CNN's Kent Sepkowitz Won't Sleep Until We Are All Gone
Because we won't submit ourselves on the altar of $scince.
MD Kent Sepkowitz’s sentiment about you and me is as follows (“Opinion: Why I’m not reassured by our victory over Covid-19”, CNN, 2023.05.08):
The loose collection of anti-vaxxers, anti-pharma, anti-science, pro-conspiracists has hardened into a movement. …at the next public health crisis we will need to deal not only with a pathogen but also with a well-organized, non-reality-based community that seems tireless in its pursuit of alternative facts. Though the majority of people in the US are vaccinated, seem to believe in science and simply want to go about their business, the noisy minority will likely make the Trump-organized Operation Warp Speed response to the Covid-19 pandemic seem like a once-in-a-lifetime moment of amity, a peaceful agreement across all ideologies and political stripes.
The dude makes it clear whom he considers an enemy, doesn’t he? And for what? For having the gall to not roll up the sleeve and receive the mercy shot, unlike all the good citizens that kissed goodbye their bodily autonomy, just because they “believe in science and simply want to go about their business”.
See the Freudian slip of tongue here? So, is it the “science”, or just the desire “to go about their business”? And this is how even the likes of Sepkowitz were able to go about their business after getting the shots, after heeding Sepkowitz’s expert advice:
Be as it may, Sepkowitz won’t be able to sleep at night pondering what to do with us before the next round of the depop campaign, of which he’s 100% certain:
…another coronavirus or RSV or influenza or a less famous infection that goes rogue —is not what keeps us infectious disease specialists up at night. …at the next public health crisis …that is a situation that should keep a lot of us up at night.
The situation being the mere existence of anyone sane enough to question the marching orders from the WHO, CDC, FDA…
As for the “alternative facts”. The “infection” didn’t “go rogue” without a lot of help:
Dr. David E Martin in the European Parliament (International COVID Summit III), 23.05.03:
And the release of the “rogue infection” has been planned for many decades prior, since at least 1969:
Of course, Sepkowitz, or CNN, doesn’t want to know anything about it. All they want is that, come the next round, there won’t be any opposition left when the next mass Asch conformity exercise is about to unfold.
Consider the last three years a dry run…
Hey, those alternative facts are what’s keeping me alive.
"....non-reality based community..." from whatever rose colored dimension he's in, we likely look like something other than "his" reality. These people are living proof in the existence of conspiracies when they could not be more opposite to the truth if they tried.