Just got an email from a reader linking to HHS Secretary’s legal public health emergency (PHE) determination so that it now coversH5N1 and any other alleged avian influenza.


It’s an extension/expansion of a 2013 PHE for the specific (alleged) H7N9 avian influenza strain.

The extension/expansion is in effect as of July 18, 2024 and creates the legal conditions for a blanket EUA declaration to come next, and then for specific EUA Letters of Authorization for the countermeasures under development, that will now be eligible for PREP Act coverage and EUA status because they’ll be connected to this specific, active PHE determination.

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Thanks, put it in my post!

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I'd like to see a lawsuit against HHS that challenges the continued legitimacy of an emergency declared in 2013. No findings can be made to substantiate a public health emergency now.

Attack the legal foundations that Katherine has so carefully exposed!

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Those lawsuits are preempted/blocked by the same laws through which Congress authorized HHS Secretary to have the unilateral power to make PHE determinations.

42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7): “No court of the United States, or of any State, shall have subject matter jurisdiction to review, whether by mandamus or otherwise, any action by the Secretary under this subsection.”


That’s why they haven’t been filed, and that’s why I focus attention on getting Congress to repeal the enabling laws.


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Isn’t this one branch cancelling preemptively the other branch? How is it constitutional?

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We’ve licked ourselves in the cell and thrown the keys out through the grates?

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It’s not constitutional, but the effect, in terms of legal mechanics, is to auto-suspend the constitution, through the public health emergency programs.

Congress has locked itself in the cell and thrown the keys out through the grates, but Congress could pull the keys back in the cell and unlock the door by repealing the enabling acts.

Some of my early attempts to articulate it

April 2022 - https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/re-judicially-unreviewable

Nov. 2022 video discussion - https://www.bitchute.com/video/qCEGQhrfqaM1/

...Sasha Latypova:

What was the earliest relevant piece of law that you can trace that was changed in particular for this plandemic to occur?

Katherine Watt:

I think the earliest one was the 1983 establishment of the Public Health Emergencies Program under the rubric of the Public Health Services Act, which was a 1944 law. But when Reagan and the Congress at the time put in the Public Health Emergencies section, that was the beginning of concentrating much, much more power in the hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, whenever a public health emergency has been declared by the HHS Secretary.

So it’s a completely closed loop of, once they declare it, they have all the power, and they are the only one who can suspend their power because of the way they wrote the laws, to the extent — let’s say — to the extent that federal judges and Congress accept the premise that the executive branch can shut them out of everything after the announcement has been made...

...it gets into the amazing structural features Congress built into these things where Congress not only put all the power into the HHS secretary’s hand. They also eliminated their own oversight power.

They eliminated, or they claimed to — this is written in the laws — they claimed that they have no power to overrule or review his emergency declarations about the existing emergency. They can’t overrule his EUA declarations.

They also put provisions that no federal judge can review those declarations. Once they’re made, they’re considered solely within agency discretion. So there’s no judicial review and [Congress] eliminated states' power to take any course of action different from what the HHS secretary has said that they should do, which is called preemption.

There’s sections in these laws that make it so that there is no state authority to overrule HHS secretary, there is no congressional authority to overrule HHS secretary, and there is no judicial authority.

And Congress did that.

Which raises the interesting, super interesting philosophical question of —with horrible implications — how did they give away a power that they didn’t have the power to give away?

Congress does not have the power to dissolve itself.

Congress does not have the power to dissolve the federal judiciary under the U.S. Constitution.

But they did it to the extent that the federal judges are deferring to them. And Congress is deferring to the HHS secretary.

And the states...are deferring and not challenging these things. They’re just saying, "Whoop, that happened."...

You can’t give away a power that wasn’t yours to give away to begin with. And the power in our country is supposed to be in the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. There’s supposed to be nobody that’s above it.

So to have Congress say, "Well, you know, never mind," is just super bizarre.

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I know why they do it. They know it won’t stand up to scrutiny. But in normal times no one cares. And in emergency times it’s too late to raise the alarm as by the time the issue percolates through the legal system the mandates will have accomplished their goals. So, time to act is now and not when the emergency is proclaimed. Then is too late for that. And that’s the trick we are played.

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“They eliminated, or they claimed to — this is written in the laws — they claimed that they have no power to overrule or review his emergency declarations about the existing emergency.”

If those “laws” are unconstitutional, then they are nil and void. The king is naked, and all see that. So, when one child won’t play along, the whole charade will collapse. Smoke and mirrors. Same as with Covid “laws”. Time to call them out. Drain the swamp!

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The significance of this is that emergency declarations are forever--there is no mechanism to rescind them, other than a radical change in government. (The attempt to squelch a threatened radical change nearly succeeded a week ago).

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I see your point!

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If there's any upside to this it's how clearly the plan is spelled out.

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Quite the opposite. Do your homework. Keep voting democrats you'll be adding to the death pool and allowing them democrats to continue to kill us. The veil has been placed to cover your eyes and only you can remove the veil. Stop being woke Trump isn't causing the collapse of people the democrats are and they have their puppets who fall for this time after time

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I am philosophical about this next scamdemic. I will not comply again. The normies will comply, as usual, but not in the numbers as before. People are getting tired of it. And if it turns out that the new virus is harmful then the covidians who took the shots are the first to fall as their immune systems are already messed up from the clot shots. 😐

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Much more pressure will be brought to bear this time. More importantly, the 3rd world will be the primary target this time, with WHO’s “equitable” jab distribution.

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Just spent 10 days in Ladakh India - one of the most remote places on the planet... speaking to a few locals ... everyone got the shot ... when I asked if there was any choice... I was met with disbelief... they could not understand what I meant by choice...

Finally after breaking through I was told if you didn't want the shot you were fined... none of them knew anyone who didn't get injected...

They've nailed the 3rd world hard

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Still more ground to cover come the next pundemuck. And it will be covered, unless humongous black swans take over before then. Have you heard of the African world war 2.0 about to unfold?

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I figure our ranks were bolstered a little this time. Where we were perhaps anywhere between 10-15% of the population maybe we're at 15-20% now. If I'm charitable 25% - which would be nice because that's a decent minority. At that point, we can work to get 5% more. 30% is a magic number of sorts to thwart the BS I reckon.

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Trump as president will not result in any change re plandemic- he “headed” operation warp speed in the previous rodeo- he probably owns pharma stock; stop looking for a “ hero” to rescue you/, we are on our own. Live for today, plan for tomorrow and know that the future is unknowable.

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“Unexpectedly” - he’s a loose canon.

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The level of the evil we are dealing with today stuns me. I still cannot REALLY take it all in. From 911 to 5 nations destroyed, to childhood vaccines causing tsunamis of sickness, Autism, disabilities & deaths, to lockdowns destroying education, 3.3 million American Businesses & causing millions to starve worldwide, to DEWs & aluminum soaked forests being flash burned so that they can be logged, to forced injections of genetic material on young pregnant women, causing miscarriages, birth defects & Autistic kids, I'm just overwhelmed with the wickedness. It's too much.

Maybe we should all fast, and pray, & step away from this society completely? I wonder.

If more people do not wake up and fast, and educate the clueless or corrupt who "represent" us, we are done for. It's that simple.

Thank God for the warriors we have, but so far, far too few.

Please, let more join us!! Put on the full armor of God & join this battle to recover human freedom & a healthy relationship with the planet we live on and with our Creator.

🙏 🙏 🙏

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The people you are trying to wake up literally worship the institutions and 1%’ers that are trying to kill them, as if they are gods. Trying to convince them otherwise is akin to me trying to convince you that there is no God. It’s an endless game of division that is well practiced throughout history. People need to regain faith in the reality of what their eyes, ears and gut show them. Nothing more.

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https://substack.com/home/post/p-147054813 "The Majority of Americans Are 'Anti-Vaxxers'"

I woke up with Covid, and I know many people that did too. So, it can and must be done.

I believed ("thought" might be a better word, or "didn't question") that "the System" has our best interest in mind and does everything carefully and judiciously, applying scientific methods and "do no harm" principles, and that there are many effective safeguards and checks in place to handle profiteering and abuse of the medical field, let alone bioweapons. I had a lot of blind trust backed up by wishful thinking in me, didn't I?

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Yes you did friend, as did/do many, many people. My journey awoke on 9/11, my background was instrumental in ‘seeing’ the reality of it. The WMD hoax awoke many in that era, 2008 GFC awoke some more. But to contrast this, I see the ‘awoken’ groups then tear themselves apart because of their inability to see through the shams of other virtue signalling narratives like DEI bs, Covid or the construct of October 7th.

I’m not sure how, but we just need to convince the masses to reject forms of ‘mass information distribution’, and just get back to eyes, ears and gut. Honestly, I’m not optimistic for a good outcome.

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With God, all things are possible. With man alone, they are not.


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From what I have witnessed, man alone is capable of unimaginable evil.

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Well, imho, people need a lot more than what their eyes show them, although that grip on reality is the final arbiter of truth, in the end. But if you are not very well educated about historical events, the behaviors of governments, corporations, people, the natural world, & in the beliefs & ideas of the great minds & great spiritual traditions of our Earth, you will likely not know what you are looking at, half, or all of the time...

I realize it's a tall order, but without it, we are toast.

Just reading the New Testament will help, a lot!

And knowing the history of DDT & big tobacco, lol, plus the economy of war, debt, disease & the Surveillance State.

In the end, all battles are ultimately Spiritual Ones.

We just need to choose which army to join!

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It's not evil... it's necessary ... 911 was all about gathering support to invade MENA ensuring we got our hands on cheap energy

Covid shots are about:


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It looks like Covid did great things in terms of addressing pension plan and social benefit insolvency just before the deadline, and there are still 2-3 years for the old folks with 6+ jabs (and a few more in the pipeline) to fully respond

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yesterday the Dutch Frontnieuws published an article, that in September 5 European countries will try to start up vaccine passports. Belgium Germany Latvia Greece and Portugal. I don't know if these were also the most jabbed? I know Portugal is among the top and thought Belgium about 80 or so % (that is where my family lives)

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You forgot the October 2024 bird flu pandemic exercise....

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Redundant by now: the Covid-19 was the best exercise, lessons drawn.

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Another chapter. Just looking at the focus of this tells us they plan to hit harder and faster on everything done in the last plandemic.

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Perhaps others are of more generous and pure spirit than me — and bless them for it. The merciful are the best of us.

I don’t mourn the death of monsters. Everybody goes at some point; the legacy they leave behind is what they’ve earned — and this person’s is hideous. I don’t subscribe to the edict that one must genuflect to the dead and whitewash their legacies simply because they are dead.

Just how many lives may have been lost directly due to Wojcicki’s brutal censorship regime — how many people might have gained access to true information regarding the risks of COVID-19 “vaccines,” for example, via YouTube and reconsidered before getting injected — would be nearly impossible to quantify.


My recommendation is to drag her carcass slowly along the streets of a major city .. and invite the vax injured including the children…. to spit on her… then feed what is left of her to the dogs.

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In medieval Europe they would put criminals is metal cages in busy streets for all to spit on till they died AND until the meat fell off their bones (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibbeting#/media/File:Corciano-door-tower.jpg). These were principled times. And then came German Illuminati and lowered the standard. Dry humour warning!

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I learned something today ... gibbeting.

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The deeper purpose of the jabs is to quite literally to harvest our bodily electric energy, and attain complete biological network surveillance of every living person. Probably already well underway. The first step is to assign bodies a MAC address, which as you may know has been achieved at least in the jabbed and perhaps by other means in the unjabbed. Look up IEEE 802.15.6. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/prof-david-hughes-and-sabrina-wallace

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Or maybe they just want to decimate us?

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IMHO you're both correct with smaller #'s for the former.

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Agree. Cull what you can. Control the remainder.

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My concern is the Nov 2024 US election. Wouldn’t the timing be better if H5N1 became a huge thing and cancelled the election? If not, what else is “the blob” going to do to stop Trump from winning?

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My understanding is that 51% of Americans identify as independents now and that this puts RFK, Jr, in the real running for the president's seat. And now that Team Kennedy has evidently (just) successfully broken through the contributions limit of $3,000, the game changes yet more drastically bc it puts their team on equal footing with the big money pouring into the DNC/RNC. Whether you find this good or bad news is not the issue here -- I personally think RFK Jr actually has a better chance of winning now than Trump.

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RFK jr is our best option. My suspicions and fear is that the Dominion voting machines are too easily manipulated. The powers that be don’t want RFK jr. Hope you are right.

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👏👏👏👏💯👍😉 Look for a double whammy in November (personally I think it will be finance and pandemic play, enough to cancel elections, but also ratchet up the fear factor). This time France will be the new "USA/CDC", epicentre will be where migrants from middle East/Africa are coming in. Unfortunately, this time the strictures will be far more intense- think martial law.

The body count will be marginally higher, given the immune system exhaustion experienced through the shots and shedding. But it doesn't actually need to be deadlier. This is the last half of the "decade of pandemics", so there will be another 4 "emergency pandemics". Their eugencists, not psychopaths remember😉 Their doing this to "save humanity".😐 it's all for our own good😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ *sarcasm definitely implied.

#dontletthemhide #dontbuytheBS #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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It is not difficult to see totalitarian moves as they are developing.

As in the following examples:

* We have to pass the Obamacare bill so that you can find out what is in it.

* Everyone must take the vaccine so that it will be safe and effective. And by BTW, "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

* Joe Biden just has a childhood stutter. He's fine!

* We must vote for the Democrat Party presidential candidate so that you can find out who we (Obama Deep State) appoint to Save Our Democracy.

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No evidence of viruses. Plenty of evidence for a potential "bird flu" EUA.

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Virus or no virus, the jabs are the given.

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You got it.

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They're definitely prepping. They were no lessons to be made because Covid wasn't an 'honest mistake' but clearly a dry-run for more control. This is not a conspiracy theory BUT a conspiracy. In plain sight. They tell you flat out what they're doing.

And the fact that Gates is the second largest funder to the WHO should make anyone go 'Huh-wha-hm'.

Unless you're a naif who believes this felon with Aspergers means well.

If you fall for the same racket scheme again, then I have no choice but to consider you a threat to me, my family, and liberty.

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"Covid wasn't an 'honest mistake' but clearly a dry-run for more control"

Indeed ... just as 2009's Swine Flu was a dry run for Covid.

That pseudo pandemic was reported by the mainstream media as a scam within a few months (nobody got sick and the dire predictions were generated by a young Neil Ferguson while he was still on the payroll of Big Pharma).

That was one of the things they fixed in preparation for 2020 - total control of the media. Each time they learn from their mistakes which is why each 'pandemic' is an escalation of the last.

But there is always the possibility of a huge 'bait and switch' which will blindside all the 'covid skeptics' and 'virus deniers'....


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Ferguson is vile.

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Regarding our mutual interest: I encountered considerable difficulties while attempting to study one of Dr. Denis Rancourt's hypotheses— '(1) Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes' [https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/breaking-our-largest-study-of-its]—during my time at Laval University in September 2021. [https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy]

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NZ is running out of gas – literally

This country is collapsing


Failed State status imminent ,,,,

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Raise your hand if you now realize you got played (again)...

Let's take a look at Donald Trump's Ear

Seemingly No Injury...



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