I’ve tried for four years to get proper stats from this Service. They seem to hide the data under false titles preventing simple researches as “Mortality 2021”…
The Source link for the first figure is not referring to Stat. Canada…
The covid-1984 op seems much more successful than gripe española. That desiccated git Rockefeller is doubtless smiling in his grave. I do not know why I keep being reminded of the Yawning Heights by Zinoviev every now and then. Must be the title, not the contents.
Lucky you!
I’ve tried for four years to get proper stats from this Service. They seem to hide the data under false titles preventing simple researches as “Mortality 2021”…
The Source link for the first figure is not referring to Stat. Canada…
The other figures have no sources…
Thanks for sharing these valuable informations!
here are all report tables: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/231127/dq231127b-cansim-eng.htm
The covid-1984 op seems much more successful than gripe española. That desiccated git Rockefeller is doubtless smiling in his grave. I do not know why I keep being reminded of the Yawning Heights by Zinoviev every now and then. Must be the title, not the contents.
Exceedingly sickening. A regular normie needs an introduction by way of Eustace Mullins, Murder by Injection.
Philip Buckhaults explained on x how to do assay tests. Do we have any Canadian molecular biologists doing the research on this?
Kevin McKernan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-mckernan-67a1509/
Malignant neoplasm = fancy words for cancer?
Two and a half words, actually.
Mmmm so pedantic. 👍
Well, why go the whole hog right from the start when there is carcinoids to ease you in?