Oh, Canada... Never Again?
How and what we need to change in the legal framework to have real, inalienable rights, and other tasks ahead.
We thought we had rights, enshrined in the Canadian Constitution and the Charter of Rights, defended by the governments and politicians on the federal and provincial levels, for good measure, and guarded by the judiciary and police bodies. As it has been aplenty demonstrated in the last two years, none of that has been true. We had dreamed a dream and had been awoken in the shackles, with little hope for any future.
So, the mandates and measures must be abolished by the Canadian people themselves, as there is no other entity offering to take off these, seemingly Covid-19, but, in all reality, globalist shackles just put onto us. The Freedom Convoy and its supporters are stepping up to the plate, and are our singular hope and opportunity that must not be squandered.
As we accomplish this, all together, our job will have just begun.
As the Shiny Pony gallops into the sunset, we cannot leave the system that failed us intact, because our enslavers will regroup, relearn, prepare better, and enslave us again for good the very next, and last, time. We owe it to ourselves and the future generations, so we can be proud again and forever more to live in the country called Canada, and be the envy of and the beacon to the world.
So, let us see what needs to be done so the still-present will never be repeated on Canadians.
First thing first, the Charter of Rights has failed us all. The relative, nebulous rights that can be trampled upon and suspended and the slightest whim of the government
or the medical establishment need to be replaced with tangible, inalienable rights befitting a human being. Brian Peckford, one of the original architects of this odd construct called the Canadian Charter of Rights, lamented that “I never thought in my wildest dreams, that the day I am now a part of would ever come.“ Well, this is how the abject lack of legal imagination looks like, Brian. Section 1 of the Charter proclaims: “1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees
the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits
prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic
society.“ Brian says this section is only applicable to the state of war or insurrection. Where is this stipulated, Brian? Right, nowhere! What are the “reasonable limits”? What is reasonable to me may not be reasonable, and most often isn’t, to the other guy. Well, that is like giving a finger to the Devil and hoping he’ll not use it to get the rest of you. So, Section 1 turns the rest of the Charter into pulp fiction.
The drafters of American Constitution worked hard to ensure the inalienable rights to its subjects, and even that seems to be floundering at the moment. Brian and his colleges assumed the eternal good will and rightfulness of the governing party and the government itself. Well, we now see that when such hopeful thinking fails to materialize, the whole Canadian Constitution is not worth the paper it is printed on.
Second, we need real courts, not the political appointees beholden to the government and rubber-stamping any abomination that finds its way to their table.
Third, the police chiefs and RCMP should be guarding the interests and rights of Canadians, not pandering to the whims and wants of those currently in power. Have we seen a single peep, let alone exercising the power of citizen arrests given to them by law, from the police or RCMP in the last two years? When Canadians were relegated, for two years on end, to the slave class, destroyed economically, locked up in quarantines, mandates, and measures, deprived of the inter-provincial and international freedom of movement, robbed of their bodily autonomy, livelihood, informed consent, and elementary dignity and respect, e.g., by being forced to hide their faces indefinitely behind not only useless, but also harmful face masks. And by the BigPharma, with full cooperation of the medical establishment and governments of all levels going even after our children?
Remind me, as I don’t recall any such attempts.
Fourth, we should never allow again our PM, the cabinet, politicians, and the top brass in police, ISIS, judiciary to be infiltrated by masons and beholden to the outside interests, like secret societies
, the WEF
and the globalist cabal at large.
Fifth, the Quarantine Act and provincial Health Acts, subverted and adapted to their nefarious plans by the global BigPharma vaccination lobby and the globalist cabal, needs to be fixed so that these regulations cannot to be used as a weapon against the inalienable rights of Canadians ever again.
Sixth, the whole medical system should be brought back to the pre-1980s rules with the medial freedom for the physicians, and the practice of medicine that heals, not pushes drugs, jabs, and treatments for BigPharma.
Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments section below.
Seventh, I forgot the CBC and the other lackeys of the globalists. What do we do about them? Do we tolerate these people?
This is written on Jan. 29?! Totally disconnected from reality, Chantal? (Chantal Hébert is a freelance contributing columnist for the Star and a weekly participant on CBC's The National). Again, the question is, “Do we tolerate these people?” JT said it’s OK to ask.
It’s a tall order for sure. But if we don’t want to be enslaved ever again, and live healthy and happy lives, we have no other choice.
Your discussions of secret societies, freemasons blow me away.
I don't have the org chart but I was writing NWO Flu on convenience store community boards after I got banned by Twitter. May 2020
Secret societies had it well planned. In Secret, of course.
Btw, Catholic Church forbids membership in secret societies. False popes, since 1958, invite them to the Vatican and take blasphemous "hammer and sycle Crucifixes " from them.
There problem is not a lack of legal protection; the problem is the corruption of the legal system. Laws mean nothing if they are not respected and cannot be enforced.