Nov 15, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

I wonder how long the chains of connection, in families of those who knew NOT to take the jab, that knew it is a depop drug. For example, Klaus Schwab and his immediate fam did not take the jab, but did they let the 2nd and 3rd cousins know? I just can't believe the Cabal can think a killing scheme of genocide will not touch them, or that they can really control who gets killed. We could benefit from another few high profile jabbed folks dropping publicly, on video. Since its happening uncontrollably now, I am asking fate to interviene and make the obvious more obvious to the jab believers.

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Infants and children almost never got the flu vax (nor did many adults) because they're not the high risk group and you're dealing with a developing immune system. The koof isn't anywhere near a threat that the old time childhood killers (measles, rubella, etc) were, nor are we stuck in a dirty environment without antibiotics. I've been reading a geneticist who posits that the mean IQ has dropped 15 points from its peak in the late Victorian age. I no longer have trouble believing that.

The pediatricians who go along with this won't even deserve a Nuremberg trial.

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Are the experts baffled?

They are paid for that

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

Here in Norway, the mass media report on the RSV "epidemic" that is underway. No children under the age of 12 were "vaccinated". https://www.lommelegen.no/infeksjoner/artikkel/fhi-varsler-minst-tre-epidemier-i-vinter/77719559

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

I highly recommend watching Utopia .. a vaccine intended to sterilize ... to reduce population dramatically... includes the use of dodgy PCR tests + fear to boost uptake


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I am quite certain the PR Team has a sense of humour... they know almost nobody will connect the dots..

Have you seen the clip of the Olympic Games virus ceremony? Not easily found using Google... wonder why....


The fact check https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-london-olympic-ceremony-idUSKBN22Q31K

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UPMC Children’s Hospital had a nine hour wait a couple of weekends ago, for the Emergency Room. Imagine that. My PA US House Rep is crusading for “healthcare” for all of us poor people in his district. I am sure that made a lot of mothers happy when their children were sick and it was going to be tomorrow before anyone gave a crap about them. Keep on fighting for us!

The Governor of MD could not wait to jab the children. My MD state representative was noncommittal when I wrote to him about the dangers of the Governor shooting up the children.

All of these men are Republicans. Controlled opposition.

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where are those rsv vaccine trials happening? wasn't moderna running one? (i'm just running out the door and haven't had a chance to check plus i'm lazy)

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I seem to recall that Australia and New Zealand had an unusual RSV spike in children a few months back—during their fall/winter season, I think.

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If you want your article to last in this new world of censorship, you need to make sure it can be printed or rendered to a PDF. Test your article with printfriendly.com and see what's missing (a lot). Tweets are especially problematic; you should insert a screenshot image with the link to the original tweet underneath the image. I am not affiliated with printfriendly.com, but they are the de-facto standard for now.

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What do you think of claims that it's caused by post-covid immune deficiency? The evidence is growing that covid also damages the immune system.

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There's nothing that infuriates me more than harming children with vaccine injections. It really gets to me.

That David Icke video is amazing isn't it, so direct. I've heard a couple people say that, Dr Rima Laibow and Pierre Gilbert.

Dr Laibow before 2010, but this is from 2010:


Pierre Gilbert in 1995, there is a clip and a link to his full speech to the United Nations (in the full speech he talks about the depopulation agenda at minute 35, and the vaccines from the clip at the end).



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I raised 5 kids. I never heard of RSV before Covid happened.

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Kanada has really turned into a very dark place. Euthanizing children ...so sad.

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Kids are getting pumped with so many vaccines these days. They have even normalised flu mist for little kids now so even without this mRNA ( or whatever is actually in it) , many will be prone to poor health.

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Check this out https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/55820 Pre Covid....

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