Farce is a comedy that seeks to entertain an audience through situations that are highly exaggerated, extravagant, ridiculous, absurd, and improbable.
Are the German scientists that gullible? They can be, when they choose to:
If you haven’t followed the story and only read the headlines like these:
you’d start believing that the jabs are really-really safe and cannot be overdosed. As all articles (and all of the mainstream presstitudes picked up this story without exception) stress the fact that whatever the “personal reasons” of the German man with a moniker “HIM” in the seminal Lancer study were, the HIM did receive all the jabs he claimed to have received:
Here, we report on a 62-year-old male hypervaccinated individual from Magdeburg, Germany (HIM), who deliberately and for private reasons received 217 vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 within a period of 29 months (figure A; appendix 1 tab 1). HIM's hypervaccination occurred outside of a clinical study context and against national vaccination recommendations. Evidence for 130 vaccinations in a 9 month period was collected by the public prosecutor of Magdeburg, Germany, who opened an investigation of this case with the allegation of fraud, but criminal charges were not filed. 108 vaccinations are individually recorded and partly overlap with the total of 130 prosecutor-confirmed vaccinations (appendix 2 p 12). To investigate the immunological consequences of hypervaccination in this unique situation, we submitted an analysis proposal to HIM via the public prosecutor. HIM then actively and voluntarily consented to provide medical information and donate blood and saliva. This procedure was approved by the local Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany. Throughout the entire hypervaccination schedule HIM did not report any vaccination-related side effects.
Sometimes three jabs in one day! Were all vaccine certificates issued in HIM’s name? Obviously not, but the Lancet and the presstitudes somehow forgot about the modern art of fact checking. The BBC is outstanding, as usual, in this play-dumb game, “German patient vaccinated against Covid 217 times” (BBC, 2024.03.05):
A 62-year-old man from Germany has, against medical advice, been vaccinated 217 times against Covid, doctors report. The bizarre case is documented in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. The shots were bought and given privately within the space of 29 months. The man appears to have suffered no ill effects, researchers from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg say. …The man provided fresh blood and saliva samples. The researchers also tested some frozen blood samples of his that had been stored in recent years.
Sure, we all keep our most recent blood samples frozen for 7 years, just in case the tax authorities would ask for them, right?
The scientists, being a gullible lot, took HIM’s claims at face value and ran a battery of tests on HIM, and jabbed HIM once more, for good measure, in the process. Amazed that HIM is still alive, let alone apparently healthy, after receiving what they, deep down, knew was a lethal dose of rat juice, they published their “unbiased” results in a prestigious medical journal for all to admire.
Except that HIM was nabbed by the German police in 2022, reported on at the time as a 60-year-old man, for the vaccination certificate fraud: “German man, 60, takes 90 Covid-19 vaccine shots to sell vaccinated statuses to others” (Mothership, 2022.04.05). German police investigators opened criminal proceedings against HIM but then someone got a better idea. While the HIM continued to insist HIM really receiving all the jabs for which he obtained the certificates, the charges were dropped, the HIM passed on into the steady hands of German scientists to run a series of medical experiments on HIM, for the betterment of Humanity.
Hence, the explosion of headlines with the subtitles that never question whether the HIM was really jabbed — who are we to judge. For all we know, that last jab was real, administered under the watchful eye of the German scientists. Executing the punishment on HIM, no doubt, for exploiting the vaccine hesitancy of the German public. “Who lives by the needle, dies by the needle.”
Instead of nabbing HIM, the HIM served to instill the newly-found sense of trust in the Covid vaccine safety in those that started having second or third thoughts. Or didn’t he?
Thanks for reporting.
The fact that this story of the guy who supposedly took 217 jabs is lock-step parroted all over the mainstream media is "the tell" that it was more likely than not spoonfed from on high for a purpose. Meanwhile, testimonies of people whose lives were destroyed after a single shot have been brutally censored and shadow-banned.
Eugyppius had a piece on it as well. He suspects obviously that the man might have sold the jab certificates