I should consider... to protect meself.... hahaha... I'm looking at a half dead man -- health completely ruined... and he's urging me to poison myself too.... I couldn't bring myself to say anything so I just adopted the blank stare of a MORE-ON ... my eyes glazed over... like a retarded child .. or someone who has just been punched in the face and is concussed.
Oh btw - I did at some point mention to him and his wife that two of my friends suffered heart damage from the shot ... one is a semi pro hockey player... NOOOOOOOO!!! his wife screeched ... it must have been something else ... oh no I said ... both of them had terrible chest pain within hours of the shot.... it was their turn to stare at me like retarded MORE-ONS....