40 year resident of Japan here ... 18 years of which was biology lab director for non-science majors at Temple University Japan. In my experience with other Japanese institutions of 'higher' learning, I've learned to trust data coming out of Japan Inc.with a smidgen of wasabi.
The 'medical experts', data, and pronouncements trotted out by the ruing class of the Japanese corporate nation-state are about as trustworthy as the WHO numbers that the comfortably avuncular John Campbell crunched on YouTube for a couple of years.
The average Japanese is so conditioned to compliance to authority that they still believe PCR tests are the gold standard, haven't even begun to question the difference between detection of a viral fragment and sickness, or sickness 'because of' verses 'in correlation with co-morbidities'.
Japan is still in the easily manipulable 'nudged by fear porn' days that Laura Dodsworth wrote about regarding England. The power mongers are simply going about the timing and choice of lies that fits the conceit of the 'uniquely' Japanese way.
Although I am just one data point, I work as a 'post retirement' Assistant Language Teacher, have come in very close contact (high fives and hand shakes) with over 2000 school kids several times a year... and, I have not been jabbed, much less been through the ritual of a PCR which tests positive on papaya, goats, and motor oil ... and neither have my closest Japanese friends.
Cheers from the land of non-stop Kabuki shows brought to you by a corporate nation state which ranks mid-pack at best, for freedom of press by Reporters Without Borders.
No seppukus except among a very few low ranking bureaucrats who suddenly realize they were used ... that old 'giri' (compliance to authority) vs 'on' (moral maturity and autonomy) thingy. Very few ... and even fewer of them will make the news.
The 'dark-triad' power mongers here are pretty much the same as those in the West. They quietly fade back into their old money with an early retirement. It is a shameless land of 'jaku-niku-kyoushoku' (dog-eat-dog), and Confucian-derived 'harmony' is just a cultural conceit of the working class here, in the same way that freedom is in the West ... but in the hands of the ruling elite, simply tools to control those working classes.
Simply comparing the oxymoronic titles of two books is enough to state the case ... 'Manufacturing Consent' by Chomsky and Herman, and 'Invented Traditions of Modern Japan' edited by Stephen Vlastos.
Just like the U.S. has no real Democrat / Republican divide, I'd say the differences between Far East and West are superficial at best. We are all social primates, with only a few of us closer to bonobos than chimpanzees.
During 2020 I ended up dumping all my [then-current] reading material, since it all went 'covidiot'. This was one post I read. Maybe you'll get a laugh, an eyeroll, or a snort.
Actually, quite psychologically accurate ... for that time. I also mask up, and put on nearly sealed sunglasses during the hay-fever season, though a bit of paunch and gray hair probably doesn't do much for the erotic look.
About the only update I think it needs is how deeply engrained is the culture of compliance, particularly the older generation who seems to be glued to the state-run, fear-porn NHK news which pushes them to mask up, even in the post typhoon heat hitting Tokyo.
Just out driving to the local DIY shop, I estimate about a quarter of Japanese drivers, with their windows rolled up and air conditioners turned on, are wearing masks. Reminds me of a Facebook meme I might be able to make a yen off of ... selling seatbelts to pedestrians. 🤪
Steve, I'm also a 40-year foreign resident of Japan. My own experience is that of the 20 or so fellow gaijins I know personally who have told me their vax status, all have taken at least two jabs, most of them enthusiastically. I find this amazing since there have been no government mandates. The natives, I had expected to be fairly compliant—and I've been impressed by the sheer stubbornness of a few individuals who held out against pressure from employers to do so—but I was amazed and disappointed that most of my foreign resident acquaintances jumped at the opportunity to gain "full protection" against the new plague.
It's great to meet another ol' hand here. I'm on the Odakyu line only about 24 minutes out of Shinjuku if you are in the Kanto area and up for a beer. I don't have many non-Japanese friends now ... the two I met through Quora (one now a buddy) are both jabbed. But I have one hard-core muck-raking Canadian friend (she has been published on CounterPunch a few times) who saw through the plandemic from the beginning and she remains jab free.
Yeah ... I am also dismayed at the compliance among the foreign community who might have tried a bit too hard to blend in.
Despite Laura Dodsworth's book, and what I know about the Asch / Migram experiments in conformity and obedience to authority ... I still can't quite place my finger on the psychology. In a perverse way, the psyops behind this thing is fascinating in how it is so effective in separating and radicalizing those who appear temperamentally more predisposed to respond to fear and authority.
It does not appear to be a simple sequence of nudges based on degrees of compassion, compliance, relationship with authority, or even critical thinking skills. Maybe prior experience with 'dark-triad' personality types, and a bit of stubborn courage builds resistance to the narrative virus? I don't know, but I am even estranged from most of my blood-kin back in the states. They appear to be completely under the control of mainstream media. At least seeing who follows the official line is effectively letting us know who is among our real 'family'.
I'm still doing time for a 30 day Fakebook jail-sentence, but if you do F..book, I can connect with you with a few ex-pats like ourselves. Hell, we may even have some of these buddies in common. If not, think about that beer ... and if you are into fishing, I can imagine we have lots of stories to share.
Cheers Tim!
p.s. Oh wow! I just saw that we follow a lot of the same writers here!
I also like Sage Hana and Katherine Watt. We have lots to chat about, but probably can share some profound silences too.
I'm one of them, though I haven't started it yet. I do have a preliminary doubt about one concept though ... 'free floating anxiety'? Whatever happened to good old 'existential angst'? 😂
Many took the experimental product because they felt an obligation to not infect others. Multiple product misrepresentation (lies) were used to sell this product since It was later quietly “redefined” to not prevent transmission or have short or long term effectiveness. These lies made us skeptics seem supremely selfish. Ultimate psychop on all. Stopworldconrolnow.com for some big picture theories about the origins of these psychops&motives. A Cover for financial pyramid schemes coming due? Control of pop outrage that will unfold like Sri l@nka?
Indeed. You are right about that Lisa. I have often thought of the shaming through a scene from this popular movie ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=natDkCmcLkU ... and yes, even before the plandemic, 1/6 of Japanese school kids were below the poverty level. Now, mismanagement and corruption are blamed on the virus, the Ukraine/Russia war, or bad weather. How convenient for the money-handlers.
Ooops ... (a good one) ... I see we follow a lot of the same writers here. Thanks for the link, but it seems to be down (maybe also convenient for the money-handlers).
Like Trudeau shaming the unvaccinated for refusing jabs and endangering the jabbed. While at the same time the Canadian medical establishment was ordered to kill Canadians by their thousands by withdrawing effective prophylaxis and treatment options so that "the only way out of the pandemic is through total vaccination". Which they do to this day. How morally superior!
...and that’s why my family never complied. I tell friends and family around the world, I NOW know what being discriminated against BY THE STATE and PRIVATE BUSINESS feels like. Clown-in-chief has made lifelong enemies in this homestead.
Thanks for the plug. I’m waiting for the all-cause mortality stats to see if they’re similar to those in the first Omicron wave. Feb/March 2022 had 38,000 more deaths than Feb/March 2021 but fewer than 10,000 Covid deaths (60:40 from/with). I hypothesised this was due to excessive spike protein exposure. If I’m right, we should expect the same or worse this wave.
I believe that every time there is a spike in deaths during the jabbing campaign, part of the deaths is attributed to Covid, another part goes to the overall all-cause mortality. My estimate from 2021 was that 25% of such deaths is Covid-attributed, 75% is the underwater part of the iceberg: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/beware-of-greeks-bearing-gifts-conclusions
I am a fan of videos of national leaders attacking people, but Laterbach is way up there in contempt I have. He was insulting his own citizens. Biden did this. I called White House and told him to enjoy his covid.
It seemed to happen so suddenly after the Inflation Reduction Act was passed. I wonder what's inside that bill. Pelosi and Schumer have never looked so happy so maybe the fix is in and the CDC no longer has to push. Or maybe it's because of Biden's most recent EO which has a section on health data collection. I've stopped thinking anything that is being done is going to benefit me in the least. Quite the opposite.
I’m with Sage, above. The establishment is using a cyclic process that starts at a low, relaxed point, Ramp up a crisis to solidify the need for security from the state, softens the crisis over time until summer vacations on Northern Hemisphere, stopping always at a higher plateau of dependancy, anxiety and fear. Those who can see through this, build,as best as possible, alternative structures to keep on living outside this mess. Hence, substack. This thing is in the cross hairs, and a “cybercrisis” will take it down. In my opinion, that’s the next move. Time to see whether USENET is still a thing.
I’m with the tin-foil-hatters that presumed that the Rogers Communication fiasco up in Canada on and around July 8th was a dry run, executed to test the waters. Even the bank account freezings of February were tests. And the Kanadian clown-in-chief is pushing hard for a countrywide digital ID (target : 2025). I honestly believe prepping for fall/winter should include making hard copies of your digital financial assets, hoarding some cash and metals, and, as I think I may here posted here and there, build a 3 month pantry (forget healthy: canned stuff that is good through 2024, just in case)
(Now I have an appointment with an adorable Border Collie chewing on an oversized ball in full play bow!)
We jumped in the prep bandwagon around mid-year 2021. Before that, the focus was on emergency stuff (bug out kits; car kits; emergency meals for an evacuation...). Since about midway 2021 we refocused on long term “thriving”. The garden has been substantially increased, as the canning skills. We’ve been studying soil chemistry, water purification techniques, upgraded to canning meats with a pressure canner, honed our dehydrating skills and vacuum packing (along with learning how to use deoxydizer packs), and have been more diligent on foraging wild berries (mostly blackberries) and preserving them. We’ve been trying a “spirited” preserving process that uses a bit of rum and less sugar for preserving. It has been an entertaining Summer!
I'M on the edge, if a successful push will happen in Germany.
The push to jab every 3 months in order to avoid testing and/or the mask has alienated quite a bunch.
Also the immunization and safety from severe cases are getting dismissed more widely, despite the continuous claims.
Lauterbach is quickly fading and nothing more then a joke for an bigger group each day.
Some are waiting for the new transfection for Omicron 1. But they will discover rather quickly that the juice will not work, too (...but the damage will be done).
In the end it will be the elderly and the hardcore.
Let's see, what cold temperatures, less heating, damaged immunsystems and bad food are able to do this season without the cov.
These lauterbachs never mention OAS/immune imprinting and profess that human immunity can be manipulated with every new jab ad infinitum. $cience! Not even speaking of the quaccine otehr adverse effectes and deaths and the breeding of variants we all observe for the last year.
I thought 'homo normalis' was a common expression but when i typed it into the PC learned it wasnt in usage at all...But i liked what Dr Lowen said about homo normalis so i'll give the floor to him...
In 2019 I would have skipped this and marked you as suspicious at best. But it’s 2022, all bets are off, and yesterday’s conspiracy theories are today’s news. So... yep! That sounds... sound. I’m still trying to fit the “why” part. The motivation cannot be control for sake of controlling. Is there a real entrenched “green” culture behind this (Malthusian or whatever)? Are there rewards (perceived or otherwise) being offered by the WEFfers? Gates? Are they all moving into “The Line” and let the rest to perish to some released threat? What do you think?
I think misplaced hubris-laden 'answers' to a malthusian dilemma is part of it. But after seeing for-profit and/or academic institutions (as opposed to communities) from the inside, I am also seeing dark-triads just doing what dark-triads are gonna do.
Looking at history, they push the limits of sustainable populations beyond a tipping point, and one empire falls after another. They, and maybe 'we'. seem to be collectively incapable of learning from history, so I have dim prospects for our long term prospects as a species. I don't know of any other 'herd primates' at all, much less such a species lasting as long as we have.
I can imagine some of the likelihood of some of the possibilities you raised, and I agree with your view of history. But centuries is a drop in the bucket compared to the evolutionary time it took to lead to the 'social' primate gone 'herd'. If you haven't already and are interested, check out DarkHorse podcasts by Bret and Heather, or their book, 'The Hunter-Gather's Guide to the 21st Century, or some work by Frans de Wall.
Though through different lenses, we are in this battle together.
Essentially, supernatural. With some types being like a conduit for the malign juices. I believe in free will; so these types would have to be fully convinced that their cause is noble and that their actions are just and justified. Ergo, these guys are truly the agents of the enemy of all that’s true, and right, and beautiful. That makes sense. (My cat just jumped up my lap. I think she’s on the good side!)
Hi Andreas,
40 year resident of Japan here ... 18 years of which was biology lab director for non-science majors at Temple University Japan. In my experience with other Japanese institutions of 'higher' learning, I've learned to trust data coming out of Japan Inc.with a smidgen of wasabi.
The 'medical experts', data, and pronouncements trotted out by the ruing class of the Japanese corporate nation-state are about as trustworthy as the WHO numbers that the comfortably avuncular John Campbell crunched on YouTube for a couple of years.
The average Japanese is so conditioned to compliance to authority that they still believe PCR tests are the gold standard, haven't even begun to question the difference between detection of a viral fragment and sickness, or sickness 'because of' verses 'in correlation with co-morbidities'.
Japan is still in the easily manipulable 'nudged by fear porn' days that Laura Dodsworth wrote about regarding England. The power mongers are simply going about the timing and choice of lies that fits the conceit of the 'uniquely' Japanese way.
Although I am just one data point, I work as a 'post retirement' Assistant Language Teacher, have come in very close contact (high fives and hand shakes) with over 2000 school kids several times a year... and, I have not been jabbed, much less been through the ritual of a PCR which tests positive on papaya, goats, and motor oil ... and neither have my closest Japanese friends.
Cheers from the land of non-stop Kabuki shows brought to you by a corporate nation state which ranks mid-pack at best, for freedom of press by Reporters Without Borders.
Thanks for the first-hand perspective! At the start we were told that Japanese seniors are avert to jabbing in general. But this is all in the past.
Should we expect a huge spike in seppukus when the truth will start coming out over there?
Hi again Andreas
No seppukus except among a very few low ranking bureaucrats who suddenly realize they were used ... that old 'giri' (compliance to authority) vs 'on' (moral maturity and autonomy) thingy. Very few ... and even fewer of them will make the news.
The 'dark-triad' power mongers here are pretty much the same as those in the West. They quietly fade back into their old money with an early retirement. It is a shameless land of 'jaku-niku-kyoushoku' (dog-eat-dog), and Confucian-derived 'harmony' is just a cultural conceit of the working class here, in the same way that freedom is in the West ... but in the hands of the ruling elite, simply tools to control those working classes.
Simply comparing the oxymoronic titles of two books is enough to state the case ... 'Manufacturing Consent' by Chomsky and Herman, and 'Invented Traditions of Modern Japan' edited by Stephen Vlastos.
Just like the U.S. has no real Democrat / Republican divide, I'd say the differences between Far East and West are superficial at best. We are all social primates, with only a few of us closer to bonobos than chimpanzees.
Some pride themselves being close to neanderthals!
I like that!
The whole world is non-stop Kabuki now. Thanks for your first hand insights!
My pleasure Jimychanga ... subscribed!
Hey Steven, I remembered this Spectator post from 2020, and here you are.
During 2020 I ended up dumping all my [then-current] reading material, since it all went 'covidiot'. This was one post I read. Maybe you'll get a laugh, an eyeroll, or a snort.
LOL. Nice one Zelda.
Actually, quite psychologically accurate ... for that time. I also mask up, and put on nearly sealed sunglasses during the hay-fever season, though a bit of paunch and gray hair probably doesn't do much for the erotic look.
About the only update I think it needs is how deeply engrained is the culture of compliance, particularly the older generation who seems to be glued to the state-run, fear-porn NHK news which pushes them to mask up, even in the post typhoon heat hitting Tokyo.
Just out driving to the local DIY shop, I estimate about a quarter of Japanese drivers, with their windows rolled up and air conditioners turned on, are wearing masks. Reminds me of a Facebook meme I might be able to make a yen off of ... selling seatbelts to pedestrians. 🤪
Steve, I'm also a 40-year foreign resident of Japan. My own experience is that of the 20 or so fellow gaijins I know personally who have told me their vax status, all have taken at least two jabs, most of them enthusiastically. I find this amazing since there have been no government mandates. The natives, I had expected to be fairly compliant—and I've been impressed by the sheer stubbornness of a few individuals who held out against pressure from employers to do so—but I was amazed and disappointed that most of my foreign resident acquaintances jumped at the opportunity to gain "full protection" against the new plague.
Hi Tim.
It's great to meet another ol' hand here. I'm on the Odakyu line only about 24 minutes out of Shinjuku if you are in the Kanto area and up for a beer. I don't have many non-Japanese friends now ... the two I met through Quora (one now a buddy) are both jabbed. But I have one hard-core muck-raking Canadian friend (she has been published on CounterPunch a few times) who saw through the plandemic from the beginning and she remains jab free.
Yeah ... I am also dismayed at the compliance among the foreign community who might have tried a bit too hard to blend in.
Despite Laura Dodsworth's book, and what I know about the Asch / Migram experiments in conformity and obedience to authority ... I still can't quite place my finger on the psychology. In a perverse way, the psyops behind this thing is fascinating in how it is so effective in separating and radicalizing those who appear temperamentally more predisposed to respond to fear and authority.
It does not appear to be a simple sequence of nudges based on degrees of compassion, compliance, relationship with authority, or even critical thinking skills. Maybe prior experience with 'dark-triad' personality types, and a bit of stubborn courage builds resistance to the narrative virus? I don't know, but I am even estranged from most of my blood-kin back in the states. They appear to be completely under the control of mainstream media. At least seeing who follows the official line is effectively letting us know who is among our real 'family'.
I'm still doing time for a 30 day Fakebook jail-sentence, but if you do F..book, I can connect with you with a few ex-pats like ourselves. Hell, we may even have some of these buddies in common. If not, think about that beer ... and if you are into fishing, I can imagine we have lots of stories to share.
Cheers Tim!
p.s. Oh wow! I just saw that we follow a lot of the same writers here!
I also like Sage Hana and Katherine Watt. We have lots to chat about, but probably can share some profound silences too.
Everyone has watched interviews with Mattias Desmet and ordered his book...? (Haha, I should get a percentage.)
I'm one of them, though I haven't started it yet. I do have a preliminary doubt about one concept though ... 'free floating anxiety'? Whatever happened to good old 'existential angst'? 😂
Many took the experimental product because they felt an obligation to not infect others. Multiple product misrepresentation (lies) were used to sell this product since It was later quietly “redefined” to not prevent transmission or have short or long term effectiveness. These lies made us skeptics seem supremely selfish. Ultimate psychop on all. Stopworldconrolnow.com for some big picture theories about the origins of these psychops&motives. A Cover for financial pyramid schemes coming due? Control of pop outrage that will unfold like Sri l@nka?
Indeed. You are right about that Lisa. I have often thought of the shaming through a scene from this popular movie ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=natDkCmcLkU ... and yes, even before the plandemic, 1/6 of Japanese school kids were below the poverty level. Now, mismanagement and corruption are blamed on the virus, the Ukraine/Russia war, or bad weather. How convenient for the money-handlers.
Ooops ... (a good one) ... I see we follow a lot of the same writers here. Thanks for the link, but it seems to be down (maybe also convenient for the money-handlers).
Yep. If the anglo world has its ''5 Eyes'', Japan is the south end of a north-bound duck.
Keep applying the hammer until the bruising stops.
If the bruising stops when you DON'T apply the hammer, apply the hammer again to keep them away in the future.
I expected better from the Japanese. But "socially-responsible" shaming got better of them.
Like Trudeau shaming the unvaccinated for refusing jabs and endangering the jabbed. While at the same time the Canadian medical establishment was ordered to kill Canadians by their thousands by withdrawing effective prophylaxis and treatment options so that "the only way out of the pandemic is through total vaccination". Which they do to this day. How morally superior!
...and that’s why my family never complied. I tell friends and family around the world, I NOW know what being discriminated against BY THE STATE and PRIVATE BUSINESS feels like. Clown-in-chief has made lifelong enemies in this homestead.
Is this why Abe got whacked?
No, he seemed to be back paddling on this. So whacked.
Hi Sage ... Glad to see you here. I posted my 'boots on the ground' comment as well, and it pretty much jives with what you'e been saying for awhile.
It's Hammertime!
My Eyes!!!! Hideous! Nightmares tonight
Karl Lauterbach, a truely and genuinely stupid person
Dangerously stupid!
Thanks for the plug. I’m waiting for the all-cause mortality stats to see if they’re similar to those in the first Omicron wave. Feb/March 2022 had 38,000 more deaths than Feb/March 2021 but fewer than 10,000 Covid deaths (60:40 from/with). I hypothesised this was due to excessive spike protein exposure. If I’m right, we should expect the same or worse this wave.
I believe that every time there is a spike in deaths during the jabbing campaign, part of the deaths is attributed to Covid, another part goes to the overall all-cause mortality. My estimate from 2021 was that 25% of such deaths is Covid-attributed, 75% is the underwater part of the iceberg: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/beware-of-greeks-bearing-gifts-conclusions
For a Health Minister, Lauterbach looks rather... sickly?!
That is the rule of thumb for "health" authority types: https://twitter.com/GaryRussV8/status/1557819769927020545?s=20&t=MBCyuuLSofBtmSTCLV_tmw
That is truly scary. The ogres got hold of the shire...
I was thinking the very same thing.....
Then he is? It's all so confusing to (moderately) older people like myself...
I am a fan of videos of national leaders attacking people, but Laterbach is way up there in contempt I have. He was insulting his own citizens. Biden did this. I called White House and told him to enjoy his covid.
Is that a Hitler salute in the second pic??? Or just a natural reflex?
PredisCog wtc7 on 9-11-01
disCog 1 scamdemic 3-11-2020
nUkraine war against Russia on behalf of US empire of Arrogance Hato 3-16-22
DisCog 2 = nUkraine.
¿ DisCog 3 ?
Another false flag plane crash?
I mean drone painted as plane...
Let me call my ma and ask her where to hide my head in shame
How about 7 year cycles ? ...1980 (Early 1980s recession) ->1987 (Black Monday) -> 1994 (The 1994 bond market crisis)->2001 (also dotcom bubble) ->2008 (Global Financial Crisis)->2015 (2015–2016 stock market selloff)->2022 (the bottom falling off)
Tell me it's not!
So while the CDC is coming back down to earth ... The brainwashed double triple down for four more shots of death hacksxxxine.
Feels empty and void in the hubbub
That CDC thing perplexes me. What do they have up their sleeve? Or do they simply anticipate the midterms' results?
It seemed to happen so suddenly after the Inflation Reduction Act was passed. I wonder what's inside that bill. Pelosi and Schumer have never looked so happy so maybe the fix is in and the CDC no longer has to push. Or maybe it's because of Biden's most recent EO which has a section on health data collection. I've stopped thinking anything that is being done is going to benefit me in the least. Quite the opposite.
Squeeze and release.
Gives all the normies a chance to say, "See? Tinfoil hat nuts...it's all better now!"
So is Djokovic now allowed to play the US Open?
If jabbed are no better, at the very least, than the purebloods?
"See? Tinfoil hat nuts...it's all bet..."
I’m with Sage, above. The establishment is using a cyclic process that starts at a low, relaxed point, Ramp up a crisis to solidify the need for security from the state, softens the crisis over time until summer vacations on Northern Hemisphere, stopping always at a higher plateau of dependancy, anxiety and fear. Those who can see through this, build,as best as possible, alternative structures to keep on living outside this mess. Hence, substack. This thing is in the cross hairs, and a “cybercrisis” will take it down. In my opinion, that’s the next move. Time to see whether USENET is still a thing.
The cyber net one if it happens means we are in truly end game times, says here. Oh wow.
I’m with the tin-foil-hatters that presumed that the Rogers Communication fiasco up in Canada on and around July 8th was a dry run, executed to test the waters. Even the bank account freezings of February were tests. And the Kanadian clown-in-chief is pushing hard for a countrywide digital ID (target : 2025). I honestly believe prepping for fall/winter should include making hard copies of your digital financial assets, hoarding some cash and metals, and, as I think I may here posted here and there, build a 3 month pantry (forget healthy: canned stuff that is good through 2024, just in case)
(Now I have an appointment with an adorable Border Collie chewing on an oversized ball in full play bow!)
We jumped in the prep bandwagon around mid-year 2021. Before that, the focus was on emergency stuff (bug out kits; car kits; emergency meals for an evacuation...). Since about midway 2021 we refocused on long term “thriving”. The garden has been substantially increased, as the canning skills. We’ve been studying soil chemistry, water purification techniques, upgraded to canning meats with a pressure canner, honed our dehydrating skills and vacuum packing (along with learning how to use deoxydizer packs), and have been more diligent on foraging wild berries (mostly blackberries) and preserving them. We’ve been trying a “spirited” preserving process that uses a bit of rum and less sugar for preserving. It has been an entertaining Summer!
Raffle off tickets to front row of Lauralbach's hanging. Little Nazi creep
Lauterbach, that is, Karl Wilhelm? https://www.karllauterbach.de/
A creep indeed.
I'M on the edge, if a successful push will happen in Germany.
The push to jab every 3 months in order to avoid testing and/or the mask has alienated quite a bunch.
Also the immunization and safety from severe cases are getting dismissed more widely, despite the continuous claims.
Lauterbach is quickly fading and nothing more then a joke for an bigger group each day.
Some are waiting for the new transfection for Omicron 1. But they will discover rather quickly that the juice will not work, too (...but the damage will be done).
In the end it will be the elderly and the hardcore.
Let's see, what cold temperatures, less heating, damaged immunsystems and bad food are able to do this season without the cov.
These lauterbachs never mention OAS/immune imprinting and profess that human immunity can be manipulated with every new jab ad infinitum. $cience! Not even speaking of the quaccine otehr adverse effectes and deaths and the breeding of variants we all observe for the last year.
I thought 'homo normalis' was a common expression but when i typed it into the PC learned it wasnt in usage at all...But i liked what Dr Lowen said about homo normalis so i'll give the floor to him...
The Doctor wrote a number of books, among them "Fear of Life"...
That's the way of the Kamikaze.
What's the scale of the Y axis on these charts?
%% of population receiving a jab and deaths/million, per day.
Thank you : ) So % of total country population per million per day right
Jabbed as % of population per day. Deaths as number of deaths per million population per day.
How fast have we stooped this low!
In 2019 I would have skipped this and marked you as suspicious at best. But it’s 2022, all bets are off, and yesterday’s conspiracy theories are today’s news. So... yep! That sounds... sound. I’m still trying to fit the “why” part. The motivation cannot be control for sake of controlling. Is there a real entrenched “green” culture behind this (Malthusian or whatever)? Are there rewards (perceived or otherwise) being offered by the WEFfers? Gates? Are they all moving into “The Line” and let the rest to perish to some released threat? What do you think?
You seem behind the curve, no offense.
None taken. The questions are rhetorical.
‘Saving the World’ not the people.. it’s a highly ‘moral’ cause .. and for the ‘gamers’ it just extremely exciting.
Hi Drug and Socrates,
I think misplaced hubris-laden 'answers' to a malthusian dilemma is part of it. But after seeing for-profit and/or academic institutions (as opposed to communities) from the inside, I am also seeing dark-triads just doing what dark-triads are gonna do.
Looking at history, they push the limits of sustainable populations beyond a tipping point, and one empire falls after another. They, and maybe 'we'. seem to be collectively incapable of learning from history, so I have dim prospects for our long term prospects as a species. I don't know of any other 'herd primates' at all, much less such a species lasting as long as we have.
Hi Socrates,
I can imagine some of the likelihood of some of the possibilities you raised, and I agree with your view of history. But centuries is a drop in the bucket compared to the evolutionary time it took to lead to the 'social' primate gone 'herd'. If you haven't already and are interested, check out DarkHorse podcasts by Bret and Heather, or their book, 'The Hunter-Gather's Guide to the 21st Century, or some work by Frans de Wall.
Though through different lenses, we are in this battle together.
Good link. Thanks for the heads up!
Essentially, supernatural. With some types being like a conduit for the malign juices. I believe in free will; so these types would have to be fully convinced that their cause is noble and that their actions are just and justified. Ergo, these guys are truly the agents of the enemy of all that’s true, and right, and beautiful. That makes sense. (My cat just jumped up my lap. I think she’s on the good side!)