A good way to begin (which works at least half the time) is to start your rebuttal with.....
"I think we can all agree that....." and then say something which sounds very supportive or empathetic or comforting.
and then interject some dissonance into the conversation.
The recent interviewer who was at the Roe V Wade protests and was asking the protestors about "my body my choice" and bodily autonomy used this technique, and then he hit them with, "so you are (understandably) for bodily autonomy.... how about the right to choose not to get the COVID vaccine?" and it flummoxed quite a few of them.
I think the idea here is not so much a rebuttal, as injecting dissonance into their thought process, in as gentle a way as possible so they at least taste the pill, even if they don't swallow it.
Meet them where they ARE, and then get them to wake up ever so slightly as to where they might actually BE.
With strangers my strategy is to tell them I have heart damage after my most recent booster.
Then I am on their team...
I generally will not wear a mask -- was in the airport and a cop asked me why I had no mask - I showed him the exemption my phone and told him about my heart damage from the jab..
The look on his face was priceless... a combination of shock and sympathy --- he said 'that's terrible -- we are being forced to take the jabs or we lose our jobs'... I said... be careful - I know quite a few people with a similar injury.
It won't change things but it's great fun to toy with the MOREONS.
Yeah you're absolutely right about putting a 'half-truth' in there...
You're instantly on side with them, you're not a dirty Anti-vaxxer, and they do actually listen to a point. I've found this is also effective as it gets the Covidian to open up.
It's relatable cause its everywhere, you just gotta lie a little (there's plenty of lies out there anyway that are a lot worse) it gives them an opportunity to openly talk about it. They may have the same conversation with another stranger, then that stranger has another convo etc etc... slowly spreading out into small spaces in the day such as a lunch time conversation about why so & so haven't been at work etc.
Thanks for this post and invitation. We need to keep in mind that a lot of these Twitter posts are likely bots. I don't have pat or pithy answers, but maybe we can generate some together. I find that questions have worked well, because normally people haven't done complete research and it shows up in their answers.
1) when people say the vax should be mandatory, I would say "when people are afraid they suggest very extreme things. We don't know the long-term effects of this injection, so I can't imagine anything more stupid than to have every single person on the earth take it. If it does have bad long-term effects, we are all screwed! Don't you think that's stupid to inject everyone with one product that we don't know the long-term effect of? I know that scares people if they think their vaccine doesn't protect them, and they sometimes react with extreme divisive and cruel suggestions about who should participate in society or not".
2) when people say that unvaxxed are transmitting more, I'd ask in an open way, "how do you know that? Where do you get that impression?" Then as a follow-up I could say either a) "the picture totally changed with the Delta and then omicron. It reminds me of the early days of aids, where people thought it could be transmitted through personal contact and there were calls for AIDS victims to be isolated from others, put on an island. It ended up not being true." Or b) "I know that the pharmaceutical industry sure wants that to be true cuz they are making billions. So they're doing all they can to make it seem that way."
3) when people say that it's mostly unvaccinated dying, I'd ask the same question in an open friendly way, "how do you know that?" And then ask follow up questions about their answer, like what hospitals do they know where full, and for how long. Then I'd say "the picture seems to be more complex than that. The continent that's been kicking covid's butt better than any other is africa, and it's also the continent with the lowest vaccination rate. I'd also cite Vermont in September of 2021, we're 76% of the people hospitalized and killed were vaccinated. Hospitals know how to triage, I trust them to do it"
4) when people talk about masks, I would again ask how they know that. I would say "there's been so many studies coming out on each side of the issue that we don't know yet. But we do know that masks aren't neutral, they limit the amount of oxygen a person takes in and the person breathes in their own CO2 and bacteria. This in addition to the virus being smaller than the holes in a surgical mask, is probably why so many studies are coming out on both side of the issue. All I know is I want to breathe all the oxygen I can, it's good for everyone's health."
5) for immunocompromised people, I would say "I'm so sorry about your grandma, I hope she gets better soon. I know as my grandma got older she was not in the greatest health, but would never have wanted our family or other people to restrict their lives for her. She took responsibility for herself, and wished others to live the fullest lives they could. She was very loving and generous that way."
6) when people say on vaccinated people have no right to work, or be in public spaces, I would say "this reminds me of the early days of the AIDS epidemic where people wanted to cut them out of society. That's what the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks was about".
7) when they talk about unvaccinated people should not be allowed to fly, I would say "interesting, I think it's the other way around; the unvaccinated people need to be protected from the vaccinated people, and vaccinated people should NOT be allowed to fly". This puts a mirror up to their extremism.
8) re protecting disabled people, I would say "most disabled people don't want others to their restrict their lives for them."
9) regarding unvaccinated people being a danger in any way, I could say "there's evidence that this vaccine is damaging people's immune systems. If a lot of vaccinated people are getting repeated infections because their immune system isn't working properly, will vaccinated people remove themselves from others so they don't infect them?"
‘Survey: More Than 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because of Covid Vax
As the war with Technocracy expands, dead bodies and injured citizens pile up in record numbers. In WWII, America lost 405,000 soldiers with 670,000 wounded. This genocide is of epic proportions and yet the vast majority of people are in denial that there is even an issue, as they line up for their mRNA boosters.’
2028 the latest. If they keep up jabbing and coming up with the new ones for all sorts of things, probably more like 2025. Also, Pfizer has just proposed to double their mRNA dose in the next booster (this fall), "for added protection" ("protection" being the focus of my next post on Ireland).
My response to the majority of those bullet points would be:
"Okay, now let's say in five months [make up any timeline] that it turns out that it's YOU the 'vaccinated' who are causing great harm, who are infecting others, who are spreading and propagating new variants...you cool with us putting you in camps?"
Forget about offering $$$ to debate the CovCON... obviously nobody in authority is willing to do that.
Take the budget and hire a core team of people with experience in online trolling ... every PR Agency in the world offers this sort of service so it won't be difficult to find qualified candidates.
Centralize the messaging strategy and start bombarding popular social media sites (politicians, celebrities, sports people etc...) ... also when someone is injured or dies and a covid shot is suspected... search for social media sites that cover that story e.g. Bieber... and bombard it.
In addition to the paid team -- ask for volunteers ... no doubt there would be many thousands willing to troll...
There will be attempts to block the bombardment --- of that you have a dedicated person who registers new social media accounts and making a list available so that anyone blocked can pick up a new ID....
Preaching to the converted is a waste of time... you need to get in the faces of the CovIDIOTS and lash them.. over and over and over....
Nobody seems to want to do anything but preach to the converted and build up likes...
Keep in mind --- anyone who was willing to quarterback and fund an initiative like this ... would -- if it was gaining traction -- be targeted. We have to remember... the people behind this are killing babies... they will do whatever it takes... to see ensure nobody upsets their agenda
I feel assaulted by the collective ignorance of these people. The good news is that all them will get COVID. Good luck holding onto The Narrative then!
My intent was not to be confrontational. I was predicting that the arrival of COVID would result in disillusionment from The Narrative. That's the only hope I see to break the mass formation's spell...
But how can you break it to them? I see ppl walking around in masks as 90% of formerly masked reveal their faces. Those 10% are scared to death by this psyop. And ready to kill you on the spot for telling them the only thing they are in control of (the mask) is good for nothing.
Or you could suggest wearing three masks if they can't find an N95 one and be extremely helpful (sort of a sneaky reverse psychology type of approach where they can't get triggered but yet might feel stupid).
Except, the dick-faced mask wearers, or even under the chin, stump me every time I see them! What in the world? How can this phenomenon be explained rationally? In the absence of masking mandates for the last two months!
But it's not rational. You're seeing a more visible manifestation of the mental gymnastics some people put themselves through. There's about 20% of the population that will, almost continuously, find themselves attached to people who mean them no good, and are sick or unhappy as a general state of being. As germs/viruses are "everywhere" and invisible, they will dramatize it that much harder since there is no escape (except perhaps within that magical mask space).
Gotta ignore them. When I have to talk to them I don't look at their faces and I usually don't respond to people talking to me in masks because I can't hear what they are saying anyways. They want to be treated like non-persons and I am fulfilling their wishes.
This is one of those rare times I actually disagree with you Andreas ...
These people are generally unreachable ... I lost my best friend of 60 years last year ...
I'm not saying he died ... I'm saying the friendship ended abruptly when he asked me one day what my vax status was ... I told him without speech and he went nuts ... extremely self-righteous, he called me names and that was it ... upon sending him a happy birthday text several months later I realized that I DO NOT want to engage this guy again ... and let me say it one more time - THE GLOBALISTS ARE BRILLIANT ... they "gamed" the plandemic knowing how deeply divided we would become.
You could suggest EUkraine has lovely summers, and a strong democracy thanks to American intervention. Nothing brings people around quicker than a case of myocarditus along with a newly inserted pacemaker.
Honestly at this point if there are people who are that brainwashed by the guzzling of the kool aid if they were to say say those things to me verbally I would in an incredulous tone say: Are you f----- serious? Are you joking or just brainwashed by the shit main stream media is putting out? Do some research and wake the f--- up before it's too late. I truly feel sorry for you. If you want to believe shit go ahead but stay the f---- away from me. It's nice people like you who believed the propaganda that got people loaded on the trains to death camps.
I applaud the effort here...but I'm no help. I already reached my limit and moved on.
My personal buffers have been depleted from dealing with insane people (friends and relatives) and I've shifted gears to "F them". My county is only 35% double jabbed, most of these are the elderly. Nearly all our neighbors produces some of their own food and own cattle, have their own well, cuts their own firewood, and are well armed. It is a fine place to ride out the disintegration of America as the vaxtards boost themselves into the after life, the financial ponzi collapses, and the big cities who can't even maintain infrastructure now, lose tax base and services and decay into shitholes. A country boy can survive.
Likewise... all I cared about was the vaccine passports being dropped here in NZ -- that happened in March so now I can ski play hockey and go to restaurants...
If people want to continue boosting go right ahead...
We are long past the point of no return here -- it's just a matter of time now till the deaths start piling up from VAIDS and/or Devil Covid.
if 10% are awake, 30% asleep, and 60% going along to get along, then to reach the 60% what I fantasize is a very well made, independent "satire film" (though not really) that has the perfect blend of painting the sane people reasonably and realistically and sympathetically, and the deranged ones as clearly the ones in need of help. This would be told humorously, compassionately and also dead-on accurately.
Not a documentary. A drama featuring a family split apart by these tyrannical lies. And maybe some tragedy thrown in, like some thrombocytopenia or shingles. The occasional emotional outburst by fearful masked people driving alone or riding a bicycle on a wooded trail.
Shifting the point of view to something accurate, which would be in opposition to the false narrative and false world inhabited by the 30%, might get the 60% to say, "woah, wait a minute here... we have been "going along to get along" with the crazy people. OK, we''re done....." People would want to identify with the sane group, not the irrational control freaks.
it could either be a regular-length film or a series of short episodes.
I would like the 5-39 age group split and indicated what are the vaccination rates in each shard. Otherwise not too convincing, can be easily explained away. They explain away things much more obvious.
Thank you for making this kind offer....I’ll reflect on it and see what comes to mind....in the meantime it is important that we support one another whenever possible and give constructive criticism in as kind and friendly a manner as possible. We’ve all been doing our best to wake others up and we’ve all been shocked/traumatised in one way or another witnessing many innocent/gullible sheople fall for the lies and propaganda, being grossly deceived, being experimented upon and harmed etc. And then there’s the innocent defenceless children without a voice who rely on the wise adults/elders in the world to protect them from being administered these Covid-19 injections that will so clearly do them more harm than any good. The thoughts of such horrors being visited upon innocent infants and children is enough to put anyone with a good heart and a good conscience on edge. Plenty of us out there are feeling one or all of the following...feeling frustrated, feeling powerless, feeling deep anger and sorrow, feeling tetchy....feeling drained....concerned....worried. And so we perhaps start to heal, regain our emotional balance, by first taking it easy on ourselves and perhaps then take it easy on others.
It would be great if someone in our community here could put together something on Trauma and how to heal from it.
GlaxoSmithKline embroiled in scandal in which babies and children were allegedly used as ‘laboratory animals’
Antony Barnett in New York
Sun 4 Apr 2004 04.35 EDT
Orphans and babies as young as three months old have been used as guinea pigs in potentially dangerous medical experiments sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, an Observer investigation has revealed.
British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is embroiled in the scandal. The firm sponsored experiments on the children from Incarnation Children's Centre, a New York care home that specialises in treating HIV sufferers and is run by Catholic charities.
Fears of violence againstpro‑choice protests intensify amid wave of attacks
The children had either been infected with HIV or born to HIV-positive mothers. Their parents were dead, untraceable or deemed unfit to look after them.
According to documents obtained by The Observer, Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the 'safety and tolerance' of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT.
Normally trials on children would require parental consent but, as the infants are in care, New York's authorities hold that role.
The city health department has launched an investigation into claims that more than 100 children at Incarnation were used in 36 experiments - at least four co-sponsored by Glaxo. Some of these trials were designed to test the 'toxicity' of Aids medications. One involved giving children as young as four a high-dosage cocktail of seven drugs at one time. Another looked at the reaction in six-month-old babies to a double dose of measles vaccine.
Vera Sharav, president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, said the children had been treated like 'laboratory animals'.
'These are some of the most vulnerable individuals in the country and there appears to be a policy of giving drug firms access to them,' she said. 'Throughout the history of medical research we have seen prisoners abused, the mentally ill abused and now poor kids in a care home.'
Sharav has urged the US Food and Drug Administration to investigate and has demanded full disclosure of all adverse effects suffered by the children, including deaths. Brooklyn Democrat councillor Bill de Blasio is also demanding that New York's Administration for Children's Services, which approved the trials, reveal who gave consent and on what grounds.
Glaxo has confirmed it provided funds for some of the experiments but denied any improper action. A spokeswoman said: 'These studies were implemented by the US Aids Clinical Trial Group, a clinical research network paid for by the National Institutes of Health. Glaxo's involvement in such studies would have been to provide study drugs or funding but we would have no interactions with the patients.
'Generally speaking, clinical research is carefully regulated in the US and it would be the responsibility of the appropriate authorities to ensure all subjects in a clinical trial provided appropriate, informed consent to conform with all local laws and regulations regarding legal authority in the case of minors.'
The Incarnation trials were run by Columbia University Medical Centre doctors. Columbia spokeswoman Annie Bayne said there had been no clinical trials at Incarnation since 2000 and that consent for the children was provided by the Administration for Children's Services, which uses a panel of doctors and lawyers to determine whether the benefits of a trial for each child outweighs the risks. 'There are many safeguards in the system. HIV is eventually a fatal disease, but drug therapy has lengthened life significantly,' said Bayne.
A spokesman for Incarnation said: 'The purpose of the trials was to test the efficacy of HIV medication ... These trials were based on scientific evidence of their potential value in the treatment of HIV-infected children.'
How's about: 'I just wish that your vaccine and multiple boosters hurry up and do their 'trick' and you all drop dead, you poisonous, chemical filled, big pharma whores' but that would be unkind.
Wouldn't it?
Clearly I am still seething with rage at being sold out by the brainless, feeble masses.
But seriously, isn't this a case of natural selection?
You can't say that. There are many more of them than there is of you (remember Desmet?). Be soothing and understanding, start with claiming you are one of them, fully boosted and up-to-date, and quackcine-injured to boot, with GBS and myocarditis.
This the sort of thing that needs to be widely disseminated on popular FB pages...
I was bombarding Ardern's page all sorts of vax injury stories and calling her a monster... the posts were remaining in place for many days... so loads of people were seeing them...
Eventually FB killed my account.
If there was a coordinated attack on social media with good messaging that would be a thousand times more useful than any SS article that is reaching a relatively tiny audience.. mostly comprised of people who already know covid is a heap of shit
"Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, the scientists did not look at the immune responses of anyone who was not vaccinated - with or without previous infection. Thus the paper offers no direct comparison of the way Omicron may affect antibody and B- and T-cell responses in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Why didn’t the researchers include unvaccinated people? Maybe because nearly all British adults are vaccinated and most boosted, so the authors wanted to concentrate on the risks Omicron poses to vaccinated people. Or maybe because they worried about what they’d find if they directly compared the two groups."
The latter for sure. If they did, that would've been the last publication they were ever to submit. Because $cience.
Anyhow, the study is too lengthy for people consuming only soundbites. And that is our challenge. Maybe what they need is cartoons?
My shtick: "So you are (double/triple) covid-jabbed. The thing is, there is only bad news about the injections, except perhaps for this: In the EU/US/Canada/Oz [pick as per your location], there are XY thousand dead after the jab. Now, the good news is, you are not one of them." Then I hand out a nice printout of the data, with the database name, link, and latest figures incl. injured (and those go into millions in EUDRA Vigilance).
A good way to begin (which works at least half the time) is to start your rebuttal with.....
"I think we can all agree that....." and then say something which sounds very supportive or empathetic or comforting.
and then interject some dissonance into the conversation.
The recent interviewer who was at the Roe V Wade protests and was asking the protestors about "my body my choice" and bodily autonomy used this technique, and then he hit them with, "so you are (understandably) for bodily autonomy.... how about the right to choose not to get the COVID vaccine?" and it flummoxed quite a few of them.
I think the idea here is not so much a rebuttal, as injecting dissonance into their thought process, in as gentle a way as possible so they at least taste the pill, even if they don't swallow it.
Meet them where they ARE, and then get them to wake up ever so slightly as to where they might actually BE.
Yes, thank you! I have to restrain myself too.
With strangers my strategy is to tell them I have heart damage after my most recent booster.
Then I am on their team...
I generally will not wear a mask -- was in the airport and a cop asked me why I had no mask - I showed him the exemption my phone and told him about my heart damage from the jab..
The look on his face was priceless... a combination of shock and sympathy --- he said 'that's terrible -- we are being forced to take the jabs or we lose our jobs'... I said... be careful - I know quite a few people with a similar injury.
It won't change things but it's great fun to toy with the MOREONS.
Be careful? Isn't it a bit late?
He could reject the boosters... the mandates on the cops have stopped so he would not lose his job
But 2 shots has already put him past the Rubicon
Yeah you're absolutely right about putting a 'half-truth' in there...
You're instantly on side with them, you're not a dirty Anti-vaxxer, and they do actually listen to a point. I've found this is also effective as it gets the Covidian to open up.
It's relatable cause its everywhere, you just gotta lie a little (there's plenty of lies out there anyway that are a lot worse) it gives them an opportunity to openly talk about it. They may have the same conversation with another stranger, then that stranger has another convo etc etc... slowly spreading out into small spaces in the day such as a lunch time conversation about why so & so haven't been at work etc.
Slowly spread that seed of doubt!
Thanks for this post and invitation. We need to keep in mind that a lot of these Twitter posts are likely bots. I don't have pat or pithy answers, but maybe we can generate some together. I find that questions have worked well, because normally people haven't done complete research and it shows up in their answers.
1) when people say the vax should be mandatory, I would say "when people are afraid they suggest very extreme things. We don't know the long-term effects of this injection, so I can't imagine anything more stupid than to have every single person on the earth take it. If it does have bad long-term effects, we are all screwed! Don't you think that's stupid to inject everyone with one product that we don't know the long-term effect of? I know that scares people if they think their vaccine doesn't protect them, and they sometimes react with extreme divisive and cruel suggestions about who should participate in society or not".
2) when people say that unvaxxed are transmitting more, I'd ask in an open way, "how do you know that? Where do you get that impression?" Then as a follow-up I could say either a) "the picture totally changed with the Delta and then omicron. It reminds me of the early days of aids, where people thought it could be transmitted through personal contact and there were calls for AIDS victims to be isolated from others, put on an island. It ended up not being true." Or b) "I know that the pharmaceutical industry sure wants that to be true cuz they are making billions. So they're doing all they can to make it seem that way."
3) when people say that it's mostly unvaccinated dying, I'd ask the same question in an open friendly way, "how do you know that?" And then ask follow up questions about their answer, like what hospitals do they know where full, and for how long. Then I'd say "the picture seems to be more complex than that. The continent that's been kicking covid's butt better than any other is africa, and it's also the continent with the lowest vaccination rate. I'd also cite Vermont in September of 2021, we're 76% of the people hospitalized and killed were vaccinated. Hospitals know how to triage, I trust them to do it"
4) when people talk about masks, I would again ask how they know that. I would say "there's been so many studies coming out on each side of the issue that we don't know yet. But we do know that masks aren't neutral, they limit the amount of oxygen a person takes in and the person breathes in their own CO2 and bacteria. This in addition to the virus being smaller than the holes in a surgical mask, is probably why so many studies are coming out on both side of the issue. All I know is I want to breathe all the oxygen I can, it's good for everyone's health."
5) for immunocompromised people, I would say "I'm so sorry about your grandma, I hope she gets better soon. I know as my grandma got older she was not in the greatest health, but would never have wanted our family or other people to restrict their lives for her. She took responsibility for herself, and wished others to live the fullest lives they could. She was very loving and generous that way."
6) when people say on vaccinated people have no right to work, or be in public spaces, I would say "this reminds me of the early days of the AIDS epidemic where people wanted to cut them out of society. That's what the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks was about".
7) when they talk about unvaccinated people should not be allowed to fly, I would say "interesting, I think it's the other way around; the unvaccinated people need to be protected from the vaccinated people, and vaccinated people should NOT be allowed to fly". This puts a mirror up to their extremism.
8) re protecting disabled people, I would say "most disabled people don't want others to their restrict their lives for them."
9) regarding unvaccinated people being a danger in any way, I could say "there's evidence that this vaccine is damaging people's immune systems. If a lot of vaccinated people are getting repeated infections because their immune system isn't working properly, will vaccinated people remove themselves from others so they don't infect them?"
Worth reading....
‘Survey: More Than 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because of Covid Vax
As the war with Technocracy expands, dead bodies and injured citizens pile up in record numbers. In WWII, America lost 405,000 soldiers with 670,000 wounded. This genocide is of epic proportions and yet the vast majority of people are in denial that there is even an issue, as they line up for their mRNA boosters.’
By none other than our hero Steve Kirsch.
75m-100m in the USA alone!
‘700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr David Martin’
2028 the latest. If they keep up jabbing and coming up with the new ones for all sorts of things, probably more like 2025. Also, Pfizer has just proposed to double their mRNA dose in the next booster (this fall), "for added protection" ("protection" being the focus of my next post on Ireland).
My response to the majority of those bullet points would be:
"Okay, now let's say in five months [make up any timeline] that it turns out that it's YOU the 'vaccinated' who are causing great harm, who are infecting others, who are spreading and propagating new variants...you cool with us putting you in camps?"
They already are, but we can't say that to them, can we? Not to break the bad news?
Right?????!!! We've been the ones trying to remain calm while they sling their arrows.
Good one!
TY, Jaye. I tried not to get too snarky. =))
I've suggested this on Steve Kirsch's SS:
Forget about offering $$$ to debate the CovCON... obviously nobody in authority is willing to do that.
Take the budget and hire a core team of people with experience in online trolling ... every PR Agency in the world offers this sort of service so it won't be difficult to find qualified candidates.
Centralize the messaging strategy and start bombarding popular social media sites (politicians, celebrities, sports people etc...) ... also when someone is injured or dies and a covid shot is suspected... search for social media sites that cover that story e.g. Bieber... and bombard it.
In addition to the paid team -- ask for volunteers ... no doubt there would be many thousands willing to troll...
There will be attempts to block the bombardment --- of that you have a dedicated person who registers new social media accounts and making a list available so that anyone blocked can pick up a new ID....
Preaching to the converted is a waste of time... you need to get in the faces of the CovIDIOTS and lash them.. over and over and over....
Nobody seems to want to do anything but preach to the converted and build up likes...
Keep in mind --- anyone who was willing to quarterback and fund an initiative like this ... would -- if it was gaining traction -- be targeted. We have to remember... the people behind this are killing babies... they will do whatever it takes... to see ensure nobody upsets their agenda
So far, thanks to you being so vocal about it, they didn't reach that point yet...
It would sure spice things up if someone like Steve was to initiate something like this
I feel assaulted by the collective ignorance of these people. The good news is that all them will get COVID. Good luck holding onto The Narrative then!
Telling them "you all gonna die soon and I can't wait!" is hardly nonconfrontational LOL!
My intent was not to be confrontational. I was predicting that the arrival of COVID would result in disillusionment from The Narrative. That's the only hope I see to break the mass formation's spell...
Tell me about it!
Covid is no cure - the "it would've been so much worse" adage comes to mind.
Even better - they'll get VAIDS..... and the flood gates of hell will open
OMG I had to stop reading those tweets as they were making me angry!
I would say, masks only stop droplets and covid is aerosolized so it is like trying to block rice with a tennis racket.
But how can you break it to them? I see ppl walking around in masks as 90% of formerly masked reveal their faces. Those 10% are scared to death by this psyop. And ready to kill you on the spot for telling them the only thing they are in control of (the mask) is good for nothing.
You can't, unless they ask.
Or you could suggest wearing three masks if they can't find an N95 one and be extremely helpful (sort of a sneaky reverse psychology type of approach where they can't get triggered but yet might feel stupid).
Except, the dick-faced mask wearers, or even under the chin, stump me every time I see them! What in the world? How can this phenomenon be explained rationally? In the absence of masking mandates for the last two months!
But it's not rational. You're seeing a more visible manifestation of the mental gymnastics some people put themselves through. There's about 20% of the population that will, almost continuously, find themselves attached to people who mean them no good, and are sick or unhappy as a general state of being. As germs/viruses are "everywhere" and invisible, they will dramatize it that much harder since there is no escape (except perhaps within that magical mask space).
And these types are the prime candidates for any mass formation, n'est-ce pas?
Gotta ignore them. When I have to talk to them I don't look at their faces and I usually don't respond to people talking to me in masks because I can't hear what they are saying anyways. They want to be treated like non-persons and I am fulfilling their wishes.
Haha, humans are very easy to manipulate. We are the outliers. 👍
This is one of those rare times I actually disagree with you Andreas ...
These people are generally unreachable ... I lost my best friend of 60 years last year ...
I'm not saying he died ... I'm saying the friendship ended abruptly when he asked me one day what my vax status was ... I told him without speech and he went nuts ... extremely self-righteous, he called me names and that was it ... upon sending him a happy birthday text several months later I realized that I DO NOT want to engage this guy again ... and let me say it one more time - THE GLOBALISTS ARE BRILLIANT ... they "gamed" the plandemic knowing how deeply divided we would become.
You could suggest EUkraine has lovely summers, and a strong democracy thanks to American intervention. Nothing brings people around quicker than a case of myocarditus along with a newly inserted pacemaker.
Honestly at this point if there are people who are that brainwashed by the guzzling of the kool aid if they were to say say those things to me verbally I would in an incredulous tone say: Are you f----- serious? Are you joking or just brainwashed by the shit main stream media is putting out? Do some research and wake the f--- up before it's too late. I truly feel sorry for you. If you want to believe shit go ahead but stay the f---- away from me. It's nice people like you who believed the propaganda that got people loaded on the trains to death camps.
I applaud the effort here...but I'm no help. I already reached my limit and moved on.
My personal buffers have been depleted from dealing with insane people (friends and relatives) and I've shifted gears to "F them". My county is only 35% double jabbed, most of these are the elderly. Nearly all our neighbors produces some of their own food and own cattle, have their own well, cuts their own firewood, and are well armed. It is a fine place to ride out the disintegration of America as the vaxtards boost themselves into the after life, the financial ponzi collapses, and the big cities who can't even maintain infrastructure now, lose tax base and services and decay into shitholes. A country boy can survive.
All you need now are some magnetic guns to land the drones coming after you guys, and you are good to go.
Likewise... all I cared about was the vaccine passports being dropped here in NZ -- that happened in March so now I can ski play hockey and go to restaurants...
If people want to continue boosting go right ahead...
We are long past the point of no return here -- it's just a matter of time now till the deaths start piling up from VAIDS and/or Devil Covid.
Good to hear that you and your county are well placed to withstand the shitstorm that is on the horizon.
if 10% are awake, 30% asleep, and 60% going along to get along, then to reach the 60% what I fantasize is a very well made, independent "satire film" (though not really) that has the perfect blend of painting the sane people reasonably and realistically and sympathetically, and the deranged ones as clearly the ones in need of help. This would be told humorously, compassionately and also dead-on accurately.
Not a documentary. A drama featuring a family split apart by these tyrannical lies. And maybe some tragedy thrown in, like some thrombocytopenia or shingles. The occasional emotional outburst by fearful masked people driving alone or riding a bicycle on a wooded trail.
Shifting the point of view to something accurate, which would be in opposition to the false narrative and false world inhabited by the 30%, might get the 60% to say, "woah, wait a minute here... we have been "going along to get along" with the crazy people. OK, we''re done....." People would want to identify with the sane group, not the irrational control freaks.
it could either be a regular-length film or a series of short episodes.
Why is a weaker virus killing more people?
I would like the 5-39 age group split and indicated what are the vaccination rates in each shard. Otherwise not too convincing, can be easily explained away. They explain away things much more obvious.
Instead of just smirking how about offering to help them?
Thank you for making this kind offer....I’ll reflect on it and see what comes to mind....in the meantime it is important that we support one another whenever possible and give constructive criticism in as kind and friendly a manner as possible. We’ve all been doing our best to wake others up and we’ve all been shocked/traumatised in one way or another witnessing many innocent/gullible sheople fall for the lies and propaganda, being grossly deceived, being experimented upon and harmed etc. And then there’s the innocent defenceless children without a voice who rely on the wise adults/elders in the world to protect them from being administered these Covid-19 injections that will so clearly do them more harm than any good. The thoughts of such horrors being visited upon innocent infants and children is enough to put anyone with a good heart and a good conscience on edge. Plenty of us out there are feeling one or all of the following...feeling frustrated, feeling powerless, feeling deep anger and sorrow, feeling tetchy....feeling drained....concerned....worried. And so we perhaps start to heal, regain our emotional balance, by first taking it easy on ourselves and perhaps then take it easy on others.
It would be great if someone in our community here could put together something on Trauma and how to heal from it.
Now we are talking!
Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children
Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs
Over the past 35 years, patients have suffered from a largely hidden epidemic of side effects from drugs that usually have few offsetting benefits.
Download PDF (11 PAGES)
UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans
This article is more than 18 years old
GlaxoSmithKline embroiled in scandal in which babies and children were allegedly used as ‘laboratory animals’
Antony Barnett in New York
Sun 4 Apr 2004 04.35 EDT
Orphans and babies as young as three months old have been used as guinea pigs in potentially dangerous medical experiments sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, an Observer investigation has revealed.
British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is embroiled in the scandal. The firm sponsored experiments on the children from Incarnation Children's Centre, a New York care home that specialises in treating HIV sufferers and is run by Catholic charities.
Fears of violence againstpro‑choice protests intensify amid wave of attacks
The children had either been infected with HIV or born to HIV-positive mothers. Their parents were dead, untraceable or deemed unfit to look after them.
According to documents obtained by The Observer, Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the 'safety and tolerance' of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT.
Normally trials on children would require parental consent but, as the infants are in care, New York's authorities hold that role.
The city health department has launched an investigation into claims that more than 100 children at Incarnation were used in 36 experiments - at least four co-sponsored by Glaxo. Some of these trials were designed to test the 'toxicity' of Aids medications. One involved giving children as young as four a high-dosage cocktail of seven drugs at one time. Another looked at the reaction in six-month-old babies to a double dose of measles vaccine.
Vera Sharav, president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, said the children had been treated like 'laboratory animals'.
'These are some of the most vulnerable individuals in the country and there appears to be a policy of giving drug firms access to them,' she said. 'Throughout the history of medical research we have seen prisoners abused, the mentally ill abused and now poor kids in a care home.'
Sharav has urged the US Food and Drug Administration to investigate and has demanded full disclosure of all adverse effects suffered by the children, including deaths. Brooklyn Democrat councillor Bill de Blasio is also demanding that New York's Administration for Children's Services, which approved the trials, reveal who gave consent and on what grounds.
Glaxo has confirmed it provided funds for some of the experiments but denied any improper action. A spokeswoman said: 'These studies were implemented by the US Aids Clinical Trial Group, a clinical research network paid for by the National Institutes of Health. Glaxo's involvement in such studies would have been to provide study drugs or funding but we would have no interactions with the patients.
'Generally speaking, clinical research is carefully regulated in the US and it would be the responsibility of the appropriate authorities to ensure all subjects in a clinical trial provided appropriate, informed consent to conform with all local laws and regulations regarding legal authority in the case of minors.'
The Incarnation trials were run by Columbia University Medical Centre doctors. Columbia spokeswoman Annie Bayne said there had been no clinical trials at Incarnation since 2000 and that consent for the children was provided by the Administration for Children's Services, which uses a panel of doctors and lawyers to determine whether the benefits of a trial for each child outweighs the risks. 'There are many safeguards in the system. HIV is eventually a fatal disease, but drug therapy has lengthened life significantly,' said Bayne.
A spokesman for Incarnation said: 'The purpose of the trials was to test the efficacy of HIV medication ... These trials were based on scientific evidence of their potential value in the treatment of HIV-infected children.'
Just wow!
How's about: 'I just wish that your vaccine and multiple boosters hurry up and do their 'trick' and you all drop dead, you poisonous, chemical filled, big pharma whores' but that would be unkind.
Wouldn't it?
Clearly I am still seething with rage at being sold out by the brainless, feeble masses.
But seriously, isn't this a case of natural selection?
You can't say that. There are many more of them than there is of you (remember Desmet?). Be soothing and understanding, start with claiming you are one of them, fully boosted and up-to-date, and quackcine-injured to boot, with GBS and myocarditis.
Andreas, I love your work!
But I am filled with rage at the enablers.
They have destroyed our world and it is NEVER going to return to normal.
A good cleanse of this scourge of slack jawed, big tech brainwashed masses cannot be a bad thing.
They practically begged to take the poison.
Is this not a form of suicide?
In that case, how am I responsible for their demise?
I just hope that the elites really did drink the Kool Aid along with their 'subjects'.
As we know from history, the pendulum should swing the other way, and same people cheering the jabs and mandates will clamour for "justice".
Send them a copy of this...
This the sort of thing that needs to be widely disseminated on popular FB pages...
I was bombarding Ardern's page all sorts of vax injury stories and calling her a monster... the posts were remaining in place for many days... so loads of people were seeing them...
Eventually FB killed my account.
If there was a coordinated attack on social media with good messaging that would be a thousand times more useful than any SS article that is reaching a relatively tiny audience.. mostly comprised of people who already know covid is a heap of shit
"Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, the scientists did not look at the immune responses of anyone who was not vaccinated - with or without previous infection. Thus the paper offers no direct comparison of the way Omicron may affect antibody and B- and T-cell responses in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Why didn’t the researchers include unvaccinated people? Maybe because nearly all British adults are vaccinated and most boosted, so the authors wanted to concentrate on the risks Omicron poses to vaccinated people. Or maybe because they worried about what they’d find if they directly compared the two groups."
The latter for sure. If they did, that would've been the last publication they were ever to submit. Because $cience.
Anyhow, the study is too lengthy for people consuming only soundbites. And that is our challenge. Maybe what they need is cartoons?
I'm no good at argument, but I'd probably just tell them to "fuck off and die".
I may also add "you're jabbed, so it shouldn't be too much longer".
No point in going out of my way to upset them.
My shtick: "So you are (double/triple) covid-jabbed. The thing is, there is only bad news about the injections, except perhaps for this: In the EU/US/Canada/Oz [pick as per your location], there are XY thousand dead after the jab. Now, the good news is, you are not one of them." Then I hand out a nice printout of the data, with the database name, link, and latest figures incl. injured (and those go into millions in EUDRA Vigilance).
Could you give me those links too? I have tried to look for EUDRA Vigilance Covid reports and couldn't find anything human-readable.
Health Impact News is very handy for EUDRA data. https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/45316-dead-4416778-injured-following-covid-19-vaccines-in-european-database-of-adverse-reactions-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-sads-is-new-category-to-deny-vaccine-deaths/
No need to say it... it's happening .. and it will accelerate...
Just stand back... and enjoy!