mid pandemic, the FCC came down hard on Xlear nasal spray and the FDA started to threaten NAC. they did anything they could to prevent people from taking care of themselves, hopefully to force them to depend only on very profitable drug company products. if something is good, safe, actually effective, natural and cheap, you can be sure Pharma will enlist the government to go after it on it's behalf.
i wish i could use Xlear. i'm allergic to one of the ingredients. my boyfriend uses it religiously. when he had covid, i made him a saline/H2O2 solution to nebulize hourly. i alternated it with colloidal silver and iodine.
i nebulize with reduced glutathione daily and have been able to cut down my use of asthma medication.
you don't have to go back as far as the plaque to find doctors behaving badly. who ran the nazi death camps?
Gargling with Providone Iodine has been proven to protect against COVID-19. There was a study that was done in India early on which verified the great effectiveness of the Providone iodine. It’s cheaper than most of the remedies that are being proffered.
It is pretty well established that "doctors" at hospitals in Geneva were spreading plague intentionally. The term for the people doing it was engraisseur. I was actually reading these passages in 2020 or 21 about the torture of the miscreants thinking that we should be a bit more bold these days and do the same to Mr. Fauci. He was truly an engraisseur.
Google as I tried, couldn't discover any references for the plague doctor malfeasances, other search engines no better. It seems that the AI filters are being applied across the board already. SO, unless you go to a library and spend years in research, Internet is not your friend any more. Will we have any rogue AI engines that would give the facts straight, without social activism?
En apparence paisible, cette année 1545, imprime dans les esprits, à Genève et autour de la Martinière d’Ambilly, le souvenir noir de la peste et de ses ravages, mais aussi celui de l’affaire obscure de misérables supposés ou vraiment « occupés à répandre l’épidémie ». De cette maladie, on ignore presque tout sinon qu’elle tue, vite et beaucoup. On est persuadé de sa propagation par des gens mal intentionnés ou par une pollution de l’air mais assurément, l’épidémie est « signe du courroux de Dieu contre les hommes ».
Une chasse aux sorcières qui mène au bûcher
On engage des « cureurs » pour évacuer, enterrer, désinfecter, œuvrant de nuit, brûlant encens et parfums, lavant le linge contaminé au Rhône. Les volontaires, sont trop rares. On n’est pas regardant à l’embauche. Chers payés, leurs mœurs scandalisent.
En cette année, l’épidémie n’est pas une nouveauté. Affaiblie pendant l’hiver, elle explose au retour des beaux jours, en ville et en campagne sans distinction (jusque fin 46).
Depuis la grande peste noire, on persécute ceux qu’on accuse de répandre artificiellement la maladie, chasse aux sorcières qui mène au bûcher. On assure que des « engraisseurs » enduisent verrous et poignées de portes « de graisse de pendus en onguent, empoisonnée du pus de bubons pesteux ». La psychose enfle et atteint les autorités. À Thonon, en 1545, le bailli bernois obtient sous la torture du nommé Bernard Dallinge, ancien serviteur aux pestiférés de Plainpalais, d’être « semeur de peste » associé à un nommé Jean Lentille, Dunant de son vrai nom, originaire de Groisy dans les Bornes. Une énorme affaire. Travailler dans les maisons infectées ne l’effraie pas, car il a eu la peste et en a guéri et été immunisé. Sans prêter serment, au plus fort de l’épidémie il reprend du « service », ne se contentant pas de curer. Des dénonciations en chaîne expliquent qu’entre février 45 et l’automne 46, 62 hommes et femmes sont arrêtés, 8 Genevois (dont 3 enfants), les autres étant surtout de Savoie et quelques-uns des pays de Vaud et de Gex ou de France.
Des boucs émissaires sacrifiés
Le « semeur de peste » moyen est de faible intégration sociale, déraciné de sa Savoie natale. Son métier de cureur, que personne ne veut faire, lui vaut mépris et suspicion. Plus encore si c’est une femme, veuve de surcroît. On en obtient même, sous d’atroces tortures, l’aveu d’un commerce avec le malin : « Le diable en forme de bête noire à quatre piautes et ongles longues. » On et convaincu que semer la peste est affaire de bandes organisées. Placer le complot sous l’invocation du diable assurant le silence. Les procès s’attardent sur la couleur de la graisse. Les gains des cureurs, vengeance des humbles parfois, espoir d’améliorer la vie, sont jalousés sans preuves avérées bien sûr. Leurs « crimes » sont châtiés : 29 condamnés à mort sur le bûcher après avoir été traînés sur une claie jusqu’au Molard où on leur trancha la main, punition de leur infâme serment.
On a sacrifié des boucs émissaires pour tenter d’exorciser la peste ravageuse, tout en rétablissant un ordre social par l’élimination d’éléments perturbateurs. En essayant de soigner les effets plutôt que l’origine du mal.
Yes, it was interesting because I had found the passage that you cited about the torture of the engraisseurs in 2020 or 21 via a lazy google search, but I was going to send it to a friend maybe a year ago and I could not find it again.
It is strange though. Surely modern medicine would simply scoff at the practices in the 1500s with the clownshow of wearing those strange beak outfits and thinking that it was the odor that spread the plague.
Yes, we are too "civilized" to subject evil doers to such treatment. So, we labor on w/ gathering evidence, trying to post lawsuits, trying to get our so-called "representatives" to actually do something about the travesties, etc., and all the while the evil doers are praised, lavished with monies and awards and titles and either new jobs or allowed to retire on our dime w/ not even a stain on their name or reputation... While millions more of us are poisoned and/or die. Yes, "civilization" is so much better.
What a fascinating article. Riveting reading. So even ChT GPPT is programmed as a gate keeper of information. What would be the equivalent punishment for this software purveyor of lies., of better, the programmers behind it?
Just another suggestion, I add a splash of hydrogen peroxide to my salt water gargle. It cures sore throats quickly. And a couple drops of iodine in the salt nasal rinse also kills more germs.
Very enlightening article! Oh, the sins men have committed centuries ago -- and are STILL committing at this present time. The lust for money remains at the heart of it all.
As the French article explains, there was a real paranoia going on, in year 1545, with people hunting down "engraisseurs", real or imagined, possibly triggered by the real outrageous events only 5 years prior in the same town. The modern Swiss like to cast the past in the worst "uneducated" light and put themselves forward as so enlightened that you can't even look at them without the sunglasses lest you be blinded for life.
After a bit of research I started to rinse my mouth with 0.2% to 0.4% bleach (sodium hypochlorite) for dental health. It's pretty brutal and I only do it once in a while. I suppose that I could force myself to gargle with it. If so it would be quite effective against pathogens in the laryngeal area, I would surmise. I was also drinking hot tea the other day and measured that it was over 60C. Push it up to near 70C then you might be able to have some effect, but maybe that's difference between damage and pain...... For pasteurization the old method was to heat the milk in a vat at exactly 63C for 30 minutes (I remember buying milk in Japan in 2011 that had this advertised on the carton and it was delicious) whereas today they heat it for 15 seconds at 73C, I think in North America. Normal milk in Japan is heated at 120 or 130 C for 2 seconds, I think, and it tastes nearly as bad as UHT milk.
mid pandemic, the FCC came down hard on Xlear nasal spray and the FDA started to threaten NAC. they did anything they could to prevent people from taking care of themselves, hopefully to force them to depend only on very profitable drug company products. if something is good, safe, actually effective, natural and cheap, you can be sure Pharma will enlist the government to go after it on it's behalf.
i wish i could use Xlear. i'm allergic to one of the ingredients. my boyfriend uses it religiously. when he had covid, i made him a saline/H2O2 solution to nebulize hourly. i alternated it with colloidal silver and iodine.
i nebulize with reduced glutathione daily and have been able to cut down my use of asthma medication.
you don't have to go back as far as the plaque to find doctors behaving badly. who ran the nazi death camps?
You don't have to go even that far. Who runs Covid-19?
Gracious. Gives new meaning to plague doctor title
I detest the word "debunk".
Uncle Harry's products are awesome. Just sayin, wrt gargle.
Gargling with Providone Iodine has been proven to protect against COVID-19. There was a study that was done in India early on which verified the great effectiveness of the Providone iodine. It’s cheaper than most of the remedies that are being proffered.
Have two bottles in the cupboard, just in case.
Glad to know that you know. Spread the word!
It is pretty well established that "doctors" at hospitals in Geneva were spreading plague intentionally. The term for the people doing it was engraisseur. I was actually reading these passages in 2020 or 21 about the torture of the miscreants thinking that we should be a bit more bold these days and do the same to Mr. Fauci. He was truly an engraisseur.
Here is another source that I read back then:
Google as I tried, couldn't discover any references for the plague doctor malfeasances, other search engines no better. It seems that the AI filters are being applied across the board already. SO, unless you go to a library and spend years in research, Internet is not your friend any more. Will we have any rogue AI engines that would give the facts straight, without social activism?
Yandex is worth trying; also perhaps Mojeek.co.uk for some off-the-wall results. It seems your GPT has been talked to, with some urgency.
Just tried both to no avail: the word "engraisseur" doesn't even come up in any useful context.
For engraisseur & plague, Yandex gives me L'affaire des engraisseurs de 1545 à Genève (no abstract):
And a 2002 book reference - Plagues, poisons and potions: Plague-spreading conspiracies in the Western Alps, c. 1530–1640
Thanks, that was helpful. Found this article in French (https://c.ledauphine.com/haute-savoie/2016/01/31/une-sombre-affaire-de-semeurs-de-peste):
Une sombre affaire de « semeurs de peste »
Gilbert TARONI - 31 janv. 2016
En apparence paisible, cette année 1545, imprime dans les esprits, à Genève et autour de la Martinière d’Ambilly, le souvenir noir de la peste et de ses ravages, mais aussi celui de l’affaire obscure de misérables supposés ou vraiment « occupés à répandre l’épidémie ». De cette maladie, on ignore presque tout sinon qu’elle tue, vite et beaucoup. On est persuadé de sa propagation par des gens mal intentionnés ou par une pollution de l’air mais assurément, l’épidémie est « signe du courroux de Dieu contre les hommes ».
Une chasse aux sorcières qui mène au bûcher
On engage des « cureurs » pour évacuer, enterrer, désinfecter, œuvrant de nuit, brûlant encens et parfums, lavant le linge contaminé au Rhône. Les volontaires, sont trop rares. On n’est pas regardant à l’embauche. Chers payés, leurs mœurs scandalisent.
En cette année, l’épidémie n’est pas une nouveauté. Affaiblie pendant l’hiver, elle explose au retour des beaux jours, en ville et en campagne sans distinction (jusque fin 46).
Depuis la grande peste noire, on persécute ceux qu’on accuse de répandre artificiellement la maladie, chasse aux sorcières qui mène au bûcher. On assure que des « engraisseurs » enduisent verrous et poignées de portes « de graisse de pendus en onguent, empoisonnée du pus de bubons pesteux ». La psychose enfle et atteint les autorités. À Thonon, en 1545, le bailli bernois obtient sous la torture du nommé Bernard Dallinge, ancien serviteur aux pestiférés de Plainpalais, d’être « semeur de peste » associé à un nommé Jean Lentille, Dunant de son vrai nom, originaire de Groisy dans les Bornes. Une énorme affaire. Travailler dans les maisons infectées ne l’effraie pas, car il a eu la peste et en a guéri et été immunisé. Sans prêter serment, au plus fort de l’épidémie il reprend du « service », ne se contentant pas de curer. Des dénonciations en chaîne expliquent qu’entre février 45 et l’automne 46, 62 hommes et femmes sont arrêtés, 8 Genevois (dont 3 enfants), les autres étant surtout de Savoie et quelques-uns des pays de Vaud et de Gex ou de France.
Des boucs émissaires sacrifiés
Le « semeur de peste » moyen est de faible intégration sociale, déraciné de sa Savoie natale. Son métier de cureur, que personne ne veut faire, lui vaut mépris et suspicion. Plus encore si c’est une femme, veuve de surcroît. On en obtient même, sous d’atroces tortures, l’aveu d’un commerce avec le malin : « Le diable en forme de bête noire à quatre piautes et ongles longues. » On et convaincu que semer la peste est affaire de bandes organisées. Placer le complot sous l’invocation du diable assurant le silence. Les procès s’attardent sur la couleur de la graisse. Les gains des cureurs, vengeance des humbles parfois, espoir d’améliorer la vie, sont jalousés sans preuves avérées bien sûr. Leurs « crimes » sont châtiés : 29 condamnés à mort sur le bûcher après avoir été traînés sur une claie jusqu’au Molard où on leur trancha la main, punition de leur infâme serment.
On a sacrifié des boucs émissaires pour tenter d’exorciser la peste ravageuse, tout en rétablissant un ordre social par l’élimination d’éléments perturbateurs. En essayant de soigner les effets plutôt que l’origine du mal.
Where can we find an English translation? Or can you give us a summary in English?
Yes, it was interesting because I had found the passage that you cited about the torture of the engraisseurs in 2020 or 21 via a lazy google search, but I was going to send it to a friend maybe a year ago and I could not find it again.
It is strange though. Surely modern medicine would simply scoff at the practices in the 1500s with the clownshow of wearing those strange beak outfits and thinking that it was the odor that spread the plague.
Excellent article! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
And ChatGPT's?
LOL! AI has no thoughts, just pre-programmed data.
Yes, we are too "civilized" to subject evil doers to such treatment. So, we labor on w/ gathering evidence, trying to post lawsuits, trying to get our so-called "representatives" to actually do something about the travesties, etc., and all the while the evil doers are praised, lavished with monies and awards and titles and either new jobs or allowed to retire on our dime w/ not even a stain on their name or reputation... While millions more of us are poisoned and/or die. Yes, "civilization" is so much better.
What a fascinating article. Riveting reading. So even ChT GPPT is programmed as a gate keeper of information. What would be the equivalent punishment for this software purveyor of lies., of better, the programmers behind it?
Good ol' salt water gargle, like Grandma always said : )
I've started doing this along with fire cider when I feel something coming on. It works great!
Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Awful tasting but effective.
"Gargle or Intubate?"
50 cents or $40,000+? I wonder what the medical industrial complex would choose? It's a tough one.
Just another suggestion, I add a splash of hydrogen peroxide to my salt water gargle. It cures sore throats quickly. And a couple drops of iodine in the salt nasal rinse also kills more germs.
Very enlightening article! Oh, the sins men have committed centuries ago -- and are STILL committing at this present time. The lust for money remains at the heart of it all.
As the French article explains, there was a real paranoia going on, in year 1545, with people hunting down "engraisseurs", real or imagined, possibly triggered by the real outrageous events only 5 years prior in the same town. The modern Swiss like to cast the past in the worst "uneducated" light and put themselves forward as so enlightened that you can't even look at them without the sunglasses lest you be blinded for life.
After a bit of research I started to rinse my mouth with 0.2% to 0.4% bleach (sodium hypochlorite) for dental health. It's pretty brutal and I only do it once in a while. I suppose that I could force myself to gargle with it. If so it would be quite effective against pathogens in the laryngeal area, I would surmise. I was also drinking hot tea the other day and measured that it was over 60C. Push it up to near 70C then you might be able to have some effect, but maybe that's difference between damage and pain...... For pasteurization the old method was to heat the milk in a vat at exactly 63C for 30 minutes (I remember buying milk in Japan in 2011 that had this advertised on the carton and it was delicious) whereas today they heat it for 15 seconds at 73C, I think in North America. Normal milk in Japan is heated at 120 or 130 C for 2 seconds, I think, and it tastes nearly as bad as UHT milk.
Is it the gargling or the rinsing doing the healing?
Or just the sound vibrations? Kidding!
Without vibrations of air, sound doesn't exist.