Nov 25, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

Where I live in UK, outskirts of 500k city, our community following orders and getting cov one arm and flu in other. Even though gov website now states they have no data regarding pregnant women so they should talk to GP first, there is recruitment drive on TV including preg. women for both. Also at prenatal clinics, constant badgering to get jabbed. Also leaflets handed out there too. Suggested to my ex f-i-l, that as his arthritic knees much worse since first booster, also his memory, maybe he should just keep away from all needles. Last time I visited him he said he'd gone to get the flu and they cajoled him into another booster. He's 87, used to be very sharp in his mind, even though his knees gave him a bit of trouble, now he says he's had enough and wants to depart this life. So, jabs in arms still priority for UK Gov. Several my age, 60's won't take boosters as they have had repeated bouts of ill health and feel not as good as they did before getting them.

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I keep wondering how many “anecdotes” make a “signal”.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

Your hypothesis seems sound. So many people catching on. I have a good friend in Kenya, he says Africans are mostly suspicious of this campaign. Having lived through such experiments before.

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I used to work a a GP in the UK, but now work in sports medicine. At the beginning of the jabathon I expressed my doubts to my colleagues and refused the "vaccines", and they all thought I was eccentric. Now many of the same doctors, nurses, paramedics are quietly saying to me that they are not accepting any more "boosters." At the same time many of the people I meet during my work- athletes, sports officials-and, during normal day to day interactions with the great British public, many are saying no more jabs. Of note is that a friend who is an interventional cardiologist at a centre of excellence in the UK has said they are dealing with an unprecedented number of younger people who come in requiring emergency coronary artery stents/ dilatations. This doctor has also become receptive to the "conspiracy" theory that this may be due to the spike protein induced by the vaccines.

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Blackrock, the City of London and other uber-wealthy rulers own all sovereign governments, that much we learned when 190 countries around the world adopted the same protocols in lockstep. So it shouldn't surprise us that they also control the release, or not, or statistics. Frankly, we should be more surprised they continued to release stats for as long as they have.

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I quite like the term "vaccine enthusiast." It is somewhat more positive (and maybe a bit more cheeky) than "provaxxer," which I have never seen used for some reason.

Covid times have definitely made some of the more coercive elements of medicine visible

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It’s diabolical here NZ..25/11/22 nz

NZ medical expert has just sent out his Covid for Xmas instructions/signal via msm gov funded main news, https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/479511/how-to-avoid-a-covid-christmas-michael-baker-s-top-tips

This last week Ardern Government has used ‘urgency’ to pass multiple ostensibly unrelated acts of Parliament, effectively avoiding the usual oversight process,one particularly egregious change has been made to the Coroners Act. No surprises to some of us. As per the article below, there are delay problems identifying ‘cause of death’ so, with such excruciating delays, the change to the Coroners Act was being justified as bringing comfort to families allowing the coroners to more quickly report and enabling a change in obligation such as to state ‘no cause found’. Significant,and slipped in without fuss.

Daily Covid numbers on the rise, ‘hospitals full’ messaging daily. Hospital staff crises a daily news item. All news is linked to medical or inflation crises. A booster build up for Xmas is in the wind.

Here’s a sample of the daily overview and a few stats from msm and gov ‘our one source of truth’ according to our WEF puppets. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/300745720/was-a-child-under-10-killed-by-covid-what-the-data-tells-us

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

I remember Canada and Scotland were among the first ones to hide their data. Of course, they were too late by then!

Other jurisdictions did something even worse: they sexed up their data!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

They just follow the rule of the CDC called assymetric reporting. That is if someone is sick (breakthrough) or dies while vaccinated it is reported as unknown . If unvaxxed, it is reported as unvaxxed. Easy. Fraud. The vaxxed are getting sick and dying. Some quickly, some slowly.

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I have used OWID's data a lot in order to measure "vaccine enthusiasm" and noticed drop-outs in the data since early spring - Iceland was one. It'd be interesting to see when the data stopped, depending on the county

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At some point, all the deception will be irrelevant...there will be so much death.

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The Australian jab numbers are found here:


From October they are being reported every week rather than every day.

The report is a pdf download. There are some sites that scrape this data like covidbaseau.com

I haven't looked at numbers for about a month. 4th doses has peaked and dropped right off. I suspect there has been a jump since experts here have been creating fear of a COVID wave peaking at Christmas.

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I am really wanting to understand what happened and is happening in Russia and China.

They are using what sort of injection?

What is in them, are folks dropping there ?

I heard Russia had stopped injection mandated but continued digital vaxxport program, I would really love to know the truth.

None of it makes sense, but the injury of soldiers by needles is a long standing crime in America....

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One reason for hiding the jab stats might be the low uptake of the Octomouse booster.

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I am in Australia and I have no idea about local jabbings numbers.

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Thanks for this post. Norway stopped reporting vax injuries due to "lack of public interest" in November https://legemiddelverket.no/godkjenning/koronavaksiner/meldte-mistenkte-bivirkninger-av-koronavaksiner

They stopped reporting excess morality due to "capacity problems", as of November https://www.fhi.no/meldinger/normomo-settes-pa-pause/

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