You guys will like this. The absolute silence of the scaremongers and their media mouthpieces regarding the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption is revealing.

They can’t tax volcanos so they just pretend they don’t exist.


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Another one in late 2014. I wonder how mich that contributed to unusually warm 2015, and now to 2022. Despite all the alarms about CC, I see 2023 cooler than over the last few years, with the fresh snow in the Alps at 3000m two days ago, Jul.26. And quite cold weather in the mountains for a few days now, and a cool weather spell a week or so, again.

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Listening to Clif High a few days ago, he opened up with an observation of seasonally very cold weather in WA state (49°F), with people on the beach wearing parkas (and shorts, out of habit).

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Also on a cooler side in Ontario, Canada, the Alps, even Sacramento Valley, California.

If not for the arsonists, I would say the warming trend is reversing as we speak.

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Warming? Cooling? God knows. As for trends, we are talking fractals on varied timelines, in a dynamic system. Abandon hope all long-term forecasters that dare enter. For good measure, geoengineereing royally messes up the mechanism of natural balance.

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It has been definitely warming in the Alps and the glaciers have been melting, to the point that some mountain passes covered with ice for the last 2000 years have been exposed in the last few years. Undeniable. Yet, this year seems to buck the recent trend and the snow started falling in the last week of July at 3000m elevation, and this continues in August.

Yet, how does it relate (if at all) to human activity? And what is the magnitude and the duration of the trend? And will it be reversed if we kill ourselves? I do not believe the latter for an instant. They are just exploiting the current climate trend to further distort it, to instill fear and, ultimately, to enslave and/or destroy us. While flying their private jets, launching space rockets for tourism, and other such excesses. While we have to be imprisoned in 15min cities, drop private transportation and eat bugs.

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The climate scam is a well-known ploy by the Club of Rome; it is psy-war on mankind. If you have not, do read the article by Coffee&Covid linked above. Antarctica current: a vicious winter, in conjunction with melting ice. What gives? (Release the Greta, release the Greta ...)

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Didn't see this one here and basically I repeated what you read as well .

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Great substack from Jeff Childers, called Coffee and Covid speaking to this issue today where he addresses the Pacific Volcano named Hunga Tonga- Hunga Ha'apai (!) and how this was ignored by the powers that be, as well as scientists, because they can't make $ or have a patent on volcanoes. Thank you as always Andreas .

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Hive mind? Nah, just all the buzz about CC driving everyone crazy!

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Like Sage, have to process what you mean here.

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Just got it . Like old Mitch at the microphone yesterday in the senate - a slight TIA !

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Or volcanic activity in the past few years in Iceland, Italy, and of course the whole Pacific rim.

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Have been saying all along that climate is the next step of control with CBDCs not being too far behind! Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Exactly. This is why I refer to all of this as the CONTROL crisis, with sub-sections of that (the covid portion of the control crisis, the climate portion of the control crisis, the currency portion of the control crisis).

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I was thinking about writing something up with lots of C-words! And maybe even that one, too! Ha ha

I hate to allow myself to be terrified; but I gotta hand it to those c#nts, they're doing a pretty good job of it. And not over the climate of course...

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Is it just me or do they all look like ‘boiled’ sh!t? Lying and deceiving on a global scale is so ugly. A prelude to the hell fires that await them.

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When will people finally understand the climate the evil govt so desires is being manipulated via climate warfare geo- engineering accelerating rapidly by military and govt funded.....dropping billions of tons of chemicals on us daily. Gag order on meteorologists, patents on hurricanes, . Please see Geo-engineering watch with Dane Wigingtin on you-tube and his documentary " THE DIMMING ".

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Corporate & world bankers use ionospheric weather weapons technology to produce drought conditions then incentivized arsonists and media to hype fire smoke theater to make their predictions seem real.

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The climate hoax has a two-fold purpose. One, when civil unrest lets loose, sometime after the 24 elections when digital money is forced upon us. The governments will need a mechanism to keep people from gathering and revolting, potentially overthrowing governments. This is where lock-downs come in handy for the parasites in charge.

The other is obviously to raise cash for all the broke governments who would mismanage a banana stand if they had one. Beware that government will soon default on its debt. This will cause massive chaos. BTW—the defaults will not be called defaults; they will do something that has historical precedence. The debt repayment will be stopped and promised at some future date while agreeing to issue an interest payment. You get interest but not your cash back. That is one example of the coming strategy that ruins Western life.

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Where I am, there was no summer in the past month, no sky either but constant spraying which became an ever thickening candy floss. Further to this, we had very strange (meaning I've never seen in my life) cloud formations that stopped as if it were drawn with a ruler.

I took some pictures to keep a record and there are many IG accounts that collect photos of spraying.

Interestingly this was not scrapped from youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqSkbHKSnjI

From 2006:


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Even if they were right about Climate Change, they have been and still are guilty for causing the current level of emissions. It all falls on their shoulders.

In a recent Public article we learned that in actual fact they have been deliberately lying about the embodied emissions in their Solar Panels, largely sourced from China. In fact those emissions put solar at about the same emissions level as closed cycle Natural Gas generation. And if you count the added grid effects of the intermittent solar, the Solar PV is about as bad as Coal for emissions. Will these snake oil salesmen, like Kerry & Guterres, ever admit the truth about that? I doubt it.

If it weren't for the deliberate actions of these guys we would have already replaced almost all coal generation with nuclear energy, zero emissions. And they continue to misdirect $trillions to nutty scams like agrofuels, wind, solar, hydrogen, battery storage & CCS. And to add misery to madness, their Net Zero carbon trading scam. These are really just wealth transfer programs. From the Middle Class to themselves. Government guaranteed wealth, don't have to do all that nasty "competing on the Free Market" stuff. That would take creativity & skill.

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Ukraine War: fake

Watch the women carrying the rubble (foam board?)


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So no war, no one ever actually died, no destruction or killed Russian soldiers, or otherwise? What a relief?

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There is likely a very limited war... I doubt it could be completely fake. Just enough to get some photo opps.

I've seen way too many fake scenes like the one above to believe this is not staged... I also seldom see any actual combat photo -- recall the Ghost of Kiev -- that was a video game... also there are many visuals coming out that were borrowed from wars in other places from previous years

Anyone who believes this is a real war -- needs to answer the obvious question:

Why does Putin not force NATO to back off by throttling back on gas to the EU? No need to shut it down -- just say a 20% reduction for a few days.... as a warning ... then for a week... then another week... twist the arm -- till they agree not to meddle in the Ukraine and set up shop on the Russian border.

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Notice how Russia was willing to shut off the gas 9 yrs ago:

Russia cuts off gas supply to Ukraine after talks collapse


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There is certainly the underwater part of an iceberg we don't see...

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Apparently NATO is running out of bombs and ammo to feed the Ukeys...


If that was true then Ukey should look like this by now


One of the more amusing clips I have seen was taken by a drone - a few tanks were positioned below half a dozen residential towers... blasting away at the rubble... the buildings looked to be abandoned -- there were no fighters inside... but the tanks blasted away at them... Now why would they do that? For fun?

Where are all the clips of stuff taken by civilians -- Telegram should be overwhelmed with stuff... given NATO is running short of ammunition ... the entire country should be a wasteland

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Thanks for this. Yeah, I see 'em galloping up towards the pass like a Hunga Tonga-ton of plastic straws.

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