"....non-reality based community..." from whatever rose colored dimension he's in, we likely look like something other than "his" reality. These people are living proof in the existence of conspiracies when they could not be more opposite to the truth if they tried.
I am a goddamn medical miracle! Not a single jab and healthy as an ox. Maybe Kent needs to study me and my superpowers? Everyone told me I'd be very sick and probably die but nope - nothing. Here's an idea - it was all bullshit and the jab is only a way to make money, keep people sick and/or cull them?
Yep. Thanks for the link. Heard of it but without having ever having read the doc...I assume the summary is as follows. Luciferians...black nobility...cabals..central bankers...etc etc. Fundamentally until we understand and are willing to resist the Evil at the root of this, it will repeat itself. “For we wrestle not...”
Wishful thinking! If they succeed with the 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty we're done: it includes supra-national censorship, trade bans, travel bans, instant haccines, and carbon digi-currencies.:
They are so invested into their plan, there is no way they will step back. It's coming, there is nothing we can do to stop them from stepping into this void. But I want to see the fallouts. If the fallout from the jabbination (that they decided to frontload) coincides (more or less) with the introduction of their other plans for us, let the substance hit the fan.
One of my colleagues at work with eye problems is only 23. I know 10 with eye issues all after vaccine but before that only my aunt 86 who had cataract surgery and she is one of those with new eye problems
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41541-023-00661-7 : “The risk of retinal vascular occlusion increased significantly after the first and second doses of BNT162b2 [Pfizer-BioNTech] or mRNA-1273 [Moderna] in a two-year period,” the study found.
For all Covid vaccines, a 2.19-fold increased risk of retinal vascular occlusion was observed.
This guy, and so many others, has RIDS - Rigid Ideology Derangement Syndrome. Off with the heads of any dissenters.
Odessa Orlewicz was sent a recording of someone calling in to the Liberal Party phone line and the guy said yes, a vax mandate is part of the platform but hasn’t been approved yet.
I would like this guy to explain exactly what's so great about the vaccine that we should disparage anybody who doesn't agree that it should be mandated. Let him skewer himself on the altar of Big Pharma.
Of course, today's paid-off presstitutes will never make him do that.
"Should EVERYBODY get jabbed? If not, who shouldn't? The UK estimates you have to jab 700,000 young people to prevent one serious covid hospitalization. Are the subsequent 7,000 myocarditis cases worth it?"
I've never understood how the exact same people who talk about getting knocked on their ass with a jab think there's no possible way that there could be adverse reactions from the jab........
Accordingly, global prosperity per capita peaked in 2019, and preliminary data indicates that world aggregate prosperity may have peaked in 2022.
‘Affordability compression’ and the leverage of necessities
Any person or family whose economic resources start to decrease faces two main challenges. First, he or she has to devote an ever larger proportion of diminishing income to necessities, spending progressively less on discretionary (non-essential) purchases. Second, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up the payments on debts and other financial commitments taken on in earlier, more affluent times.
The equivalents of both processes are occurring at the macroeconomic level, but each has a twist. First, a family experiencing a fall in income doesn’t tend to encounter a simultaneous rise in the cost of essentials, but this is happening now in the economy, because so many necessities are energy-intensive. The second twist is that, whilst individuals and households can’t conjure new money out of the ether, those managing the economy itself can do this (though they can’t, of course, create economic value by creating money).
The portmanteau term used here to describe this process is affordability compression. At its most basic, this is very simple to unpack:
Prosperity is deteriorating because ECoEs are rising.
The costs of necessities are rising because so many of them are energy-intensive.
The economy is experiencing relentless downwards pressure on its ability to afford discretionary products and services.
Prior financial commitments are proving ever harder to honour.
His response almost seems desperate - like there's a downside we know nothing about unless some quota is obtained. And the quota isn't being reached. It makes me think there is a spiritual element to what we have experienced.
so much better doctors like Prasad, Makary and Battacharya who see what's going on and are shocked and dismayed by it. those who are willing to criticize the profession they once respected
We better all be gone soon .. cuz there is no way out of this:
Pushing on a string....
Core CPI Stuck at 5.5%-5.7% Range for Fifth Month, Now Higher than Overall CPI, as Used Car Prices Suddenly Spike Again
Inflation Whac A Mole. Housing Inflation may be peaking at 8%+, but rents re-accelerated.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for April, released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was marked by a very unwelcome reversal in durable goods prices which suddenly jumped again month-to-month. This was driven by a spike in used vehicle prices. A month ago, we explained why this spike would happen, based on underlying dynamics in prior months and called it a “turning point” in used vehicle prices. Today, it looks like a U-turn.
Services inflation remains red hot, but was somewhat moderated by a sharp drop in airline fares, rental cars, and by the infamous and huge adjustment of the health insurance CPI that started in September 2022 and will continue to wreak havoc with services CPI through September 2023.
Inflation, once it reaches this level, is a game of Whac A Mole. As you hammer one category down, another one re-pops up.
Have faith, Eddy! Inflation is a way out of the debt prison - the debts get decimated, the over-indebted go belly up. What's left is a new clean slate for those that made it over to the other shore. Plus, no more pesty retirees drawing on the pension funds, come 2026. The New Deal! Plus a few healthy wars, and a lot of real estate to split after Mother Russia kisses dust. We are entering a brave new world. And 'Mercans have not been disarmed yet. I know it looks down for the antipodes that were left without the forks and stake knives, for their own safety - spoons usually don't stab (unless you know a trick or two).
I know the reason- farting mammoths chewing up the tundra raised green house gases to an unsustainable level, causing all that hot climate. Which killed mammoths (overheating), which resulted in the subsequent temp drop, globally. Until little monkeys figured out how to burn coal and oil and gas, and caused the Climate Change (must be Capitalized out of respect).
Since 2008 they have been throwing trillions at the problem ... and that was dramatically accelerated during Covid (one of the reasons for the CovCON was to provide cover for the avalanche of $$$ as we were facing the total collapse of the financial system in 2019)
That - as expected - has resulted in out of control inflation ... the Central Banks have tried to tame this by raising interest rates.
That has failed (the numbers are far worse than is being reported - one only need look at their bills)
The CBs cannot drop rates and flood the world with more money - that would trigger hyperinflation.
And higher rates is not taming inflation.
They will stay with the higher rates and bail out every single bank or TBTF entity on the planet -- for as long as possible
But ultimately they must fail.
Collapse is guaranteed - and imminent.
Collapse = 8B angry hungry predators on the streets - in the dark... they will literally tear each other to pieces.
Fortunately this will not be allowed. We are being exterminated before the collapse
One would think that watching that might convince these Global Warming Groopies to wake up .. but it will not wake them up any more than showing facts and logic to a CovIDIOT will wake them up.
Funny thing ... at one point I believed we were causing catastrophic global warming. I even travelled to Baffin Island to buy beach front land in anticipation of tropical weather (sarc.. although I have been to Baffin Island).
But then all the predictions kept not coming true ... so I began digging .. and realized it was all bullshit.
My take is this -- climate change is a proxy for fossil fuels... they cannot say - we are running out of affordable energy cuz that would frighten the MOREONS... just like they never admit to fighting wars over oil... that creates the perception that it must be scarce...
So climate change (which used to be global warming except the climate was in many places cooling so the PR Team fixed it)... is useful in that it vilifies fossil fuels -- those dirty old things! - we'll soon be ditching them ...
Brilliant! The MOREONS are convinced we don't need them... that we are transitioning (even though China builds a new coal plant every couple of weeks...) - and they celebrate as fossil fuel use flatlines - then declines -- not because of any transition but because of affordability issues which lead to raging inflation (which we are experiencing now) which kills prosperity which ultimately causes us to use less energy...
The true genius of the PR Team is telling the MOREONS to think that solar and wind and EVs will save the day!
Try this out on a MOREON.
Do you think oil supply is infinite?
Are you concerned about running out?
Why not - it's finite.
Cuz we will all be driving EVs in 10 years and transitioned to renewable energy long before we run out.
Then if you show them this (I have a lot more of this ...) they get angry and tell you to f789 off and not be so negative:
Renewable energy 'simply won't work': Top Google engineers
Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that whatever the future holds, it is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible.
Both men are Stanford PhDs, Ross Koningstein having trained in aerospace engineering and David Fork in applied physics. These aren't guys who fiddle about with websites or data analytics or "technology" of that sort: they are real engineers who understand difficult maths and physics, and top-bracket even among that distinguished company.
Even if one were to electrify all of transport, industry, heating and so on, so much renewable generation and balancing/storage equipment would be needed to power it that astronomical new requirements for steel, concrete, copper, glass, carbon fibre, neodymium, shipping and haulage etc etc would appear.
All these things are made using mammoth amounts of energy: far from achieving massive energy savings, which most plans for a renewables future rely on implicitly, we would wind up needing far more energy, which would mean even more vast renewables farms – and even more materials and energy to make and maintain them and so on. The scale of the building would be like nothing ever attempted by the human race.
In reality, well before any such stage was reached, energy would become horrifyingly expensive – which means that everything would become horrifyingly expensive (even the present well-under-one-per-cent renewables level in the UK has pushed up utility bills very considerably).
The $2.5 trillion reason we can’t rely on batteries to store energy
Fluctuating solar and wind power require lots of energy storage, and lithium-ion batteries seem like the obvious choice—but they are far too expensive to play a major role.
Why Germany’s nuclear phaseout is leading to more coal burning
Between 2011 and 2015 Germany will open 10.7 GW of new coal fired power stations. This is more new coal coal capacity than was constructed in the entire two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The expected annual electricity production of these power stations will far exceed that of existing solar panels and will be approximately the same as that of Germany’s existing solar panels and wind turbines combined. Solar panels and wind turbines however have expected life spans of no more than 25 years. Coal power plants typically last 50 years or longer. At best you could call the recent developments in Germany’s electricity sector contradictory. https://carboncounter.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/why-germanys-nuclear-phaseout-is-leading-to-more-coal-burning/
Germany Runs Up Against the Limits of Renewables
Even as Germany adds lots of wind and solar power to the electric grid, the country’s carbon emissions are rising. Will the rest of the world learn from its lesson? After years of declines, Germany’s carbon emissions rose slightly in 2015, largely because the country produces much more electricity than it needs. That’s happening because even if there are times when renewables can supply nearly all of the electricity on the grid, the variability of those sources forces Germany to keep other power plants running. And in Germany, which is phasing out its nuclear plants, those other plants primarily burn dirty coal. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601514/germany-runs-up-against-the-limits-of-renewables/
The purpose of foisting this heap of shit upon 8B MOREONS --- is to ensure that they remain hopeful of the future... if they were told The Truth ... imagine the impact of that...
A human without hope in the future... does not invest... does not study... falls into despair... likely gets hooked on Fentanyl. Society collapses.
Another example of how the MOREONS do not want The Truth. They cannot handle it.
This is why we have a Ministry of Truth >>> PR Team >>> CNNBBC. All are necessary.
Cuz the vast majority of humans are Total MOREONS. No brighter than a yeast cell...
You give yeast some sugar and they do the same thing as offering a human an all you can eat buffet at every meal... they gorge...
Have I mentioned my theory on 'intelligence' -- humans believe that our species is the only intelligent one.. that we are superior to all others.
Let's examine that.
We used this great intelligence to harness fire... which allowed us to cook previously inedible foods... which apparently lead to the development of bigger brains and even more intelligence https://www.audible.com/pd/Catching-Fire-Audiobook/B003ZTCURO
This allowed us to increase our population as we pushed back against carrying capacity of the land... and then we worked out how to farm...
When we started to run into the Malthusian nightmare -- this villain/innovator came on the scene and allowed us to feed billions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haber_process
The thing is ... his process relied on finite inputs to grow all this food - which not fall back plan for when the inputs run out.
So now we have 8B rapacious apes watching Reality TV - addicted to phones... munching on 3 for 1 pizza and sucking on super sized cola...
And we call ourselves 'intelligent'
Extinction beckons... it's so close now I can smell the grim reaper... he stinks of stale piss and rotten flesh...
Innovation... to what purpose? So we drive cars and fly in airplanes... to what purpose?
When I ask my dogs - why can't you drive the car - are you stupid -- they think why would we want to do that? We are happy chasing rabbits and we are stress free running around in the paddock... taking naps ... and enjoying life...
What are the odds of being alive to experience extinction. It's particularly exciting knowing the reasons why and the mechanisms... knowledge is bliss.
To pass the remaining time... it's fun to toss pearls to the swine then watch them respond by shooting up another Rat Juice booster.
But the best moment will be when the Binary Poison Phase Two is dropped .. and the MOREONS will lose their minds as they drop by the billion... that moment of panic as they realize they are f789ed (not knowing they are responsible for the f789ing) will be priceless.
I don't have a TV but I might get cable so I can watch the 24/7 coverage of the Great Die Off... or I'll just watch clips posted on Telegram hahaha.
The Apocalypse is pending ... and the MOREONS think the Covid thing is done and dusted.
It's kinda like having cancer -- it goes into remission ... then it comes back as Turbo Cancer (after the 4th booster)... the despair will be epic
I can't still wrap my mind around CBDC - that will be a world scale Gulag, no more capitalism, free enterprise, markets as such, nothing. Because what's the point? It will be a super-centralized system, which must be supplemented with super-large repression apparatus. Think People Democratic Republic of North America, Great Britain, EU, China, North Korea and The Rest. That's why they started with half-measures like mild depop of 60+ and collaterals. Which was a faux pas, IMHO. Put the buggy in front of the horse. Pushing strings, as you say.
Easier: we need a constitutional amendment forbidding government to get indebted. End of many problems!
US debt default is part of the plan: to create a huge global financial crash and impose a global digital currency issued by a global government and worse:
For that to happen, the whole current financial system must be scrapped and returned to pre US Civil war model not based on inflation (as a whip on the populace and governments). This will cancel senseless consumption and production of items with preprogrammed (shortest possible) life span.
You lost. If you continue you will get the "Austrian" solution to forced injection because that is all you have left. You used fraud, deceit, duress, containment and coercion to get people into a medical experiment. Yet here we are still uninjected. So what is your "final solution" to the unvaccinated problem?
Make sure you check your rear view mirror on the way home. It'd be a shame if somebody doxxed you. What you really should be afraid of is that you FAILED your masters and they may find you more valuable as a martyr than alive.
Hey, those alternative facts are what’s keeping me alive.
"....non-reality based community..." from whatever rose colored dimension he's in, we likely look like something other than "his" reality. These people are living proof in the existence of conspiracies when they could not be more opposite to the truth if they tried.
I am a goddamn medical miracle! Not a single jab and healthy as an ox. Maybe Kent needs to study me and my superpowers? Everyone told me I'd be very sick and probably die but nope - nothing. Here's an idea - it was all bullshit and the jab is only a way to make money, keep people sick and/or cull them?
The emphasis is on the latter.
With ACM still above the 5 year average and fertility below the 5 year average it is beginning to look like that.
Endless sickness is a great business model for a pharmaceutical company.
How to live in the vicinity of people who think like this?!?!?
Mark 5:9 "And Jesus asked him, 'What is your name?' He replied, 'My name is Legion, for we are many.'”
Point taken.? We always have...and truth wins eventually...hopefully we don’t have to live through generations of tyranny to figure this out again!!
Yep. Thanks for the link. Heard of it but without having ever having read the doc...I assume the summary is as follows. Luciferians...black nobility...cabals..central bankers...etc etc. Fundamentally until we understand and are willing to resist the Evil at the root of this, it will repeat itself. “For we wrestle not...”
It was all bullshit. NEVER EVER let people forget that, EVER.
More that most have any idea of, even today, even here.
I would say the latter as so many people have had side effects we know. Eye issues seem to be a big one
Yes, I've heard of some weird turbo eye cancers. S spikes, +LNP, +mRNA. They stopped pushing it on under-60s. But 60+ need to keep getting it still. They are hitting the breaks for now as it has been too obvious in the younger cohorts (Edward Dowd: https://principia-scientific.com/edward-dowd-cbdcs-financial-collapse-imminent-vaxx-deaths-explode/).
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
As Edward Dowd says, the pushback will be violent once the blue-pilled finally clue in on what was done on them. Then God help the perpetrators.
Wishful thinking! If they succeed with the 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty we're done: it includes supra-national censorship, trade bans, travel bans, instant haccines, and carbon digi-currencies.:
The full PLAN exposed:
Yes, as they say "embrace change!"
They are so invested into their plan, there is no way they will step back. It's coming, there is nothing we can do to stop them from stepping into this void. But I want to see the fallouts. If the fallout from the jabbination (that they decided to frontload) coincides (more or less) with the introduction of their other plans for us, let the substance hit the fan.
One of my colleagues at work with eye problems is only 23. I know 10 with eye issues all after vaccine but before that only my aunt 86 who had cataract surgery and she is one of those with new eye problems
https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/my-life-is-on-hold-young-tradie-blinded-after-moderna-vaccine-denied-compensation/news-story/ecefe023035617123c78aa4321e8fc9e : In his specialist report provided to Services Australia, Dr Davies said the vaccine was the most likely cause due to the “temporal association with vaccination”, noting that “macular neuroretinopathy is very rare until Covid vaccines” and “pathogenesis of localised small vessel occlusion and inflammation now understood from vaccines”.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41541-023-00661-7 : “The risk of retinal vascular occlusion increased significantly after the first and second doses of BNT162b2 [Pfizer-BioNTech] or mRNA-1273 [Moderna] in a two-year period,” the study found.
For all Covid vaccines, a 2.19-fold increased risk of retinal vascular occlusion was observed.
This guy, and so many others, has RIDS - Rigid Ideology Derangement Syndrome. Off with the heads of any dissenters.
Odessa Orlewicz was sent a recording of someone calling in to the Liberal Party phone line and the guy said yes, a vax mandate is part of the platform but hasn’t been approved yet.
I would like this guy to explain exactly what's so great about the vaccine that we should disparage anybody who doesn't agree that it should be mandated. Let him skewer himself on the altar of Big Pharma.
Of course, today's paid-off presstitutes will never make him do that.
I doubt he'll do it even if his feet are put to fire. Although I would like to see myself proven wrong when it comes to it.
Even super basic questions.
"Should EVERYBODY get jabbed? If not, who shouldn't? The UK estimates you have to jab 700,000 young people to prevent one serious covid hospitalization. Are the subsequent 7,000 myocarditis cases worth it?"
etc, etc
Edit: math error
Edit edit: spelling error in the edit.
As we now know, no one should be jabbed ever, for anything. Out of the abundance of caution. Even if there were any good jabs, they've killed it.
And the current ones are pure bioweapons, nothing to do with anyone's health or wellbeing: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/cp/120184973
By now, I can name a dozen off-the-pantry-shelf remedies far superior for coronaviruses than the Z-Jab.
I've never understood how the exact same people who talk about getting knocked on their ass with a jab think there's no possible way that there could be adverse reactions from the jab........
But there isn't any "adverse reaction" ever. There's only a "risk" of it (at least up to the very moment you actually receive the jab). Have faith!
Extremely rare.
Watt’s article is 💯 on 🎯!
Thank you for sharing the timeline. Here's more:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
Accordingly, global prosperity per capita peaked in 2019, and preliminary data indicates that world aggregate prosperity may have peaked in 2022.
‘Affordability compression’ and the leverage of necessities
Any person or family whose economic resources start to decrease faces two main challenges. First, he or she has to devote an ever larger proportion of diminishing income to necessities, spending progressively less on discretionary (non-essential) purchases. Second, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up the payments on debts and other financial commitments taken on in earlier, more affluent times.
The equivalents of both processes are occurring at the macroeconomic level, but each has a twist. First, a family experiencing a fall in income doesn’t tend to encounter a simultaneous rise in the cost of essentials, but this is happening now in the economy, because so many necessities are energy-intensive. The second twist is that, whilst individuals and households can’t conjure new money out of the ether, those managing the economy itself can do this (though they can’t, of course, create economic value by creating money).
The portmanteau term used here to describe this process is affordability compression. At its most basic, this is very simple to unpack:
Prosperity is deteriorating because ECoEs are rising.
The costs of necessities are rising because so many of them are energy-intensive.
The economy is experiencing relentless downwards pressure on its ability to afford discretionary products and services.
Prior financial commitments are proving ever harder to honour.
This is why we are being exterminated.
His response almost seems desperate - like there's a downside we know nothing about unless some quota is obtained. And the quota isn't being reached. It makes me think there is a spiritual element to what we have experienced.
so much better doctors like Prasad, Makary and Battacharya who see what's going on and are shocked and dismayed by it. those who are willing to criticize the profession they once respected
a dark man ... wouldnt to be my doctor ...
We better all be gone soon .. cuz there is no way out of this:
Pushing on a string....
Core CPI Stuck at 5.5%-5.7% Range for Fifth Month, Now Higher than Overall CPI, as Used Car Prices Suddenly Spike Again
Inflation Whac A Mole. Housing Inflation may be peaking at 8%+, but rents re-accelerated.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for April, released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was marked by a very unwelcome reversal in durable goods prices which suddenly jumped again month-to-month. This was driven by a spike in used vehicle prices. A month ago, we explained why this spike would happen, based on underlying dynamics in prior months and called it a “turning point” in used vehicle prices. Today, it looks like a U-turn.
Services inflation remains red hot, but was somewhat moderated by a sharp drop in airline fares, rental cars, and by the infamous and huge adjustment of the health insurance CPI that started in September 2022 and will continue to wreak havoc with services CPI through September 2023.
Inflation, once it reaches this level, is a game of Whac A Mole. As you hammer one category down, another one re-pops up.
Have faith, Eddy! Inflation is a way out of the debt prison - the debts get decimated, the over-indebted go belly up. What's left is a new clean slate for those that made it over to the other shore. Plus, no more pesty retirees drawing on the pension funds, come 2026. The New Deal! Plus a few healthy wars, and a lot of real estate to split after Mother Russia kisses dust. We are entering a brave new world. And 'Mercans have not been disarmed yet. I know it looks down for the antipodes that were left without the forks and stake knives, for their own safety - spoons usually don't stab (unless you know a trick or two).
BTW, this year looks like the year the Global Warming died, at least over here in the Northern Hemisphere.
Priceless https://twitter.com/fatemperor/status/1654244932763123712
I know the reason- farting mammoths chewing up the tundra raised green house gases to an unsustainable level, causing all that hot climate. Which killed mammoths (overheating), which resulted in the subsequent temp drop, globally. Until little monkeys figured out how to burn coal and oil and gas, and caused the Climate Change (must be Capitalized out of respect).
Or https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/did-jesus-cause-climate-change
A very convincing article!
There is no way out of this.
Since 2008 they have been throwing trillions at the problem ... and that was dramatically accelerated during Covid (one of the reasons for the CovCON was to provide cover for the avalanche of $$$ as we were facing the total collapse of the financial system in 2019)
That - as expected - has resulted in out of control inflation ... the Central Banks have tried to tame this by raising interest rates.
That has failed (the numbers are far worse than is being reported - one only need look at their bills)
The CBs cannot drop rates and flood the world with more money - that would trigger hyperinflation.
And higher rates is not taming inflation.
They will stay with the higher rates and bail out every single bank or TBTF entity on the planet -- for as long as possible
But ultimately they must fail.
Collapse is guaranteed - and imminent.
Collapse = 8B angry hungry predators on the streets - in the dark... they will literally tear each other to pieces.
Fortunately this will not be allowed. We are being exterminated before the collapse
You may want to sprinkle a few comments of yours below this article, Eddy: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/how-the-war-on-climate-change-destroyed
To balance the discussion.
I dropped this:
Let's examine the history of climate change using Greenland as an example:
One would think that watching that might convince these Global Warming Groopies to wake up .. but it will not wake them up any more than showing facts and logic to a CovIDIOT will wake them up.
Funny thing ... at one point I believed we were causing catastrophic global warming. I even travelled to Baffin Island to buy beach front land in anticipation of tropical weather (sarc.. although I have been to Baffin Island).
But then all the predictions kept not coming true ... so I began digging .. and realized it was all bullshit.
My take is this -- climate change is a proxy for fossil fuels... they cannot say - we are running out of affordable energy cuz that would frighten the MOREONS... just like they never admit to fighting wars over oil... that creates the perception that it must be scarce...
So climate change (which used to be global warming except the climate was in many places cooling so the PR Team fixed it)... is useful in that it vilifies fossil fuels -- those dirty old things! - we'll soon be ditching them ...
Brilliant! The MOREONS are convinced we don't need them... that we are transitioning (even though China builds a new coal plant every couple of weeks...) - and they celebrate as fossil fuel use flatlines - then declines -- not because of any transition but because of affordability issues which lead to raging inflation (which we are experiencing now) which kills prosperity which ultimately causes us to use less energy...
The true genius of the PR Team is telling the MOREONS to think that solar and wind and EVs will save the day!
Try this out on a MOREON.
Do you think oil supply is infinite?
Are you concerned about running out?
Why not - it's finite.
Cuz we will all be driving EVs in 10 years and transitioned to renewable energy long before we run out.
Then if you show them this (I have a lot more of this ...) they get angry and tell you to f789 off and not be so negative:
Renewable energy 'simply won't work': Top Google engineers
Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that whatever the future holds, it is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible.
Both men are Stanford PhDs, Ross Koningstein having trained in aerospace engineering and David Fork in applied physics. These aren't guys who fiddle about with websites or data analytics or "technology" of that sort: they are real engineers who understand difficult maths and physics, and top-bracket even among that distinguished company.
Even if one were to electrify all of transport, industry, heating and so on, so much renewable generation and balancing/storage equipment would be needed to power it that astronomical new requirements for steel, concrete, copper, glass, carbon fibre, neodymium, shipping and haulage etc etc would appear.
All these things are made using mammoth amounts of energy: far from achieving massive energy savings, which most plans for a renewables future rely on implicitly, we would wind up needing far more energy, which would mean even more vast renewables farms – and even more materials and energy to make and maintain them and so on. The scale of the building would be like nothing ever attempted by the human race.
In reality, well before any such stage was reached, energy would become horrifyingly expensive – which means that everything would become horrifyingly expensive (even the present well-under-one-per-cent renewables level in the UK has pushed up utility bills very considerably).
The $2.5 trillion reason we can’t rely on batteries to store energy
Fluctuating solar and wind power require lots of energy storage, and lithium-ion batteries seem like the obvious choice—but they are far too expensive to play a major role.
Why Germany’s nuclear phaseout is leading to more coal burning
Between 2011 and 2015 Germany will open 10.7 GW of new coal fired power stations. This is more new coal coal capacity than was constructed in the entire two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The expected annual electricity production of these power stations will far exceed that of existing solar panels and will be approximately the same as that of Germany’s existing solar panels and wind turbines combined. Solar panels and wind turbines however have expected life spans of no more than 25 years. Coal power plants typically last 50 years or longer. At best you could call the recent developments in Germany’s electricity sector contradictory. https://carboncounter.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/why-germanys-nuclear-phaseout-is-leading-to-more-coal-burning/
Germany Runs Up Against the Limits of Renewables
Even as Germany adds lots of wind and solar power to the electric grid, the country’s carbon emissions are rising. Will the rest of the world learn from its lesson? After years of declines, Germany’s carbon emissions rose slightly in 2015, largely because the country produces much more electricity than it needs. That’s happening because even if there are times when renewables can supply nearly all of the electricity on the grid, the variability of those sources forces Germany to keep other power plants running. And in Germany, which is phasing out its nuclear plants, those other plants primarily burn dirty coal. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601514/germany-runs-up-against-the-limits-of-renewables/
The purpose of foisting this heap of shit upon 8B MOREONS --- is to ensure that they remain hopeful of the future... if they were told The Truth ... imagine the impact of that...
A human without hope in the future... does not invest... does not study... falls into despair... likely gets hooked on Fentanyl. Society collapses.
Another example of how the MOREONS do not want The Truth. They cannot handle it.
This is why we have a Ministry of Truth >>> PR Team >>> CNNBBC. All are necessary.
Cuz the vast majority of humans are Total MOREONS. No brighter than a yeast cell...
You give yeast some sugar and they do the same thing as offering a human an all you can eat buffet at every meal... they gorge...
Have I mentioned my theory on 'intelligence' -- humans believe that our species is the only intelligent one.. that we are superior to all others.
Let's examine that.
We used this great intelligence to harness fire... which allowed us to cook previously inedible foods... which apparently lead to the development of bigger brains and even more intelligence https://www.audible.com/pd/Catching-Fire-Audiobook/B003ZTCURO
This allowed us to increase our population as we pushed back against carrying capacity of the land... and then we worked out how to farm...
When we started to run into the Malthusian nightmare -- this villain/innovator came on the scene and allowed us to feed billions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haber_process
The thing is ... his process relied on finite inputs to grow all this food - which not fall back plan for when the inputs run out.
So now we have 8B rapacious apes watching Reality TV - addicted to phones... munching on 3 for 1 pizza and sucking on super sized cola...
And we call ourselves 'intelligent'
Extinction beckons... it's so close now I can smell the grim reaper... he stinks of stale piss and rotten flesh...
Innovation... to what purpose? So we drive cars and fly in airplanes... to what purpose?
When I ask my dogs - why can't you drive the car - are you stupid -- they think why would we want to do that? We are happy chasing rabbits and we are stress free running around in the paddock... taking naps ... and enjoying life...
Whatever it is, we are blessed to live in these times to see the climax and the resolution of the Mother of All Crises.
Absolutely - this is like winning the lottery...
What are the odds of being alive to experience extinction. It's particularly exciting knowing the reasons why and the mechanisms... knowledge is bliss.
To pass the remaining time... it's fun to toss pearls to the swine then watch them respond by shooting up another Rat Juice booster.
But the best moment will be when the Binary Poison Phase Two is dropped .. and the MOREONS will lose their minds as they drop by the billion... that moment of panic as they realize they are f789ed (not knowing they are responsible for the f789ing) will be priceless.
I don't have a TV but I might get cable so I can watch the 24/7 coverage of the Great Die Off... or I'll just watch clips posted on Telegram hahaha.
The Apocalypse is pending ... and the MOREONS think the Covid thing is done and dusted.
It's kinda like having cancer -- it goes into remission ... then it comes back as Turbo Cancer (after the 4th booster)... the despair will be epic
"The CBs cannot drop rates and flood the world with more money - that would trigger hyperinflation" - oops, they just did, didn't they?
They stopped before we got to the point of needing a wheelbarrow filled with $$$$ to buy a loaf of bread
That is true. Because they have their own wheelbarrows to take care of 1st.
I can't still wrap my mind around CBDC - that will be a world scale Gulag, no more capitalism, free enterprise, markets as such, nothing. Because what's the point? It will be a super-centralized system, which must be supplemented with super-large repression apparatus. Think People Democratic Republic of North America, Great Britain, EU, China, North Korea and The Rest. That's why they started with half-measures like mild depop of 60+ and collaterals. Which was a faux pas, IMHO. Put the buggy in front of the horse. Pushing strings, as you say.
That's dark 😕
Au contraire,mon ami, this is the optimistic spin by Eddy. He has dark ones too.
Easier: we need a constitutional amendment forbidding government to get indebted. End of many problems!
US debt default is part of the plan: to create a huge global financial crash and impose a global digital currency issued by a global government and worse:
The full PLAN exposed:
For that to happen, the whole current financial system must be scrapped and returned to pre US Civil war model not based on inflation (as a whip on the populace and governments). This will cancel senseless consumption and production of items with preprogrammed (shortest possible) life span.
Yep. They’re everywhere.
Dear Kent Sepkowitz;
You lost. If you continue you will get the "Austrian" solution to forced injection because that is all you have left. You used fraud, deceit, duress, containment and coercion to get people into a medical experiment. Yet here we are still uninjected. So what is your "final solution" to the unvaccinated problem?
Make sure you check your rear view mirror on the way home. It'd be a shame if somebody doxxed you. What you really should be afraid of is that you FAILED your masters and they may find you more valuable as a martyr than alive.
I love the photo of the guy with his arms folded at a Nazi rally.
I looked up his story and it's quite sad but the kids survived.
He looks like Larry David.
Only not as funny. Just demented.