Memory-holing 101. If we let them. Never forget. It WILL happen again. Be prepared.

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The blood on their hands will never wash off. Never. Ever.

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See the video ... how boosters do you think each of them has had...

And the level of vapidness exhibited by these two clowns.. is par for the course for the average human...


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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Author

Next level of evil!

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The good thing is ... humans are on the precipice of extinction hahahaahaha!!!

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Reminder: In September, 2020, Forbes Explained that the Pending Covid "Vaccines" Were NOT expected to prevent infection



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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Author

If you carefully read through this FDA response to CAALM from Aug. 23, 2021 (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23599242-fda-response-to-caalm), the FDA is careful in its wording to never state what the intended purpose of the Pfizer or Moderna jabs are, and never states that the prevention of transmission or infection is NOT one of the intended uses. Actually, it never says what the intended use will be! So, it provided enough wiggling room for the psychotic authorities to conclude whatever they will and assume whatever they want about the jabs that will be approved. They are explicitly complicit in this charade.

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Yeah, great pointer! I missed that article at the time, and so did most - why didn't anyone bring it up between there and now, like every day? That, though, was yet before any authorization, and most thought that Phase 3 trials will go well into 2023?

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IF this was stupidity, it was truly COLOSSAL stupidity! Like, levels of stupidity that a sharp 3rd grader could avoid.

It never stopped transmission, and anyone paying the SLIGHTEST bit of attention knew that.

Supposedly Saint Gene Therapy LESSENED THE SEVERITY of your own individual case of Covid so that YOU didn't harm our precious death camps otherwise known as hospitals.

BUT- transfection with nasty little Lipid Nano Particle encased Mod RNA coding for a sometimes lethal Spike Protien, and heavily contaminated with Plasmid DNA & SV40, both known carcinogens, which rewrites into your DNA- (as research has shown,) AND which sets you up for ADE, Original Antigenic Sin, or Disease Enhancing Immune Responses, well, now, ignoring all this is CRIMINAL.

Are criminals stupid? Yes, they often are. Ditto the idiots pushing this insanity on everyone & lying about all the negative impacts, as well.

But the planners and coordinators and controllers behind the scenes? They are not. This could not have happened by accident. It is INTENTIONAL.

That's the hard part for innocent human beings to swallow. But it is the only rational possibility. So let's face the ugly truth and start replacing the system that did this, on every, single level. It's the only way forward for Humanity, imho.

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What amazes me is that plenty of Vaxxers are aware that after the fact Pfizer said they never tested for transmission... yet they were told if they shot the Rat Juice they'd not get Covid

Some of these idiots after the fact insist they NEVER said it would stop transmission ...

Seems they misremember - or they are brain dead from the Rat Juice and cannot remember...

But those who do remember -- are not phased at all by this blatant lie... when the logical train of thought should be - if they lied about effective - what about safe?????

Nope. Effective morphs from stops you from getting Covid to stops you from dying from Covid...

And off they go ... for another booster.

There are no excuses for what they have done to themselves... what we are looking at here is epic stupidity.

Oh and my favourite... when they get terribly sick after one shot -- they believe this is a signal that 'it's working!!!' then they get more shots hahahahaha....

That is the definition of stupidity... here have some rotten meat ... ya it smells bad and you vomited after eating a bite... but that's because it's working ... have more...

Did I mention that Vaxxers are idiots?

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Yes 👍 to this, “Oh and my favourite... when they get terribly sick after one shot -- they believe this is a signal that 'it's working!!!' then they get more shots hahahahaha.... “

🎯 🎯. Incredible.

However, when proclaiming their virtue and bravery, their delusion, ‘they’ double down 👀 on the needleless spreaders, as the cause,

and that’s a scary thing….

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And people believe that they deserve democracy haha

Imagine what would happen if the mob was actually allowed to influence important decisions.

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It is. …

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Consider this..

The Men Who Run the World have every entity on the planet with any influence on board with the Rat Juice injections -- every government is compliant.

There is zero pushback

The Men Who Run the World... obviously... Run the World....

You think they would allow billions of MOREONS .. barnyard animals... idiots... tell them how to run the world?

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Author

No matter, my job is to keep connecting the dots until the complete picture emerges in all its starkness, at least for myself to behold.

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In my personal experience every single person who got the shots told me they didn't care whether they got them or not and so they got them. Ignorant, lazy and just plain stupid, such is the state of most men.

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Yeh, there's some epic pretzel logic with extra salt on display.

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Rogue government. Citizens have responsibilities in this situation.

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Anyone stupid enough to inject something that they knew was not thoroughly tested (it actually was but they didn't know that) once - let alone multiple times --- is a f789ing total MOREON.

I do not give a f789 if they did it 'to keep their jobs' That's a cop out. There were jobs that were not mandated... If gov.org said inject diesel fuel into your body a bunch of times or you can't keep your job....

Whatever happens to the Vaxxers -- is their fault.

Keep in mind these are the same fools who when I suggest the moon landing is fake because it is impossible to pass through the deadly radiation in the Van Allen Belts --- consider me a lunatic... and laugh at me...

It's harmless to believe man has been to the moon .. but bigger picture... when you believe something as blatantly false as that ... you believe just about anything that the machine feeds you.

And this time ... believing ... is not harmless...

That's why I watch with glees as these f789ing idiots drop like flies... and what is amusing is ... with most of them if you suggest it's the vax doing the damage they consider you a lunatic and laugh at you.

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Well I got forced to vaccinate in order to retain my job. I did not imagine the ultimatum that I received.

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and all the time the pfizer website had on there " the product does not stop infection, does not prevent illness, does not prevent hospitalization or death. " they only hoped it would make the illness milder and hospitalizations and death less numerous. And 9 pages of adverse reactions, including the virus and death. It still is on there, someone told me a few days ago. And Bourla said it in a news clip, don't know if that is still up

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It was all in our heads. It was all just a dream.

And there are plenty of stupid people who think no one was coerced into the shot. It's amazing.

Apparently, they had a "choice'. It just so happens the *wrong* choice meant losing your job which, you know, is UNETHICAL and ILLEGAL. But it's still a choice, right?

Nothing complicated what happened here. Now it has to somehow get fixed. But it won't be if there's no acknowledgement.

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There can be no trust of the FDA or EMA until the top people who approved the mass murder by injection have been hanged for their crimes against humanity.

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I am not so sure...

If you go to the supermarket and you buy a bottle of Drano ... and you return home and pour it into the blender with some fruit and almond milk and make a smoothie and drink it... cuz the TEEv said this would improve your health...

Should the TEEv people be hung?

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Well, if the TEEv people threatened us with loss of jobs, no access to food and necessary resources, and used other forms of force and coercion, then they should be held accountable.

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And even had they not coerced it, it would *still* have been a serious crime for "health" organizations to tell the public to kill themselves for the benefit of the WEF/Pfizer etc. Promoting the dangerous and ineffective toxxine went well beyond simple negligence.

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Nobody put a gun to anyone's head.

But they did put a syringe to their shoulder -- loaded with Death. And they said yeah sure pump it in.

Here's a good one... my brother's wife refused to listen to him ... and insisted on the shot ... so he had to drive her to the Walmart parking lot ... all the while suggesting she opt out... nope... want that Rat Juice...

The nurse (or maybe it was an off duty shampoo lady making some extra bucks killing people) ... locks and loads the syringe ... swabs the spot ... brother says - last chance to blow this off... nope - shoot me up -- syringe in ... the Death is being infused... brother says Baaaaaah Baaaaaah..... wife admonishes him for being silly ... nurse/shampoo lady frowns (no doubt hoping he dies from Covid cuz he has a bad attitude and is clearly an A-Vaxxer).

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Many people lined up for the vaxx without being forced or coerced, but many, especially those who work in the military or the medical field, were threatened with loss of employment. Biden tried to mandate the vaxx or testing to anyone who works for a company of 100 employees or more, which is nearly everybody. Guns didn't actually come out, but they were being prepared.

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Quit. Do something else.

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Lol, I love the sheep sounds!

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Hang on ... we sponsor two kids from The Ghetto in the Philippines to attend school ...

They were mandated so you know what they did? They said no thanks.

There student visas were revoked.. one was headed for uni and lost a 10k scholarship...

They had a few weeks to find jobs and obtain work visas - or it was back to The Ghetto.

They risked everything.

But they found jobs and got sponsors... shit jobs.. but they got their visas... and when the mandates were lifted -- they both returned to school...

Nobody forced nobody. Everyone had options.

It was just easier to take the shot... and people like easy.

It's the same with all the fat slobs circling the treats aisles in the super market loading up on garbage ... then heading for KFC... then getting refills on their meds to combat the diseases of the obese... they could look in the mirror and be disgusted with themselves ... and change their lifestyles... but nah... easier to lay on the sofa and watch Dancing with Stars.... and refill the meds every months....

Humans generally opt for easy. Then they blame someone else ...

And that's what they did with the Rat Juice... they were inconvenienced if they refused... so they just took ... easy

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I don't forget, and some of them still scare me, but they were brainwashed.

It was an awful feeling realising that I was living in Invasion of the Body Snatchers all of a sudden, but were they really totally responsible for their actions while insane?

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Long Covid is a bitch!!! !!!

"Life insurers have been consistently sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, “excess,” deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019.

That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam.

Congress should urgently work with insurance experts to investigate this troubling trend.

With the worst of COVID behind us, annual deaths for all causes should be back to pre-pandemic levels — or even lower because of the loss of so many sick and infirm Americans"


#usa #nz #mrna #informedconsent #covidvaccines #vaccineinjuries

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