do you trust anything the lancet publishes anymore? I think that rag lost all its credibility! and with it most of the experts.

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we need a rather large sewer system to flush all these 'experts' and we may not forget to flush that toilet with the govt in it, that recently figured in some memes. Where are these sink holes again?

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I can almost feel your pain reading the Boil, formerly known as the Lancet.

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"Once thawed plasma"...sounds like Dr. Frankenstein! They are hoping people REALLY think all this illness on a massive scale we're witnessing is because the virus is still in the blood.

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25% seems like what i would guess. Viral persistence is an issue . And its found mostly in the gut. So sars2 is now cobsidered to be an enterovirus . It kind of makes the ivermectin thing makes sense to. Its also why its being found in the sewers , where its being tested . Sunstack called thingshiddenincomplexity by Moriarty covered this in some detail .

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The bullshit is now piled so high ... I actually yearn for The Bossche Mutation to arrive.... and end humans

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