Dec 19, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

What a brilliant article. Putting this together was a major effort, but the effort was well worth it. Thank you.

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You are the new Igor... this is great stuff...

I was surprised when they suggested to me that this is the way to go, and I questioned it. And I asked them to justify how can you say something like that, but they came, and they were very, very convinced that this is the right way to go.

This is not quite correct:

I was surprised when they informed me that this is the way to go, and I questioned it. And I asked them to justify how can you say something like that, but they came, and they were very, very insistent that this is the right way to go and informed me that if I refused to follow their orders they would put a bullet in my head then feed my family to a pack of wolves. So of course... I did what I was told

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Great article! a lot to chew on here, thanks!

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I'm still regurgitating...

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Yes, such a sickening situation that it goes far beyond healthy rumination!

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

I really thought you were going to talk about Darwin Awards. Gonna be a big ceremony this year I would think.

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All of the humanity?

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Hold my beer...

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The degree of viability of the "virus" ought to be in indirect proportion to its fatal impact, no? No terrain, no play, OK? Who gets the award if all the hosts are expired?

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023Author

The Almighty? Well, we hope not all, just most?

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I’ve been reading Nietzsche discuss Darwin and how critical he was of Darwin’s theory, and I remain convinced.

The will to power in the essence of things is not understood by the elites (nor by us), and will ultimately be there downfall (as Hitler’s hubris was his downfall), but they will do massive global damage in the meantime.

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I am only a few chapters into this... it describes the circumstances of the working classes across many countries during this period -- in one instance it is estimated that 60% or more of the population was barely able to feed itself... horrible filthy living conditions...

And I am thinking ... it was not vaccines that delivered them from disease rather it was the harnessing of energy... which resulted in more and better quality food... better sanitation and living conditions... less harsh work environments... better pay ... medicines.. health care ... better 'terrain' able to fight off diseases etc...

And I am thinking ... once again... F789 ALL VACCINES ... they are useless toxic garbage.


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From Bricks To Banks: China's Real Estate Nightmare Sends Shockwaves Through Banking Experts have drawn similarities between China's ongoing real estate crisis and the U.S. subprime crisis in 2008, during which U.S. banks collectively lost over $700 billion. China's losses are expected to be greater, with Kyle Bass, founder and CEO of Hayman Capital Management, predicting the nation's losses to top $4 trillion. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bricks-banks-chinas-real-estate-190110747.html

When they can no longer control this ... they will release The Pathogen... and the extinction event will commence

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I'm not a scientist but could not help wondering, having read in your fascinating article:

"The avian B cell line DT40, a cell line which is highly amenable to genetic manipulation and exhibits a high rate of targeted integration, utilizes both GC and SHM. Targeting the DT40's diversification machinery onto transgenes of interest inserted into the Ig loci and coupling selective pressure based on the desired outcome mimics evolution."

Does this explain the frequent, suspicious alarm about avian flu? With rogue scientists substituting themselves as 'divine' creators of evolutionary processes.

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No, it’s just a cancerous cell line: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0006274

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Thanks for clarifying for me!

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Interesting if true, manual additions to the Moderna jab that code mutated proteins to prevent ovulation. Also added, a reverse transcriptase stimulator. And more...


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I had seen this ‘post human extinction event’ years ago, but was not aware of the magnetic polar shift coming. This is what I think is driving all of this but I’m not sure why or what their goal is. It is an event that would leave about 500k humans, wiped out many species in past shifts. Main stream says not happening but some think every 12,000 years and coming between 2030 and 2050.

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Will be looking for references, although making predictions is easier than fulfilling them. Hale-Bopp jumps to mind.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Suspicious Observers on Youtube has made tons of videos with evidence that this is happening

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Suspicious Observers, is , well, suspicious. Here's a video from "Professor Dave", a really smart dude when it comes to chemistry, biology and genetics, taking a swing at Ben the Observer: https://youtu.be/3fTLZTEE7mU

Not that I agree with Professor Dave's embrace of anthropogenic Global Warming. No one's perfect.

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Well, as you know, it's hard to know what is real and what is not. I have seen this guy before. What makes me suspicious of Ben is that he has not been kicked off YouTube. I don't have enough scientific knowledge to debunk him. There are other sources saying the same thing. You can search YouTube, and here is another website. https://electroverse.co/pole-shift-and-low-solar-activity-global-environmental-crisis/. I also think this guy is fascinating, and he did get kicked off YouTube. He talks about a different reality as far as our planet, and has really insightful views on our history. He talks of other 'resets' and magnetic shifts.


It really depends what our reality is. Maybe "they" have the ability to create tsunamis themselves. I've seen a lot of predictive programming about one in NYC. There's also the movie 2012 that is pretty stupid with huge cast until I realized it was about the magnetic pole shift, and they throw some facts in here and there that I had heard from Ben's channel. I do feel like we are headed towards some larger reset than they are talking about.

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An interesting link proposed between the reversal of geomagnetic field and heightened volcanic activity leading to major extinction events: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0012821X07003640

So, if the North magnetic pole accelerates its drift and maybe indicates a geomagnetic field flip, we should also expect more volcanos to erupt, and more earthquakes to occur. Isn't that interesting!

But "every 12k years" is red herring, its about every 450k years on average, but highly irregular: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_reversal

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Let’s hope

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I’d be happy if someone could simplify all these biochemical interactions and how the Darwinian Chemical Systems project and the corruption of the mRNA, whether by diagram or otherwise, how it has now imperilled all those that took the jab. Visual works better for me in understanding all of this.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Thank you for providing these additional supplements.

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Maybe this video, with lots of pictures, will be enough?


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Great. Thanks.

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