Mar 7·edited Mar 7Liked by Andreas Oehler

Thanks for reporting.

The fact that this story of the guy who supposedly took 217 jabs is lock-step parroted all over the mainstream media is "the tell" that it was more likely than not spoonfed from on high for a purpose. Meanwhile, testimonies of people whose lives were destroyed after a single shot have been brutally censored and shadow-banned.

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Mar 7Liked by Andreas Oehler

Eugyppius had a piece on it as well. He suspects obviously that the man might have sold the jab certificates

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Mar 8Liked by Andreas Oehler

Wait til they find some inherent remarkable ‘genetic trait’ that protects HIM from adverse effects. You could do all sorts with that narrative,

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Mar 7Liked by Andreas Oehler

An excellent reply was given to this on X by someone named Sarah Blakey: “The case study is not convincing. 217 jabs would be enough to kill a bull African elephant. I suggest the study be replicated using 1,000 globalist elites as test subjects, starting with Fauci, Bourla, Gates, Trudeau and Biden.”

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7Liked by Andreas Oehler

Eugyppius's Substack on this yesterday is Good. I highly recommend it. The title and comments are priceless 😂.

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Mar 9Liked by Andreas Oehler

- the guy was apparently poor enough to want to make money selling fake certificates

- the prosecution was apparently dropped?

- he was then also poor enough to accept "interesting" deals... like "we exaggerate this _slightly_, you will shut up, and not go to prison"

217 is an interesting number.

In 2022, an open letter by 217 Austrian midwifes positioned themselves against mandatory C19 "vaccination".

Maybe he took one for each of them: "that'll show'em!"

*OR* he sold certificates to each :D


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The Boil. Formerly known as the Lancet.

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Fast Eddy

49 mins ago

Hey Sash... when do you reveal the details of how you got your hands on the contracts etc that demonstrate that the DOD is behind the extermination plan and that Pfizer and Friends are nothing more than fronts?

Surely those documents would be buried deep under the highest classifieds docs at the DOD... alongside the 911 and JFK files.

Come on Sash... enquiring minds would like to know.

Sasha Latypova replied to your comment on Full interview with Refuge of Sinners.

Hi Eddy, I knew you were dumb, but you are exceeding your own previous records. Go worry about oil. It's running low, and you are wasting your time here! Buzz off.


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Don't take the shot and get branded a grandma killer.

Take hundreds of times the recommended dose and get paraded around by mainstream media.

That's how you know it's all a fraud.

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Yeah this story is complete bullshit. What the hell are people thinking when they report on shit like this. Go big or or get ignored??? It's ridiculous

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As mentioned on the other thread... a Vaxxer told me that you present your Health Number + photo ID ... and only then can you get a shot ... so how does one get 10 shots... never mind 200+


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