Fun House Mirrors Canada
Nothing is as it seems - it's all a carefully manufactured illusion. Gaslighting of Canadians by their own government.
This is mainly for Canadian consumption and feedback, but others may find it instructive as to how a WEF-incorporated government
can treat its citizens with impunity [, so far].
When it comes to the Covid “health safety” measures the Canadians are being subjected to at Canada’s borders, it’s nothing short of grotesque:
Since Nov. 21, 2020 and all the way through to this day, while the rest of the world has left these things in the rear view mirror a while ago. As a Canadian, this is what you have to contend with to enter your own country [they say]:
Go online within 72 hours of reaching the Canadian entry point and submit your vaccination status, home address, email, phone number, health status and whether you have a quarantine plan, through the ArriveCan app: “You must use ArriveCAN to provide mandatory travel and public health information before and after your entry into Canada. ArriveCAN is not only keeping travellers safe, but is part of our ongoing efforts to modernize cross-border travel. No smartphone or taking a short trip? Within 72 hours of your arrival in Canada or before taking a short trip outside Canada, you can sign in to ArriveCAN from a computer to get your ArriveCAN receipt. Print your receipt and take it with you when you travel. You can also have someone submit your travel information on your behalf.”
Obtain a electronic receipt of the ArriveCan submission that you may have to present at the border: “You must show your ArriveCAN receipt to the Canada border services officer upon arrival to Canada and before boarding a plane or cruise ship. You’re responsible for ensuring that you meet all of the requirements for entry into Canada.”
On the border, they will ask you to disclose your vaccination and testing status.
Submit yourself to a random Covid test upon arriving if you are fully vaccinated, or a mandatory day 1 and day 8 Covid test if you are not.
If you are not vaccinated, isolate/quarantine for 14 days with daily reporting over the phone to the “health authorities”: “If you didn't qualify for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption: Beginning the day after you arrive in Canada, all travellers, unless exempt from this requirement, must use ArriveCAN to:
confirm that you've arrived at the address you provided for your quarantine or isolation location;
complete daily COVID-19 symptom self-assessments until the completion of your quarantine period or until you report symptoms;
confirm that you have completed your day-8 test and sent your sample to the lab.
Government of Canada officials will call you to ensure that you're complying with your mandatory quarantine or isolation.
You must answer calls from 1-888-336-7735 and answer all questions truthfully to demonstrate your compliance with the law.
You may also receive a visit from a designated screening officer to confirm your compliance with the quarantine or isolation order.
If you’re required to quarantine, you must complete your reporting after entering Canada. Call 1-833-641-0343 each day during your 14-day quarantine.”
If you decide not to comply, the friendly screening officers from the PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada) may and will burden you with hefty fines for many perceived transgressions that you may fancy to commit, like:
not disclosing your vaccination status;
refusing to be submitted to Covid tests;
not using the ArriveCan app before your arrival at the border;
refusing to disclose your personal information like your phone number, home address and email address.
The fines slapped on you by PHO, as reported by some, may amount to $17,500CAD per person [, may be even more?]:
How nice that the Canadian government takes the wellbeing of its citizens and other residents so close to heart! Too close to my taste and to the taste of many other Canadians, ungrateful types that we are. Therefore, I have decided to have a close look at the basis for these draconian measures that twist Canadians into pretzels.
To start comprehending the shere scale of the obfuscation operation at the border, you need to watch this pep talk from a Canadian border agent:
Some have applied these instructions with great success:

Others, not so much:

Being as flamboyant as the helpful border agent in the former video is, we’d like to get some independent corroboration of his words. And what’s the better source than Public Safety Canada. Welcome to the stage the “CBSA’s Role at the Border during COVID-19” document from Mar. 10, 2021:
In the context of the pandemic, CBSA officers at the port of entry are designated screening officers under the Quarantine Act.
As such, they assess every traveller’s health status through visual inspection for symptoms, as well as a series of health screening questions as requested by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
Travellers who appear ill, or answer “yes” to any of the screening questions, are referred to PHAC officers for further assessment. In addition, CBSA officers ensure that travellers have submitted necessary contact information and, if required, a quarantine plan prior to entering, or upon entry to, Canada.
… Travellers who do not have a molecular test are referred to PHAC. Those who enter by right, such as Canadian citizens, permanent residents and persons registered under the Indian Act, are referred to PHAC for further assessment.
Exactly same as the guy in the video told us!
But that was about the border agents. What about the police, the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounter Police). Glad you’ve asked! Here’s another nebulous document from Public Safety Canada, Mar. 8, 2021, “Covid-19 – RCMP Enforcement Of The Quarantine Act”:
The RCMP is working in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency and other law enforcement partners, to ensure compliance with Quarantine Act requirements for border and self-isolation measures.
RCMP officers are considered “screening officers” under the Quarantine Act. In addition, as peace officers, they can provide assistance for the purposes of administration or enforcement of the Quarantine Act.
RCMP role is to coordinate, collaborate, and assist in administration or enforcement of the Quarantine Act. Got it? Me neither. So what’s in the Quarantine Act, then, that needs administration and enforcement, in terms of travellers arriving at the Canadian border? Welcome to the stage the Quarantine Act:
Obligation on arriving travellers
12 Every person who is subject to subsection 11(1) of the Customs Act and enters Canada shall, immediately after entering, present themselves to a screening officer at the nearest entry point.
Screening technology
14 (1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other foreign body.
Refusal to be screened
(2) If a traveller refuses to be screened with the screening technology and the person using it is not a screening officer or quarantine officer, the person shall immediately inform a screening officer or quarantine officer of the refusal.
Duty to provide information
15 (1) Every traveller shall answer any relevant questions asked by a screening officer or quarantine officer and provide to the officer any information or record in their possession that the officer may reasonably require in the performance of a duty under this Act.
Duty to disclose communicable disease
(2) Any traveller who has reasonable grounds to suspect that they have or might have a communicable disease listed in the schedule or are infested with vectors, or that they have recently been in close proximity to a person who has, or is reasonably likely to have, a communicable disease listed in the schedule or is infested with vectors, shall disclose that fact to a screening officer or quarantine officer.
Compliance with measures
(3) Every traveller shall comply with any reasonable measure ordered by a screening officer or quarantine officer for the purpose of preventing the introduction and spread of a communicable disease.
What this says, in layman terms, is that the PHO (screening officers) may ask you questions related to the communicable disease screening, and may take your temperature, but not with a rectal thermometer (as they do in China). If you suspect that you may be sick, try to be honest about it. That’s it! What amounts to a “reasonable measure” should be understood in the full view of the Quarantine Act Sections 14 and 15 quoted above. I.e.:
be nice with them,
let your temperature be taken and
answer the questions related to how you are feeling at the moment and whether you suspect you may be sick with a communicable disease.
That is all they are entitled to, according to law. If they attempt to subject you to this:
they are clearly breaking the Canadian law.
Now back to the “mandatory” ArriveCan app. What makes it “mandatory”? As far as I could find out, the two press releases from Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC):
“Government of Canada announces new mandatory requirements for travellers to Canada” (Nov. 2, 2020): “As of November 21, 2020, air travellers whose final destination is Canada will be required to submit their information electronically through ArriveCAN before they board their flight. This includes travel and contact information, quarantine plan (unless exempted under conditions set out in the Mandatory Isolation Order), and COVID-19 symptom self-assessment. Travellers must be ready to show their ArriveCAN receipt when seeking entry into Canada; a border services officer will verify that they have submitted their information digitally. Travellers who do not submit the required information digitally before boarding their flight could be subject to enforcement action, which can range from verbal warnings to $1,000 fine. Exceptions will be made for those unable to submit documents electronically due to personal circumstances, such as disability or inadequate infrastructure.”
“Government of Canada expands restrictions to international travel by land and air” (Feb.12, 2021): “…as of February 15, 2021, all travellers, with some exceptions, will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 molecular test result taken in the United States within 72 hours of pre-arrival, or a positive test taken 14 to 90 days prior to arrival. In addition, as of February 22, 2021, travellers entering Canada at the land border will be required to take a COVID-19 molecular test on arrival as well as toward the end of their 14-day quarantine. …all travellers, whether arriving by land or air will be required to submit their travel and contact information, including a suitable quarantine plan, electronically via ArriveCAN before crossing the border or boarding a flight.”
So, governing via news releases, eh? Actually, there are Orders in Council (a form of an executive order that bypasses the parliament) reissued every month for the next 30 days, that endorse every wish of the Trudeau government. These Orders claim that Section 58 of the Quatantine Act justifies the measures like “mandating” the ArriveCan app and testing. But Section 58 is titled “Order prohibiting entry into Canada”. As Canadian citizens ALWAYS have the right to enter and leave Canada as they wish, Section 58 therefore cannot apply to them. Period. Full Stop. So, the Orders in Council do violate the Quarantine Act as well when in concerns Canadian citizens. Even the ArriveCan app itself admits the same:
The fact that these “orders” violate the three laws listed below make them null and void.
According to Queen’s University Library:
Orders in Council are notices of appointments, regulations, or legislative orders related to and authorized by existing legislation.
I can clearly identify Trudeau government’s wishes, not too subtly expressed. The problem with them is, these wishes are NOT authorized by existing legislation and thus illegal in the face of Canadian law:
First, the mentioned above Quarantine Act cannot require a “molecular” (read PCR) test or the use of ArriveCan app and submission of personal information not related to the establshment of your health status at the border. And what is against the law is unlawful. Do not follow unlawful orders. One legal expert concurs:
Second, the “required” molecular test is squarely against another Canadian law, namely “Genetic Non-Discrimination Act” of 2017:
Genetic test
3 (1) It is prohibited for any person to require an individual to undergo a genetic test as a condition of
(a) providing goods or services to that individual;
(b) entering into or continuing a contract or agreement with that individual; or
(c) offering or continuing specific terms or conditions in a contract or agreement with that individual.
Refusal to undergo genetic test
3 (2) It is prohibited for any person to refuse to engage in an activity described in any of paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) in respect of an individual on the grounds that the individual has refused to undergo a genetic test.
Disclosure of results
4 (1) It is prohibited for any person to require an individual to disclose the results of a genetic test as a condition of engaging in an activity described in any of paragraphs 3(1)(a) to (c).
Refusal to disclose results
4 (2) It is prohibited for any person to refuse to engage in an activity described in any of paragraphs 3(1)(a) to (c) in respect of an individual on the grounds that the individual has refused to disclose the results of a genetic test.
Written consent
5 It is prohibited for any person who is engaged in an activity described in any of paragraphs 3(1)(a) to (c) in respect of an individual to collect, use or disclose the results of a genetic test of the individual without the individual’s written consent.
Third, “mandating” the ArriveCan app, molecular tests and submission of personal information, other hinderances contradicts the Canadian Constitution, of which the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the basis:
“Mobility Rights (Mobility of citizens): 6 (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.” Full stop. This is an unconditional constitutional right of every Canadian. “Pass freely, without hinderance” is prominently featured on the first page of every Canadian passport:
Fourth, while the Charter of Rights describes the relative rights that can be curtailed or suspended “due to reasonable limits prescribed by law”( “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society”), the Canadian Bill of Rights describes absolute rights that cannot be curtailed. These include, in Section 1,
(a) the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property, and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law;
(b) the right of the individual to equality before the law and the protection of the law;
The Charter does NOT supersede the Bill of Rights. Thus, the “Orders in Council” imposing different treatment of Canadians depending on their vaccination status (or the use or no use of a smart phone app to report their private medical information) violate the Canadian Bill of Rights and render these acts to be of no force or effect of law. If you want to dispute the infringement on your rights in court, use Canadian Bill of Rights in your defense and not the Charter of Rights - this is a much stronger line of defense.
So much for the wishes of the Trudeau government:
If you comply with these “mandates”, you are doing it voluntarily to yourself — they have no right or basis in law to demand that of you. Not that the useful idiots or the power-hungry government goons won’t make your experience in standing up for your rights as unpleasant as they possibly can. But, freedoms are worth standing up for, aren’t they?
Let me know if I missed any important detail or if you would like to correct my understanding.
P.S. Just in - “ArriveCan ‘glitch’ ordering vaccinated Canadians into quarantine without reason” (National Post, 2022.07.18):
Audrey Champoux, press secretary to Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, acknowledged there have been problems, but stressed the government isn’t looking to use the app to punish people. “While we are aware some travellers may have experienced some glitches, in cases where people have issues using the app, the CBSA’s top priority is always to help and educate, not be punitive.”
Somehow, the actions speak louder than words.
I crossed overland last Sunday, from US to Canada. I did not consent to provide any additional information, beyond my passport. I was held over 2 hours. Border security suggested bringing the police and also provided the option of escorting me to a Federal quarantine facility.
“My passport is the only document and information I need to provide to enter my country”. Repeat often.
I also stated several times that I was healthy and had no symptoms of illness.
Interestingly, no official asked me about my health.
When I spoke with a quarantine officer on the phone, I cited section 4 of the quarantine act, which states a certificate is granted by the minister to a screening agent, other than a border official, and must be provided to the individual being questioned. The quarantine officer flat out refused, and said I had to answer her questions first, and she did not need the quarantine act.
After much back and forth regarding the law - I brought my highlighted copy of the Act. It ended with me questioning whether sec 58 applied, since I had no communicable disease, I stated they should make the arrangements to take me to their facility.
I left 5 minutes later, 2 test kits in hand and a flyer indicating my 1 time exemption from quarantine and withholding use of arrivecan.
I present this story as an act of civil disobedience to those I know who are vaxxed. I make it about not wanting to use the internet etc to enter my country. Leave out the health piece and people are against this surveillance nonsense.
Peace to you all!
This is so incomprehensible to someone who was a kid in the '60s and witnessed the flight to Canada for the freedom not to engage in the Vietnam war. I always had this image of Canada as just about the most free country in the world.
Canada has now become both grotesque and conquered.