Well, if the criminals aren’t going to keep score, then we can claim all deaths are from the vaccines

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Tess Lawrie confirms that there's more in the pipeline: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-planning-is-still-occurring-in-plain-sight/

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Stick it to them every time - especially the British Marxist-fascist hybrid Nazis.

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Vaccines are safe and effective and save lives, they say. Great that they have such confidence and trust in them. But then surely concomitant with such statements, they should be more than willing to publicly state they will accept liability (moral liability at least, if not legal) for any near-term/future adverse reactions not at all limited to future compromised immunity. Really, they should have no qualms at all about doing this.

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MSB you could only have that expectation in a rational world filled with elite that are moral, and that are working in our interests.

None of that exists.

We live in a world where the real Marxist-fascist face of western imperialism has been fully revealed as mask was ripped off with the Covid-19 attacks on humanity, and the continuing global class warfare using climate change terrorism, digital fascism, Net Zero and numerous other attacks mainly centered on western citizens all aimed at impoverishing us and killing us off as Justin Trudeau once said "white people are a relic and we will replace them."

The question is why?

And there is only one answer - we are being attacked by the monarchies and their elite fascist partners in big banking and big business - best symbolized by the World Economic Forum transnational cartel - and the aim is to force humanity into world government under the United Nations (a western monarchies and elites construct) and the World Economic Forum - that is global fascism.

And the global institutions mimic the fascist structure of western monarchies - unaccountable, untransparent, and unelected neo-monarchial constructs!

The biggest obstacle to all of this are western citizens who for 2,000 years have demanded an end to slavery, an end to monarchial fascism, an end to the church's tyranny and an end to the reign of kings - and we want representative democracy, freedom and respect for all human rights.

We got illusions, lies, and corruption for hundreds of years - and now that they have built their global architecture for world government starting with the Bretton Woods agreement in 1946 - (think UN. WHO. WTO. IMF. World Bank) - these maniacal psychopaths are waging global classwarfare against humanity but primarily targetting western citizens because we have been the ones that have risen up again and again to stop these fascists.

That is why they are killing us.

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Thanks Andreas - I read that very article early today after I'd written this comment above, and loved James article - very inspiring. Thanks for thinking of us here.

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I was being sarcastic actually. But I agree with everything you say, except you assume it only applies to the west. I am neither western nor live in the west, but eventually we are all affected. For e.g. if the US FDA says vaxxes are good, other countries will think that's the line they should follow as well.

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Thanks MSB. I didn't pick up on your sarcasm thanks for clearing that up.

I should have been a little bit clearer on the fact that all of humanity is being targetted. You are dead right on that. But as I said the globalists primary focus is genociding western citizens - but they 'are systematically attacking citizens in every nation in every way. Where do you live?

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I can give you another e.g. about worldwide effects. I read yesterday about air travel becoming almost unaffordable in a few years time. Again, that affects the whole world. I live in Asia. I noticed In Pursuit of Truth, I'll check it out.

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I live in the hope that human ingenuity will find a way to counter act all these fascist diktats.

One of the industries that gives us hope is Formula 1 motor racing. Year after year the organizing body did its best to implement rules to try and slow down the race cars. The results - the engineers found ways to make the cars safer, follow the rules and become faster.

I am hoping that industries will start to fight back and create solutions using human ingenuity that destroy their agenda - air travel for example, it's one of my pet loves since I was a young boy. Aviation and aircraft designs are long, long, overdue for a revamping, like Elon Musk did with space rockets. Flying bodies with hybrid diesel electric propulsion systems (think trains) could revolutionize aircraft designs and the cost of transportation. Why hasn't it happened yet? Because the existing industry is the dominant model, with trillions invested in the status quo. But shaking it up with these fascist rules could change that.

Thanks for noticing my blog I confess to being slack on producing content. I need to work on that - but busy trying to pay the bills.


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My God that pic of Charlie.

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The California dashboard still claims that the original two-shot series is still working. It works equally well at preventing infection, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. What is wrong with the rest of the world?

"During February 2023, unvaccinated people were 2.6 times more likely to get COVID-19 than people who were vaccinated with at least a primary series."

"During February 2023, unvaccinated people were 2.5 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than people who were vaccinated with at least a primary series."

"During February 2023, unvaccinated people were 2.3 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than people who were vaccinated with at least a primary series."

Astonishing. Two years down the line, the "primary series" OG spike, is apparently doing a great job at preventing infection, though it probably never did that. Still doing a very similar job preventing hospitalization, as if "immunity" never "waned". And it saves your life, even though it does the opposite everywhere else.

Strangely, they report a 5.4% positivity rate, similar to 2020. If the jabs are working, why aren't they working?

It took a moment of squinting to figure out how the magic trick was done: they're diddling the denominator. Of course. They've underestimated us, quite literally.

Clearly, these numbers are impossible, by any standard. Yet they still post these banners of victory, unironically, expecting no one to notice or care.


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19 April 2023:

I saw the oldies queueing up outside a chemist today that had just put up a sign saying “Spring Covid Booster Campaign starts - get your’s here”.

My prophecy:

About 5 months from now the excess death rate will increase.

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I see the drag of 2 weeks, for example, in Japan. UK started with "most vulnerable" and med personnel about 2 weeks ago, the peak deaths should be now. Except, they stopped publishing the death stats all over the world. Tried to find any for Canada yesterday - nada.

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I'm just working off numbers and dates from here and doing back of fag packet notes:


It runs about 2 weeks behind.

And the sign in the chemists was the first I'd seen, I understood that the Spring boosters were due to start this week or next week and coincided with the emergency alert thing - was expecting the first message to be "covid is back, you are all dying, go get your jabs" sort of thing.

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Yes, they opened it for the "general public" now, but have been jabbing in institutional settings for a fortnight already, if not more. There also may be delays in their reporting?

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The funny part is, they don't say "the number of vaccinations", they explicitly say "The number of people who have had an 'Autumn Booster' vaccination for COVID-19 since the 5 September 2022, by week of vaccination date. All figures are presented by date of vaccination as recorded in NIMS." What is an "Autumn Booster"? Is it a specific batch or formulation, different from a "Spring Booster"?

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Notice how they also say "The daily autumn booster publication was stopped as of 26 January 2023 as the autumn campaign came to an end."

So what have they been injecting since then?

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The present-day truthfulness of British institutions is very well illustrated by the sniveling BBC interview of Elon Musk:


That was later compressed by BBC like so:


And they learned from it this:


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Exactly! Mercy shots?

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Damn, I wished I would've invested in funeral homes. Oh well, next time.

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i love how all the sheep out there are saying “covid is over” — even the awaken unvaxxed. they just don’t understand.

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I nearly collapsed on my walk today when the implications of what you are about to read hit me. This is my most important work to date. I believe it is now possible to prove that the Spike Protein is a protein developed to have universal invasion and fatal pathological effects – ones that can easily be dismissed as “natural.” The only evidence we would see would be a dramatic rise in excess deaths due to cancer or fibrotic disease processes. And yes, we have that.

One of the major issues with gain-of-function research is that there are two sides to every coin. If you can develop a cure or treatment for a condition, the opposite effect can be discovered by studying the very same research. I believe this may be at the core of the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2.

What needs to be understood is that ACE2 is NOT, I repeat is NOT a transmembrane protein that is meant to signal within the cell. ACE2 is meant to cleave ANG II (overexpression of this is dangerous in and of itself) into ANG (1-7). However, something very interesting happens when the Spike Protein interacts with ACE2. ACE2 becomes a transmitter of CELL SIGNALING. In other words, it GIVES INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CELL. And, these instructions are BAD. VERY BAD. They tell the cell to upregulate cancer causing genes, downregulate cancer prevention genes and induce neurodegeneration and fibrosis.

Now, this is horrific enough, indeed. But what turns it into a nightmare beyond comprehension is that ACE2 is EVERYWHERE! It is in EVERY MAJOR ORGAN and the REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM!


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Now, the only task is to provide for a steady supply of the spike? As it tends to unravel pretty fast: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/07/210729122126.htm

The best would be to embed the whole mRNA into one's genes for keepsies.

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Was it this guy who said the spike is present/being produced months after the jab https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/uvc-arne-burkhardt/

Perhaps having been embedded it's a permanent feature of the Rat Juice!

An alarming thought for those who injected the Rat Juice... or maybe not --- they probably believe this is life long protection hahaha

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From my postings here, the mRNA churns out new spikes for about 4-5 months after which period it is going down considerably, unless it gets embedded in the cell DNA and becomes chronic, so far observed in very few in substantial quantities. Hence the need to "boost" in 6-month intervals if the spike is to be there permanently, with all its beautiful and bountiful benefits. With every "boost", more cells get an opportunity to embed the S spike code in them. I bet many more are becoming "long Covid" with every "boost".

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Sounds good ... meanwhile -- this is ominous ... there is no way out ... drop rates = wheelbarrows full of money to buy bread -- keep raising = financial system implosion ...

They are pushing on multiple strings now -- even with higher interest rates inflation is increasing.

I suspect they'll be releasing phase two of the Binary Poison soon. We'll know cuz the vaxxed will start dying like flies. And we'll be locked down and starving to death.

Prepare for Full-Blown Recession to Hit in the Summer


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Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

So when they are pushing on a string with the global economy - which appears to be imminent ....




We don't want to wait too long to release the cannisters with phase two ... if the global economy collapses and 8B of us are still alive ... the Gates of Hell will open... no sense in trying to time this -- that's impossible - better to be a bit early


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Apr 18, 2023Edited
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The instigators, as per usual: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, WHO, Georgetown University, Robert Koch Institute. Main conclusion: harsher suppression + repression tools while they are at it the next time around, take no prisoners.

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We are dealing with their mental disorders. "They" just need to be Dealt.

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