So, splitting it also into these relatively independent parts below, skip ahead if bored:
Basic S Spike Facts
Count Estimate In Jabbed
Count Estimate In Naturally Infected
Protection Conferred by S Spike-Based “Vaccine”
Ill Effects of S Spike
Why Are We Not All Dead Yet
What To Do About It
I intentionally do not address the toxic effects of the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) deployed in the mRNA “vaccines”, which is a story in its own right. Or undeclared constituents, possibly and likely. Or the precipitous drop in one’s immunity for a few weeks immediately after the jab - no wonder they exclude 14 to 21 days post jab from conting such persons as jabbed, to improve the appearances and efficacy stats. Or, or, or… (watch Dr. Ryan Cole’s interview at the end of this post that covers many ORs). One thing at a time. And it’s S spike time!
Basic S Spike Facts
Let’s start with some fun facts about the S spike of SARS-CoV-2 viruses.
With a size of 180–200 kDa, the S protein consists of an extracellular N-terminus, a transmembrane (TM) domain anchored in the viral membrane, and a short intracellular C-terminal segment [11]. S normally exists in a metastable, prefusion conformation; once the virus interacts with the host cell, extensive structural rearrangement of the S protein occurs, allowing the virus to fuse with the host cell membrane. The spikes are coated with polysaccharide molecules to camouflage them, evading surveillance of the host immune system during entry .
Diagram showing the domain organization of the S protein of SARS-COV-2. NTD N-terminal domain, RBD receptor-binding domain, FP fusion peptide, HR1 heptad repeat 1, HR2 heptad repeat 2, TM transmembrane domain, CT cytoplasmic tail. S1/S2 and S2’: Cleavage sites of the S protein
It is quite interesting how SARS-CoV-2 virus achieves a cell-membrane fusion using the S1 spike domain to initiate the fusion, then shedding the 3 parts of it (CTD1, CTD2, CTD3) at the furin cleavage site and unfurling the S2 domain to complete the fusion with the transfected cell’s membrane (Viruses, 202.11.11) “Spike Glycoprotein-Mediated Entry of SARS Coronaviruses“:
A cartoon representation of the SARS-CoV S glycoprotein-mediated membrane fusion process. Only the “up” RBD is able to bind the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, and ACE2 binding promotes the dissociation of the S1 subunits from the trimer spike. Dissociation of the S1 subunits exposes the S2′ cleavage sites and may lead to the extension of S2 subunits and release of the fusion peptide. After the insertion of the fusion peptides into host cell membrane, the α-helical heptad repeat (HR1) regions of the S2 protomers fold back to interact with the HR2 regions to drive the approach of viral and cell membranes. The folded HR1s then interact with HR2s to form a six-helix bundle that brings the viral membrane and host cell membrane close enough to let the membrane fusion happen.
Differences in B cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination may be reflected in the binding breadth of antibodies to different SARS-CoV-2 variants. We find that plasma of individuals who received prime/boost BNT162b2 vaccination, as well as individuals who received adenoviral vectored (ChAdOx1-S or Gam-COVID-Vac) or inactivated virus (BBIBP-CorV) COVID-19 vaccines show consistent patterns of binding to variant RBDs with modest decreases compared with Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD binding. In contrast, COVID-19 patients produce antibody responses with significantly greater Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD binding preference and lower breadth of variant RBD binding. These differences between vaccinee and COVID-19 patient IgG variant antigen binding were greatest for the RBD, the target of most neutralizing antibodies and were diminished when full spike antigen with its greater number of non-neutralizing epitopes was tested.
At least some portion of spike antigen generated after administration of BNT162b2 becomes distributed into the blood. We detected spike antigen in 96% of vaccinees in plasma collected 1–2 days after the prime injection, with antigen levels reaching as high as 174 pg/mL. The range of spike antigen concentrations in the blood of vaccinees at this early time point largely overlaps with the range of spike antigen concentrations reported in plasma in a study of acute infection (Ogata et al., 2020) although a small number of infected individuals had higher concentrations in the ng/mL (<1000pg/mL) range. At later time points after vaccination, the concentrations of spike antigen in blood quickly decrease although spike is still detectable in plasma in 63% of vaccinees 1 week after the first dose. A practical finding in our study is that the detection of spike antigen in plasma samples is impeded after second dose BNT162b2 vaccination, likely due to the formation of circulating immune complexes of anti-spike antibodies and spike protein, masking the antigen epitopes of the capture and detection antibodies that form the basis of antigen detection assays, similar to assay interference that has been reported for other diseases.
COVID-19 patient lymph nodes (LNs) showed lower quantities of spike antigen (compared to the vaccinated).
So, early on after jabbing, the S spike concentration in the blood is reported to be similar to the concentration during an acute infection. To say nothing about later on (up to 4 months), or the biodistribution thereof?
Despite the presence of S1 and N in some samples, spike was only detectable in 5 of 64 COVID-19 positive patients (Supplemental Fig. 6). Spike may be undetectable in some samples since the LOD is 1 order of magnitude higher than the LOD of the S1 assay. Additionally, in the Simoa assay for spike, the formation of a full immunocomplex depends on spike binding to the S2 subunit capture beads and the S1 subunit detection antibody. Therefore, we hypothesize that free spike antigen in plasma is likely proteolytically cleaved, releasing the S1 subunit, and the remaining spike protein fragment is undetectable by our assay.
Wow! That means that in natural infection, the S spike almost always loses its S1 subunit and the remaining S spike protein fragment is thus undetectable by the detection essay. That’s the hypothesis anyway. Whereas the S spike produced by the “vaccine” is roaming around complete and intact, stabilized in its open configuration to boot! That may explain the difference in clinical outcomes, like rarity of myocarditis post Covid compared to post jab, or the absence of the formation of amyloid clot ropes in naturally infected compared to the vaccinated diseased (see below)!
Or maybe there is much less S spike roaming around, and for much shorter time, in the course of a natural infection? Let’s try to estimate the number of S spikes produced in the course of a natural infection, and also post “vaccination”. From the first principles, as it were.
I have checked this math, and it about hashes out. 30μg of mRNA material in a Pfizer shot ( and 100μg in Moderna’s ( The molar mass is simply the mass of one mole of substance, i.e. the mass of the sample containing about 6.023×10^23 atoms or molecules. For Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech molecules (, these are:
BioNTech/Pfizer_BNT-162b2_vaccine: 1,341,379 kDa
Moderna_mRNA-1273_vaccine: 1,288,795 kDa
Which translates into the number of mRNA molecules per 30μg of Pfizer’s jab (6.023×10^23 x 30x10^(-6)/1,341,379) = 1.35*10^13 = 13.5 trillion mRNA copies,
and per 100μg of Moderna’s jab (6.023×10^23 x 100x10^(-6)/1,288,795) = 4.67*10^13 = 46.7 trillion mRNA copies
For [researchers'] corrected data, the median number of proteins translated per mRNA is 9,800 compared to Schwanhausser et al.'s (2011) original estimate of 900 and their second estimate of 2,800. In yeast, the ratio of protein molecules translated per mRNA is 4,200-5,600 (Ghaemmaghami et al., 2003 Lu et al., 2007 BNID 104745, 104185). Given that mammalian cells have a higher protein copy number than yeast (Milo et al., 2010), it is not unreasonable that the ratio in mammalian cells would be higher.
An average human protein length is being estimated at 400aa. As the S spike in the jab is 1273-1300aa, this is 3X longer. So, from the estimate of 1000-10,000 copies, we can reduce this to 300-3,000 copies of S spikes produced per mRNA.
Translation dynamics of single mRNAs in live cells and neurons” Single-molecule fluorescence recovery after photobleaching provides direct measurement of elongation speed (5 amino acids per second).
With this elongation speed, it would take 300x1273/5 = 9 days straight at top speed to produce 3,000 spikes. Ignoring the translation initiation rate:
Translation initiation is one of the major steps in translation and plays a large role in determining the overall translation rate (Laursen et al., 2005; Kudla et al., 2009). While other factors such as the elongation rate and the termination rate also significantly affect translation (Lithwick and Margalit, 2003; Mehra and Hatzimanikatis, 2006), the initiation rate is of particular interest for synthetic biology as it provides a means to tune protein production over many orders of magnitude by only varying the relatively short RNA sequences at the start of mRNAs that determine the initiation rate.
This does not take into account that the mRNA in the jab has been translation optimized and pseudouridine-stabilized. So, we have to multiply this number by some factor, say ten. Then, the minimum estimate of S spikes per mRNA rises to 3,000 copies. Conservatively.
But let assume that only one in a thousand jab-injected mRNA copies successfully transfects a human cell (divide by 1,000), then we can count:
((13.5x10^12 to 46.7x10^12) / 1,000 ) x (3,000 spikes per mRNA) = 40-140 trillion S spikes?
This second graph shows the number of RNA copies from PCR testing or infectious units from those TCID50 counts in the organs of the rhesus monkeys. Using the weight of the lungs, we can extrapolate to the number of virions in a human. There are 10^9 to 10^11 RNA copies, but 4 fold fewer infectious ones. Thus, the number of virions is between 100,000 and 10,000,000. To simply extrapolate to women and children, based on size, would be inaccurate as both groups have different responses to COVID-19 than men. Some studies suggest that the viral load would be further reduced by another order of magnitude for children, but who really knows?
Number of cells infected
For this calculation, the researchers used data on other coronaviruses to estimate that every infected cell contains 10 to 100 infectious virions. Having estimated the total number of virions present, they can also estimate the number of cells infected. At the peak of infectivity, 10^4 to 10^6 cells are infected, about 0.001% to 0.00001% of our total.
So, a 100,000 to 10,000,000 active viruses, but 10,000 times more “dead” ones, so 1 to 100 billion viral copies overall?
Another source also says that the estimate of the number of viruses produced at the peak of a Covid infection may be 1 to 100 billion.
So, a naturally infected person may produce 35 billion to 3.5 trillion S spikes.
We see that the low end of our estimate of the number of S spikes produced after an mRNA jab is 10-30 times higher than the high end estimate of the number of S spikes produced during a natural infection.
Of course, we would love to get the exact factors we are estimating in our calculations from the corresponding Moderna and Prizer/BioNTech studies and their emergency use authorization applications. Or from the FDA that has been reviewing and approving these EUA applications. Or from the multiple independent, peer-reviewed scientific studies to that effect. I would love the fact-checkers to point me to this information.
Protection Conferred by S Spike-Based “Vaccine”
The LNP-wapped mRNA injection into the deltoid muscle (unless botched and released mainly into the bloodstream instead - more on this in the “Ill Effects” section) is distinctly different from the natural infection where the whole SARS-CoV-2 virus is first encountered in the upper airways. In the latter case, the distinct mucosal immune system is the one being stimulated (Brian R. Murphy, Mucosal Immunology (Third Edition), 2005):
Several general observations can be made about the ability of the mucosal immune system to reduce disease resulting from viral infection:
in the absence of immunity resulting from prior infection, immunization, or acquisition of maternal antibodies, severe disease can ensue, with mucosal immunity primarily involved in clearance of the primary infection;
in the presence of low to moderate levels of immunity, reinfection results in a milder illness;
in the presence of intermediate to high levels of immunity, an asymptomatic infection occurs;
and in the presence of high levels of antibody, infection can be prevented.
In this quantitative race between virus replication and host response, the host calls upon innate immunity and the cellular and humoral components of adaptive immunity to limit the extent of virus replication, to clear virus, and to prevent reinfection. Immunity to mucosal viruses is very complex and, most important, it is functionally very redundant. As outlined below, independent contributions to immunity can be identified for CD8+ cytotoxic T cells (TCs), CD4+ helper T (Th) cells, IgG (both IgG Fc–dependent and independent contributions), IgM, and IgA antibodies. The cellular [NK, T- and B-cells] and humoral [antibodies] immune responses are each composites of individual responses to multiple viral proteins and epitopes within these proteins. These cellular and humoral effectors can be in the form of highly activated effector cells or preformed antibodies, or, alternatively, these active T cells or antibodies can be generated from memory lymphocytes resident in mucosal tissues following reinfection.
With this complex and multifaceted array of immune mediators, it is not surprising that it is often not possible to identify a single correlate of immunity to viruses that replicate primarily on mucosal surfaces, whereas titer of serum neutralizing antibodies is often highly correlated with resistance to viruses that spread via the bloodstream.
And there you have it, the common wisdom circa 2005 thrown out the window in Operation Warp Speed: substitution of the complex immune responses to a respiratory virus by the mucosal immune system for the narrow immune response to a single antigen in a way that completely bypasses the mucosal immunity. There are many other interesting articles on the subject. The scoop is, the high titers of serum antibodies to the S spike, hopefully neutralizing (i.e., once bound to the S spike would prevent the virus from entering the host cell) do not prevent the viral infection in the upper airways, nor the spread of the virus by so infected. Although this may alleviate the disease in the lower airways and lungs, provided the antibodies are neutralizing.
Which they are less and less so with every new viral variant, these being spurred by the mass vaccination into the pandemic, as bemoaned by Geert vanden Boschee on so many occasions, e.g. here:
No ongoing pandemic can be tamed by vaccines that mitigate symptoms but cannot provide sterilizing immunity. At this stage, the only way to avert a large-scale disaster is to immediately replace the mass vaccination program by large scale antiviral chemoprophylaxis campaigns in highly vaccinated countries.
In exchange for this time-limited imperfect protection, if any, one gets a truckload of toxic substance(s) with all ensuing consequences following shortly thereafter.
Ill Effects Of S Spike
Of which there are too many to even list here. The most immediate has been the famed cytokine storm causing acute inflammation in the lungs of the SARS-Cov-2 infected persons. This article attributes it directly to the S spike protein - (Front Pharmacol., 2021.04.22) “SARS-CoV-2: Pathogenesis, Molecular Targets and Experimental Models“
Mechanism of the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. (A) The TMPRSS2 process spike proteins for the binding with ACE-2 receptors present in the human epithelial cell membrane. (B) SARS-CoV-2 downregulates the expression of ACE-2 resulted in the upregulated expression pattern of Ang II. This Ang II binds with plasma membrane receptor AT1R and transduces signals to activate inflammatory transcription factors like NF-kB, STAT-3. These activated transcription factors are involved in the overexpression of several inflammatory. (C) The Ang II/AT1R interaction activates macrophages to produce excessive inflammatory cytokines that resulted in a “cytokine storm.”
“…[vaccination] is actually defined in the statute exactly that it’s the ability to put something into the body that stimulates the immune system. It turns out that the mRNA that’s being injected into people is not that. In fact, specifically, what it does is take a little computer-simulated strand of mRNA, it sends it into the body, and the body becomes a biological weapons factory. It manufacturers spike proteins. The injection does not stimulate any immunity. [Instead], it is the instructions to make a scheduled pathogen. And the scheduled pathogen is defined under three different parts of the code, but it specifically includes genetic sequences derived from—are you ready for this—SARS coronavirus. That’s actually a scheduled, known toxin on the scheduled list of biological weapons in the United States code.”
SARS-CoV-2 S protein promotes lung injury by decreasing the level of ACE2 in the infected lungs. In the current study, we show that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function.
When in circulation, the spike protein can bind to the receptors that are on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels. When that happens it can do one of two things it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting [embolism, thrombosis]. That's exactly why we've been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines.
It can also lead to bleeding. And, of course, the heart's involved; it's a key part of the cardiovascular system, [and] that's why we're seeing heart problems the protein it can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage that's why also in the fatal cases of blood clots many times it's seen in the brain.
The list includes, among others, acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, amyloidosis, amyloidosis senile, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiac amyloidosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, cutaneous amyloidosis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, dialysis amyloidosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, Hepatic amyloidosis, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, primary amyloidosis, pulmonary amyloidosis, pulmonary embolism, renal amyloidosis, secondary amyloidosis, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, tongue amyloidosis, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination.
We won’t go through the complete list here. But one of the most publicised, and most ignored, adverse events has been amyloidosis (thanks to the reader Pandelis that drew my attention to it and supplied many links , of which I will use just a few here). Notice twelve times amyloidosis is mentioned in the Pfizer/BioNTech list. So, what is amyloidosis? According Mayo Clinic:
Amyloidosis (am-uh-loi-DO-sis) is a rare disease that occurs when an abnormal protein, called amyloid, builds up in your organs and interferes with their normal function.
Amyloid isn't normally found in the body, but it can be formed from several different types of protein. Organs that may be affected includethe heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system and digestive tract.
And the stuff in the veins of the post-vaccination diseased (but not post Covid, at least not to any noticeable degree) as reported by the morticians failing to pump the embalming fluid into the veins of cadavers because of the veins clogged by the ropes composed of the rubbery substance, is amyloid. “Pathologist on Ryan Cole on the mystery blood clots” (RUMBLE, Steve Kirsch, 2022.03.14):
If you listen to Dr. Ryan Cole’s interview above, he surmises that it is “caused by S spike, in his honest opinion”. We do not have to rely on Dr. Cole’s expert opinion, as of May 19, 2022, as a new Swedish study unequivocally proves this to be the case. “Possible discovery of mechanism behind mysterious COVID-19 symptoms” :
In those who have serious and long-term COVID-19, organs other than the lungs can be gravely affected. Complex symptoms and damage in, for example, the heart, kidneys, eyes, nose, and brain, as well as disturbed blood coagulation, can persist. Researchers at LiU have discovered that the body’s immune system can affect the spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, leading to the production of a misfolded spike protein called amyloid:
Picture of amyloid from the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ spike protein. Seen using an electron microscope. When the spike protein is mixed with the enzyme neutrophil elastase in test tubes, branched protein fibrils are created, which can cause disturbed blood coagulation in patients with COVID-19.
In their study, that has been published in the Journal of American Chemical Society, the researchers show that an enzyme from immune system’s white blood cells can cut up coronavirus’ spike protein. When the spike protein is cut up, it produces the exact piece of protein which, according to the researchers’ analysis, is most likely to produce amyloid. This enzyme is released in large quantities from one type of white blood cells, neutrophils, which are released early on during infections such as COVID-19. When the researchers mixed pure spike protein with this enzyme, called neutrophil elastase, unusual fibrils were produced.
“We have never seen such perfect, but scary, fibrils as these ones from the amyloid-producing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and pieces thereof. The fibrils starting from the full-sized spike protein branched out like limbs on a body. Amyloids don’t usually branch out like that. We believe that it is due to the characteristics of the spike protein”, says Per Hammarström, professor at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.
So, if the SARS-CoV-2 S spikes are so bad, causing over a thousand adverse reactions, many of them severe or lethal, why aren’t we all, infected or jabbed, dead yet? A few Russian-roulette factors may be at play:
The designers of the virus and the jabs (reverse that chronologically!) do not want it to be so bad as to affect them too. It is easy to avoid the jab for them, harder to avoid the virus. So, very good chances are that the virus itself is easily survivable. Unless they are suicidal in addition to being homicidal. But I don’t think so.
The jab doses are well measured as to cook the frog slowly and unnoticeably to the frog (excuse the gore example). If the “vaccinnees” would die en masse following the vaccination with an obvious link to the jab, this would not help the cause of mass “vaccination” with multiple rounds, would it? Therefore, the doses are as bad as they possibly can without being so bad as to spook everyone ahead of time.
The batches of the jabs have different toxicities for the same reason - to create the appearance that the jabs are harmless, or to make it hard to establish the pattern as there are many different patterns developing and changing all the time, both geographically and temporally. The batch distribution information is the strictest secret guarded in the inner sanctums of the jab purveyors, no one allowed to or even attempting to peek over their shoulders. The illustrative case at hand - Australia (“Falling into Place Like Dominoes”, Author, 2022.11.01): “As I have been sifting through these data country-by-country, I have been stomped few times with apparently inexplicable lack of follow-through of mortality in response to the “vaccination” at some stage of a vaccination campaign, just to be followed by a vigorous (as expected by me) response at the next stage. One prominent example - Australia. It is one of those few countries that had very little Covid-19 for a long while, only to get a truckload of it during the “vaccination” campaign that was supposed to prevent just that from happening.The “vaccination” campaign commenced in Australia around Feb. 15, 2021, with apparently nothing to show for it in terms of the induced mortality. Up until Jul. 9, 2021, when the campaign apparently caught new wind in the form of new more robust supplies. And suddenly the “vaccination”-deaths correlation starts happening big time from that point and onward.”
the nature of many adverse events is such that they are very hard to pin on the jab, even if in close temporal proximity. And many AEs will come to “fruition” years down the road, like cancers, autoimmune conditions, amyloidosis, etc.
Another Russian roulette aspect of the mRNA “vaccination” is that the amount of the mRNA-loaded LNPs that gets into the bloodstream of the jab recipients is random and variable. In case the needle tip catches a blood vessel instead of the muscle tissue, the “jabbee” gets a fast and massive release of mRNA-carrying LNPs into the bloodstream, and from there into the endothelium of the blood vessels and into the vital organs, including the heart, liver, brain. Probably the immediate severe adverse reactions after “vaccination”, including deaths, are mainly caused by such “accidents”. “Why we don’t aspirate when we vaccinate“: “At times, health professionals will insert a needle in an arm and pull back the needle’s plunger to see if any blood fills the syringe. This is called aspirating, which is useful for providing some medications; and is a way to make sure medication isn’t accidentally injected into a vein or blood vessel, which can be dangerous. Both the Canadian Immunization Guide and the Saskatchewan Immunization Manual do not recommended aspiration for any immunization. Vaccines are delivered to large muscles in the upper arm or thigh, where there is no risk of nearby veins or large blood vessels. As well, aspiration can cause vaccinations to be more painful, which is something we would all like to avoid.” So they know, but don’t do it on purpose.
And, lastly the thrust of the current “vaccination” campaigns around the world, but especially in the developed older-population countries, is to get as many people 65+, in addition to immunocompromised and “vulnerable”, with multiple boosters as the first order of business. Why 65+? Where’s $cience in the number 65? Obvious - 65+ are the ones drawing on the social security and pension funds, which have been robbed in a series of highly effective wealth transfer operations, as Catherine Austin Fitts explains so eloquently. The rest of us will have our time in their limelight with subsequent “vaccination” campaigns, be it a universal flu-, monkeypox-, HIV- or nothingburger-vaccine. Their task for us at this time is to establish a precedent and to do away with our bodily autonomy.
What To Do About It
So, what can one do to mitigate the harmful consequences of, in the word of Dr. David Martin, the bioweapon-grade “scheduled pathogen“ contracted through a Covid infection or, worse, “vaccination”? The good news that I want to share here: we can do a lot. Even in terms of amyloidosis, which is supposed to be treatable in terms of its progression, yet irreversible, as the amyloid structures are supposed to be indestructable once formed. Yeah, right! As Dr. Paul Marik recently told a crowd in Ohio, “there’s no disease in medicine that you can’t treat. It’s never too late!” There are many ways, actually, similar to the abundance of repurposed drugs and supplement treatment protocols that are (or would have been) so effective against Covid:
supplement with N-Acetyl Cysteine (Nac): N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) comes from the amino acid L-cysteine. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. N-acetyl cysteine is an antioxidant that might play a role in preventing cancer. As a drug, it's used by healthcare providers to treat acetaminophen (Tylenol) poisoning. People commonly use N-acetyl cysteine for cough and other lung conditions. It is also used for flu, dry eye, and many other conditions…
supplement with Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR): ALCAR is a precursor of the “learning neurotransmitter,” acetylcholine, which makes it a valuable nootropic. Also, studies indicate it influences cerebral energy metabolism by upregulating levels of noradrenaline and serotonin and decreasing levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. It has also been shown to work within the brain cells themselves by helping maintain the integrity of the cellular mitochondria, the “powerhouse” portion of the cell in which nutrients are converted to energy. Age-related deterioration of the mitochondria is associated with several disorders, including Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
ALCAR is available without a prescription as a nutritional supplement.
supplement with Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN): Nicotinamide mononucleotide is a type of bioactive nucleotide (organic molecule), a precursor to NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which enables cells to produce energy. NMN supplements are designed to help boost the body’s NAD+ levels to stimulate energy, for DNA repair and Sirtuin activity.
supplement with serrapeptase - claimed to be very anti-inflammatory, it acts as a scavenger in the blood stream, breaking up ‘dead protein’ from damage, scar tissue, artery blockage, or normal wear and tear.
Although there are more than a dozen randomized clinical trials, they don’t seem to provide much solid evidence for its efficacy. However, the ‘health community’ in the USA is very vocal in its support.
suplement with nattokinase - purportedly can get into the bloodstream and break down fibrin/fibrils. Instead of buying supplements in 100-200mg capsules, one can make their own natto using a store-bought natto as a catalyst.
Wim Hof breathing: Results showed that the sympathetic nervous system and the immune system can be voluntarily influenced. This could be due to the anti-inflammatory effect produced by the techniques.
Please let me know if you can recommend anything else in this respect. If I recall anything else, I will add it to this list.
P.S. As happens to me all the time for some strange reason, Dr. Ryan Cole had a powerful 23-minute talk published on Rumble on the same day this post was written:
When I caught my Flubah I used melatonin which was all I could get, and it helped me right away.
I took one I think 5mcg or mg ? Pill before dinner, sometimes one after, for a few days.
I got the Flubah likely from others who had actually been injected , apparently, which I will refuse of course.
They tried twice to personally coerce me into jab with phone call/ mailer, but it is easy to refuse because after 30 years in s f that was the first time any expressed concern for my health was attempt to murder me. Nice.
David Martin is excellent source.
His cite for those who want it is hard to remember.
You've covered and connected almost all the dots....🙏❤
So far it's Walter Chesnut, Li.U and yourself, all leading the charge on this matter (although I do think you may have a slight edge, after this last post😉). Marc G, is up there but focusing on a different MoA.
Still a piece missing, but keep going, your right at the edge.
Thank you Andreas.
When I caught my Flubah I used melatonin which was all I could get, and it helped me right away.
I took one I think 5mcg or mg ? Pill before dinner, sometimes one after, for a few days.
I got the Flubah likely from others who had actually been injected , apparently, which I will refuse of course.
They tried twice to personally coerce me into jab with phone call/ mailer, but it is easy to refuse because after 30 years in s f that was the first time any expressed concern for my health was attempt to murder me. Nice.
David Martin is excellent source.
His cite for those who want it is hard to remember.
Regards and blessings.
Also I recommend stack of
A Midwestern doctor.
AMwD latest substack I found useful, even longer than yours....
Great piece! 👏👏👏👏
You've covered and connected almost all the dots....🙏❤
So far it's Walter Chesnut, Li.U and yourself, all leading the charge on this matter (although I do think you may have a slight edge, after this last post😉). Marc G, is up there but focusing on a different MoA.
Still a piece missing, but keep going, your right at the edge.