Oct 6, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

A doctor in USA claims that many jabbed patients admitted with covid were recorded as 'status unknown' which defaults to unjabbed.

This falsifies the statistics to make it looked like more unjabbed get sick.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

They were making these claims in my local newspaper as well and I posted a link in another substack asking for help to dispute but there were no takers.

I am not a mathematician but I know that there is no way those stats are correct.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

I totally agree. I just can't give up on trying to convince my loved ones that they have been lied to as their lives and fertility are at stake. So far, none of the real-life "evidence" all around them on a daily basis has caused them to even slightly start to question the narrative but I have to keep trying.

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Thanks for breaking this nonsense down! 👍🏽

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So the delta between 1 dose and 2 dose is roughly 3.33%... or put another way, 3.9% of people who got the first dose didn't get the second. This might be a good proxy estimate of the severe adverse event rate since the way this was being pushed, if you bought into the game you were getting 2 doses minimum. Are there many people who only got 1 without some sort of bad outcome to deter them from the second? There might be some natural deaths sprinkled in there as well.

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They still include “within 14 days of jab” in the unvaxxed group in this “study”? Or are these really unvaxxed? Ontario never clearly reported the data (while they were reporting).

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So I'm assuming that the numbers up to Jul 31, 2022 include the data from the beginning of the vax program in Canada which I think was Dec 2020? Even in May of 2021 most of my elderly friends (70+), who did not live in a care home, had not received their first shot, and then, because there was still a shortage of vaccine, they could not get their second shot for 8 weeks. So the whole winter of 2021, and well into the summer, the majority of people were not vaccinated, but would be counted in these statistics. Great analysis of the month of August 2022 - so sad that Canadians are being so misled.

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I believe whatever Justin fascist says, oh sure. Didn't he say you ain't considered to be vexed until weeks after injection?


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Don’t forget that the % of population not jabbed in probably under-reported to make it look like a small fringe group. It’s more likely 20+%, which makes the jabs look worse.

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Just another small violation of the Nurnberger Kodex.

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