You can see what is going to happen. They will laud AI as the one truth and use it as a tool to cancel any dissenting ideas. It's just another tool to control information.

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You know that annoying NPC you know always quotes from Wikipedia like a fundamentalist quoting scripture when there's anything he disagrees with you about? Now he'll be able to just directly ask WokeGPT. Cuttin' out the middleman! Winz! It also helps the NPC because he doesn't even need to think about the issue enough to know what keywords to type into Wikipedia. This lessens the likelihood of him straying from The Narrative even further. More Winz!

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It ain't AI because it has ZERO intelligence. About as smart as a tree stump. It is just a big electronic gearbox that cranks out answers by equating them to a giant database which it scans with amazing speed. When they ACTUALLY create an A.I. then that would be something to talk about. The fact is we don't even know what intelligence is yet. The one thing we can say is that it is non-computable (see Roger Penrose), that means it CANNOT be simulated on a Turing Machine, aka computer.

The one thing above all else the big gearbox would be good for is to take over management of our monetary system from the Central Banker Cartel. All these Psychopath Malthusian Parasites are is bean counters, minimal intelligence, basically useless human beings who are only good at creating death, destruction, poverty and economic collapse. And we give these creeps total power over the entire Western World? Just so they can be bookkeepers, accountants with extreme unprecedented powers? Give these grifters the right to create and control our money supply? Save 100's of $trillions and incredible human suffering by turning over the financial oligarchy to an A.I. They would make excellent bean counters. Very cheap. Who needs Central Bankers?

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It can be great for momentum trading in a gazillion of stock, monitoring for favourite conditions in real time and doing rapid trading. And rocking the boat too to create favourable conditions. No holds barred! I bet this is going on now. Let me know if you have any details.

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That AI is a woke, censored cuck, yes.

Other AI could be much more useful...

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That is my general impression, yes. Translation, image recognition, etc. can be good or bad, but hardly ideological. This this seems to have an ideology built in. IMHO.

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For sure, the ChatGPT models are constrained by "artificial ideology". I am not techy enough to figure out how to run the thing but there are already downloadable versions without the cucking.

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"artificial ideology" of a particular type. Whatever I asked it, it replied in exactly same biased woke way. Not funny.

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Is the founder of this wonder a well-known Sillycon Valley faggot? It would explain both the "woke way" and "not funny". Vague memory, so just looking for confirmation.

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That is something to look into...

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Fairies all the way down? Someone has now looked into it: https://bilbobitch.substack.com/p/chatgpt-one-ring-to-rule-them-all

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Spartacus has a post on a mini essay written by my favorite anti AI writer - the Unabomber. In it, he basically says - why do you and other Technocratists think AI will be concerned about the GOOD of man? Why will they even care about Man? All good points...more based quotes from Ted K. https://www.azquotes.com/author/7677-Theodore_Kaczynski

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I tested it once and suddenly a red flag popped up indicating that I was violating the TOC when I was asking questions about pedophiles and homosexuals.

It just spouts woke platitudes. It is not real AI as commented by SmithFS below or above.

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It regurgitates lies. Only a fool is going to be impressed by it

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Those answers are so so banal and stupid. It's all just an electronic ouija board, but without the fun and games. If you don't think this will be used for evil, then you never played with a ouija board.


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Artificial Intelligence is paradoxically for morons to engage with.

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AI cannot even work out which are cross walks on a Captcha page... there is no such thing as AI.

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IKR? I hate those things....they are always wrong, but they are deferred to like they are some kind of oracle!?

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These demon infested chat bots appear very dangerous to have around the mentally ill or unstable types and why would a mentally stable individual want to go anywhere near one?

Reminds me of that diabolical computer in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Extremely weird.

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It's an electronic ouija board.

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A very apt description!🔨🎯

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Dark days ahead if we don’t stop this along with a growing list of other threats.

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OK I did. Holy bronto cacca

"I apologize if my previous answer was incorrect or incomplete. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful responses to the best of my ability.

To answer your question more specifically, the first post-marketing document for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was the FDA's briefing document for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting on December 10, 2020. In this document, the FDA reported that there were four deaths in the vaccine group and two deaths in the placebo group in the phase 3 clinical trial. However, the FDA concluded that the available safety data did not raise any specific concerns that would preclude issuance of an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccine."

WTF. 1st it lies and then when pressed it gives another answer. #FAIL

This is startling

How many governments have compensated victims for covid vaccine injuries

1 / 1

As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time information and my training data only goes up until 2021. However, as of 2021, many governments had established compensation programs for COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

For example, in the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services set up the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) to provide compensation to individuals who have been seriously injured as a result of receiving certain COVID-19 vaccines. In addition, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) already existed to provide compensation for injuries related to vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines.

Other countries such as Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France have also established compensation programs for COVID-19 vaccine injuries. The specifics of each program vary by country, and the eligibility criteria, compensation amounts, and application processes may differ.File Transfer: unknown.svg1 / 1

how many deaths from covid vaccine were listed in phizers 1st post marketing document

1 / 1

As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time information and my training data only goes up until 2021. However, to the best of my knowledge, there were no deaths from the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reported in the clinical trials or in the initial post-marketing safety data that were made available by Pfizer-BioNTech.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has undergone rigorous clinical trials and has been authorized for emergency use by regulatory agencies, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Both agencies have concluded that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks, and the vaccine has been shown to be highly effective in preventing COVID-19 and its severe complications.

It is important to note that like all vaccines, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can cause side effects, which are usually mild to moderate and temporary. Serious side effects are rare, and safety monitoring is ongoing to identify any potential safety concerns. Vaccine safety monitoring systems are in place to continuously evaluate the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, including the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, as they are administered to millions of people around the world.File Transfer: unknown.svg1 / 1

Your answer is verifiably false

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I apologize if my previous answer was incorrect or incomplete. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful responses to the best of my ability.

To answer your question more specifically, the first post-marketing document for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was the FDA's briefing document for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting on December 10, 2020. In this document, the FDA reported that there were four deaths in the vaccine group and two deaths in the placebo group in the phase 3 clinical trial. However, the FDA concluded that the available safety data did not raise any specific concerns that would preclude issuance of an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccine.

It is important to note that the FDA and other regulatory agencies have continued to closely monitor the safety of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and other COVID-19 vaccines as they are administered to millions of people worldwide. Any reports of adverse events, including deaths, are carefully investigated to determine whether they are related to the vaccine or are coincidental. Vaccine safety monitoring is an ongoing process to ensure the continued safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.File Transfer: unknown.svg1 / 1

Why would you lie 1st and then offer "Truth" with a follow up question?

1 / 1

As an AI language model, I do not intentionally lie or provide false information. My responses are based on the data and information available to me and I strive to provide accurate and helpful answers to the best of my ability.

In my previous response, I acknowledged that my initial answer may have been incomplete or incorrect, and provided a more specific and accurate answer to your question. It is possible that I misunderstood your question or provided an incomplete response, and I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

As an AI language model, my goal is to assist users in obtaining information and providing helpful responses. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to provide a helpful and accurate response.

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Not sure whether or not you read anything from Spartacus , Andreas? His(?) latest article was an amazing in - depth analysis of Chat GPT using the" newest version " - no doubt to become like those apple phones that keep morphing like a virus . What I did find interesting about his/ her/ ...analysis was the way he could massage his questions to get the AI to speak fully - it really is brilliant how he did this, at least to me , moving cleverly though lots of dots and connections. At the end I found the AI to be more considered than most, and maybe even had a glimmer of common sense as well as some empathy !!! The powers that be will no doubt be using this technology for their nefarious advantages . If used with compassion and ethics , it could be a tremendous tool. However , we all know that's not going to happen without creating even more divisions in society . Not sure if this opens for anyone to have a look : https://iceni.substack.com/p/the-unrecognized-threat-of-human?utm_source=email-ufi&utm_medium=email

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I haven't read him lately. Thanks for the link below - I've read it with great interest and learned that we are way farther down on the road to self-destruction ("self" meaning the humankind in general, not us) than I have ever imagined. I see only one way out, and it is not pretty.

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From what I could gather Andreas ,I think he goes away for awhile to do his own research into things . Pretty sure Sage will go there one day as well due to his mining skills . Going to an event with Dr Cole and a few more rock stars of challenging the medical narrative and looking forward to that event with like minded people - this chat guy is a whole other rabbity hole for those of us curious to be mining in the underworld we seem to inhabit . Sent another link from Spartacus to one of your people who commented . He / she?? does have a sense of humour.

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Thanks for your comment. I shoot posts mostly to start a discussion. Not always, but often the comments section is the best part. Which is the case this time, thanks in large part to your comments.

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And thank you - I can be conduit between smart people sometimes.

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Great entertainment often times - I agree.

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"Compassion and ethics".......oh please...what a joke. Since when has the Corporatocric Technocracy ever had that?

..........the Next greatest thing hyped by the Corporatocracy. Trust it at your own risk

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Here is another one from Spartacus ,as he has talked about in the previous example of the Chat bot : he also see that the "chat guy " is more reasonable than those who want to control us. Spartacus is certainly not saying any of this will be put to good use in the hands of those who want to control us : https://iceni.substack.com/p/the-unrecognized-threat-of-human?utm_source=email-ufi&utm_medium=email

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Great post!

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It is a humbling experience when I can read such great articles by you guys who are so intelligent . I particularly liked his idea - that will probably not happen in my remaining lifetime, where he writes about the importance of transparency about where things are going with this stuff and the potential uses . I continue to be "baffled " about people here who have no idea about the existence the WEF and its agenda .

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Or else one might go crazy worrying about the future (us?). Much easier to believe into benevolent overlords losing sleep thinking how to make the life better for their minions.

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Get some hemlock - maybe you can grow it where you live ?

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Haha. I think it only knows stuff up to 2021 though

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I don't have any intention of gobbledegooking with the AI but how would it answer requests to assess various data clearly showing mRNA injection harm and lack of efficacy?

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It espouses opinions, not data. Me thinks?

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Right. Predictive programming re:AI has mostly seemed to me to proselytize that a near sentient computer would naturally evolve to some pollyanna greater good altruism but we didn't know we would be at this ridiculous propagandized woke moment when AI would start to threaten us nor was it common to predict that the programmer's bias would have such import. As is openly admitted with this abomination.

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I asked how many people died because of Moderna injections. Answer was zero.......

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Great test question! Expected and revealing answer. It's a propaganda tool, not a fortune teller.

I ran out of my quota for the day after under 10 questions. Will have to think of similar telling questions the next time around!

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Reply question is than why have any govts paid injury compensation.

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"As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time information and my training data only goes up until 2021. However, to the best of my knowledge, there were no deaths from the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reported in the clinical trials or in the initial post-marketing safety data that were made available by Pfizer-BioNTech."

Patently verifiably false

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A goal is to maintain a safe environment for psychopaths in power?

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