With the saviour Covid vaccines gaining wide acceptance and with regular boosting becoming a routine for many in Canada, the country is on the right track, as far as the depopulation cabal is concerned. We’ll see how many Canadians will opt for another Covid booster, and other saviour jabs, in the fall of 2023. In the meantime, “Life expectancy for Canadians fell in 2022 for third year in a row, says StatCan” (CP24, 2023.11.27)
A new report from Statistics Canada says life expectancy for the average Canadian at birth has fallen for three straight years, from 82.3 years in 2019 to 81.3 in 2022.
The report on deaths shows New Brunswick saw the biggest decline in life expectancy in 2022, dropping to 79.8 years from 80.9 in 2021. Saskatchewan's life expectancy has fallen the most over the past three years combined, dropping a full two years to 78.5 in 2022 from 80.5 in 2019.
Cancer and heart disease were the leading causes of death, accounting for 41.8 per cent of all deaths in 2022, while COVID-19 caused about six per cent of deaths.
More than 19,700 Canadians died of COVID-19 last year [2022], the highest number since the pandemic began in 2020.
The report shows the rate of COVID-19 deaths in Atlantic Canada was more than seven times higher last year [2022] compared with the year before [2021].
The report itself is so interesting, it deserves a closer look:
Key take-ways from this table:
A. Covid deaths keep inexplicably climbing into 2022 despite total Canadian jabbination and boosting with super safe and exceedingly effective jabs.
B. The all cause deaths are climbing way faster than Covid jabs, like 2.5 to 1, in 2021 and 2022.
C. Malignant neoplasms and dieses of heart deaths show steady increases, but what is going on with “Other ill-defined and unspecified causes”? Exploding from 3,378 in 2019 to 16,043 in 2022? Does it cover SADS (heart mainly), or is it to hide something?
D. Why did influenza and pneumonia deaths bottom out in Covid times? Maybe because most flu deaths are now counted as Covid deaths?
Key take-ways from this table:
A. In the under 25, the Covid deaths didn’t play any role through 2020-2022, with same mortality as before 2020. So, there was no benefit in forcing jabbination on this age bracket.
B. In the 25+, mortality in 2020 made a step up, but massive jabbination and boosting didn’t restore the pre-2020 mortality levels. Maybe the jabbination is keeping the mortality elevated?
C. In 60+, mortality in 2022 is higher than in 2021, or in 2020 (!), across the board, and that is despite any pull-forward effect resulting from the die-off of the most vulnerable in 2020. We can see that full-forward reduction in mortality in 80+ briefly in 2021 post the 2020 die-off. But in 2022, their mortality is even worse than in 2020. So not only jabbination didn’t help, it makes things worse for the 60+, an the older you are and the more jabs are forced unto you, the worse off you are.
Lastly, the report says:
COVID-19 deaths increase sevenfold in Atlantic Canada
In 2022, the rate of COVID-19 deaths increased across all Canadian regions, except the Prairies (i.e., Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta).
The largest increase was in Atlantic Canada, where the rate of COVID-19 deaths in 2022 (59.5 deaths per 100,000 population) was more than seven times higher than in 2021 (8.3 deaths). In 2022, the rate of COVID-19 deaths increased by 38.3% to 54.5 deaths in Central Canada (i.e., Quebec and Ontario) and by 29.6% to 41.6 deaths in Western Canada (i.e., British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut).
Wasn’t the mass jabbination in 2021, especially in Atlantic provinces
supposed to prevent any Covid death increases going forward, i.e. from 2021 to 2022? As it turns out, no herd immunity has been bestowed by the Jab, none!
So, what should we expect from StatCan in 2023 in terms of excess mortality and morbidity? Canadian mortality data are being delayed more and more, since the start of 2022, now lagging for more than half a year. But we can have a look at other high-jabbination countries for clues:
We see the excess mortality lines (regardless of Covid or no Covid) pick up, for the most part, in the second half of 2023. If and when Canada finally publishes its 2023 mortality stats, we should expect some pick-up in mortality again. Will it be a moderate one, like in the US, Portugal and Germany, or through the roof, like in Japan and Australia?
Another clue is given by this news, “the rate of COVID-19 infection in Ontario as measured by wastewater data is now at its highest point in more than a year.” (CP24, 2023.11.27). So, December may become a dealbreaker for 2023.
Lucky you!
I’ve tried for four years to get proper stats from this Service. They seem to hide the data under false titles preventing simple researches as “Mortality 2021”…
The Source link for the first figure is not referring to Stat. Canada…
The other figures have no sources…
Thanks for sharing these valuable informations!
The covid-1984 op seems much more successful than gripe española. That desiccated git Rockefeller is doubtless smiling in his grave. I do not know why I keep being reminded of the Yawning Heights by Zinoviev every now and then. Must be the title, not the contents.