How can you believe anything requiring a half dozen shots is a so called vaccine¿

Straight pushing junkie dope mamma

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Nice work. The cause can be anything, but the vaccines (because too much $$$$$$$ at stake).

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They won't correlate it to the vaccine.

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It’s the Teflon®️ Shot... nothing sticks to it!

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It's the anti-Teflon shot once it's in your body!

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Winter cannot come soon enough --- they'll need sub zero weather to stack all the bodies in parking lots!

When will Ontario approve the Extra Strength Booster Shots? Just in time for the cold months of course!

And will we make it to Christmas without a total collapse of civilization?

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It's the final push, I hope? Or will there be more? The original vaccination app in Ontario had 8 slots. The CDC Covid jab card only four...

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“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. FT.com https://archive.ph/UUfl2

Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/

The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html

Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/fed-repo-overnight-operations-level-to-increase-to-120-billion.html Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed

A SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY: SYSTEMIC COLLAPSE AND PANDEMIC SIMULATION https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/

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it's looking like the energy situation is going critical ... what cannot continue will stop (herb stein)

winter is coming...

UK inflation: Food and energy bills to cost more than 50% of your pay


Oh and let's not forget interest rates have doubled...

A system that requires infinite growth (or it collapses) on a finite planet --- at some point becomes unfeasible.

We are at that point.

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A fine summer death was on everyone’s bucket list.

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Died from happiness, drinking too much ice water etc. No data proves anything until we say so. ..

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And we see this everywhere that publishes the data -- meaning that we'd almost certainly find it here if we were looking for it.

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Andreas, there might be a problem with the "Mortality per 100,000" graph and data. "Over all" must increase with the 80+ cohort. Am I missing something?

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Overall, there are many more people in other cohorts so they drown this 80+ trend. Hence, we feel like there is no problem overall, but 80+ feel the brunt. See for yourself (p. 18, Table 5): https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-weekly-epi-summary-report.pdf

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Just wait till the over 80s queue up at the ER for 16 hrs (or more). Heck, don't need to die of the koof if you're just waiting around to get stroke medication or handle chest pains.

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