Now You See It (Now You Don't) UK Edition
The "authorities" around the globe dropped "Covid" death reporting, while continuing with the boosters. Another lockstep move. They are not done with us.
As I have noticed, most countries (more than 200 out of 231 at worldometer) have stopped reporting their traditional Covid cases and deaths before Easter 2023 (Apr. 9):
I am so disappointed. As I have pointed out in one of my previous posts, I have discovered a clockwork pattern in the UK where they get a peak of Covid deaths in the middle of every calendar season for the last 2 years. I have started to observe the Apr. 15, 2023 peak forming, as expected:
Alas, the UK abruptly stopped reporting on “Covid” death, thus brutally interrupting an already established tradition. How un-British!
I guess, they had it, backing up the outlandish claims with stats, only to be proven liars once and again. Now we will have to go on their word alone that “vaccines” are “safe and effective” and “save lives”.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Maybe I shouldn’t have stuck it to them?
Well, if the criminals aren’t going to keep score, then we can claim all deaths are from the vaccines
According to James Corbett (of The Corbett Report) the *pathocracy* could/can be "flushed":