Do you think the spikes around vaccination time are due to the vaccination locations themselves being covid reservoirs? Nosocomial and institutional locations seem the most reliable and consistent sources of infection.

The other thing I have been wondering (that we will never know) is batch-related issues re: vaccine side effects. eg: 8 babies all died a few weeks post-birth with brain bleeds.

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Hi Stoichastic. If you've read my follow-up post, here one plausible theory. How can the phenomenon of vaxx campaigns starting an epidemic in so many countries be explained? Barred really nefarious theories, jabs work as a catalyst to lower immunity in otherwise resilient population and raising viral loads enough to kick start the process. Assuming minimal presence of the virus in the resilient population. The ongoing "vaccination" keeps feeding the process, preventing it from choking. Like gasoline on fire. That's my only logical explanation. I will attempt to review all countries in this regard, so I have a complete inventory of the situation before the data sets are dropped from https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations.

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Thanks for commenting, good point! Likely it would be part of it. But as to whether a dominant part, it's anyone's guess. Likely the virus is more ubiquitous than we give it credit for. My guess is we are swimming in it, literally. Like in a flu season. But whether one gets sick or not depends on one's resistance threshold. Hence the immediate and CONSISTENT response when one's immune system is hobbled for a longer period of time (3-4 weeks post 1st jab, likely 10-20 days post 2nd). This will be the focus of my next post - the consistency of malady and death brought on by the vaccination campaigns around the world.

As to the batches - there were precedents in the past with sloppy manufacturing causing injuries/deaths. And as now we have a complete capture by the Big Pharma of the whole oversight system, what incentives do they have to be on their toes all the time? 0. So, yeah...

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Wow, thanks, great find! That's what I have been grappling with yesterday-today looking at different countries. It looked to me like something like this is taking place in more countries than one. Now this is a whale of a corroboration! Thanks again!

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You are welcome.

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I'm unvaccinated and plan to stay that way anything forced is wrong

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