Your discussions of secret societies, freemasons blow me away.

I don't have the org chart but I was writing NWO Flu on convenience store community boards after I got banned by Twitter. May 2020


Secret societies had it well planned. In Secret, of course.

Btw, Catholic Church forbids membership in secret societies. False popes, since 1958, invite them to the Vatican and take blasphemous "hammer and sycle Crucifixes " from them.

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Have you not read these?



They are not really secret, more like in your face. All are just too afraid to believe, or do anything about it. Time is now to start and finish.

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No, just met you today... but I will!

You and me probably could solve this whole damn thing. #NoEgoHere

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Neither here. Godspeed!

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It's pretty well known that the fathers of confederation were FM. Certainly John A MacDonald was as well as Joey Smallwood, Pierre Trudeau and possibly Brian Peckford - a disciple of Smallwood.

Now Peckford seems to be one of the good guys...

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There are plenty of useful idiots in those societies who do not know what they are really doing - like being Freemasons and thinking they are "good" Catholics at the same time. There is an excellent French movie made during the German occupation describing the allure of joining a secret society, and the fruits of that poisonous tree. The masons always whine that once a dictator holds the reins of power, he goes after them the first thing. It makes me take a second look at history on occasion.

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Sure they are. Swearing allegiance they don't even know to whom and for what purpose. They fully deserve the outcome. Do you have a link?

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I wonder if they still keep it on youtube.


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A Catholic who joins a secret society is ipso facto excommunicated.

Some are confused on this because of downplaying in null and void 1983 Code of Canon Law. Why null and void? Because freemasons, commies took control of Vatican and invented a religion mocking Catholic Church. It's all a sham

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There problem is not a lack of legal protection; the problem is the corruption of the legal system. Laws mean nothing if they are not respected and cannot be enforced.

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It is about the moral integrity of individuals; when there is close to none, we have 2022. Godlessness, really, is behind it all since those who are unable to recognize God are equally unable to see the devil and his doings.

"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people."

-President John Adams, to the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, 1798

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Wow! For whom was Canadian Constitution made? “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law” - the only mention, caveated with "whereas".

http://secularalliance.ca/about/policies/canadas-charter-of-rights/ - this will get them straight to concentration camps, in due course of History. But the lemmings being lemmings...

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When I hear secular, I think satanic: CSA = Canadian Satanic Alliance. Bob Dylan, whatever his choices, at least knows how things are: "“Well, it may be the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”

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Very true - either you are for, or you are against. Those claiming they are neutral are just insincere, or plain stupid and being used by the other side.

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Actually there are a lot of police and military that have been against these measures since the beginning. Their voices too are not being heard. https://policeonguard.ca/news/ Some of them spoke at the freedom rallies in Vancouver along with many other groups protesting the mandates.

There was a military emergency planning expert who came out early on to say that the methods being used had never been advised as they are akin to torture. I bookmarked that article and now it is nowhere to be found. Teach me to archive!

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Also https://www.mounties4freedom.com/; your expert may have been referring to the Biderman Report of 1956 - Communist Coercive Methods for Eliciting Individual Compliance.

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Who wrote that constitution and when? Quite a different story that the US Mason's approach, no? One declares what they reluctantly will permit government to be. The other declares what the government will grant the people.

No matter because it is God that grants us free will. I will not grovel for crumbs from the material monopolists. It was an error to be so seduced by it in the first place. Turn away and don't participate.

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So many have been indoctrinated against God that the mere mention of God shuts them down immediately, if not them pushing back aggressively. Like quoting from Revelation, for example. Well, I guess they are triple-jabbed going on fourth, and not for much longer with us.

Revelation 14: "9 And a third angel followed them, calling out in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he too will drink the wine of God’s anger, poured undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented in fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. Day and night there is no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

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‘Dr. Ira Bernstein in being attacked. Like, attacked. Physically. In Canada. For being a doctor.’


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Netherlands Convoy 🇳🇱


=> TAGS : #NETHERLANDSFreedomConvoy

French Convoy 🇫🇷



=> TAGS : #FRANCEFreedomConvoy

Italian Convoy 🇮🇹


=> TAGS : #ITALIAFreedomConvoy

Spain Convoy 🇪🇸


=> TAGS : #SPAINFreedomConvoy

Portuguese Convoy 🇵🇹


=> TAGS : #PORTUGALFreedomConvoy

Switzerland Convoy 🇨🇭


=> TAGS : #SWISSLFreedomConvoy

Austria_Freedom_Convoy 🇦🇹



=> TAGS : #AUSTRIALFreedomConvoy

Luxembourg Convoy 🇱🇺


=> TAGS : #LuxembourgFreedomConvoy


Hungarian Convoy 🇭🇺


=> TAGS : #HUNGARYFreedomConvoy

Czechoslovakian Convoy 🇸🇰


=> TAGS : #CzechoslovakiaFreedomConvoy

Romania Convoy 🇷🇴


=> TAGS : #ROMANIAFreedomConvoy

Cyprus Convoy 🇨🇾


=> TAGS : #CYPRUSFreedomConvoy

Lithuania Convoy 🇱🇹


=> TAGS : #LithuaniaFreedomConvoy

Slovenia Convoy 🇸🇮


=> TAGS : #SloveniaFreedomConvoy

Latvian Convoy 🇱🇻


=> TAGS : #LatvianiaFreedomConvoy

Croatia Convoy🇭🇷


=> TAGS : #CroatiaFreedomConvoy




Arabic Countries 🇩🇿🇪🇬🇮🇶🇯🇴🇱🇧🇰🇼🇱🇾🇲🇬🇲🇷🇲🇦🇴🇲🇵🇸🇶🇦🇸🇦🇸🇾🇹🇳🇦🇪🇾🇪


=> TAGS : #UMCPSFreedomConvoy


### OCEANIA ###


Australia Convoy 🇦🇺


=> TAGS : #AUSTRALIAFreedomConvoy

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Broadcasting live now....

Making Sense...of the Pandemic Response in Ireland

Jan 30, 2022 06:00 PM

Dublin, Ireland


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Unfortunately while reforms are needed...Canadians themselves are largely guilty of fostering a culture that allowed this to happen. The reforms that are necessary are only possible with a massive change in culture.

The Covid-19 power-grab didn't start in 2020.

Canadian apathy allowed these people to rise to power.

Canadian ignorance made these schemes possible.

Canadian tolerance for censorship allowed these schemes to come to fruition.

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That is how these things work. The spring is coiled and coiled, but suddenly explodes out of the blue. Such moments are extremely few and centuries apart, for the most part. Aren't we lucky to witness one? And it must be taken advantage of.

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What did Henry Kissinger say again? “A mystic relationship to the Infinite provides the foundation for motivated activity, to which the phenomenal world can offer no permanent obstacles.“ In other words, if you don't think big, someone else will do it for you, and you may not like it: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/going-for-jugular

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Andreas-way off-topic, but you'll be very interested in this video about nano-tech in the PCR tests and vaccines, including MAC addresses. Is it true?!


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I have written on that extensively. Highly unlikely, but there is some experimentation with graphene in jabs, the evidence suggests:



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No one reported back to me that they were able to detect MAC addresses on ppl.

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medicine has been corrupt since the start, they knew back in the 1920's and 30's that diet was the key to health but subverted everything.

this book is a great indication of past corruption, chapter 2 is scary if true


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Do we fix it now, or wait another hundred years?

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im just saying going back to pre 1980s isnt far enough. the whole system needs tearing out root and stem. begin again, start with separating profit from medicine, research and who finances it etc

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tall order...

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If not done, it will come back and bite us in the ass, as Doug Ford puts it. Now will be the unique opportunity to cut out all this crap. What did Henry Kissinger say again? “A mystic relationship to the Infinite provides the foundation for motivated activity, to which the phenomenal world can offer no permanent obstacles.“ In other words, if you don't think big, someone else will do it for you, and you may not like it: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/going-for-jugular

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David was pointing out the typo in your article´s penultimate sentence (toll instead of tall). But we both knew what you meant.

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LOL! Thanks! That what typing in a hurry does.

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The Chanadians, like most people, have gone soft in the head!

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Not completely, Barry. How is the weather in Melbourne, BTW? Any freedom convoys in the air?

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Have you seen any immigrant truckies among the convoys, even though there are of plenty of them in the industry?

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I am in Sydney. And it is a beautiful sunny warm day. Those Melbournians are even softer than the Chanadians :)

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No guns either? You’d love to see Bass Pro Shops here - would blow you away! All legal and legit, all for hunting, and sports. Seems to be very popular.

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no guns; no guts - but plenty of the fleshy kind!

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How do you hunt? With knives? We need it for safety too, polar bears, grizzlies, black bears, mountain lions, wolves - you name it. No rhinos yet.

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black bears? You meant African-Canadian bears?

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We hunt in supermarkets.

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