Returning to Free-Floating S Spikes and Myocarditis in Harvard Study...
Many think the free-floating spikes are, somehow, the cause of the myocarditis cases. I posit it is the consequence thereof. Hear me out.
To recap, the Harvard study, “Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis” looked at 16 adolescents with diagnosed myocarditis shortly after the mRNA jabs and compared them to 45 apparently healthy matching mRNA-jabbed adolescents:
The study found that the myodarditis subjects had a lot of circulating free S spike whereas the control subjects didn’t:
The study authors are baffled (what else is new) - although the myocarditis sufferers display exactly same immune response in terms of the coveted antibodies, they somehow differ in having free-floating complete S spike in their bloodstream and full-blown immune response-induced inflammation, whereas the non-afflicted controls do not:
The cohort of myocarditis patients consisted of mostly males (n = 13 of 16) who experienced myocarditis after the second dose (n = 12 of 16), within the first week after vaccination (median of 4 days). All patients had elevated cardiac troponin T levels (median 260 ng/L) and C-reactive protein levels (29.75 mg/L). Total neutrophil count was higher in patients with myocarditis compared to those without, albeit remaining in the normal range. Levels of full-length spike protein (33.9 ± 22.4 pg/mL), unbound by antibodies were markedly elevated in the plasma of individuals with postvaccine myocarditis, whereas no free spike was detected in asymptomatic vaccinated control subjects (unpaired t-test; p < 0.0001). Levels of free spike did not differ between males and females, and remained elevated for weeks in a subset of patients with repeated blood collections. With regard to T-cell responses, there were no major differences in various T-cell subsets (effector, effector memory, spike-specific, interferon-gamma and degranulating). There were no differences in antibody levels (anti-spike, anti-receptor binding protein, immunoglobulin [Ig] M, IgG, IgA, or anti-Fc), auto-antibodies, or antibodies to common respiratory pathogens. However, inflammatory cytokine levels were altered, with elevations in interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-10, interferon-gamma and IL-1-beta, reflecting innate inflammatory activation.
SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine–induced immune responses did not differ between individuals who developed myocarditis and individuals who did not. Free spike antigen was detected in the blood of adolescents and young adults who developed post-mRNA vaccine myocarditis.
With the help of useful suggestions from my readers, and also “anti-vaxx” luminaries, let us finally sort out this conundrum.
First of all, remember that FOIA-induced revelation of the Japanese documents about Pfizer pharmacokinetics? If not, here’s the refresher - “A Moratorium on mRNA 'Vaccines' is Needed” (Byram Bridle, 2022.04.21):
On March 1, 2022 an English version of the biodistribution study was released. It contains much more information than the Japanese version I had looked at. Also, this accurate English language translation has revealed inappropriate biases in the conclusions drawn by the study director. You can obtain the document from the website of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency.
6% of the Dose was in the Blood at Two Hours Post-Injection
No attempt was made by those conducting the biodistribution study to estimate the total amount of the dose of LNPs that were circulating in the blood, so I did this. We know the concentration per milliliter in the blood of males and females at each timepoint. So I took the average concentration across both sexes and picked the peak, which was at two hours after treatment. I estimated the total blood volumes (BV) in males and females using the formula BV (mL) = 0.06 x body weight + 0.77, which was derived from this study using the same strain of rats. After plugging in the relevant numbers, I came up with a total average dose of blood-borne lipids of 1,290 μg; or ~6% of the total dose. This is substantial considering it represents a single time point in a dynamic tissue in which the LNPs are entering and exiting the blood throughout the duration of the study.
If you don’t have the stamina to read the whole excellent article, here’s the scoop: the lipid nano-particles spread rapidly throughout the bodies of lab rats to get deposited in all major organs, like liver, spleen, brain, bone marrow, you name it, within 48 hours.
But! That is when the jab has been delivered intramuscular. What if it was delivered, by accident, into a (small?) blood vessel in the deltoid muscle? The slick LNPs then get pumped through the blood vessels right away. The pump being the heart. The heart being the heart muscle. Naturally, the hefty dose of the LNPs, decoyed as cell food, get absorbed by the hard-working heart cells. Which turns them into the S spike producing factories.
Not that this danger has not been widely recognized. “To aspirate or not to aspirate? Considerations for the COVID-19 vaccines” (Springer Verlag, 2022.03.23):
Syringe aspiration when vaccinating intramuscularly was not recommended before the pandemic due to the lack of conclusive evidence that it provides any benefit. However, in vivo evidence suggests that intravenous injection of mRNA vaccine can potentially lead to myocarditis, while introducing adenoviral vector to bloodstream can possibly result in thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy. These rare reactions were recorded in humans following the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines. Although the syringe aspiration may increase the level of pain at the injection site, it represents a simple technique to decrease the risk of vaccine introduction into the vascular system and potentially decrease the risk of severe reactions to mRNA and adenoviral vaccines. We are of the opinion that this cannot be disregarded if one considers that the COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be administrated globally in the form of initial and booster doses. Therefore, the aspiration when giving mRNA and adenoviral vaccines appears to be fully in line with the precautionary principle.
Not only adenoviral, but mRNA too, let me add. Denmark was one of few countries that officially insisted on the aspiration technique while administering “the Covid jabs”
Immunisation is done by intramuscular injection into the deltoid muscle. In case of contraindications to vaccination in the deltoid muscle, the vaccine may be administered to the central section of the lateral great muscle (the thigh muscle). Based on a precautionary principle, we recommend aspiration before injection.
“Covid-19 vaccines should be given with aspiration before injection”(, 2021.03.20):
The State Serum Institute [of Denmark] has now announced on the basis of a precautionary principle that aspiration is recommended for all approved Covid-19 vaccines. Otherwise, it is a practice that is not followed in the general guidelines, and it has created confusion.
” If the vaccine is given incorrectly and hits the bloodstream - and not only in the shoulder muscle –, it can at worst cause such a violent, systemic and inflammatory reaction, that it can lead to many small blood clots in lungs, among other things, ” Niels Høiby, professor and consultant at the University of Copenhagen and Rigshospitalet, said in the journal.
Whereas Canada and the USA were firmly opposed to this barbaric and cruel practice.
Imagine, then, the cells in the lining of the heart vessels and the heart muscles churning out a huge quantity of S spikes. As the famous Bansal and al. study, “Cutting Edge: Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies: A Novel Mechanism for Immune Activation by mRNA Vaccines” (The Journal of Immunology, 2021.11.15) points out, the S spikes get excreted in exosomes from the jab-transfected cells:
Now, it these S spike-donning exosomes are produced in other tissues, deep inside the deltoid muscle, distal lymph nodes, spleen, brain, bone marrow, it takes time for these exosomes to percolate and enter the blood stream. Which provides more time for the S spike antibodies to latch onto the spikes and neutralize them. But not so when the spike-loaded exosomes are being injected straight into one’s aeorta:
I posit that this, along with the accidental injections of the jabs into the bloodstream, is the reason why the S spikes of the myocarditis subjects are detected unbound by the antibodies - as there wasn’t sufficient time for that to happen from the time they entered the blood stream until the time the blood has been drawn for analysis. In other words, in the latter case there is a constant supply of freshly produced S spikes entering the blood stream. Free S spikes are not the cause, but the consequence of the state of the myocarditis patient.
Moreover, in the Harvard study the median period until the sample collection from the time of jabbination (see the bottom of Table 1 at the top of this post) for the post-jab myocarditis patients was 4 days, whereas it was 14 days for the controls. A lot can happen in those 10 days…
If you want to learn more about the role exosomes play in SARS-CoV-2 “vaccinees”, read the monumental article by Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, and Peter A. McCullough, “Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs” (PMC, 2022.04.15).
The moral of this story isn’t “if only we insisted on aspiration!..”
Brilliant reasoning and logic with excellent evidentiary support. I would like to see in vitro test with heart cells and nano-lipid particle uptake and see if this test could produce evidence of heart cells manufacturing S-proteins. There seems to be no reason why they could not, since this tricking of the body into producing toxic foreign proteins is not limited to cell type in principle.
When you look at the level of S-protein in this article, the reasonable conjecture is that the COVID vaccine (mRNA but potentially others as well, with different side effects) when introduced directly into the bloodstream would not allow the antibody system enough time to neutralize the initial or produced S-proteins as they are made at the center of the circulatory system and pumped throughout the body.
Another additional note here, as Bret Weinstein has brought up, heart cells are unfortunately well situated NOT to kick off an immune response. They are by nature a different kind of cell, needing to be active and last a LONG TIME. They are resistant to cancer, but also resistant to immunological intervention, apparently. If you mess with them, in particular, and "turn" them, there are not a lot of responses your body can effectuate to correct the imbalance, and if they start literally "pumping out" S-proteins, you are definitely going to experience problems, as your body has to work from behind and work its way back to the heart.
I'd rather die from covid or flu or pneumonia than live with bells palsy.
I'm not for suicide.
But natural death is fine over chance of that horror