When will these people start demanding answers!! It’s like everyone who gets sick is being paid off to keep it quiet!! How powerful are these people!! The evil is overwhelming

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It's like with a proverbial Holland dike - a smallest leak may cause its eventual collapse. Keep praying for one and it will come.

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The thing is ... the deed is done... even if many of the Vaxxers realized they've been poisoned... what could they do?

I stood in the middle of hundreds of thousands of violent protestors in Hong Kong many times over a 10 week period.

The government then decided enough was enough -- and immediately arrested protestors under the new security law. They didn't even have to unsheathe the fangs and the protests stopped.

It's kinda like the JFK thing ... most people know the US govt was behind that... but what can you do?

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We all know one false move or statement in Hollywood - ends your career! Now people are saying the music industry is even worse!

That being said someone kindly explain to me what's at stake for Lebron James? The man has everything fame and fortune and nothing can destroy or take that away! How can he of all people remain silent and continue to allow this to happen to other people? If his son died would it be different? It is truly unfathomable the level of narcissism that these people won't speak out!

Our only hope is, come next year - every single one of these celebrities come out in full support of Bobby Kennedy!

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almost everything everyone "knows" in the usa is a lie.. one more won't change anything..

"..1938 ..Henry Ford ..highest medal Nazi Germany ..Mooney ..General Motors ..Merit Cross..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford

"..1939, 20,000 Americans rallied in New York's Madison Square Garden to celebrate the rise of Nazism ..entirely from archival footage..": https://anightatthegarden.com/

"..American Colonization Society ..resettling American-born blacks in Africa ..included ..Abraham Lincoln..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back-to-Africa_movement

"..colonize the slaves abroad ..Liberia ..Ile à Vache..": https://psmag.com/news/remember-that-time-abraham-lincoln-tried-to-get-the-slaves-to-leave-america-55802

"..The US Constitution used to start with the phrase ‘This Confederacy of States’ ..collective effort was named after the first lines in the US Constitution..": https://thesanghakommune.org/2023/03/14/the-south-shell-rise-again-14-3-2023/

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Jul 26, 2023
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will read.

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WMC RESEARCH (Walter Chestnut is a Godsend for humanity!!!! He is a MUST follow for sure!!!

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not easy to figure out.

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No, I didn't. Thanks for the pointers!

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Well, let's see.

Geneva Score to estimate likelihood of pulmonary embolism: "Age >65 years" is a risk.

Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria (PERC): "Age <50 years" as one rule-out factor.

Wells Score to estimate likelihood of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis in leg: "Immobilization" (bedridden) as a risk factor.

Sounds about like young athletes.

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What are the odds of both together?

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The main danger of deep vein thrombosis in the leg is that the clots dislodge and travel up to the lung, so both together is pretty classic.

(Not for young athletes though.)

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But it that case (legs to lungs) your pretty much dead on impact. This guy had micro-clots instead?

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Huh. Sounds like his system was in a pro-coagulatory state and / or vascular inflammation (via Spike or Spike-triggered autoantibodies for instance) triggering the clotting.

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Just saw this article, explains a lot: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-is-causing-the-died-suddenly

This guy maybe the Zeta potential case.

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They're not normal in athletes. I find it hard to believe at this point people are swallowing this nonsense.

I was what you call a sports junkie. I played or dabbled in several sports. Followed many of them intensely. For example, I've been a cyclist for over 35 years and have been following that sport for about the same time. I NEVER heard of cyclists retiring or dying suddenly until the rollout of the winkccine. I find it unconscionable and unforgivable how the experts refuse, to the point I think they're sociopaths, to consider the role of vaccines in this disaster.

I was listening to a sports cardiologist skate like Brian Boitano around explaining Lebron James' son's heart attack. It was a showcase in medical-speak rubbish. They're trying to normalize this and people need to not buy it and demand answers.

It's not good enough to say 'we don't know but we know it's not the vaccine'. Pre-2020 people were willing to ignore such a stupid claim. But not anymore.

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I sure hope so. TPTB are determined to stop that first domino from falling. Jamie Foxx and Lebron especially would really make a difference.

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Now that Bronny has had this serious heart issue, his value in the NBA just plummeted. He probably would've gone mid first round making 10-20mil/yr, but who is seriously going to risk that much on a return of that kind of health issue?

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I hope you're right about the wall of silence crashing down, but the sheep appear to have superpowers and are able to ignore the absolutely bleeding obvious.

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the not-so-new-normal..

"..When the smallpox vaccine created in 1796, it was met with widespread skepticism ..no supporting data ..simply didn’t work ..erysipelas, an agonizing and sometimes fatal skin infection, was commonly observed in vaccinated individuals ..vaccination tended to increase rather than decrease the occurrence of smallpox ..governments around the world rapidly adopted it ..medical profession ..got behind it because of both the political power and money they received from the vaccinations..": https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-can-the-smallpox-vaccine-disaster

"..pesticide was sprayed in the US ..coincided with the first "polio" epidemics ..1916 New York City polio epidemic that killed over two thousand people ..caused by a virulent strain of poliovirus that was engineered at the Rockefeller Laboratories ..“accidentally” released into the public..": https://twitter.com/vgclements1/status/1605691559717937152

"..polio vaccines were contaminated with at least one monkey virus, SV40 ..hypothesize that the AIDS pandemic may have originated with a contaminated polio vaccine that was administered to inhabitants of Equatorial Africa from 1957 to 1959..": https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7935079/

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its almost like a modern day Monty Python sketch.

"Tis but a flesh wound".

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I'm thinking that those responsible for this and their media minions are scouring the planet for some other scapegoat that they can say "whew! see, you conspiracy theorists, we were right all along, it's NOT the vaccine".

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Climate Change is one of them. See how it's obligatorily capitalized? Like an object of belief.

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Yeah what are disseminated blood clots?

I think the new anticoagulants are part of this. They came out with new drugs like Pradaxa & Eliquis prior to the clot shots. I have loved ones that had DVT's in their 20's many years ago & they both take warfarin for life because of genetic blood disorders. An ER doc advised one of them to never take the newer anticoagulant drugs because they cannot stop a life threatening bleed like they can with warfarin.

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There is a countermeasure for Elequis. The biggest drawback with Elequis is that it's fairly expensive.

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Blood clots in the legs and lungs are a major risk for professional athletes because they are overly fit.

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Hi Eddy, check out what I have appended to my post - interesting developments, just as you predicting.

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The Vaxxers will ignore this... and think it's nothing unusual... cuz cnnbbc only mention it in passing and make no connection to the Rat Juice.

Isn't it amazing how completely controlled the MORE-ONS are by cnnbbc... almost all of them go through their entire lives without an original thought or question a single thing that they see on 'the news'...

If it's on 'the news' ... it must be true.

If it's not on 'the news' then it's a conspiracy theory ... and a lie. Cuz 'the news' told them so.

Don't you find most humans to be kinda disgusting? Even the smart ones are stupid

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You can add the Swiss SRF and Canadian CBC to the list: CNNBBCSRFCBC?

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Useless eaters then?

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If only we could cull all the Vaxxers and reduce the population to 2 billion or so... without starving... that would be awesome

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I looks like they are doing it to themselves now. Even Afghanistan (Afghanistan!) started jabbing in earnest the last few months.

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Excellent - and they are finally getting to destroying the immune systems of Africans

Africa’s largest-ever immunization drive is well underway, with COVID-19 vaccines being administered in almost all African countries. https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccines

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