Whether you are vaccinated, or not, you were victimized by the most pervasive, abusive propaganda campaign ever waged against humanity. Many of this campaign's victims submitted to an experimental medical treatment that injured or killed them, victimizing those people's loved ones in the process. While I understand the schadenfreude, we would be better served by forging a path that allow the vaccinated and the unvaccinated to recognize the crime against humanity that was committed against both groups and those parties responsible for said crime. We will not dig our way out of this calamity by listening to the voices of our lesser angels. This will not be easy, but nothing worth fighting for ever is.
Our burden is knowing this was always going to happen to him. He died none the wiser, that a simple repetition of the deathjabs would wipe out his life savings & and his life.
My reaction was specific to the expression of schadenfreude by those who didn't get vaccinated and endured being abused, losing employment, and alienated from former allies and loved ones. Many have, and will continue, to lose their livelihoods and lives due to this crime against humanity. We can make the vaccinated, especially the vaccine injured, our allies sooner (rather than later or not at all) if we can resist the not inconsiderable temptation to take a victory lap over someone's suffering.
The question, is, as always, "what would Jesus do"? The answers vary, according to the New Testament, as actions inevitably have consequences. No one should find joy in other person's suffering. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
I stopped taking vaccines in 2017 when I got to understand the dodgy data behind most if not all vaccines. It was a default to take the annual flu shot as I had a medical history that I thought would need "protection". It was a default position. We all operate on many default positions, many of which may not be well researched. Add to that our individual trauma triggers around illness and I can understand someone like this guy being abusive when we were all propagandised so heavily. It's hard to take the high road and see someone like him as being a victim also. As a footnote, since stopping taking vaccines I have consciously built immunity and health in general, gotten off asthma and other meds, sailed through COVID, in my 60s.
LoL, I was just trying to frame my response, you did it for me. Stupid,
gullible of whatever your reason, do your thing, but it takes self-righteous prick to feel they have a right to criticize others with a different point of view.
Check out The Covid Blog if you want to be entertained. He has a lot of the same stories like Trav's. There are also many stories of normal people who have suffered from the poison, that is simply sad.
Insanity. Why would anyone take one of these jabs? Lots of funerals and no one will speak about the only obvious conclusion. Its like the gas chambers are running full throttle and the victims willingly line up to enter. And then they attempt to defend their choice to get in line. That really is the definition of insanity.
Gaslighting at its best. Keeping a tight lid on the information they don't want you to see while spreading lots of highly coordinated misinformation they do want you to believe, and voila!
What you know shapes your opinions. If you know garbage, so are your opinions.
Were you one of the gang of five who systematically removed all the hinges on the doors in my high school so that when the bell rang and the kids stampeded to get out of class, all the doors slammed to the floor and not one person was hurt - totally safe and effective in a true sense ? Those were the simple and fun days in my high school ; think most of those guys became carpenters and based on their expert skill sets , they could spell as well.
Extended family member in her 90's was rescued from the hospital after spending all day in triage room with other elderly lady with no food or water. Emerged with a DNR bracelet on her wrist and died in home hospice a month later from pneumonia/old age.
Inlaws have had 2 jabs and getting the 4th booster. Inlaw #1 got mastectomy in 12/ 2021 along with radiation. Inlaw #2 had a C scare. I really don't understand how they can't connect the dots. We will see what emerges after 4th booster.
I have nothing but compassion for these lost souls. These people were (and so many still are) ignorant. They stood (and stand) steadfastly in their belief of doing the right thing for the "collective". It cost them their health and their lives. I have no anger and I have no "I told you so". Everyone of them made a choice - a choice on false messaging. Whilst they might have tried to shame others into doing the same and ostracized those who didn't follow them, they paid the ultimate prize. They paid that prize because they fell for the propaganda and they fell for those in whom they trusted. Their souls don't deserve ire, they deserve compassion.
So, just announcing it on their social media wasn't satisfactory enough?
You just feel too superior and have to call others names? This is more than being misled by false messaging, this speaks for personality/character IMO.
I'm not saying they weren't flawed, they were, but they allowed themselves to be deceived. They were weakminded enough to buy into the propaganda and they became the propaganda, which they took that as permission to behave in despicable ways. And for that they paid the highest price.
OK, let's look at the timeline. He took the jabs in the summer of 2021. Possibly boosted. He got sick 1.5 years later, died in 2 years. That is what were the predictions of some (including Vanden Boschee, if I am not mistaken at the onset): 2 years for the dominos to drop. We should brace for this trend to greatly strengthen in the coming months. That's why they come up with "long covid", "long cold", "Climate Change® myocarditis" and the rest of excuses as they know the avalanche is in motion as they speak.
I believe Prof. Cahill gave an early forecast of the post-jab survival timeline as four years for those aged about sixty, and ten years max. for those aged about thirty. For some reason, Trav took the faster route.
Much more is known now about the jabs, including the duration of the modRNA, contamination with cDNA, suppression of the immune system with pseurouridinylated RNA. Move it up?
There was a video BC (before covid) on youtube where someone time traveled to 2027 and walked around a city devoid of all people. I'm sure it was fake, but it was quite interesting, nonetheless, for someone to make that video before knowing anything about the covid me-too freakout and dieoff.
In fairness, think how much worse it would have been if he had NOT been injected!
Whether you are vaccinated, or not, you were victimized by the most pervasive, abusive propaganda campaign ever waged against humanity. Many of this campaign's victims submitted to an experimental medical treatment that injured or killed them, victimizing those people's loved ones in the process. While I understand the schadenfreude, we would be better served by forging a path that allow the vaccinated and the unvaccinated to recognize the crime against humanity that was committed against both groups and those parties responsible for said crime. We will not dig our way out of this calamity by listening to the voices of our lesser angels. This will not be easy, but nothing worth fighting for ever is.
Our burden is knowing this was always going to happen to him. He died none the wiser, that a simple repetition of the deathjabs would wipe out his life savings & and his life.
Lesser angels on our side, really? https://youtu.be/jR4h0P1XQAM
My reaction was specific to the expression of schadenfreude by those who didn't get vaccinated and endured being abused, losing employment, and alienated from former allies and loved ones. Many have, and will continue, to lose their livelihoods and lives due to this crime against humanity. We can make the vaccinated, especially the vaccine injured, our allies sooner (rather than later or not at all) if we can resist the not inconsiderable temptation to take a victory lap over someone's suffering.
The question, is, as always, "what would Jesus do"? The answers vary, according to the New Testament, as actions inevitably have consequences. No one should find joy in other person's suffering. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
I stopped taking vaccines in 2017 when I got to understand the dodgy data behind most if not all vaccines. It was a default to take the annual flu shot as I had a medical history that I thought would need "protection". It was a default position. We all operate on many default positions, many of which may not be well researched. Add to that our individual trauma triggers around illness and I can understand someone like this guy being abusive when we were all propagandised so heavily. It's hard to take the high road and see someone like him as being a victim also. As a footnote, since stopping taking vaccines I have consciously built immunity and health in general, gotten off asthma and other meds, sailed through COVID, in my 60s.
Dumb fuck. I've no sympathy for those virtue-signaling fascists like Trav. If one must, for whatever reason, take the jab and stfu.
I gather he didn't feel comfortable with others ducking this.
My diaper only works if you wear one too.
Or, if my diaper doesn't work, I want all of you to have same faulty diapers or else I'll feel like the only one holding the bag?
LoL, I was just trying to frame my response, you did it for me. Stupid,
gullible of whatever your reason, do your thing, but it takes self-righteous prick to feel they have a right to criticize others with a different point of view.
I not only have no sympathy ... I celebrate this shit. In fact I went out and bought some fireworks and had me a one-man show in the back paddock.
Keep on boosting dumb f789s.... I demand entertainment
Check out The Covid Blog if you want to be entertained. He has a lot of the same stories like Trav's. There are also many stories of normal people who have suffered from the poison, that is simply sad.
Thank you, Andreas.
Thanks for clarifying Trav's information. His and mom's issues couldn't have been from the life saving and fully safe VAX????
Completely coincidental. Could've been so much worse but for this saving grace.
No ... twas long covid
Insanity. Why would anyone take one of these jabs? Lots of funerals and no one will speak about the only obvious conclusion. Its like the gas chambers are running full throttle and the victims willingly line up to enter. And then they attempt to defend their choice to get in line. That really is the definition of insanity.
Gaslighting at its best. Keeping a tight lid on the information they don't want you to see while spreading lots of highly coordinated misinformation they do want you to believe, and voila!
What you know shapes your opinions. If you know garbage, so are your opinions.
His GoFundMe page list of physical ailments does not show he had “a mild health issue”...
RIP Trav. Signed a stupid f&cking f&ck.
Oh, this is good lol
Mark Crispy Miller says no gloating allowed hahaha
So I come here to gloat... what a great word that is ... gloat... to gloat... I gloat... you gloat ... we call gloat
When all is lost... we at least deserve the right to gloat and not be banned
My pronouns are ‘gloater, gloatim’
Try posting that on Crispy's SS ... I got banned for a week for similar
Look on the bright side: Trav died doing what he liked doing.
no need to reconsider. no jabs ! seen too many obituaries of died suddenly
Obituaries is one thing but getting the list of conditions that come with it impressed me a lot.
https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/top-microbiologist-dr-sucharit-bhakdi-calls-mrna-injections-crime-against-humanity : "Bhakdi noted that injuries such as vascular damage, blood clots, bleeding and tissue death even in the heart, brain and damage to the autoimmune system are all likely to result. Pointing out that the heart cannot replace dead cells, he asked, “Who has not heard of the mysterious sudden deaths that are occurring around the world?”"
Delightful news!
Not as lucky as Damar ...if only he played football image how wealthy he could have been .
Imagine if I could spell - so many things I could have done with my life .
‘I cood have bin somebody. I cooda bin a comtender’.
There you are ! Did I sit with you are the back of the class in those high school days? Was you name Mig or Jim?
Nah. I used to be great at spelling. A little less now. I did sit at the back of the class though. I am a Canadian.
Were you one of the gang of five who systematically removed all the hinges on the doors in my high school so that when the bell rang and the kids stampeded to get out of class, all the doors slammed to the floor and not one person was hurt - totally safe and effective in a true sense ? Those were the simple and fun days in my high school ; think most of those guys became carpenters and based on their expert skill sets , they could spell as well.
at the back... what pair .
When they started putting DNRs on everyone, they couldn’t run fast enough to give me anything.
First Do no harm.
Unless you're getting paid a shitload of money to refuse people their lifesaving medication and then murder them.
Extended family member in her 90's was rescued from the hospital after spending all day in triage room with other elderly lady with no food or water. Emerged with a DNR bracelet on her wrist and died in home hospice a month later from pneumonia/old age.
Inlaws have had 2 jabs and getting the 4th booster. Inlaw #1 got mastectomy in 12/ 2021 along with radiation. Inlaw #2 had a C scare. I really don't understand how they can't connect the dots. We will see what emerges after 4th booster.
I want the MOREONS to take more boosters... if they cannot connect the dots by now ... they need to be removed from the gene pool
I have nothing but compassion for these lost souls. These people were (and so many still are) ignorant. They stood (and stand) steadfastly in their belief of doing the right thing for the "collective". It cost them their health and their lives. I have no anger and I have no "I told you so". Everyone of them made a choice - a choice on false messaging. Whilst they might have tried to shame others into doing the same and ostracized those who didn't follow them, they paid the ultimate prize. They paid that prize because they fell for the propaganda and they fell for those in whom they trusted. Their souls don't deserve ire, they deserve compassion.
So, just announcing it on their social media wasn't satisfactory enough?
You just feel too superior and have to call others names? This is more than being misled by false messaging, this speaks for personality/character IMO.
I'm not saying they weren't flawed, they were, but they allowed themselves to be deceived. They were weakminded enough to buy into the propaganda and they became the propaganda, which they took that as permission to behave in despicable ways. And for that they paid the highest price.
OK, let's look at the timeline. He took the jabs in the summer of 2021. Possibly boosted. He got sick 1.5 years later, died in 2 years. That is what were the predictions of some (including Vanden Boschee, if I am not mistaken at the onset): 2 years for the dominos to drop. We should brace for this trend to greatly strengthen in the coming months. That's why they come up with "long covid", "long cold", "Climate Change® myocarditis" and the rest of excuses as they know the avalanche is in motion as they speak.
Pfizer knows the shit is hitting the fan soon and is maneuvering for bankruptcy as not to pay a red dime to the "suckers!"
I believe Prof. Cahill gave an early forecast of the post-jab survival timeline as four years for those aged about sixty, and ten years max. for those aged about thirty. For some reason, Trav took the faster route.
Much more is known now about the jabs, including the duration of the modRNA, contamination with cDNA, suppression of the immune system with pseurouridinylated RNA. Move it up?
I recall 3-5 years for the worst of it to show. So 2024-2026.
There was a video BC (before covid) on youtube where someone time traveled to 2027 and walked around a city devoid of all people. I'm sure it was fake, but it was quite interesting, nonetheless, for someone to make that video before knowing anything about the covid me-too freakout and dieoff.
Sorry not sorry
One of my sons friends had a heart attack while out for a run. He didn’t die. But he is now heart damaged. Vaxed.