This retrospective study analyzed herpes zoster cases diagnosed between 26 February 2021 and 30 June 2021 and registered in the National Health Insurance Service database. A matched case-control study with a 1:3 matching ratio and a propensity score matching (PSM) study with a 1:1 ratio of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals were performed.
BNT162b2 was associated with an increased risk of herpes zoster reactivation (first dose adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06-1.15; second dose aOR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.12-1.23).
Forest plot for the odds ratios and hazard ratios of herpes zoster in the 2 analytic methods. A, Adjusted odds ratios of vaccination and subgroup variables (age and sex) calculated by multivariate logistic regression in the matched case-control analysis. B, Adjusted hazard ratios of vaccination and subgroup variables (age and sex) calculated by multivariate Cox regression and extended Cox regression analysis in the propensity score matching analysis. Each variable is divided by the period after vaccination within or after 18 days when the assumption of proportional hazard is violated.
You can clearly see that the odds ratio is going up with the subsequent jabs. And the study only looked at the immediate effect in the first few months of 2021. A lot of “vaccinations” took place after that…
As well, it was obvious that the “vaccination” into the pandemic made the recipients much more prone to catching Covid within two weeks after the jab, where they were considered to be “unprotected” and, “technically”, unvaccinated. Which was used to push the jabs even harder, as this circumstance was sold as the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.
I won’t dwell more on the substantiation of the fact that mRNA vaccines mess up the immune systems of the recipients - the motivated Reader can easily find more support in the online trusted sources, the unmotivated one can’t be helped at this point.
A deadly outbreak of a "flesh-eating bacteria" is spreading rapidly across Japan, alarming health officials with how quickly it can lead to death. Close to 1,000 cases of Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) have been reported in the Asian country this year, and doctors warn symptoms can be fatal within 48 hours.
As of June 2, Japan reported 977 STSS cases, already surpassing last year's total of 941 cases within the first six months of 2024, according to the country's National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
The disease is a response to Group A Streptococcus (GAS), the same bacteria that causes strep throat in children. Some strains of the bacteria can lead to rapidly developing symptoms like fever, low blood pressure, limb pain and swelling. If untreated, these symptoms can develop into necrosis, organ failure, difficulty breathing and even death.
“Most of the deaths happen within 48 hours,” said Ken Kikuchi, a professor in infectious diseases at Tokyo Women’s Medical University, in an interview with Bloomberg. “As soon as a patient notices swelling in foot in the morning, it can expand to the knee by noon, and they can die within 48 hours.”
That is after 2023 itself has been the record year for such infections in Japan.
An increase in iGAS (invasive GAS) infections was reported in the UK, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Sweden in late 2022 and early 2023, particularly in children under 10 years of age.
In the U.S., STSS is further tabulated separately among iGAS infections. iGAS infections in children increased in December 2022, as in Europe.
In Canada, although there are no reports of a national outbreak, British Columbia has reported an increase in iGAS infections among those under 20 years of age since December 2023.
In Australia, iGAS infections have not been designated as a surveillance disease until 2021, but the number of reported cases has been gradually increasing since the start of the surveillance; as of March 21, 2024, the number of reported cases is at the same level as that of 2023.
In Argentina, while there was no increase in the number of reported cases at the end of 2022, there was an increase in the number of reported cases and deaths from iGAS infections in 2023 mainly in children.
One thing in common among the named above countries? All are highly mRNA-jabbed populations.
The circulating infections and maybe shedding did sadly also cause problems for those that have not taken any injection. I suffered from increase in cold sore cases. It's something that I did not expect and I am still not sure what the exact mechanism was. Fortunately I discovered that cold cores can be cured much faster with a mix of topical ivermectin and BHT.
The circulating infections and maybe shedding did sadly also cause problems for those that have not taken any injection. I suffered from increase in cold sore cases. It's something that I did not expect and I am still not sure what the exact mechanism was. Fortunately I discovered that cold cores can be cured much faster with a mix of topical ivermectin and BHT.
The pharmaceutical industry is a huge blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity.