...who writes 'whistleblower' in his bio? ..and the little bird carelessly let him post stuff pike this without a hoot? šŸ¤”

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Also there is no way that Fauci himself isn't an agent. How does this man have a 40y principality in the NIH with a salary higher than the NIH director and even higher than the president of the United States?

How is Fauci able to control more policy decisions and media output than the CDC?

Why was he able to run the HIV AZT scam and get away with it?

He has got to be one of the highest ranking in the Rockefeller depopulation army.

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This is what I was trying to say, there are too many red flags with this guy. Might be legit but stay suspicious! Are we now in the eye of the storm?


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Agreed! "I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future." (A fish called Wanda).

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You're doing wonderous work.

Huff is an agent pure and simple. Most people assumed and knew since DARPA and DOD were involved with funding then so would the intelligence community be. USAID being a CIA front would have been picked up by some. I personally always assumed Daszak was an agent, and knew that most NGOs are intelligence operations if they know it or not.

The question really is, since they will never tell on themselves what is the purpose of these leaks and what are they trying to convince us of?

Ultimately they're using the incompetence thesis as a limited hangout. It went from we tried to do good to protect your health but we failed to we tried to do good to protect your national security but we failed.

The lie is they never wanted to protect anything. Neither national security interests or public health or the ecosystem. It's all cover for the sinister depopulation campaign.

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Thank you! Exactly my point. So, when was this Huff born? So he had time after two rounds of duty as an infantryman to finish his undergrad and grad? And then gain lots and lots of business acumen and contacts to raise 6 million willy-nilly in no time? And keep writing scientific articles. And then quit writing them.

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once a spy, always a spy

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How else!

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wisdom from a "CIA" agent ?


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Wow! What a pile of steaming bull!

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Extraordinary train of thought: "... human encroachment into wildlife habitat, and the increasing globalization of agriculture, trade and travel bring us into dramatic juxtaposition with a seemingly infinite number and variety of viral angels hosted by the wildlife we contact and exploit." Viral angels - puking stuff, really. Both authors belong to a lunatic asylum, where their demons (a word they studiously avoid using) could be kept on the leash, courtesy of Big Pharma medication. Both Daszak and Chmura are possessed, and if not the spawn of the devil, then his apprentices. Nothing spiritual (a word they do use once, in negation) to see here. By Jove!

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Yep! This is the main argument (rather, excuse) of the globalists: do as we say (not as we do), or the sky will fall like it never fell before! Yeah, right! AREN'T WE HERE LIKE A COUPLE OF MILLION YEARS ALREADY WITHOUT THE SKY FALLING?

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And what they want us to do is to go away and die peacefully, en masse. Preferably after/with a voluntary medical procedure. How brilliant in its simplicity!

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One look at his pic & "no." And then the bio ...did he get his PhD in kindergarten?

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I was blocked on twitter for asking him why he avoids mentioning the possibility of an intentional release by the CIA.

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Not a friendly type, eh? Who would have guessed.

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I also called Ebright a spook and he lost it. It was quite funny.

They expect us to think there aren't spooks everywhere in this conversation. Who in their right mind criticizes gain of function and still promotes vaccines?

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Excellent analysis! I listened to that podcast last week. Something didn't add up for me, so I thought I would wait for more information. It's great that many people are getting more savvy information warfare methods. šŸ‘šŸ¼

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Don't huff and puff about him - just focus on the evidence he releases and VERIFY it.

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So far hearsay. Easy to verify by some waterboarding?

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The CIA was present somewhere somehow - recall what Malone said (CIA contacts called me). Just saying. Also the thing with "China virus". If you have Baric test a vaccine you developed you must have the stuff that vaccine is for. Or not?

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I am not saying it wasn't. They were there all along. I am saying this is red herring what Huff says now. It wasn't an accident.

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I meant to add an additional "CIA" point; I listened to this podcast yesterday and I think this is somewhat of a limited hangout to prevent people from poking around even more. In regards to Malone, I don't think this was a limited hangout as he mentioned them out of the blue - to get people to poke around? I thought this was a message to leave him alone or he would tell it all.

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You mean Major Murphy? An interesting dustinction.

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I wait until the very end to put a title on my posts for exactly that reason ;)

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Do you believe Huff or not?

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Do you?

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I think we need to focus on how this collaborates the Maj. Murphy letter. That is the smoking gun, along with the Renz whistleblower data from the DoD medical database. These two items destroy all credibility of the upper US military leadership.

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It collaborates like hand-in-glove, coming from the same desk, I think.

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Stay away from Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca,Bill, Klaus. Nothing to see there. Fight DoD&CIA! Right...

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https://oppressed.news/2022/01/news/coronavirus/darpa-fellow-maj-joseph-murphy-claims-covid-was-lab-engineered-against-vaccines/ "Murphy, formerly a fellow with DARPA, has exposed additional ā€œincriminating documentsā€¦hidden in a top-secret shared driveā€ concerning the gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses and the link between NIH and EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. According to Murphy, the documents were placed in the folder in July 2021."

So the DARPA guy comes out of the klauset? Another CIA operative gone rogue? Exactly at the same time as "Dr. Huff&Puff"? Shooting from all barrels or what? Throwing Daszak and Baric under the bus?

Don't forget to get your booster after reading this!

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...and throwing shade on Fauci

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Murphy wrote the analysis and sent it to the IG. He never leaked it, that was a different source.

If any General with two functioning brain cells saw that memo there would be no way they would have allowed that jab into their troops. The whistle blowers to Renz are deeply concerned with what they were seeing happening to the troops. The whopper of the lie that the 2021 data was correct but the prior 5 years were corrupted shows how desperate they are to cover this up.

As far as I can tell there has been no response given to Senator Johnson about this letter. Anyone hear differently?


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Murphy's letter is purportedly from Aug. 13, 2021. But leaked about the same time Dr. Huff surfaced (Jan 10, 2022 or so). Apparently no one in DoD ever saw this letter, judging by no response and no sensible reactions. But since the DoD is implicated in doing the whole SARS-CoV-2 release/dissemination thing, why would we expect anything sensible from them?

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A lot about that letter makes sense to me. My gut feeling is this will connects nicely with the info PĆ©ter Breggin uncovered about CEPI. No response, allows us to infer what the answers are. šŸ¤”

Here is Dr. Malones initial take on this


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Malone says: "I also still question the legitimacy of this report. Provenance and chain of custody need to be established. A statement from Major Murphy to someone or a group other than the primary source of the documents would be a good start."

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"Who is Responsible for the Murder of Millions? Some New Faces"

Peter Breggin MD, Attorney Tom Renz


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Itā€™s a good interview. Peter was busy writing the last couple weeks. Said he will be sending some more updates the next few days.

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I find Murphy's letter to be suspect. We don't even need it since the DEFUSE proposal is undoubtedly real.

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