But for the Party, it's beneficial to have some martyrs for the cause among them, to suggests that all of them took the poison along with its minions. Never mind the kabuki theater with the masks, distancing and all. Also keeps the Party leaders on their toes, or else they will share the fate of the minions. Unless these were honest mistakes by the administering nurses?
But for the Party, it's beneficial to have some martyrs for the cause among them, to suggests that all of them took the poison along with its minions. Never mind the kabuki theater with the masks, distancing and all. Also keeps the Party leaders on their toes, or else they will share the fate of the minions. Unless these were honest mistakes by the administering nurses?
But for the Party, it's beneficial to have some martyrs for the cause among them, to suggests that all of them took the poison along with its minions. Never mind the kabuki theater with the masks, distancing and all. Also keeps the Party leaders on their toes, or else they will share the fate of the minions. Unless these were honest mistakes by the administering nurses?