This should make everyone nervous...

'Everyone that got the vaccine is immune suppressed' Geert Vanden Bossche



Hmmm... now why would they do something like this? Could it be because now they intend to introduce a new pathogen ... that kills all these folks?

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There were too many independent reports out of Paradise about trees adjacent to houses burned to the ground appearing to be unscorched while fires broke out simultaneously across the town to ignore the possibility that ignition came from above. Multiple wildfires in Canada have been displaying the same simultaneity.

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Wonder that! Must have been some sort of flukes of nature.

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Many of mankind's technological advancements turn out to be flukes of nature, like three blade wind turbines that fail to capture the majority of the wind.

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It seems the strategy is just to play it all off as mere coincidence even though there has been a lot of mere coincidences happening lately.

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I have ceased believing that coincidence is common.

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Laser focus collective mind energy into "their" spontaneous combustion.

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LOL! Remember when spontaneous combustion only required a middle-aged English women sitting in a comfy chair with a ciggy? Those were simpler times.

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Spinal Tap Spontaneous Combustion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW6W9iOjTKM

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A formerly classified US military document titled "Forest Fire As A Military Weapon" is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction.


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Thanks, appended that to my post!

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Well done! A thoughtful, thorough analysis ~ I mean warning ~ for those with eyes to see, and ears to hear . . . .

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The problem as I see it is that the government has become so suspect and untrusted that this conjecture becomes a believable possibility. Some of the resident posted videos I've seen of the Maui fire show the winds to have been extremely strong and quite unusual at the time. It was the same here in Denver on the day of the Louisville fire. Once any brush fire gets going in that kind of wind it becomes impossible to control. Unfortunately many citizens have lost trust in the government at every level. The city government here in Denver no longer servers the long time resident tax payers, but instead is fully occupied with caring for illegal immigrants. The undoubtedly illegitimate Demented Joe administration is far more concerned about equipping Ukraine with military hardware, than it is with assisting the victims of the Maui wild fire.

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What about the "laser-focused" from Joe, or whoever wrote his spiel? A Freudian slip?

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Not a slip. A little joke. Like GW Bush on 9-11 listening to the little children chant: Plane! Hit! Steel! Such a knee-slapper for these folks :(

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I see you are still inclined to give them some slack on the account of their benevolence, good intentions, and "caring for the people"?

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DEW is not just a "believable" possibility. I recently saw a Substack article detailing the melting points of various metals, and the vast majority of the melting points (for things like cars and refrigerators) were MUCH higher than what one would typically see in a fire of natural origins. (If I can find the link, I will share it here.)

In addition, there is this astonishing video report of police not allowing cars to leave the burning area. I suppose there might be a "good" reason for this decision, but at this point it completely escapes me!

> https://rumble.com/v37t3a8-apparently-maui-police-officers-blockaded-the-escape-and-evacuation-routes-.html

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“Unfortunately many citizens have lost trust in the government...” That statement could have been made by Brandon’s press secretary.

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Louisville is not a suburb of Denver.

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Louisville might as well be a suburb of Denver, just like Broomfield, Superior, or Lafayette, and Westminster.

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Then Boulder is as well, being connected by a four-lane interstate-quality highway.

The counties would have their own interests that haven't been mentioned.

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When it started burning it seemed very close.

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That is normal when a wildfire is approaching.

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Good article. You write about some of the weapons that they have let us know about, how about the ones they don't. It has always been said that are true technology is about 50 years more advanced then what they let us know. Judy Woods is a good source on directed energy. She believes 9/11 was actually done by DEWs. Maybe, maybe not. We will never know the truth on that one. Linking your article today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thanks! The unknown unknows, as Donald Rumsfeld used to put it.

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They've already invented the next Facebook.

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There are also fires raging in Tenerife, Spain now. A friend of mine who was there yesterday, alerted me.

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Based on humanity’s response so far, I am not very optimistic. I hope the inflection point is just around the corner but there is no way for us to know. Criminals have such knowledge and and judging by lack of any evidence of fear in their eyes, they believe they can successfully manage us.

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Yes, the more I learn, the more I am stunned by the sheer stupidity and submissiveness of the "civilized" people. The "uncivilized", on the other hand!..

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They can manage us only if we fail to manage them.

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Which we failed with flying colours.

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Partially because we have been flying six colors instead of seven.

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Unfortunately, I think this is a very likely scenario. I first heard of this after the fires that ravaged Paradise, CA, and have explored a number of rabbit trails. The Maui fire appears to be even more obvious.

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The US has used shady tactics on many of our own citizens before. I would not dismiss the possibility of the US starting seemingly natural disasters for their own purposes.

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Impossible to know what they are up to ... but if I had to guess... if these fires were purposely started by the Men Who Run the World....

I'd guess that they are being used to convince the mob that global warming is in a 'ferocious' phase... and it's causing the planet to literally burn....

We’ve passed into a ferocious new phase of global heating with much worse to come. Biden must declare a climate emergency. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/27/joe-biden-climate-emergency-peter-kalmus?aff_id=1004

I would guess that this will fit in with the Apocalypse that they have planned for 8+ Bills... they are going to release a pathogen that was designed to kill the 6 Bill Vaxxers



That leaves 2 Bills to kill...

The goal with this extermination is to avoid mass suffering - they don't want us on the streets killing and eating each other ... when the global economy collapses (we are very close to that now)... therefore they will want us to want to lockdown...

Who would want to go outside when there is death everywhere... and there is a climate emergency ... we need to listen to the authorities... it's an emergency... all hell has broken loose... stay home .. the food trucks will arrive -- this will have a Hollywood ending... cept the food trucks won't arrive.

China is on the verge of collapse https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/china-evergrande-collapse-shows-need-for-1-trillion-beijing-rescue-plan-says-clocktower-strategist/ar-AA1fqimi

The Commerical Real Estate market IS collapsing https://www.newsweek.com/banks-new-threat-real-estate-collapse-looms-1792796


The residential markets are in deep trouble https://wolfstreet.com/2023/08/17/san-francisco-house-prices-plunged-faster-29-in-16-months-of-this-housing-bust-than-in-the-first-16-months-of-housing-bust-1/

Inflation is raging and rate increases are not stopping it https://wolfstreet.com/2023/08/16/uk-services-inflation-spikes-to-40-year-high-poster-boy-for-global-phenomenon-all-heck-has-broken-loose-in-services/

We are ... f789ed.

The MWRW understand this ... and they are taking action.

Everything is going ... according ... to plan https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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This is the end ... my only friend... the end ....of our elaborate plans... the end... of everything that stands... the end


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Or it is another kind of conspiracy. Who's to know? Read about all the fake photos, a good dig: http://mileswmathis.com/maui.pdf

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I’ve read a number of Mathis’ theories concerning concerning fake assassinations. He claims great expertise in photo analysis in order to bolster his cases. I gave him some credibility in those articles. But he’s lost it all in my eyes now. I spend close to a month a year on West Maui. My daughter has a home there. Her contractor and his family of five are now living there for an undetermined time as they have lost everything. Another family without a home to return to will be living in our cabin in N. Cal. Read Ed Dowd’s spreadsheet of Go Fund Me Pages. We have enough contacts there to know there is nothing fake about the extent of this disaster. The only thing that is fake is the government’s (all levels) explanations of what happened and why. And after this, as far as I’m concerned Miles Mathis is a fake unless he publicly issues an apology for his cynicism and clickbait behavior!

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Never heard of Mathis before. Maybe he doctored those pics for all I know. Do you think those photos are legit?

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Not sure which photos you are referring to. The article by him that I read was filled with hazy photos that were grainy. He put great store in the fact that the burn structures were all white, as opposed to black. I don’t know if they were photoshopped or not, and I don’t care. He’s promoting a ludicrous theory that somehow thousands of people are all in on a fake disaster. I call bullshit because I have personal contacts on the ground. Mathis is the fake, in my mind.

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