It's really hard to give any credence to data analysis that doesn't have a pure, UNvaccinated category - one that does NOT include any vaccination at all - none of this first 14 days after vaccination as being counted as unvaccinated, or "not Fully" vaccinated. As long as they continue with the subterfuge, I will NOT comply. And because the duplicity has been so egregious, I may never take another vaccine or drug of any kind again.

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

๐ŸŽฏ"...an EARLY retirement"? More to the point, living long enough to SEE RETIREMENT at all!

The ONLY thing these jabs protect against is longevity. โ˜๐Ÿป๐Ÿคจ

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

The real stats should be # of shots. I really want to see the ones who are at zero. There are, of course, further efforts for shots #4-6, as well as pushing shots to as young as 6 mos old in the US. At least the EU backed off on that, but the medical apartheid still exists.

Not sure if you saw this, but there were some articles that said HIV drugs can help keep COVID at bay. Holy crap, that is just like suggesting you can pick daisies by using a chainsaw.

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

Thank you so much for shredding their attempt to mislead to bits.

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I love this line; "not fully vaccinatedโ€œ- Who are these eccentric people? ๐Ÿ˜„

I have never heard of a drug study where the drug enters your body but the effects don't count, even though it's in your body, until after a period of time. Why don't more people realize how ridiculous this is? ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

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I love your sense of humor!

Time to celebrate our unvaccinated-ness, while avoiding any mean spirited behavior of course.

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Just to clarify, you are saying that when the double-vaxxed got the booster shot, they were classified as not fully vaccinated for the next 14 days. So the higher rate of death in the 'not fully vaxxed' would include the people who were boosted less than 14 days before. I'm wondering if they got sick in those 14 days, but died after that two week period, how would they be classified in the death statistics. What do you think about the case numbers of triple-vaxxed being way higher than unvaxxed or fully vaxxed - almost double?

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As well as the 0-14 day misallocation, the Ontario govt also seems to deliberately overestimate the unjabbed fatality rate by underestimating the size of the unjabbed population according to another good Substack blog.


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Wow Andreas, thank you for your analysis; your work is very much appreciated!ย 

I was watching "the news" awhile ago and, of course, they were pushing the extra booster. Isaac Bogochย admitted, without prompting, "The benefit of this fourth dose is likely not going to be as significantย  as the benefit of the third dose, but there is probably some benefit".ย  Unbelievable!ย He spoke for all of 30 seconds and his speech was littered with throat clearing as well as "um" and "uh". Perhapsย whatever conscience he used to possess is making it more difficult to twist the truth and push this garbage?ย 

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Thank you for exposing yet more skullduggery. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜Š It is because of your sharp analysis and vigilance that we the people can see what our Govโ€™s are doing to us.I will never have another Vaccine,In 2 hrs I have had vaxes for pneumonia, shingles 2x flue,Covid 2 Astra Zeneca 1Pfizer ๐Ÿ˜ณIf I could take all of them back I wouldโ€ฆNow I have spent 6 months investigating Big Pharma ( bad Pfizer booster problems) I am shocked at the truth, even my little dog is not going to get another vaccination ๐ŸถWoof ๐Ÿ˜Š

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They're testing, trying to find out how many jabs it takes before the jabs become lethal...

So if Jab #1, or #2, or #3 dont kill you, They'll keep jabbing...

I think it was Einstein who said something about testing something over and over hoping next time it will produce a different result is a definite indication of insanity. I'm not sure if that applies here...But it has that 'feel' about it

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