Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

The circulating infections and maybe shedding did sadly also cause problems for those that have not taken any injection. I suffered from increase in cold sore cases. It's something that I did not expect and I am still not sure what the exact mechanism was. Fortunately I discovered that cold cores can be cured much faster with a mix of topical ivermectin and BHT.

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Yes, I saw another article (A Midwestern Doctor, I think) where increased issues with herpes-related were on the rise.

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Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

Do you re-call the exact article? AMD wrote in May the "The Forgotten Science of Vaccine Disease Provocation" where he mentions in chapter "Off-Target Immune Suppression" the re-activation of latent infections. However it's again about vaccines.

I am thinking that any circulating infection can potentially activate older latent infections to some degree.

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Also zinc supplements keep them in check for me. If you try it, I've found taking zinc about 20 minutes after a big meal helps with the nausea many experience.

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Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

The pharmaceutical industry is a huge blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity.

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Relatedly, one of the early interviews with a jab injured person was by none other than RFK, Jr when he interviewed guitarist Jeff Diamond, who lost several fingers to gangrene directly after his jab.

Interview with Guitarist Jeff Diamond

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., "The Defender" Podcast, July 5, 2022




ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR: Hey everybody, we're going to share with you a really disturbing story today. It's about one of the many stories that the press is not covering about vaccine injuries from these mRNA and the other vaccines. My guest today is a professional, a very, very successful professional musician. He has made his livelihood for at least 4 decades as a guitarist. He's an extraordinary guitarist. You can look up his videos on YouTube and see how skilled he is. He's played as a backup guitarist for the Platters, for the Coasters. He is a professional vocal instructor, but he's also just a workaday musician who's played in Las Vegas, virtually any city that you can name he has played in. And he has made a lot of money and a living for himself and his family.

In July, on the July 4th weekend of last year he got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. As a result of that vaccine he ended up in a three week coma. He was intubated so that it ruined his vocal cords and he can no longer sing, He was intubated too long. Most disturbingly there were pervasive blood clots that shut down his kidneys, shut down many of his other organs, affected his hands and feet. And as a result of that he had amputations on eight of his fingers. And so he now can no longer make his livelihood.

And this is something again you won't read about in the press. His plight has not been covered in the mainstream media will not touch, there are now as you know, hundreds of thousands of stories like this that are not being reported in the mainstream media.

But I wanted to do the public service of letting one of these victims of these kind of vaccine injuries talk to us today and tell his story. And Jeff wanted to tell his story to the world. Jeff, tell us what happened.

JEFF DIAMOND: This all started last year. I had a gig in Atlanta, Georgia over the July 4th weekend and I got back from Georgia and on July the 9th I got the Johnson & Johnson covid shot. And the reason I got the Johnson & Johnson covid shot in the first place, because I kept putting it off, I was taking care of my mother. I was her caregiver and that's the only reason that I got the shot in the first place, or I wouldn't have. I didn't want to come back and, God forbid, give her covid.

So I got the covid shot on July the 9th. Then about a week or a week and a half after that I was found unconscious in my apartment. And I was in a coma as you mentioned. It ended up for about three weeks. And I was taken to a hospital near my residency, or in the state of Minnesota, and I was as I mentioned unconscious. I was intubated, my understanding. I came out of the coma and come to find out that my fingers, eight of them, were amputated. And to my shock and horror and amazement that this was done, and there were several people including doctors, and everybody else, the surgeon that did the amputations and obviously I had questions and everything else that went on.


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Jeff Diamond's YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj8Cqhh3ZtY

Watch him playing "Honky Tonk Woman" 5 years ago:


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There are also videos of Eric Clapton talking about his virus debacle injection injuries in those early days due to the pressure he received from friends and family to follow along .

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Yes indeed. A whole crop comes up on Rumble, for example. I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if RFK's interview with Jeff Diamond wasn't thanks to Clapton.

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Yes, possibly, because Clapton was in those early days of the debacle. So glad to see him playing again ; he seems like a very lovely guy- and perhaps more than lucky to have regained his brilliance as a musician .

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You say he was talking about it in his early days. Well, I didn't see that till more than a year later. All I recall from the early days is that the press, and fellow aged but virtue-signalling rockers, constantly lambasted him for his anti-vax stance but there was no mention whatsoever that he had been injured.

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He was mentioning his own injuries when he was interviewed by Robin Monotti . Monotti is all over what happened since those very early times .

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Thanks, I'll look it up.

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Geez, *children* dying of flesh eating bacteria. This one is even more ghastly than myocarditis. Though that's killing people faster than the pharma overlords would like, simply for money extraction purposes. Waiting for the inevitable "this is good" stories on the population dropping.

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Millions maimed... and not a single one is carrying out vigilante justice .. that's what I would do...

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No kidding. How could you stand by after something like that?

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Imagine someone killed your kid... listen as Fast Eddy berates a chemist for destroying his son's heart ....https://www.mixcloud.com/fasteddynz/chemist/

That's all fake - I have no children.. which is fortunate for the chemist... cuz the next step would have been to visit the shop and unhinge ...

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Betcha a dollar they are also dropping it in chemtrails. Ok, 10 dollars.

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Bacteria eat dead flesh. Something is killing the flesh first.

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Could be. Could be.

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Your last line, "Or we can blame Climate Change", I don't know if that was an attempt at black humour, but I can tell you that the "climate change" blame game is starting to reach pandemic levels. I don't live in the west, but I can see not only news agencies but also opinion writers and even medical doctors and academics starting to push this line as a cause for the increased incidence of disease (all the while of course blaming covid - and avoiding in any way to blame the vaccines).

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For a global dictatorship, any (made up) pretext is a good pretext. CC is another one they have been pushing since 1970s, except it started as aa new Ice Age. Man made, no doubt!

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

They are playing with humanity like a cat with a mouse.

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In a twitter space a Dr told about her friend who carried out cosmetic surgery below the waist.

They found that people were getting gangrene in possibly the last places you would want o suffer from gangrene other than on your face.

They found it was worse if botox and covid jabs were given close together in time so recommended a gap I think it was 6 weeks.

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