I've been bombarded with health(sick)care providers' (VA & Tricare) emails to come on in and get that "safe(ly) and effective(ly)" kill you shot. 4 in 1 actually. Covid, flu, RSV, and shingles. I've said no thanks to all from the beginning and will continue to do so. I won't touch Doritos or Twinkies, so why would I let someone inject me with these poisons? My body, my choice.

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This feels like a last desperate push to get all the shots in the True Believers that they can.

I have a hunch that this latest batch is HOT. I think they want to really kill off as many as they can and then regroup and focus on the Vaccine Infidels who resisted or checked out.

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I would rather stick Doritos or Twinkies in my eyes than even contemplate that junk!

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VA called me recently but I didn't answer. They left a message but I didn't listen.

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"Richard Pottorff's wife came down with CJD, a fatal prion disease, a week after getting the shot"

by Steve Kirsch, October 22, 2022


Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Foundation, interviews Richard Pottorff and Ginger Bitner, the husband and the mother of 58 year-old Tammy Pottorff who within a week after her second covid jab came down with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), an incurable prion disease.




STEVE KIRSCH: These [prion] diseases don't happen by chance. So when they do happen, and they're happening in a short amount of time after people get these vaccines. And there are dozens and dozens and dozens of people who are getting these prion diseases within a short amount of time of the vaccine. And that is statistically impossible if the vaccine didn't cause it.





RICHARD POTTORFF: She was very active. She was very good with numbers. And very good speaking. She had a better sense of direction than I did, I have. And very musically inclined. And she never met anybody she didn't want to talk to.

GINGER BITNER: She was always very active, vivacious, friendly, outgoing. Enjoying life.

STEVE KIRCH: Just to clarify, you're her mother.


STEVE KIRSCH: So she didn't have any kind of brain abnormalities or anything at all. Perfectly healthy.

GINGER BITNER: Absolutely not.

STEVE KIRSCH: And so when did she start exhibiting symptoms that would be consistent with a prion disease?

GINGER BITNER: Well it took six days for the swelling to go down in her arm and her fingers. And it was underneath her arm as well down her left side. And once that swelling went down— and it was very, very hot the whole time. Unbelievable.

STEVE KIRSCH: Hot. As in to touch.

GINGER BITNER: Yeah. Oh yeah. You didn't have to touch it, you could have your hand four inches away from her and I could feel the heat and she had a knot there also when she came back to the car after she got her second vaccination.

STEVE KIRSCH: Did you go to the doctors and say, hey, what's going on here? I think, you know, we're having a severe reaction.

GINGER BITNER: Well first of all she went back into the CVS store where she got her second vaccination. And her first vaccination. And they said, that's normal. I mean, that can be normal for some people, is the wording. And it'll dissipate. It'll go down. It'll take a little time. So she came to the car and of course we drove on home. It took six days for that swelling to go down, putting ice on it, and so forth. And the very next morning after the swelling went down she woke up and she was shuffling her feet like she, just shuffling. She could not walk normal and she was having difficulty finding her words, to talk to us.

STEVE KIRSCH: OK. So basically she is now suffering from a prion disease six days after she got the vaccine. And perfectly healthy, nothing like this before.

GINGER BITNER: That's correct.


STEVE KIRSCH: And it's unmistakable. So you must have gone to, talked to lots of doctors about this in the six, it took you six months before they were able to schedule a spinal tap in order to do the assessment to definitively say that she has CJD, right?

GINGER BITNER: Well it took five months to even get her into Stanford. We tried to get her into Stanford, UCLA, UC San Francisco, and they couldn't see her for six months. And they told us, my gosh, that's terrible, they said,because we've had a very big increase in neurological problems where people need to come here.


GINGER BITNER: And that's why they're backed up.

STEVE KIRSCH: Wow that's strange. A sudden, a huge increase in neurological problems.

GINGER BITNER: Yeah. And the receptionist on the phone told me that. No doctor ever admitted that or said it.

STEVE KIRSCH: I wonder what could be causing that.


STEVE KIRSCH: Can't figure it out.

RICHARD POTTORFF: [laughs] There's no telling.

STEVE KIRSCH: Yeah. Yeah. So they wouldn't, they didn't, like, when you asked them, hey, why is it so hard? Eh, we've just had a rash and we have no clue what's causing all these but we're just, like, in demand all of a sudden.

GINGER BITNER: That's right. This is the receptionist saying this, not a doctor. A doctor never, every doctor I took her to, and I took her to several, they all [shakes her head]. They wouldn't even consider a connection with the vaccination. At all.

STEVE KIRSCH: Oh! You mean that safe and effective vaccine that she took.

GINGER BITNER: Oh yes. In fact the first neurologist she went to indicated it was all in her mind. The second one I took her to, that was in charge of the whole division here in Palo Alto, said, stress.


GINGER BITNER: Stress can cause these things.

STEVE KIRSCH: Ah, stress.


STEVE KIRSCH: There you go. So it wasn't until six months later that they actually did the test to find out whether she's got it or not.

GINGER BITNER: That's right.

STEVE KIRSCH: And then they even tried to bury that, right? That it wasn't in the hospital record?

RICHARD POTTORFF: It was but [inaudible] the records.

STEVE KIRSCH: You asked for the records and that wasn't included in the records.


STEVE KIRCH: The most important thing wasn't included in the records. How about that.

GINGER BITNER: Hmmm. Imagine. How could that happen.

STEVE KIRSCH: How could that have happened?


STEVE KIRSCH: Did they have an excuse for why they put everything except for the definitive diagnosis of CJD in the—?

RICHARD POTTORFF: Well they haven't returned our phone calls.

STEVE KIRSCH: So you don't know.


GINGER BITNER: No we don't.



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Linking to this in my post, thanks!

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Can we even remark on just how rare it is to get a prion illness if you didn't eat a cow with BSE or are a cannibal??

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Dr. Fleming had the prions down pat in his Dallas lecture back in April or May, 2021. Worth revisiting, so I have kept a copy for posterity´s sake: https://mega.nz/file/V1hGzQJQ#sxlYSW-804vjS2GanCsB8EIKUJp6w-GGCtcAZCvlTJw

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Spartacus' podcast with Dr. Kevin McCairn is a black pill with regard to the prion situation. From c. 2:17 - how many of us are brewing prion disease - jabbed and unjabbed? Zombie apocalypse on the horizon! https://rumble.com/v3lbafw-spartacus-conscientious-objection-in-the-digital-panopticon.html

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Nattokinase to the rescue!

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I was taking it but then something was said about it making the situation worse on a podcast I listened to. Haven't got to the bottom of that though.

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FLCCC recommends it, along with curcumin and bromelain, to get rid of the spike protein post jab and post infection.

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Yes, but Christie Grace mentioned something about it being problematic. I shall have to discover what she meant.

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It can be problematic if one is taking blood thinners. Nattokinase does thin the blood. So, if you're taking a blood thinner, it's best to speak to a (competent and trustworthy) doctor about taking it. Plus, it appears that dosage and timing are important for it to be effective. Lumbrokinase appears to be self-regulating in that regard, as well as regarding where the breakdown and buildup (vessel repair) of fibrin within the body is needed. I'm not able to find the paper right now, but in it, the authors provided the most effective dosages for these enzymes and they also provided that timing plays a key factor in how effectively they work. The timing issue is that they should always be taken on an empty stomach so their work isn't wasted on digesting food instead of fibrin and regulating blood clotting mechanisms.

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pinto beans wih cumin and of course some salt and pepper are the bomb, so good

soak em for 4 hours first...better result...

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A combination of Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, and digestive enzymes (plus the Zelenko protocol) is my preferred approach.

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And if someone does get the Big C, then try fenbendazole. There's a guy on Substack who writes about it, with lots of case studies.

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I have a stash of fenbendazole, just in case. Dr. Seyfried has done some great research, as well. Is this the substack to which you referred? https://open.substack.com/pub/fenbendazole/p/how-to-be-someones-hero

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Yup, that's the one.

The good news is (for now) fenben is cheap.

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come on man - let's not try to help these MORE-ONS... we are trying to cure stupidity... let them inject more boosters and believe their injuries are Long Covid induced

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Don't worry about them - after some threshold, there is no turning back, no matter what the evidence: https://x.com/retrorefurb1/status/1708178082564096493

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If you approach and listen carefully - you can hear the Vaxxers ticking...

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This ticking will be featured in my next post, stay tuned.

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Dr. Kevin McCairn has been on top of the prionogenic and amyloidogenic epitopes present in the spike bioweapon delivery systems. I fear his hypothesis that the weapons are designed to disable and kill slowly over a long time frame could well be true. One acquaintance died of "sudden CJD" after the injections, while countless others I know appear to have suffered subtle to severe cognitive impairment.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

1000 likies

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Yup, I always noticed when articles omitted someone's vaccination status, meaning they were definitely multi-jabbed. 💉💉💉💉

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The NZ prime minister has stopped his electioneering for the 14 October elections because he has the Covid.

How do they have the effrontery to say this while pushing the safe and effective boosters.

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They are way past "limits the spread". Now it's all about reducing severity.

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Hilarious... the MOREONS will be even MORE fearful of Covid...

But hey -- apparently Pfizer acknowledges the Vax doesn't stop you from getting covid - they never even tested for it --- oh right -- but it stops the side effects ... even though there is no proof of that

They say that the spike in Covid is doing the damage ... but then they tell everyone to inject their Rat Juice that creates epic amounts of spike for all eternity ... or maybe just a few years... makes complete sense to inject more of the shit that is causing the covid side effects eh.... if one is mentally ill + stupid.

The same idiots (who btw deserve to be injured cuz they are stupid)... also believe this is crawling around the moon right now... Duh on steroids


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Nearly as believable as when the US MoonsCaper shot showed our flag waving in the breeze up there....

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One of the early findings in the astra zeneca trial was two cases of transverse myelitis in the vaccine group. My wife has MS and this predisposes her to transverse myelitis. The astra zeneca trial purposely excluded people with pre existing conditions like MS and they only found this poor woman due to her MS being undiagnosed. So that was enough for me to say yeah, nah.

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Sheer insanity. RIP to those killed and maimed by their stupid genocidal governments.

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My new phrase, thanks. "jabbination status".

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They can eat my shorts.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

"Ex-perts" as in... formerly attractively, lively or cheeky young women? I'm just going with the Oxford here!

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Not unless R. Walensky and D. Birx are your type of Ex-pert

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Is there any evidence that they were ever perts?! If not, they cannot be a pair of Ex-perts...

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Well, from the EVIDENCE that's come to light since this pair got their first 15 minutes of infamy they were proven to definitely not be EXPERTS (without the hyphen) either. So there's that.... which ought to tell us something right there.....!! 🤡🤡

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Clueless and brainless

"baffled" and bewildered.......

Such is the sad state

of the Stabination Pushers

wanting to tell the rest of us

what to do......

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