Who released the biological agents?

Who released them in Lombardy Italy? Or Iran?

What agents were released in NYC when the ACM leaped 245% over 11-weeks, never to leap like that again anywhere?

Why are Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy or Ron Johnson or Rand Paul not arriving at this aggressive search for answers?

We knew it was "Osama bin Laden" in one day with 9/11. (🙄)

Four years later and we are still in 'Errrmmahhgawwwddd it was a leak..."quicksand.

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All good questions to which we have definite, irrefutable answers. Hence the politicians side-step around the issue, for their own safety. Opportunists are not stupid - they are opportunists.

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Thus one must conclude that they are in on the Operation.

Whether they choose to acknowledge this even to themselves.

And everybody down to the doctor doing the dirty work with a vent and Remdesivir or Midazolam has plausible deniability.

Every Scientist who pretend forgot all that they knew.

I started out just researching the NEJM Pfizer write up. Watching some Geert, some Dr. Peter on relative risk vs. absolute risk.

We know. We know.

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We must keep it up, not get tired of pounding the wall with our foreheads. It yields results beyond the headache: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/we-did-well-my-friends-as-bill-gates

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Don't know about *we* as that usually translates to: "Only up to the GOODIES that I like, otherwise you are a CONTROLLED OPPOSITION baddy."

But I most def. will keep asking the most basic questions no matter what they turn up.

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Yeah, there is that sort of ppl among us -- the ultimate conspiracy theorists.

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"Conspiracy theorist" is a thought terminating cliche.

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"Sage Hana" is as fake as they come

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Resistance is futile.

Every single entity that could oppose this -- supports it...

Ever crossed your mind to think ... perhaps what they are doing .. is necessary?

That invites epic despair ... so I will assume not

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Politicians understand who runs the show. And they like their perks... they only exist to rubber stamp stuff... they may have not known that going in ... but they very quickly work it out

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They do what they are told.

Recall the Trudeau leak?

We are not here to debate - the decision has been made (oh ya... by whom?) --- we are here to discuss how we implement the plan

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Have a link?

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I can't find the original leak - it was an email with redactions .... some of it is here


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have look at

dailytelegraph.co.nz under the rubriek Covid.

Not only Canada, but Nw Zealand is also terribly impacted as well as Australia ( corrupt) and the whole of western Europe.

People " vaccinated" dont really want to know. It wont make any difference, unless someone knowing he is going to die because of the " vax" take justice in his own hands.

Might happen in the USA where everybody has a gun. If so it will be a carnage

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It's where this thing is being driven from, so sounds good to me.

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We are lead round and round in circles... achieving zilch.

One has to admire the Team running this opp... using time tested as well as the latest and greatest techniques of controlling the mob...

Who needs batons and TGas ... when you have Substacks!!!

Insert some of your agents... and run the mob down a thousand rabbit holes... keep them busy running down the holes... down some of the holes are truths... ensuring they continue in hot pursuit...

Pursuit of what though? Ahhh yes TRUTH! Look here - another study showing the Rat Juice does this... and this... and this... Wow... Truth... we must be close to a tipping point with the Vaxxers... so much truth now ...

But the Vaxxers only see bbccnn.... they don't do SSs....

This is one gigantic circle jerk.

They have won - they have injected 6 billion - and are working the Africans over now...

All that remains is the Kill Shot ....

Once this is released... everyone dies... and we avoid Murder Rape Disease Cannibalism

Does anyone really want to be scrounging around for plastic bags to fuel a fire to roast the neighbours kid that you ran down and trussed up cuz the young ones are most tender....

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what agents

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What biological agents?

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the Covid variants (a.k.a. bioweapons)

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Let's find the agents first.

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All the alphabet soups, all of them.

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that's a great question -- I am sure Malone and Kirsch are agents... It's really difficult to know cuz the PR Team is so good...

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I am still trying to work out if I am an agent ... someone keeps depositing 250k in my account each month ... I don't know why

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Where do I open one?

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You need to find a niche.... mine is one of showing the mob the truth of what's going on ... they know that it's so far out there... that nobody will believe it (or want to believe it) so they immediately dismiss it as a possible outcome.

How cool is that!!!!

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I'm in the wrong niche then. Got it!

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A lot of important information coming out this week. The comments section on this article are ominous and probably not perfect, but one must wonder what the purpose of Omicron, this highly infectious, mild form of C19. Was it the tap to the chin before the devastating roundhouse right hook?

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the purpose is to scare people into obedience of whatever is to come.

I was listening this morning to a french radio sender. There are already half august talks about variants of covid. And some auditors are already totally panicking.

To some, it seems to be like the black pest ....

I am not " vaccinated" and don t intend to put some poison into my body

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Even better, now "the health authorities" tell the sheeple to hold off until the new booster flavour comes out end of September while at the same time fretting about the new Eris variant, thus building up anxiety in their paranoidly hypochondrial minds.

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well, many are already dying of the "vax" and people are aware now of the toxicity of the injections.

So there is already resistance. But nevertheless, the main stream media ignore totally what is going on. And there are enough people not believing that the state would be an accomplice in murdering their own ( european)population

But nobody believed that people were exterminated in german kampen during WO II.

And nobody could believe that the CIA could poison a whole village with LSD experimentation either ( Pont Saint Esprit, France)

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you don t really think that a government will own having pursued experimentation of tha kind on foreign population. Do you ?

Anyway, in France the reading of scientists is different

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I am ambivalent...

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Why would a virus that Dr. David Martin said was patented by Pfizer in 2002 need to have any natural attributes?

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The point is, there is a discernible bread crumb trail all the way from there to here.

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I didn't know that viruses left such a thing:-)

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You better believe it!

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So that's how the bread crumbs got into my respiratory tract.

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And ... coming soon (as they begin to lose control of the collapsing global economy)...

They will unleash another manmade pathogen that was engineered to waltz past the defences of the immune exhausted/OAS'ed Rat Juice Vaxxers... and kill them ... kill them like .. chickens


Take your pick- death by vax injury - death by ruined immune system - death by starvation

Hopefully they give us an opt out in the form of Super Fent

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I thought of you when I was writing this post, Eddy. Part 2 of the 2-part epoxy?

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Naked Emperor is the first SSer to go all in on the energy depletion story ... folks don't like that narrative cuz they do not like truths without hollywood endings...

But no SSer has ventured into the realm of total extermination as per UEP https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

We inch closer to acceptance though .... as the studies demonstrate that they purposely have destroyed immune systems

So what does all this mean, beyond a weakened immune system? The researchers speculated:

Infection of CD4+ T cells by SARS-CoV-2 could explain lymphocytopenia and dysregulated inflammatory response in severe COVID-19 patients. Moreover, from an evolutionary perspective, infection of CD4+ T cells represents an effective mechanism for viruses to escape the immune response.

In other words, the spike protein’s CD4-attacking feature seems almost designed to avoid the human immune response. Just what you’d want in a bioweapon, for example.


Who will be the first to go whole hog and riff off of UEP ....

There surely is a reason why they are intent on murdering everyone ... now why would they want to do that?

There must be a good reason --- obviously it's not about $$$$... or control ... or whatever.. cuz they are killing everyone.

What could be provoking them to do this???? All of them.... they are all on board... and this was planned decades ago....

What could it be????

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Why don't they just kill themselves (jump on the passing Hale-Bopp comet or something) and leave us to our devices? Did this simplest/easiest solution ever occur to you, Eddy?

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I betcha some of them have said during The Meetings -- f789 the mob... who cares what happens to them ... let's just run the engine hard till it explodes... pop a few Super Fents with a nice glass of 21 yr old.... and exit...

In fact I guarantee you the Hard Core ones argued for that.

But there will be folks In the Know ... who are religious or moral types... who are not Hard Cores... they have empathy -- or maybe they feel it is their duty to prevent 8 billion from tearing each other to pieces...

If I was In the Know ... and I knew I could do something to stop The Gates of Hell from Opening ... I most certainly would act.

We have extensive evidence that they have purposely destroyed the immune systems of billions ...

Why would they do such a thing ... unless they intended to exterminate everyone?

Why would they sicken the herd like this?

I am open to other suggests - but not $$$ or control. Those are non-starters

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I don't believe for a second in their benevolence. Satanic, fascist, totalitarian, homicidal? Very much so. The power, influence, control, overlordship is their goal, no matter how unrealistic. Altruism, empathy? Give me a break. As I said: "Want us to die to 'save the world'? Show us the way, and we'll think about it." I'd rather live with radiation ponds and ClimateChange, and all other things coming, than with them.

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Can you dispel this? It ties everything together

Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://archive.ph/tjl6J

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You will die one way or the other... maybe it's better that one does not have to experience the horrific outcome that will be realized if they fail to exterminate us ... and 8 billion humans are on the streets in the dark without food.... imagine what that looks like.

Do you have a family. Do you want to watch them murdered -- raped -- captured and eaten?

That IS what will happen.

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Why, because they are Malthusian Psychopath Bankster Parasites. How exactly do you think people of that sort will behave? They've been warning of this coming going back 50yrs with their Club Of Rome Organization. And now they are doing exactly what they said they would.

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This definitely goes back at least that far.... And many well-intentioned people have dedicated their lives to this project.

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And a whole lot more of badly-intentioned people. Monsters.

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I am just wondering why... when they have such an awesome gig... they'd smash it like this...

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It's almost like the virus theory is ridiculous.

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Omicron was the actual Covid vaccine. The International Bankster Cult decided that they had stolen enough wealth and beaten down the population to the breaking point so they released Omicron to put a stop to their Plandemic.

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I don't think the banksters would ever feel they've stolen enough wealth, ever. If there were a shilling or a peanut on the ground, they'd be clubbing you to death for it (from the comfort of their limo).

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Ya when you own The Fed and the reserve currency ... you need to flog dodgy vaccines to pay for your private jets. Makes huge sense

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I love it! The PR Team has run the A Vaxxers around by their noses believing a thousand different false narratives...

Bravo Bravo!!!

Evil vs Good!!!

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In a sarcastic mood today, Eddy? 1st evil, then good?

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How about ... when doing evil is doing good...

I think Cusack has a line here similar to that:


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Scientists don't know shit. Omicron was God's vaccine to stop the madness of humans during the peak of the covid me-too freakout. There are no white-hat scientists.

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that is the official version of wiki

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If they fail... prepare for mass murder, violence, rape, disease..... and:


The situation was even grimmer in rural villages, according to aid workers. Many had fled to the cities or other regions, leaving entire families dead in their homes. Those who survived lived off whatever they could find: seeds, acorns, grass, weeds, tree bark, even the corpses of dead animals.

Government officials in one town advised starving residents to dig up the dried bones of animals, grind them into flour and bake a “bread substitute [that has] a nutritive value of 25 per cent more than rye bread, in spite of its unpleasant smell and taste”.

The consumption of these ersatz foods killed many, as did epidemics of diseases like typhus, typhoid fever, smallpox, influenza, dysentery, cholera, even bubonic plague. The movement of desperate and starving people helped transport these diseases around Russia.

The famine also gave rise to horrific tales of murder and cannibalism, as well as a black-market trade in human flesh.

Some Russian academics researched and catalogued examples of cannibalism and corpse-eating. American relief workers also observed these behaviours. Cannibalism was most common along the Volga River basin, in areas where the famine was most severe.

Murder and ‘corpse-eating’

Starving peasants were observed digging up recently buried corpses for their flesh. Accounts of murder or euthanasia, followed by butchery and feasting, were also reported. One woman refused to give over the body of her dead husband because she was using it for meat. Parents and siblings ate the bodies of dead children.

As the death toll increased, illegal trade in human flesh also emerged. Quantities of nondescript meat appeared in markets in Russian towns and cities, some of it undoubtedly human. An aid worker wrote of the situation in late 1921:

“Families were killing and devouring fathers, grandfathers and children. Ghastly rumours about sausages prepared with human corpses (the technical expression was ‘ground to sausages’) though officially contradicted, were common. In the market, among rough huckstresses swearing at each other, one heard threats to make sausages of a person.”


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I don’t know about Puerto Rico, but the story I remember was that Omicron was first sequenced in Botswana. This interview said it was brought to Botswana by four international travellers. I could have sworn they were wearing dark suits, ray bans and carrying briefcases.


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Would someone have risked the lives of millions? And lied about it? Maybe the public has been lied to about a few other things as well?


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