Many key depop agenda countries do not like reporting their Covid jabbing stats any more. Maybe because it has been sticking like a sore thumb for the last 3 years? So, this is what we can see for Covid mortality in these select depop leaders:
And if one wanted to know whether this is due to the jabbing campaigns under way, one would be out of luck, as these data are not forthcoming any more:
Even if “correlation is not causation” once or twice, it definitely is after 10-20 times, isn’t it? So, stop showing the data, lest it causes vaccine hesitancy. Meaning, they are not done with you.
Appeal to the readers from these countries (UK, Portugal, NZ, Australia, Netherlands, Spain): can you provide any insights what is going on in your locales in terms of mRNA jabbing at the moment? Thanks!
Where I live in UK, outskirts of 500k city, our community following orders and getting cov one arm and flu in other. Even though gov website now states they have no data regarding pregnant women so they should talk to GP first, there is recruitment drive on TV including preg. women for both. Also at prenatal clinics, constant badgering to get jabbed. Also leaflets handed out there too. Suggested to my ex f-i-l, that as his arthritic knees much worse since first booster, also his memory, maybe he should just keep away from all needles. Last time I visited him he said he'd gone to get the flu and they cajoled him into another booster. He's 87, used to be very sharp in his mind, even though his knees gave him a bit of trouble, now he says he's had enough and wants to depart this life. So, jabs in arms still priority for UK Gov. Several my age, 60's won't take boosters as they have had repeated bouts of ill health and feel not as good as they did before getting them.
I keep wondering how many “anecdotes” make a “signal”.