Thanks for reporting.

Those photos, begad. Any event where panelists are wearing masks = O Holy Cooties Bovineshale from Righteously Boosted Peeps Blah Blah Blah. Bottle and sell it, could make a great emetic.

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Mar 10Liked by Andreas Oehler

I think that many of the Vaxxers know that it is the spike in Covid that causes problems ... but they cannot work out that being injected with a substance that tricks the body into producing epic amounts of the same spike.... is what is causing the injuries.

This is because they are stupid f789ing MORE-ONS.....

It's actually quite funny if you think about it ... they are poisoning themselves believing they are saving themselves... and they want you to poison yourself too...

Hahahaha (see - it's funny!) I know one guy -- last I met him he was fighting pancreatic cancer... he's extremely fit and has no history of cancer in the family (the doctors told him they were very surprised that he had cancer...) -- as he prepared to start chemo -- he had another booster (to boost his immunity!!!)... and ... wait for it.... he had a Heart Attack!!! hahahaha... baddaboom... 241...

Anyhow ... he knows I ain't Rat Juiced so he says -- with a look of concern ... that I should consider... to protect meself.... hahaha... I'm looking at a half dead man -- health completely ruined... and he's urging me to poison myself too.... I couldn't bring myself to say anything so I just adopted the blank stare of a MORE-ON ... my eyes glazed over... like a retarded child .. or someone who has just been punched in the face and is concussed.

Oh btw - I did at some point mention to him and his wife that two of my friends suffered heart damage from the shot ... one is a semi pro hockey player... NOOOOOOOO!!! his wife screeched ... it must have been something else ... oh no I said ... both of them had terrible chest pain within hours of the shot.... it was their turn to stare at me like retarded MORE-ONS....

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Andreas Oehler

“Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?”

The same government that will punish those rascally NYFD firefighters for booing a Government Queen and send them to "re-education classes?" https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2024/03/10/firefighters-who-booed-at-letitia-james-will-be-sent-to-woke-re-education-sessions-n2636310?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&recip=29629122

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Mar 11Liked by Andreas Oehler

Here, let me try:

SARSCov2, and the injectable versions, are bioweapons that were intentionally released on the public for the purpose of regime change and depopulation. The bioweapons have caused irrecoverable injuries and deaths, from both of the weapon types directly, and also from maltreatment by the "healthcare industry". The fake "pandemic" ushered in a world-wide regime focused on mal and miss information and "biosecurity". A combination used as a method for total control of the populace.

I am sorry that anyone voluntarily destroyed themselves with the injections. Your career, education, or whatever was not worth it. The people who did not buy it, still do not buy it. Nothing is going to change the truth.

There, this was free and required next to no time at all. It's not my opinion, it is fact based on the evidence. Can't wait to see what their next plan is after everyone calls bull crap on "Long Covid" symptoms and all of their other stories. It's not a virus that you were just unlucky to get by not washing your hands. People are liable, and trillions of dollars are at stake. By going along with it, and promoting it, they have virtually wiped out the pharmaceutical and medical professions. Who wants to see their doctor now? I don't even want to take my dog to the vet.

All trust is gone, all faith is lost, and we look forward to retribution.

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Sell them a bridge?

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Is there a figure for how many have "long covid" but never took a vax? I know it gets weird when they live with someone else who did get it and shed on them.

At this point, I fully expect that a sizable chunk of people have signed their own death warrant. Since I played in finance a long time, I expect that it's more than beneficial to the social security administration for those folks to pop their clogs before or early into retirement to keep the ponzi scheme alive a little longer.

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It would have been helpful to end the last paragraph with /sarc/.

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IN a related story: https://mishtalk.com/economics/cpi-hot-again-rent-up-at-least-0-4-percent-for-30-straight-months/

They can’t float the boat with more cheap money otherwise >>> hyperinflation.

Meanwhile the current interest rates are gutting the global economy due to the epic amount of debt run up over the past two decades. And as we can see – the rates are not high enough to stop inflation….

Verdict: Civilization is going to collapse.

Alas ... before that can happen ... they will exterminate us (that will save us from the mass murder, rape, disease, starvation and cannibalism) https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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I interrupt these serious discussions with a bit of brevity...

So .. I just got a call from 'Visa' ... says I charged some Bitcoin on my card and they are doing a security check... I've been there before and I know this is a scam.... so I pressed 1 to cancel the charge... and I get connected to some fella with a SE Asian accent who asks how he can help me...

I respond with ... well ... I'd like you to let me f789 your sister in the ass while you watch....

Click. He hangs up on me. Wots with this guy - so rude... he didn't even let me have a chance to tell him I hope his children die from vax injuries.

Hopefully he calls back.

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Recalling when LC was first mentioned, doctors played it down while researchers did the opposite. I go the feeling researchers world-over were salivating at the thought of acquiring funding to allow them to delve into their pet theories, of which there are a number including gut microbiome. Doctors played it down at that time as obviously as they didn’t know how to treat it. No doubt as pharmaceutical treatments become available, they also become more acknowledging of LC.

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