I'm in Canada and this horror is occurring around me. I know numerous Canadian doctors and nurses. They are trapped between their personal beliefs and their professional life. Some have spoken out and been expelled from society. Some still hunker down in order to keep their job and feed their family. It's ghastly.

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So a doctor who continues to give this deathvax might keep his income for 6 -12 months before this nightmare ends.

Here is what he faces: hanging, barred for life as doctor, long jail sentence, wrath of his countrymen, friends, family, and history. And after this life: Hell.

This will end. If you work with these psychos, your reward from satan will be fleeting.

Work at another job in meantime.

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Well stated

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Ty. I am a parrot of some smaaaart folks

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the problem with that is there is a huge shortage of doctors and nurses and all sorts in Canada's health care system, and they continue to keep cutting the health care budget. As it is, it can be up to a 2 year wait from getting a referral to your first appointment with a specialist, and that first appointment, the doctor hasn't even bothered to read your medical file to see why you are there. Because they don't get paid for it. The doctors only get paid for the time they actually spend with you, and it's a set amount, only so much per visit. So if you have a complicated health history, no doctor will take the time to learn about it because they don't get paid for it.

I've been having seizures for about 25 years, misdiagnosed as anxiety attacks. Now doctors believe they are actually seizures, but I've been waiting for 3 years to see a neurologist and I still haven't gotten a first appointment. No one is taking new patients.

I agree about the vaccine. Something has to be done to stop it. But I think the whole system (government) needs to be fixed.

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Don't laugh or get offended, have a look at this: https://www.allergicpet.com/seizure_dog_testimonials.html?source=GoogleSeizureAdWordDogTest&source=GoogleSeizureAdWordDogTest&gclid=CjwKCAiAzKqdBhAnEiwAePEjkpV6pJV-qEGh4dJ5o2s8y2KcajBYEQZxeZTBOyXUjm-PE8ZKqrXl0hoCxoEQAvD_BwE

At least worth a shot? The animal meds are sometimes way more effective and safe than human meds, as of late. Case at hand - the famous horse dewormer. Or a dog dewormer fenbendazole that treats 4th stage cancers: https://www.koco.com/article/edmond-man-claims-cheap-drug-for-dogs-cured-his-cancer/27276538

Of coarse, self-medicating requires some basic IQ and self-responsibility. I am not giving a medical advise, just some curious facts.

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They have decided to fix us instead.

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Maybe if they would all quit on principal, the hospital administrations would wake up and fix themselves: realize they are not supposed to be about money. We, the people always thought they were about us. Little did we know.

I have NO sympathy for these doctors that stay and reject a baby who needs special blood on parent's request, or reject people because they are not vaccinated, etc, etc... What a disgrace to what we have always called "civilization".

All of these people need to be removed from the medical field and be replaced by compassionate people - that is, those who left on their own volition because they couldn't stand what they had to experience...it was a lie that many who left left because they were unvaccinated - they left because they were sickened by the protocals - and could not stand to be called "heroes", as has been testified to by many whistleblowers!

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I'm so sorry.

I had Canadian doctor who came to us to make $

Socialism don't work.

I'm not for raw capitalism, but socialism is stupid and morally wrong

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Yes you mean the white lab coat COWARDS MASS MURDERING their own customers here in CHINADA.

All COWARDS including my doctor friend Mark who I grew up with and prolly will read this.

You are a FUCKING COWARD and best get on the right side of this before Dr's and nurses and administrators and ALL JABBERS mass murdering us are let's say "taken care of."

Human nature is coming to all of you.

Not condoning it just sayin....

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You would think that 100 fellow doctors dropping dead unexpectedly would arouse their interest just a bit....

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I hope your friend is reading this and I will second what you said. They are all cowards.

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It is. Completely unethical and unjust to put them in this position.

Canada greatly disappointed me. We have a lot of explaining and mending to do.

And it starts from the top.

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The woke Toronto/Ottawa/Calgary/Montreal crowd prop up the dictatorship at the top through thick or thin. I say, trim this waste line as the first order of business.

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And Calgary is probably mostly infested with former Torontonians who vote stupid.

Sort of like Californians who go mess up other states.

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It is called Hogtown for a reason.

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They have a lot of executing to do or else or will simply happen again. Canada won't execute anyone and so it will simply happen again and again and again ........ Until they do. Ditto for the rest of the world. This isn't rocket science

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Dec 26, 2022
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My older brother died of Arteriosclerosis. I can attest to the symptoms. The entire house he lived in, reeked of rotting flesh.

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Yes. Parents need to grow a pair.

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Sort of like a bank robber who shoots a teller dead in order to feed his family. Totally excusable./s

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Please dont call these doctors or nurses professionals...they are murderers. The only trap they hace fallen into is the desire for money, thus the priority to collect a paycheque.

I hope each & everyone 1 of them face Nuremberg trials.

If the general public can read, research & reach the conclusion of the jab being deadly you dont think doctors & nurses can....it is a standard of both iftheir practices to stay up to date.

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Also Canadian, and so deeply appalled that any medical professional here or anywhere would , if he/she knew better, submit, hunker down and remain silent. Silence is complicity. It's not only pathetic, it's evil, and I rarely use that word. Why can't they reach out to their elected reps, educate them on harms done, and/or start legal action? Otherwise nothing will change.

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My educated guess is way too much $$$$ coming their way.

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yah, but they're just following orders. that should be enough to get them off the hook, at the upcoming genocide trials.

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If all of the doctors and nurses who disagreed with the narrative refused to comply, what do you think would happen? They aren't innocent. They're making a choice and children are paying the priced.

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I don't know maybe what happened to all of those doctors who died suddenly and unexpectedly in Canada, statistically off the charts.

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There is a monthly newspaper in Canada, Druthers with a circulation of 200,000+ that reported on 80 MDs and medical students that have died unexpectedly on the cover..

The October issue had former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon on the cover. The papers can be read online at Druthers dot net, click on newspapers tab, or follow this link:


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I was only following orders is not an excuse for manslaughter (Nuremberg Trials) Canadians need to document all increases in children who die or are injured by this experimental gene therapy injection. Currently there is sufficient data and peer reviewed reports from all over the world to charge those responsible for injecting these children causing deaths and injuries for Manslaughter in the very least and 1st and 2nd degree murder if discovery during the trials prove they were aware of the dangers.

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We are. Many of us are part of groups archiving and gathering information.

Including this one.


They can hide and erase all the data they want. There are enough of us who will force the truth out.

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Manslaughter? Murder 1

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Those that are doing this just to get by will pay with their eternity! Awful healthcare.

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Dec 28, 2022
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give it 6 more months.

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Dec 28, 2022
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It seems like the US will be the last one to drop Covid emergency and jabbing mandates. Even China dropped 0 Covid and Canada dropped its discriminatory travel measures.

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Presumably it is coincidental that Canada sidelined the Hippocratic/religious precept of “do not give poison, even if asked” back in 2016, and is now a world leader in euthanasia

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Hippocratic Oath

I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract:

To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others.

I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.

I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft.

Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves.

Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.

So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.

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Damn, I looked for special part... You have real deal.

Abortion prohibition.

God bless you

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“… However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate...”

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It's been edited before. Commies change vocabulary, history.

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I'm sick of hearing people virtue signaling by insisting on vaccinating the elderly for "equity" - no- there is no reason except financial for you to kill us, either. Protecting us from risk by wrecking our health is not a solution- if you think it's so great, just start and end with yourself.

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Their solution is euthanasia that comes after that.

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Yeah, well, I'm not going to comply with that either.

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Abortion on one end, euthanasia on the other. Hell in the middle.

All without Christ.

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They are ALL so stupid that they can't comprehend ALL eternity.

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Canada sucks.

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Many brave Canadians, good Canadians. From TX neighbor.

You're our brothers and sisters

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Yes he is that dumb. And that programmed, with the language of the WHO-WEF agenda. Like Biden, like many in gov, they are so involved in their talking points they cannot help but utter them.

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So in Canada, they are boosting kids and the kids are dying, WTF is wrong with doctors and nurses who go along with this, do they not understand they will be disposed of after they've used up their usefulness. The demons won't spare any of them.

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A good question.

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The Thailand government mouthpiece, The Bangkok Post, has an article almost daily boasting about toddlers being injected and how disappointed that they are to be falling below their target quota for how many infants they want injected.


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According to ourworldindata.org, not even close to Canada and the US.

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I take issue with the statement that ANY vaccines have ever been proven "safe". The older ones were the "soft/slower-kill" and these new ones are the "warp speed" version of the planned extermination.

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Not that without the veterinary jabs the mass animal production would be impossible (3 negatives!). By the same token, the mass human production would be impossible without human jabs.

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The VAERS data have revealed that the "traditional" vaccines (flu, childhood shots) have been very dangerous, the mRNA shots are on a different level - in the last two years have exceeded the total deaths of all shots 1991-2020. Most of the injuries and deaths from the Covid19 shots are coming from 5% of the batches, the other 95% appear to have few adverse events if any. I would not call this a quality control error, more like a planned distribution.

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I am reading your previous article “Exposing THE EXPOSE Why only 5% of the Pfizer lots "seem" to be causing 100% of the damage”. Since it was posted last year, is there anything you would add to that - Is 2022 any different than 2021?

Is VAERS data useful - do you have an estimate of what the URF is?

Appreciate your original post on the WHO Director Tedros Ghebreyesus “stuttering”, when Reuters and other fact-checkers have to cover-up, it reveals who they are and how important it is.

For those that haven't read the latest: the most recent count on the covid shots lists over 18,000 deaths (this is the govt page of CDC/FDA VAERS), not including the “foreign” data that has been removed since last summer. 1,054 reports of myocarditis, including 23 in those under 12!

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I have not revisited the issue since (the VAERS data too unreliable and purged periodically to be trusted; Steve Kirsch estimated URF to be about 41 at the time when the VAERS wasn't being "cleaned" periodically), but many others did. Try looking through Steve Kirsch, Igor Chudov, Methatron's substacks, they may have written something about it. What about the Jikkyleaks' thread on Twitter?

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You clearly see what's been happening, and how much worse it is now.

God bless you and Godspeed,

Joy Garner, founder of The Control Group

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I could not resist. I'm a bitchute man


You want to pump yourself up, read Bitchute comments... Animals! I love em

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These outrageous comments, slips ... Huge in 2020, 2021.

Bitchute had compliations of them. I personally think that they are mocking us

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There is no reason to give these jabs to ANYONE!!!

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Just a short interjection. You mentioned the "CoronaVac" vaccine which Chile and a few other countries are using because it's evidently based on inactivated virus, or more like a "traditional" vax.

But beware, these so called traditional vaxxes are now using a new delivery medium, Lipid Nanoparticles which are highly toxic and inflammatory. Most focus on the mRNA or the spike protein, but many are overlooking the toxicity of LNPs.


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I am not a proponent of any Covid jab, that usually involving a hefty dose of S spike, a powerful toxin, and toxic adjuvants on top. As for CoronaVac: https://www.precisionvaccinations.com/vaccines/coronavac-covid-19-vaccine-sinovac

The Health Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China approved the CoronaVac vaccine for children aged 6 months to 3 years on August 1, 2022. As of Sept. 2022, CoronaVac has been approved for use in minors in 14 countries in Latin America, including Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil, as well as in other countries in the Asia and Africa regions.

A non-peer-reviewed study published by The Lancet on Feb. 15, 2022, suggests that a complete primary immunization schedule with the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectively protects against severe Covid-19 disease for children 6-16 years. Brazil's Anvisa approved the emergency use of the Coronavac vaccine on Jan. 20, 2022, for those without underlying health risks aged 6 to 17. In June 2021, China authorized the CoronaVac vaccine for children 3 and 17 years. On Oct. 25, 2021, local city and provincial level governments in China issued notices announcing that children ages 3-11 will be required to get their vaccinations, reported VOA. Hong Kong launched similar policies in November 2021. And CoronaVac can be used for pediatric vaccination in the Philippines.

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Makes me sick to think that my country is still so full of covidiots that willingly poison their kids. Kanada is world champion for lack of critical thinking - I emigrated here because back then (25 years ago) I thought Canadians were nice and civilized. I so wish I had made another choice... and going back home isn’t an option as I’d be brutalized by Macron and his psychopathic cronies. I’m fed up with the insanity!

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I am glad you are not leaving, which is what I say to everyone who challenges their narrative.

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Just wondering if he said this quite some time ago in the early days ? It's like income tax time trying to go through all my saved receipts from these tyrants .

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The clip featured in the post is from Dec. 20, 2021, WHO press briefing...

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AH ...even after a few egg nogs and rum, I remembered that was awhile ago . Not dead yet ... it seems.

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Wow! Is there any chance the video has been tampered with? I just remember that video that showed the CEO of Pfizer saying something like the vaccines would reduce the population by 50% (or something equally outrageous). I've been burnt once, as I showed it to people who have not forgotten. And then had to tell them it was fake.

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This video is real 100% guaranteed. They even had to factcheck that Tedros stuttered:


Stuttered my arse! He meant it as he said it, based on the intonations.

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"Video shows WHO chief stumble on word"

uh.........no it doesn't.

Edit: Hopefully you downloaded the video because now it's gone.

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"Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that a video shows the WHO director general saying vaccine boosters were used to kill children." Don't believe your lying eyes and ears, LOL!

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Obviously they couldn't just show the video....

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Saved just in case - it's still on Twitter.

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Their foreshadowing playbook. These gaffes are part of their game. these technorats like to play with us. Extra points derived from overt lies and snarks.

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Really, that other video was a fake? I saw that again just the other day and forgot he had actually said that... I couldn’t believe my ears. It’s a fake???

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I saw the real one later and someone had only changed one or two of his words. I'm sorry I can't remember the details. Will look for it again.

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That was a fake.

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New plan. Build BacK Deader….

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