This may be another case where "unknown status" is listed as unvaccinated.

In the US, prior to vaccines, the 15-24 age range had ~2.8% of mortalities due to cardiac events. 10% is way way to high for truly unvaccinated...I suspect 50-75% of the "unvaccinated" cardiac mortalities are vaccinated people with unknown status.

It is how US hospitals generated the results that so many people hospitalized are unvaccinated...they give no category for "unknown status" so if a person goes to a hospital where they were not vaccinated the records of their status aren't on file, so they get assigned "unvaccinated"

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And even then! But, we can't be sure what Covid contributes to the picture, maybe it raised those 2.8% some. We have no sure way to see by how much exactly - thank the authorities for keeping us in the dark!

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I was in Home Depot today and the clerk, about 45, told me he’d recently had a heart attack. I said - but you are so young! Did you get those covid boosters? He said yes, but his Dad had a heart attack at 52 so it’s hereditary. I said it’s likely the covid shots and please don’t get any more poison injected into you! Hoping I maybe got through?

(PS My husbands father died at 52 from a heart attack, when he was 14. Hubby is now 75 and does not have any heart disease. Lifestyles are very different now)

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Exactly! People will not to admit to the obvious explanations for their poor health now, they can’t fathom their government would actually want them dead.

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If I haven't said I spoke to a man in a sauna at the local spa club my wife and I attend earlier this year. He had had a heart attack, seemed fit, perhaps early 50's. He had 5 friends, all reasonably fit similar ages I believe. 2 had died recently the others had heart issues recently.

I asked and he said they had been vaccinated. I think he might have got the point. I am in UK.


Vaccines have always been a problem so hereditary is a good excuse for big pharma medics to

pass the buck.

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AstraZaneca was worse than LPN-based jabs for the heart too. Maybe due to it using a viral vector to infect the cell rather than use LNP to transfect the cell. Maybe something due to differences in pharmacokynetics, of which we have 0 studies?

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The trouble is we can't tell, and cannot know what is in each vial as they are not tested just before administration.

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Not according to the NYS Dept of Health. They say if you have heart disease, the covid shots will keep you healthy.


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Show them these UK results and ask them to explain it away?

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Thanks for continuing to work on this subject. Surely u feel like you're spinning your wheels after all this time. I knew pretty much all I needed by April of '20 but not everyone did. Hopefully you're getting a fresh following reaching normies despite their pathetic inability to leave twitter. Power on!

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Then there is this:

The Everything Crisis

Posted on March 13, 2023



Even the most cursory glance at economic and financial history will reveal a litany of bubbles and booms, crashes and crises. We’ve seen numerous instances of speculative manias, real estate bubbles, market collapses and banking crises. Even the dot-com bubble of 1995-2000 wasn’t really ‘a first’, since there’s at least one previous instance – the Railway Mania of the 1840s – of the public being blinded to reality by the glittering allure of the latest vogue in technology.

You’d be wrong, though, if you concluded that “there’s nothing new under the Sun” about what we’re experiencing now. The coming crunch – for which the best shorthand term might be ‘the everything crisis’ – sets new precedents in at least two ways.

First, it’s unusual for all of the various forms of financial crises to happen at the same time. Even the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008-09 wasn’t an ‘everything crisis’. Now, though, it’s quite possible that we’re experiencing the start of a combined stock, property, banking, financial, economic and technological crisis, with ‘everything happening at once’.

Second, all previous crises have occurred at times when secular (non-cyclical) economic growth remained feasible. This enabled us to ‘grow out of’ these crises, much as youngsters ‘grow out of’ childhood ailments.

No such possibility now exists.

The true story of modern economic and financial history involves, on the one hand, the ending and reversal of centuries of economic expansion and, on the other, an absolute refusal to come to terms with this reality.

What follows is an attempt to tell that story as briefly as possible.


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When people have it too good for too long, they loose touch with treality. Not to fear though: we'll come to the terms with reality the hard way - wars and famine. Worked in 5th century, 16th , 19th, 20th, will work in 21st.

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This time is different.

The world is far more complex... this is what happens when a pillar (e.g. the financial system) breaks:


Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: a study in global systemic collapse.

David Korowicz


In a nutshell - when the financial system collapses.... global supply chains collapse ... energy production stops... 8B people are fed using industrial farming that is reliant on machinery and oil (pesticides and fertilizers are fossil fuel based)....

Once the system collapses all hell breaks loose and Humpty cannot be reassembled...

Keep in mind the collapse is caused by unaffordable resources --- I again refer people this https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2023/03/13/251-the-everything-crisis/ That is an incredibly important summary.

For a more detailed understanding from the same author https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

In conclusion -- the 200 year party officially ended in 2019.... the folks who run the world knew decades ago that this moment was inevitable....

They prepared for it knowing that if they failed to act and let this unravel - the Gates of Hell would open - and 8B starving angry predators would be on the streets murdering raping and eating each other.... and they'd come for the elites...

They decided that rather than allow this horrifying scenario ... they'd instead attempt to kill as many people as possible ... and limit the suffering.

In the US version of Utopia (which is part of the psyop intended to convince the mob that this is depopulation rather than total extermination) listen to what Cusack says about doing evil to do good....

Then consider the evil that they are doing now -- the vax injuries... I don't think these are intentional rather they are an unavoidable outcome when you inject billions with a dangerous substance (also how do you control quality when such numbers are involved)

Yes there is great evil being done ... but the outcome is good --- if they did not do evil ... remember - the Gates of Hell open ... and that is a far worse outcome than being put down with a vaccine....

Let's listen


And here a couple of key scenes from the UK version



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Hum, risk increased from first to second to third dose of gene juice. Almost like there is a cumulative injury increasing risk.

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Who would have thought!

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yay? for the unvaxxed....but transfection negates?

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The beauty of this table - doesn't matter if one had Covid or not, what matters whether one was jabbed or not. If you are jabbed, you have better chances to die of cardiac event.The numbers are sufficiently large for statistically significant results.

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And the more you jab, the higher your chances. And the closer to the jab too.

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If you look at the original UK Table 1 (in excel), they slice the data differently. Dr. Clare Craig's brilliant idea was to calculate the data row-wise: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/riskofdeathfollowingcovid19vaccinationorpositivesarscov2testinyoungpeopleengland

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