It wasn’t hard to see this coming. AI is going to turn the internet into gibberish (I would be inclined to say Facebook and Xwitter have already done that, but this will make it even worse).

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A'I'... is nothing more than a plagiarism machine... there is not a single original thought involved...

Yet the same idiots who injected the Rat Juice... believe A'I' is actually intelligent.

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The AI worshippers are also officially members of the 3 Neuron Club. Consequences of using the Rat Juice as a sacrament. Wipes out brain cells thereby necessitating AI

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I do like this Rat Juice stuff... and particularly the masks... the masks are awesome.

When I see someone wearing a mask that allows me to immediately pass judgment on their intellectual abilities --- MORON.

The injection thing is a bit more sensitive... but I can usually suss out of someone has Shot the Juice.. and again - I immediately know I am dealing with Stupid.


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Takes out a certain amount of the guesswork for sure

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I used to give some people the benefit of the doubt ... maybe just maybe I am not dealing with a circus/barnyard animal... but then I just gave up ... the odds of meeting someone in real life who is not in those two categories are worse than winning the lottery...

Now I just assume everyone I encounter is a barnyard/circus animal... the only chance of finding true intelligence... is online ... or befriending a dog

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That works both ways, Eddy. If you try to befriend a border collie, it will scorn you as a total moron - it is an alien form of intelligence locked in a dog body.

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Jun 30Liked by Andreas Oehler

100% agree... I once asked my whippet -- why do you not drive a car ... you must be dumb.... I know he was thinking... why can't you run 45km per hour and catch a rabbit if you are so f789ing smart... why would I want to drive a car?

He tolerates my stupidity because I give him treats

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100%, Fast Eddy! 👍

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Amazon is a mess. I am no longer using it for orders, either. 2 weeks ago I ordered a book from Moshe Menuhin, and they sent me a Spnaish book with the same (translated) title from another author. Checked the page and both books both in English and spanish are listed on the same page. Needless to say I sent it back and cancelled the order. I will order it somewhere else. And now they are going AI? this is probably another AI mistake !

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Notice how most major corporations e.g. airlines.. have chat bots... that's AI... and they are beyond useless... they can solve NOTHING. Have you ever not had to insist on a real person to handle an issue? I always tell the real person that they need to get rid of the chat bot because it is making for a profoundly negative experience...

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

thankfully this time I only had to fill out a return form. If I need help I use the live chat option. Only had to do it twice, both times with good results. On the phone I let everything go to the answering machine, chat bots hook in rightaway as it comes on. This makes for 3 or 4 calls that are real every week. Answering machine is a blessing. As for the endless tapes you got to listen to before finally getting through, I try to hit the zero a few times. Does not always work tho.

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The coup de grace ...finishing off anyone who survives the Bossche Mutation...

What nuclear annihilation could look like

“The survivors would envy the dead.”


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Seriously, who wants this? Why are we running all ahead full towards AI?

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LLM Output will Poison Future LLM Input:

> https://bra.in/2vArra

Perplexity is a perfect example.

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The Reform activist filmed by Channel 4 using a racial slur about Rishi Sunak while campaigning in Clacton has turned out to be an actor who is well-spoken but specialises in ‘rough voices’ – though the activist and Channel 4 have denied that he was a plant. Isabel Oakeshott broke the story on TalkTV this morning.

She said: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/28/racist-reform-activist-filmed-by-channel-4-is-an-actor/

Everything... is fake


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Everyone jumping on the bandwagon of the month which happens to be AI; A real loser but those self idolizers that genuflect before the latest self promoted idiocy can't see that because they have seriously lost touch with reality. They and everybody else will have to learn the hard way.

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