Thanks for reporting.

Those photos, begad. Any event where panelists are wearing masks = O Holy Cooties Bovineshale from Righteously Boosted Peeps Blah Blah Blah. Bottle and sell it, could make a great emetic.

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That's why I was impressed as well , LOL!

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I think that many of the Vaxxers know that it is the spike in Covid that causes problems ... but they cannot work out that being injected with a substance that tricks the body into producing epic amounts of the same spike.... is what is causing the injuries.

This is because they are stupid f789ing MORE-ONS.....

It's actually quite funny if you think about it ... they are poisoning themselves believing they are saving themselves... and they want you to poison yourself too...

Hahahaha (see - it's funny!) I know one guy -- last I met him he was fighting pancreatic cancer... he's extremely fit and has no history of cancer in the family (the doctors told him they were very surprised that he had cancer...) -- as he prepared to start chemo -- he had another booster (to boost his immunity!!!)... and ... wait for it.... he had a Heart Attack!!! hahahaha... baddaboom... 241...

Anyhow ... he knows I ain't Rat Juiced so he says -- with a look of concern ... that I should consider... to protect meself.... hahaha... I'm looking at a half dead man -- health completely ruined... and he's urging me to poison myself too.... I couldn't bring myself to say anything so I just adopted the blank stare of a MORE-ON ... my eyes glazed over... like a retarded child .. or someone who has just been punched in the face and is concussed.

Oh btw - I did at some point mention to him and his wife that two of my friends suffered heart damage from the shot ... one is a semi pro hockey player... NOOOOOOOO!!! his wife screeched ... it must have been something else ... oh no I said ... both of them had terrible chest pain within hours of the shot.... it was their turn to stare at me like retarded MORE-ONS....

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Eddy, if "... (A) they are poisoning themselves (B) believing they are saving themselves... and (C) they want you to poison yourself too..." If (B) is true, why on Earth do they care what we do and want (C)? Unless they tacitly admit to (A) and don't want to go alone and feel like the only schmucks holding the bag?

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Yes, that's exactly it.

It's just too painful for them to acknowledge the obvious reality that they have poisoned themselves. If they can get _you_ to go along with it as well, that gives them hope that maybe they are not so stupid.

It similar to the way a lot of religious people dearly want you to convert to _their_ religion. The key is that they're not entirely certain of their religion themselves, and so convincing other people that they are right helps to convince _themselves_ that they are right.

And it's similar to the way that a lot of people who hold Bitcoin are fervent advocates for Bitcoin. It is in their interest to pump up the value of what they already own.

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I can't begin to try to 'walk in the shoes' of a Re-Tarded MORE-ON and understand their 'logic'

I'd need to sniff gasoline and ram my head into a walk a few dozen times to kill enough brain cells to get to that point....

All I can do is stand in awe of their stupidity.... it is breathtaking

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There may be a method in madness...

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Just thinking ... is there a way to short the stupidity??? How can we make money from this????

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For a moment I thought I was gonna see a leaked photo of Sasha parked out back the dumpster servicing hobos stinking of stale urine ...

But this is really good stuff... my SCHAD meter has gone off the scale...

I got an email this morning from a former neighbour -- our other neighbour developed a heart condition after her first two jabs - no dot connecting... so she took a booster... immediate numbness in one arm... a few weeks later it's progressed and she is diagnosed with a terminal neuro degenerative disease... we are about a year into this and the neighbour visited her in hospital and she is on a feeding an breathing tube now ... the terminal phase is approaching... still not the slightest clue as to what turned a perfectly health woman (ate organic ... exercised... ) into a rotting carcass.

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That organic part must be really dangerous! Crickets will be better?

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“Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?”

The same government that will punish those rascally NYFD firefighters for booing a Government Queen and send them to "re-education classes?" https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2024/03/10/firefighters-who-booed-at-letitia-james-will-be-sent-to-woke-re-education-sessions-n2636310?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&recip=29629122

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Here, let me try:

SARSCov2, and the injectable versions, are bioweapons that were intentionally released on the public for the purpose of regime change and depopulation. The bioweapons have caused irrecoverable injuries and deaths, from both of the weapon types directly, and also from maltreatment by the "healthcare industry". The fake "pandemic" ushered in a world-wide regime focused on mal and miss information and "biosecurity". A combination used as a method for total control of the populace.

I am sorry that anyone voluntarily destroyed themselves with the injections. Your career, education, or whatever was not worth it. The people who did not buy it, still do not buy it. Nothing is going to change the truth.

There, this was free and required next to no time at all. It's not my opinion, it is fact based on the evidence. Can't wait to see what their next plan is after everyone calls bull crap on "Long Covid" symptoms and all of their other stories. It's not a virus that you were just unlucky to get by not washing your hands. People are liable, and trillions of dollars are at stake. By going along with it, and promoting it, they have virtually wiped out the pharmaceutical and medical professions. Who wants to see their doctor now? I don't even want to take my dog to the vet.

All trust is gone, all faith is lost, and we look forward to retribution.

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I’ve read today that anthrax might have a revival and new spring in its step…

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Yes, and that was what they used to test what they did in 2020, which is why I suspect that USPS was a delivery system for the variants they tested and then put into use. So, I am not a lab leak theory guy, because I lived through that Bruce Ivins weaponized Anthrax attack and it was up close for me. During the Anthrax attack we had some test equipment in Brentwood that we were not able to get to until after the clean up. I set outside the Senate mail distribution building eating my lunch one day, watching them going in and out with BSL4 suits on.

Bruce did commit suicide, but I think that he may have had some Jolly West/Sidney Gottlieb assistance. He was on anti-depressants. His wife wrote that she saw a big change in him after he started helping the FBI with their "investigation". They may have slipped in to change his meds one afternoon. He did not do what they claimed he did, he was trying to help them find how it got out of the lab and they framed him. That means that the people who actually did it are still at large. People like Robert Kadlec were involved then, and wouldn't you know it, his name popped up recently.

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Yes. The whole thing collapses unless there is a charge number for all of the people involved in our defense. They can’t stay there on overhead. This is what we have been witnessing for at least my entire time on earth. General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, etc., all need something to do, every hour of every day, or we lose our capabilities. They are all interconnected through contracts, and therefore interdependent. Losing the commercial revenue from passenger plane sales kills a strategic piece of this puzzle. It’s not quite as bad as having an outsider in the White House, but it’s a big deal. I would expect that Boeing had nothing to do with it. More like an LBJ Mac Wallace type. Surprised they didn’t find him behind the car under the exhaust, but maybe they did. Imagine what would happen if Airbus absorbed the bankrupted Boeing Corporation. That would give away everything, not just the technology, but the entire charade of the US defense industry. We just have to accept that we are constantly under threat from a super power somewhere, and just ignore the fact that we are killing off people we owe money to, and importing people we owe nothing to, so that we can keep the whole thing rolling along. If we can’t find a hostile super power, we can always use the technology against the wrong thinking voters.

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I would think it’s easy to defuse anthrax with chlorine dioxide. And it’s not that infectious? But a good tool to scare ppl back into lockdowns, maybe. They blew so much of their credibility that anything will be an uphill battle now. Or am I too optimistic?

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Too optimistic. They are desperate to stay in power. I worked with the commander for Edgewood Arsenal for a while. That is where they tested things from Detrick. He always said that Clorox and a bug sprayer was your best defense. They (Clorox) closed a plant in Frederick ( about two miles from Detrick) back in the 90’s and opened a new plant close to Edgewood. This was all coincidence. I worked on a proposal for dismantling the chemical or biological fuze for large bore artillery in the late eighties. They said they wanted to unscrew the rear end remotely in an automated system, all explosion proof, to decommission the rounds. Thirty years later I was standing there watching the remote video from a system that we built. It put the back end of the fuze on. Left hand threads. I just started laughing when it hit me. It is true that the people in power have stockpiles of WMD and are in possession of advanced military technology. This should cause us all to be concerned.

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Sell them a bridge?

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Is there a figure for how many have "long covid" but never took a vax? I know it gets weird when they live with someone else who did get it and shed on them.

At this point, I fully expect that a sizable chunk of people have signed their own death warrant. Since I played in finance a long time, I expect that it's more than beneficial to the social security administration for those folks to pop their clogs before or early into retirement to keep the ponzi scheme alive a little longer.

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McCullough has mentioned that some folks who get the flu -- have lingering side effects for many months afterwards... it's a very small % ... but long flu exists....

Same with covid.

That said ... heart damage stroke blood clots etc... that ain't long covid... never

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It would have been helpful to end the last paragraph with /sarc/.

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That would kill the sarc, wouldn't it?

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Due to the absence of facial cues, the meaning behind the written word can be easily misunderstood. Sarcasm, in particular, can be easily misunderstood as statements of fact. I find emails to be especially prone to such misunderstandings.

Because you're dealing with consequential issues (taking the jab), I think kindness calls for disclosure of sarcasm. e.g., the comment by annademo.

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If more people call for it, I promise I will. Sarcasm is best when facial clues are absent, IMHO, like here: https://youtu.be/22rCPuPh1Gw

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Oh yeah, I would also love some lovely emoticon to give me a clue. Because otherwise I would be clueless. Wink wink!

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100% true. I thought it was a serious statement but now I'm not sure. I'm 71 and took the one-and-done J&J jab and you couldn't pay me enough to take a single booster. I haven't yet and I won't.

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Did you try a horse dose of nattokinase to undo the aftertaste and then some? 11000FU (450mg, or at least 200mg twice daily on an empty stomach) should do the trick.

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OK, you are making me work really hard on this one..... Can't I just have a glass of Chardonnay?

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You can, but it won't work as well as nattokinase, for the S spike-caused microclots and whatnot.

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Microclots even after just one J&J dose? FWIW, I'm on low dose aspirin.

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I wouldn't waste any time. Friend of mine 55 died the other day of lung cancer. 1 x j & j

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You'll probably need to drop aspirin and nattokinase will do the job -- monitor your blood pressure in the transition period.

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I have heard of nattokinase but haven't delved into it. Maybe I'll do that.... Thanks.

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4000FU (200mg) and less are next to useless and a waste of money, you really need to take at least 10000FU+ daily for real benefits.

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It also has many other beneficial effects. It's like taking your car for a works carwash and interior cleaning. At 71, maybe it's a good idea?


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Can you purchase higher dose capsules, or do you make your own? Or just yake the powder?

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*take* the powder

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Buy powder and make capsules, size 1 would be about 400mg

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Capsules are more precise and less messy

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Make a qualified guess, I guess. Doesn't the 2nd half of the statement reveal the true intent?

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Good point! I'm old and slow so I promise to try and do better!

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IN a related story: https://mishtalk.com/economics/cpi-hot-again-rent-up-at-least-0-4-percent-for-30-straight-months/

They can’t float the boat with more cheap money otherwise >>> hyperinflation.

Meanwhile the current interest rates are gutting the global economy due to the epic amount of debt run up over the past two decades. And as we can see – the rates are not high enough to stop inflation….

Verdict: Civilization is going to collapse.

Alas ... before that can happen ... they will exterminate us (that will save us from the mass murder, rape, disease, starvation and cannibalism) https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Did you hear the rumours of hunger shock in the fall of 2024? Makes sense as European farmers drive their tractors in towns instead of fields, and Canada now. Plus Russia-Ukraine war severely shrinks sawing, let alone harvesting in 2024, last year stocks ending. So, four largest grain and corn exporters kneecapped. A perfect storm. Stock up on some durables to take you over the hump NOW!

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There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…

If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.

One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.

It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.


Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.


The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.

Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident


However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.

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I interrupt these serious discussions with a bit of brevity...

So .. I just got a call from 'Visa' ... says I charged some Bitcoin on my card and they are doing a security check... I've been there before and I know this is a scam.... so I pressed 1 to cancel the charge... and I get connected to some fella with a SE Asian accent who asks how he can help me...

I respond with ... well ... I'd like you to let me f789 your sister in the ass while you watch....

Click. He hangs up on me. Wots with this guy - so rude... he didn't even let me have a chance to tell him I hope his children die from vax injuries.

Hopefully he calls back.

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I wouldn’t count on it

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I should have asked Sasha if I could do that to her... she probly would not have banned me -- and gave me her number

She does have the look of a burned out pole dancer about her

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Recalling when LC was first mentioned, doctors played it down while researchers did the opposite. I go the feeling researchers world-over were salivating at the thought of acquiring funding to allow them to delve into their pet theories, of which there are a number including gut microbiome. Doctors played it down at that time as obviously as they didn’t know how to treat it. No doubt as pharmaceutical treatments become available, they also become more acknowledging of LC.

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