With respect, you missed two other points:

1. Deny, ignore and suppress safe, effective and affordable medications - without such suppression they had no excuse to vaccinate people. This is the key to prove there is an agenda

2. No early treatment.

3. Ignored their own studies and advisories on how to contain and treat pandemics

4. Suppress scientific discussions and debates.

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The list is getting long, but I will update now, thanks.

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One list to rule them all...:)

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Another learned article.

"Time to reflect and try to see the forest for the trees in the global Covid-19 saga we find ourselves in." YES!

We need to think strategically. And stop reacting to their every scam.

There is definite a co-ordinated agenda to inject people with the mRNA, thereby to alter their DNAs and controlling them somehow. Once they digitise money, passport, basically they have the tools to implement what was forewarn in The Revelation. In fact, they are trialing that now in some countries.

Omicon, like Delta, was man-made. Why? To prolong the conditions for lockdown, vax, etc Notice how quick the corrupt CDC used omicon as a patsy to impose more measures.

As long as a critical mass continues to support and or comply, they will continue.

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This article sounds crazy on first sight and yet, I actually love it and it does raise important questions. Thanks for posting it. I know that Steve Kirsch "has the vials", do you know if he somehow analyzed them yet?

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I know, right? But tell me where I am wrong!

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I did not see a single wrong statement in your article.

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No word yet. We would definitely get it in his substack. That would settle it, wouldn’t it?

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Thanks for mentioning my article!

You say: Prior to the untested novel mRNA and lipid nanoparticle “vaccine” technology being unleashed on the human race, same mRNA “vaccine” technology tested on animals had fatal results for these animals every single time.

I heard this before and I always mention history of mRNA technology as the first line in talking to vaccine-uncertain friends.

But I would like to ask you if you have any links to this information that I can look at? Thanks

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Andreas, I enjoyed your article "End-Game Behind Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines?" #3 The "Concerted push to “vaccinate” every human on the globe..." is all one of common sense needs to hear to know the game that being played is wrong, nefarious, or evil. That is just crazy talk. Why would anyone want to run around with a common fuzzy set genetic tag or maybe orthogonal hypervector genetic tag. It could be used for tracking or individualized assassination if one has a nefarious mind.

You might enjoy the podcast linked below on The Last American Vagabond. It just opened my eyes to one more aspect of the "plan." It took me months to accept that a plan was being run even though the data were clear from about Feb 24th on (referring to Michael Levitt's podcast about the Diamond Princess "hotzone").


I don't think the $10/mo premium fee is needed to access this content.

You might enjoy the TLAV podcast. He lists the source articles on his blog. The paper mill on C19 are like drinking from a firehose, so podcasters help identify important papers.

I learned that remdesivir's destruction of the kidneys leads to fluid in the lungs. I did not know about the kidney failure to lung fluid aspect. Unfortunately, I've seen kidney failure up too close and now I recognize the lung involvement from memory of those last days and moments. (I don't have medical training.)

The kidney->lung involvement ties "the plan" together in my mind. Now I'm not sure if the thing I was writing on the biomarker transition to lung involvement in C19 is correct. The sepsis biomarker literature is a complete mess, in any event.

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Thanks for the pointers, InMyOpn. I have seen this video, that's why I don't go into remdesivir in detail, but I will use your link!

Agreed, no reasonable person thinks of "the plan" or a conspiracy theory right off the bat. It took me a while to realize what is going on, and much research. But also, no reasonable person can deny all the piling up of the evidence that there is "the plan".

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There are many types of quantum dots. Are the pictured dots semiconductor quantum dots as opposed to graphene quantum dots? Just wondering.

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GQDs explain the graphene that has been reported many times, semiconductor QDs don’t. And the latter ones are much more toxic. If anyone cared.

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Yes, agreed. My only point is that the quantum dots (QDs) in the photo in your article look like emissions from semiconductor QDs, but the graphene reported in the shots might be graphene quantum dots. In the end, my comment is not important.

The important questions you are asking are, "do the shots, or some of them, contain graphene or graphene quantum dots and to what end?" It will be interesting to see what Steve Kirsch learns.

In a similar vein, I'd be interested in learning about the entire contents of the shots. For example, do the vials consistently contain the modRNA sequence supplied in the various papers on the topic? Are there "Easter eggs" in the modRNAs in the shots, for example, from a frame shift (which would need to be demonstrated in cells)? Your article describing the fuzzyness of the RNAs produced when using a modRNA is huge in understanding that the output from the nano-engines is highly variable. There are nearly uncountable different combinations of things provided by the shots. That is a damn important concept for people to get their minds around.

In addition, to your point about the scale of the project, I just can't accept giving the same shot to the entire world's human population, ever. I also can't accept that we don't really know what is in the shots. The set up is difficult for people to process. We are told to fear a nanoscale contagion and the fear is resolved with a nanobiotech solution both of which only the smallest percentage of the population can verify through measurements.

Meanwhile, many people experience the loss of a loved one. That is real and not nanoscale. We measure it, we feel it. This sets the "official narrative" like concrete in the minds of most people, understandably. The deaths in our family all came after the shots, "coincidentally."

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Really sorry to hear about your family, InMyOpn.

The vials DEFINITELY contain modRNA, they just try to keep it under 40%.

Look at this article about the tissue disposition and pharmacokinetics of the semiconductor QDs in mice https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1964885/

Ultimately, they accumulate in the liver, spleen and kidneys, and stay there for months.

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Yes. It's like a nightmare that doesn't end.

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I think the Seneff and Nigh paper is the best one describing the unintended biological impacts of the mRNA vaccines on humanity: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/23/51 It's far worse than you describe.

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Thanks for the link, it's the exhaustive summary of pharmaceutical aspects of the "vaccines"! I am not trying to outcompete them here. Rather, to deal with the motivations and goals of the perpetrators. These are not innocent medical mistakes of the few and utter insanity of the most, there is a method and planning behind it, don't you agree?

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Your article is good, I just wanted to include that great paper for you and others to consider more the large unknown biological risks.

It's also relevant to your perspective because you might understate the damage to the healthcare system and civil society from the mass jabs. Imagine hospitals full of people with vax AEs -- and they are healthcare workers? Who is going to take care of them?

I agree there's a conspiracy against early treatment, and inexplicably for mass-vaxxing the world in the middle of a pandemic which is guaranteed to make it a disaster.

I would like to know why they decided to use the full-length spike protein in the jabs, and why they are ignoring the adverse events. They should have been pulled in the first month.

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They should have never received EUAs in the first place.

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As to whether there is a "great" plan: for 400 years syphilis was treated with Mercury. And for 400 years one of the greatly feared affects of Syphilis was neurological degradation. Only in the 20th century did it dawn on people that these effects were largely caused by Mercury. Unfortunately docotors aren´t doctors because they like curing people. They are doctors because they like money. Most of them anyway. The scope for making money out of covid is endless. Big pharma and big tech have decided to treat humanity like humanity treats aninmals in factory farms. Unfortunately nothing new under the sun. Except maybe that the consequences are so dire that ultimately big tech and big pharma have over reached in their arrogance. Another historical example: ATZ and Aids. The wonderdrug that was supposed to stop HIV and ended up causing exactly AIDS type smptoms. It killed tens of thousands of people and was given for 20 years. Probably they think they can get away with doing the same thing on a much broader scale. In their arrogance they are inoculating children now. Unless they are smart enough to fill the kids vials with water that will ultimately prove their downfall. At least so I hope.

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"The latter seems to be much more plausible: they couldn’t resist but reveal their ultimate motive - to play the role of the Devil in what this patent is meant to yield. "

The US Dems introduced a bill number 6664 in 2020.

It is called SIGNALING. They signaled their intentions; we did nothing to oppose them; so they deemed we have acquiesced. See the 2012 Olympic ceremonies. They even predicted that Boris would be hospitalised. Boris was not PM around 2012.

omicron has two anagrams: one is moronic; the other is a medical term.

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