Nov 8, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

Thanks for the info. Your thoughts are surely much closer to truth! I’ve been thinking that it was just a bit too *convenient* to blame a few bad lots…

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Exactly! I felt queasy about this too. Now the common sense is restored.

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Now I have to go back and update my references to THE EXPOSE in light of the new understanding.

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So we can't trust the VAERS data?

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We can trust that it is dramatically underreporting.

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We can trust that:

- not all side effects are reported

- not all reported side effects are caused by the vaccine

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I did a couple HOT LOTS audits you may appreciate...: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HB2thTjGsvAy/

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I couldn't watch that beyond ten minutes - too annoying. Can you summarize what his point is?

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Jessica's substack summarizes but she actually goes a few steps further. The read is not for everybody, however to summarize to looks like HOT LOTS for lack of a better term are skewed towards USA in comparison to Foreign...

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Thank you.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

Shared this on gab. Hope you get lots of subscribers!

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Nov 8, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

More details and thoughts on this at https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=244109&page=19 scroll down to "Tourist"

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I don't quite get the other tables/graphs. Would you like to spend time and explain them in detail, so this can be posted here, if you don't mind?

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The "Tourist" post wasn't mine, sorry didn't mean to imply that! I can see how that wasn't clear. Good to know, thanks, so I can be more clear next time I link like this :-)

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No problem! LOL

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Thanks for the tip, I have added your info. So, what are your conclusions? Gaslighting or not?

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Nov 8, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

I agree with gaslighting. Conspicuous absence of reliable and complete data sets. If the product was really "safe and effective", we would have info on lot quantities and distribution/usage with dates, and all deaths post vax with vax date(s) and lot, etc. As if...

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Typo alert: This URL should have ended in page=15

I found the Tourist discussion too cryptic for me as a non-programmer. I didn't quite get the conclusions, and especially didn't understand how reports for a specific lot could come in for 10 months. You also need to track injection date for this to make any sense.

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Me too. But my data on lots go by the injection date.

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Hi David, here a quick image that might be useful. I have ~300 videos of weekly VAERS audits... https://i.imgur.com/gGySMl7.jpg

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VAERS database is garbage...quick examination of lot #'s should provide ample evidence

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Could you please elaborate?

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Download the data...examine the data...search by lot #...notice the extreme level of variation of data in the database that constitutes a lot #

...from blank (couple hundred thousand entries) to "I don't care" to "I don't know" to "I don?t know" to "I can get it if" to "Hyperlipemia" to "Huh?" to "Granulomatous P" to "Pfizer" to "unk" to "unknown" to "not known" to "N/A" to "12345/1232213412/234234" to "EN6208" to "Pfizer EN6208" to "Doesn't have lo" to "Gw0196 (I think" to "Janssen COVID-1" to "0" to ".3" to "1" to "96.8" to "2005126.1" to "002321A (but co" to "002421A 8-11-" to "041L20A / 031M2" to "041L20A 07/03/2" to "041L20A, 030M20" to "041L20A041L20A" to "N/A - given at" to "JNJ-lot#1805018" to "kb97c / j525" to "JDAMH" to "Janssen J and J" to "multiple" to "LR8729 ?" to "MRNA-Pfizer" to "mRNA,LNP-S,PF,3" to "I'm not sure. O" to "illegible" to "iCares does not" to "idc-59267-1000-" to "MRNA Pfizer #ER" to "McC Lot# EW0175" to "Kc3180 Hard to" to "ModernaCOVID19V" to "Moderne RA lot#" to "MR#580216. PF" to "Moderna COVID-1" to "moderma" to "Malena 004mzoa" to "Medeeia" to "Maderma" to "M" to "Malena 004mzoa" to "Mod-001B21A" to "Mid-Michigan DH" to "MishaylaSteckle" to "Lot:er8734 exp7" to "Lot-011L20A" to "lot037k20a" to "Lot# 030M20ALot" to "Lot number EW01"

...etc etc etc...just a few examples.

Get the picture...

Garbage in...garbage out.

Either 1) VAERS has hired some high school students with a weed addiction to manually enter data; or 2) attempts have been made to destroy data integrity

Which leaves us 1) with trusting our health to a completely incompetent medical system; or 2) with trusting a deviant nefarious system under government control.

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If the lot #'s are that jacked up...how can you trust that any of the other data is correct?

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Well, there still patterns. We are dealing with humans here...

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I get that. Which is why systems are devised to minimize fat finger errors.

Again we either have gross negligence and incompetence...or devious/nefarious...

Out of the 600k+ VAERS database entries...if you eliminate all of the lot #'s that are blank or w/o a proper lot # sequence...what are you left with?

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Your left with about two-thirds, this ain't a college exam, we don't need the correct answer just a plausible answer to help show a pattern. So instead of being a Debbie Downer do something to help the cause. https://www.bitchute.com/video/bhj4fOIexUkD/

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Can you redo the trend line. Only something like 7 of the first 40 bars go above.

Another thing we don't know about lots is how many doses expired or were wasted.

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One of the details that needs to be mentioned is a huge amount of breakthrough deaths and other cases that have been coming in for the past couple months. This adds to the stats of the older lots... see here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hki664sVOSxM/

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Thanks for your input, I hope readers watch your videos. Are these new deaths applied only to those Jan.-Feb. lots, or to newer lots too? My conclusion is that they (CDC/FDA) just stopped registering severe events and deaths to the lots starting in Apr., maybe with few exceptions. So, the notion of the "deadly" lots is misleading, as there are many lots that now look to cause little or no deaths - but that is only because the stats are sabotaged.

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Here is a view of at least 52K ID#s where "Drop" was 180days+ past vaxx date. https://i.imgur.com/oQkcYPR.jpg

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Andreas, No newly reported deaths that have a very long "lag" from vaccination date are of course still being credited to which ever LOT# is on record. I', still processing this drop on Nov. 12, but I will let you world know shortly if any of the new 172 domestic deaths have landed on any of these HOT LOTS that have been identified? I suspect a few will and it will just be a matter of time. If you are familiar with vaersanalysis.info I suggest you check out his last article on HOT LOTS. I'm so glad Dr. Jane Ruby jumped on the Expose' Analysis because it prompted myself and know a quite a few other to weigh in. I did a LOT# analysis back in March and April and I knew it was going to be a bear to analyze but it would be a wealth of info. I'll report back soon and let you know what I find. Iron sharpens Iron, let me know if you find something juicy! And if you don't mind I'd like to give you a little shout out on my channels. God Bless

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Like you, I'm fascinated by VAERS. Wish I had study data analytics in college bc this would be a very interesting side project if I actually knew what I was doing.

Is there a forum for people to discussed VAERS reports? Or a blog you recommend or a FB group or some way to keep in touch? Appreciate your videos, keep em coming.

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Lots are not case-sensitive so you can combine the 28 030M20A deaths with the 6 030m20a deaths for a total of 34 030M20A. So the first step in any lot analysis can be to make them all upper case. And along with that, for basic lot cleaning, also remove spaces and everything that is not alpha-numeric and regular expressions can help with that. It also helps to remove any that do not contain a digit since all valid codes contain at least one digit. All letter 'O' can be replaced with the number 0 because none of the companies have gone so far as to throw that much confusion our way yet, they all avoid O. Z is always really 2 except for Astrazeneca (they like the letter Z).

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Thank you for your thoughtful analysis (and WelcomeTheEagle's too). Both my full vaxxed parents received Pfizer lot EN6200 in Feb 2021. Both were hospitalized with breakthrough covid in July 2021, and my otherwise healthy dad died within 3 weeks (not reported to VAERS). At the time, we were shocked at the outcome as he had no co-morbidities, but the hot lots analysis provides a potential answer. It is heart-breaking to know Big Pharma continues to inflict so many unnecessary deaths because the CDC/FDA still cannot find a safety signal in the VAERS data. Their willful blindness is morally reprehensible.

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CDC Actively Manipulating Data, Recoding USA Data To Look Like Foreign Data

1 Chart makes it plain!


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I think you've got the wrong link at this hyperlink in the text.

"Heres even a time graph of VAERS entries against data."

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The day I saw this lady get on TV and tell pregnant women to hurry out and get the jab was the day I knew she was Satan's Bride. What the F do they have on her or her family? I have to believe she is not marching babies and children to their graves willingly, because I still have some faith in mankind.

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Could it partially be because of seasonal variation in mortality whereby more people die in spring? I see a two fold higher mortality in spring than in summer in some graphs on the internet. The gap here is much bigger though.

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This is about the „vaccine“ adverse events though, not mortality per se

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