Implications of BNT162b2 in Human Cells Changing Gene Expression of LINE-1
Beyond the reverse transcription of mRNA into DNA.
Down the rabbit hole we go, following the lead from the anonymous Moderna whistleblowers about the LINE-1 upregulation in the Moderna mRNA “vaccine”. One distinct possibility, already mentioned, is that this may lead to the embedding of the Trojan Horse mRNA in the Covid-19 jabs into the germline cells affecting the fertility of the future generations. There are other implications as well, as some astute readers already pointed out in the comments. Therefore, let’s have a closer look at LINE-1.
“Somatic expression of LINE-1 elements in human tissues” is a great study from 2010 that will help us gain a proper perspective.
“Somatic” means in normal tissue cells, as opposed to germline (or germ) cells, meaning in cells that are passed from parents to offspring.
“Expression“ is the process by which the instructions in our DNA, in this case LINE-1 DNA genes, are converted into a functional product, such as a protein.
LINE-1 (or L1) are class I transposable elements in the DNA and comprise approximately 17% of the human genome. The majority of L1 in the human genome are inactive; however, about 80-100 have retained the ability to retrotranspose, with considerable variation between individuals. Active L1s can interrupt the genome through insertions, deletions, rearrangements, and copy number variations (CNV).
A typical L1 element is approximately 6,000 base pairs (bp) long and consists of two non-overlapping open reading frames (ORF1 and ORF2) which are flanked by untranslated regions (UTR) and target site duplications. ORF2 of L1 encodes a protein that has endonuclease and reverse transcriptase activity.
The last sentence is where I have been heading with this mini-lecture. In addition to ORF2 being key in enabling L1 to move around the genes, it can be recruited for exogenous mRNA transcription to DNA. As another publication states, “L1-induced influence to cells is not likely limited only to fully active elements. Even L1 elements with defective ORF1 coding regions might make an RNA that splices to express a functional ORF2 with a number of negative consequences for the cell.” Such free-floating ORF2 RNA strands are called, appropriately, spliced ORF2, or SpORF2, for short.
The predominant tissue of L1 expression has been considered to be the germ line, where, although L1 activity has contributed to the instability and evolution of genomes, it is tightly regulated in the germline by DNA methylation, histone modifications, and piRNA.
The direct role of L1 in disease, beyond the speculated-about yet-unconfirmed defective gene implantation via mRNA vaccination, is multifaceted:
Cancer: L1 activity has been observed in numerous types of cancers, with particularly extensive insertions found in colorectal and lung cancers. …At least two cases have found somatic L1 insertions causative of cancer by disrupting the coding sequences of genes APC and PTEN in colon and endometrial cancer, respectively.
Neuropsychiatric disorders: Human cell lines modeling the neurological disorder Rett syndrome, which carry MeCP2 mutations, exhibit increased L1 transposition, suggesting a link between L1 activity and neurological disorders. Current studies are aimed at investigating the potential roles of L1 activity in various neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, Tourette syndrome, and drug addiction.
Retinal disease: Increased RNA levels of Alu, which requires L1 proteins, are associated with a form of age-related macular degeneration, a neurological disorder of the eyes.
Senescence: Tests of the senescence-associated β-galactosidase expression suggest that expression of exogenous full-length L1, or the SpORF2 mRNA alone in human fibroblasts and adult stem cells triggers a senescence-like phenotype, which is one of the reported responses to DNA damage. The cellular response to DNA damage usually manifests itself in cell cycle arrest, cell death (apoptosis or necrosis), or senescence. L1 expression in human cancer cells has been reported to induce cell cycle arrest ( 27 ) and apoptosis ( 25 , 29 ).
One of the results of the study “Somatic expression of LINE-1 elements in human tissues“ is this: “We demonstrate that transient expression of the full-length L1 or the splice SpORF2 product in normal human fibroblasts and adult stem cells leads to a senescence-like phenotype. Because L1 activity has been well established to contribute to germ line mutagenesis [reviewed in ref. ( 23 )], our finding of somatic L1 expression in a number of human tissues suggests that L1 elements need to be considered as an endogenous mutagen not only in germ line but also in somatic tissues for humans. Our findings suggest that even low levels of somatic DNA damage due to L1 activity have the potential to contribute to genetic instability, aging, and age-related diseases, such as cancer.“
This last result is corroborated by multiple reports of vaccinated looking older and seemingly aging faster than normal.
Is it another adverse event of Moderna and Pfizer mRNA jabs to consider?

Let me know if you have any related testimonies.
Excellent article!
My husband calls it "the jab face bloat" referring to how many people look bloated in the face after getting the shots.
is it safe to assume that somatic cell death could cause inflammation?
P.S. I'm sick thinking about how many people I care about have gotten these stupid shots. i already know two people who have dropped dead from the climate change.
Praying some of them got "control" batches.