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That is the problem. How would they know you've got Covid? If you avoid the tests?

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No avoiding the tests if you go to the hospital.

She developed a fast growing tumor on a salivary gland that had to be removed. Was tested upon admission. Was the tumor shot related?

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Emory hospital still requests people be updated in covid vaccination to perform any medical procedures on them .... wonder why???

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Madness. They are all mad. My question is, when did this madness take over?

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surely does not happen overnight ... madness is a long time developing disease.

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Agree. And with medical professionals around the world all suffering us the same madness, this must have been around for quite some time.

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This was made patently clear in Germany in 1930s that medical professionals are easily corralled into any criminal/murderous fascist state policy, given the cover of "common good" and "public health" slogans. 2020s is just rinse&repeat of that, on a global scale, without any modifications. A doctor is not your friend!

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Too true. I've had the misfortune to see people who I thought had the highest ethics and judgement turn on me (this was not during covid) to protect their own positions and comfort. It is a very rare person who is not swayed by threat of financial loss, overwork or status.

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Or all of the above.

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Many mysteries from that time and place have been solved these past 3 years. Damned fool that I am, I thought we learned something between then and now. Guess not.

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We didn't, but they did. They learned mRNA, 5G, AI and robotic dogs with guns on their backs.

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They sure did. Forgot ESG and all the other financial controls and bugs for food.

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i see this 5G all the time mentioned, but these days cant tell anymore whats going on.

do you know much about it, if you dont mind in few words without taking much of your time.

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A. You have to go on their word as to the EMR power levels.

B. Even with the power levels as low as advertised, the 5G antennae are capable of beam forming (directed EMR beams) that might be able to take out the people with graphene-oxide in their brain.

C. That is why everybody and their uncle had to receive multiple jabs, even if they mostly didn't keep the concoction at low temps to preserve the mRNA (a saving grace for many).

D. Remember people sticking forks and spoons to their foreheads - primed. For elimination and crowd control for now. Mind control might be next?

That's the best conspiracy theory I can muster at the moment.

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